1,531 research outputs found

    Acceleration of Economic Reform in Japan and the Role of the Council on Economic and Fiscal Policy

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    Creation of the Council on Economic and Fiscal Policy (CEFP) made Japans economic and fiscal policy making more transparent, consistent and coherent. This new institutional arrangement accelerated structural reform and improved economic and fiscal policy making in general, thus contributing to the recent economic recovery.Success of this new institutional arrangement is, at least in part, attributable to a couple of virtues of CEFPs decision making process :transparency, an economy-wide view and an integrated approach.However, the CEFP is a new institutional setting and not deeply rooted in Japanese political system.In post-Koizumi era, further efforts should be made to make more use of the CEFP as a tool to improve policy making and an engine of economic reform.CEFP, Fiscal Policy, Japan, economic reform

    Analisis Pemicu Ketegangan Antara Kaum Mutafaqqih Terhadap Kaum Sufi Tentang Fiqih Dan Agama

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    One of the problems that occur in Islamic civilization is the conflict and debate among Muslims. This is because there is a difference in perception between the Sufis whose views are spiritual in nature and the mutafaqqih who are external in nature. However, the difference in principle between the two mutafaqqih and the Sufis is only at an empirical level. Due to the fact that fiqh is symbolic, legalistic, exoteric and formalistic in nature so that it tends to see an action from conditions and pillars, legal and illegal. This research will only examine the differences in the views of the mutafaqqih towards the Sufis in matters of jurisprudence and religion from a historical perspective. This research concludes that among the reasons for the disagreement between the Sufis and the mutafaqqih regarding fiqh and religion is the existence of a disagreement between the two. The difference is in the outer and inner aspects, if the mutafaqqih focus on practicing the shari'ah, while the Sufis focus on the inner side so that they continue to remember Allah SWT and feel pleasure with him. Since the beginning of history, Sufism has not tolerated Sufis and their teachings. The mutafaqqih accuse the Sufis of rejecting formal worship or ritual aspects of Islam, while the mutafaqqih accuse the Sufis of only dealing with inner development, so they are accused of ignoring the outward laws of the Shari'a. Keywords: Mutafaqqih, Sufi, Fiqh, ReligionSalah satu masalah yang terjadi dalam peradaban Islam adalah adanya pertentangan dan perdebatan antar sesama muslim. Hal ini disebabkan karena adanya perbedaan sebuah persepsi antara kaum sufi yang pandangannya bersifat bathiniyah  dan kaum mutafaqqih yang sifatnya lahiriah. Namun, perbedaan prinsip antara kedunaya kaum mutafaqqih dan kaum sufi dalam tataran sebuah empirik saja. Karena pada kenyataannya bahwa fikih bercorak simbolistik, legalistik, eksoterik dan formalistik sehingga cenderung melihat sebuah tindakan dari syarat dan rukun, syah dan tidak syahnya. Pada penelitian ini hanya akan mengkaji tentang perbedaan pandangan kaum mutafaqqih terhadap kaum sufi dalam masalah fiqih dan agama dilihat secara historisnya. Dalam penelitian ini menghasilkan kesimpulan, bahwa diantara penyebab tidak sejalannya antara kaum sufi dan kaum mutafaqqih tentang fiqih dan agama adalah adanya ketidak sepahaman antara keduanya. Perbedaannya ada dalam aspek lahiriyah dan batiniyah, jika kaum mutafaqqih fokus pada pengamalan syari’at, sedangkan kaum sufi fokus dengan sisi kebatinan agar terus mengingat Allah SWT dan merasakan kenikmatan bersamanya. Sejak awal sejarah, tasawuf tidak menaruh toleransi terhadap kaum sufi dan ajarannya. Kaum mutafaqqih  menuduh kaum sufi menolak ibadah formal atau aspek ritual Islam sedangkan Kaum mutafaqqih menuduh kaum sufi hanya mengurusi perkembangan batin sehingga dituduh mengabaikan hukum-hukum syariat yang lahiriah.  Kata Kunci:  Mutafaqqih, Sufi, Fiqih, Agam


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    Abstract The science of Islamic astronomy that develops in the Indonesian archipelago is quite diverse with various methods of approach and defined criteria. Along with the development of science and technology, the works of Indonesian archipelago mufti on science of Islamic astronomy seemed to have sunk without a trace. There are only a few that still exist and can be enjoyed by researchers and observers of science of Islamic astronomy. The rest has not been touched to be developed, let alone to be reconstructed. Reconstruction and reexamination of the science of Islamic astronomy by the previous mufti of Indonesian archipelago is very important for several things. As an appreciation for the services of the author, preserve and develope the scientific treasures. The writer examines this issue with the library research method. First, the writer traces the works of Indonesian mufti in an organized manner in each region. Second, classify these works according to the criteria of taqribī or taḥqīqī. Third, reconstruct the works that belong to the taqribī category into the taḥqīqī category. And fourthly, rewrite the works referred to as a form of preservation of scientific treasures in the field of Islamic astronomy. The results that will be obtained from the four stages above are, first; knowing how many previous works of Mufti of Indonesian archipelago in the field of Islamic astronomy in each region shows that Mufti of Indonesian archipelago  had a high concern over  the development of islamci astronomy at that time. Second; You will find a comparison of the number of works that belong to the taqribī and taḥqīqī categories. Third; By reconstructing the works of the taqribī category into the taḥqīqī category, it will further foster enthusiasm for carrying out scientific studies which are verybenefical in order to increase knowledge of Islamic astronomy. And fourth; The preservation of the scientific treasures of the Indonesian archipelago created by previous scholars of the Indonesian archipelago which can be used as a reference for future research.Keyword: archipelago scholar, islamic astronomy, reconstructionAbstrakIlmu falak yang berkembang di nusantara cukup beragam dengan berbagai metode pendekatan dan kriteria. Seiring dengan perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi, karya-karya ulama nusantara tentang ilmu falak seakan tenggelam tanpa bekas. Hanya ada beberapa yang masih eksis dan dapat dinikmati oleh para peneliti dan pemerhati ilmu falak. Selebihnya belum tersentuh untuk dikembangkan apalagi direkonstruksi. Rekonstruksi dan penelahaan kembali terhadap ilmu falak karya ulama nusantara terdahulu sangat penting dilakukan untuk beberapa hal. Sebagai penghargaan atas jasa para mu’allif, melestarikan dan mengembangkan warisan khazanah keilmuan. Penulis mengkaji hal ini dengan metode library research. Pertama penulis menelusuri karya-karya ulama nusantara secara terorganisir dimasing-masing daerah. Kedua melakukan klasifikasi karya-karya tersebut sesuai dengan kriteria taqribī atau taḥqīqī. Ketiga merekonstruksi karya yang masuk kategori taqribī menjadi kategori taḥqīqī. Dan keempat menulis kembali karya-karya dimaksud sebagai bentuk pelestarian khazanah keilmuan dibidang ilmu falak. Hasil yang akan diperoleh dalam melakukan empat tahapan diatas adalah, pertama; mengetahui seberapa banyak karya-karya terdahulu ulama nusantara dalam bidang ilmu falak di masing-masing daerah yang menunjukkan bahwa ulama nusantara memiliki perhatian yang tinggi terhadap berkembangnya ilmu falak pada saat itu. Kedua; akan ditemukan perbandingan jumlah dari karya tersebut yang termasuk kategori taqribī dan taḥqīqī. Ketiga; dengan merekonstruksi karya kategori taqribī menjadi kategori taḥqīqī semakin menumbuhkan semangat untuk melakukan kajian-kajian keilmuan falak yang sangat bermanfaat dalam rangka meningkatkan pengetahuan. Dan keempat; lestarinya khzanah keilmuan falak hasil karya ulama nusantara terdahulu yang dapat dijadikan rujukan untuk penelitian-penelitian di masa yang akan datang.Kata kunci: ulama nusantara, ilmu falak, rekonstruks


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    ABSTRAK Lembaga Pendidik merupakan suatu wadah yang berguna untuk membina manusia, membawa ke arah masa depan yang lebih baik. Setiap orang yang berada pada wadah tersebut akan mengalami perubahan dan perkembangan menurut warna dan corak institusi tersebut terlebih di masa yang saat ini disebut Era Society 5.0. Maka aqidah Akhlak hendaknya terealisasi dalam pergaulan dan dalam proses pembelajaran siswa di Era Scuety 5.0 ini, sehingga dapat memperbaiki pendidikan seseorang dan pola pergaulan yang akhir-akhir ini makin memprihatinkan akibat perkembangan teknologi yang semakin didepan. Pendidikan Islam mempunyai peluang yang lebih besar untuk berfungsi sebagai media sosialisasi nilai-nilai ajaran agama kepada peserta didik secara lebih efektif  karena diberikan sejak dini. Sifat keagamaan yang melekat pada kelembagaannya menjadikan lembaga pendidikan Islam mempunyai mandat yang kuat untuk melakukan peran tersebut. Metode ini menggunakan jenis penelitian library Reseach. Tekinik pengumpulan datanya menggunakan dokumentasi yaitu mengumpulkan tulisan yang berkenaan dengan tema adalah buku-buku tentang pendidikan Islam dan yang berkaitan dengan ilmu-ilmu yang berkaitan dengan tema yang diangkat, jurnal, artikal, majalah dan buku-buku lainnya. Sehingga penelitian ini menghasilkan bahwa, Internalisasi Aqidah Akhlak Terhadap peserta didik, di antaranya. 1) Akhlak terhadap Allah SWT. 2) Akhlak terhadap sesama manusia. 3) Akhlak terhadap lingkungan. Sedangkan Peran Guru Dan Orang Tua Dalam Mengifaluasi Di Era Scuety, di antaranya, 1) Mengawasi dan membimbing dalam menciptakan dilingkungan sekolah yang baik serta meminta wali murid agar ikut berpartisipasi. 2) Mengawasi serta memberikan pencerahan mengenai dampak dari penyalah gunaan internet melalui media LCD Proyektor agar lebih mudah dipahami. Sedangkan Peran Pesantren Dalam Memberikan Penjelasan Tentang Penggunanan Media Sosial Di Era Scuety 5.0 di antaranya; 1) Memberikan bimbingan atau arahan dalam menggunakan media sosial yang baik. 2) Kesadaran dari masing-masing elemen pesantren, lembaga atas tugas dan kewajibannya. Kata Kunci: Internalisasi, Aqidah Akhlak, peserta didik, Era Society 5.0,              ABSTRACT Educational Institutions are a useful container for fostering human beings, leading to a better future. Everyone who is in the container will experience changes and developments according to the color and style of the institution, especially during what is currently called the Security Era 5.0. So the Aqeedah of Morals should be realized in society and in the learning process of students in the Scuety 5.0 Era, so that it can improve one's education and social patterns which have recently become increasingly concerning due to technological developments that are increasingly at the forefront. Islamic education has a greater opportunity to function as a medium for socializing the values ​​of religious teachings to students more effectively because it is given early. The religious nature inherent in its institutions makes Islamic educational institutions have a strong mandate to carry out this role. This method uses the research type Research library. The data collection technique uses documentation, namely collecting writings related to the theme, namely books on Islamic education and those related to the sciences related to the theme raised, journals, articles, magazines and other books. So that this research results that, Internalization of Aqidah Akhlak towards students, among others. 1) Morals towards Allah SWT. 2) Morals towards fellow human beings. 3) Morals towards the environment. Meanwhile, the roles of teachers and parents in evaluating in the Scuety Era include: 1) Supervising and guiding in creating a good school environment and asking parents to participate. 2) Supervise and provide enlightenment regarding the impact of internet abuse through LCD Projector media to make it easier to understand. Meanwhile, the Role of Islamic Boarding Schools in Providing Explanations about the Use of Social Media in the Scuety 5.0 Era includes; 1) Provide guidance or direction in using social media properly. 2) Awareness of each element of the pesantren, the institution for their duties and obligations. Keyword: Internalization, Aqidah Akhlak, Students, Era Society 5.


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    The discourse of unification of hijri calendar in Indonesia became the topic of discussion which always colored throughout the year. Once the importance of the hijri calendar to unite its determination so that there is not always a difference in its determination, especially related to worship such as the beginning of Ramadlan, Syawwal and Dzulhijjah. It is hoped that with one reference to the hijri calendar, religious worship can run in unity for all Indonesian people identical with the unitary state. The existence of various streams and methods that developed in Indonesia in determining the beginning of the month of hijriyah, themes that are crucial and can not be compromised for the unification of the calendar, as well as efforts that have been made to realize the hijri calendar as a national calendar. The existence of Islamic organizations such as NU and Muhammadiyah turned out to have a greater influence in the system of hijri calendar. The State through the Ministry of Religion can not be a single authority who is entitled to issue a reference hijri calendar that must be obeyed by all Indonesian people

    Legalization of Pre-Marriage Agreement Pandhābā from Islamic Law Perspective

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    The pre-marriage pandhābā legalization in Bakeong Village, Guluk-Guluk, Sumenep is a procession of efforts to free a pandhābā child from bad luck and all forms of distress in his life which are carried out before the marriage ceremony procession. There are two objectives in this research; first, to find out the procession of implementing the tradition, and the second how was the view of Islamic law on the tradition. The research used a normative-qualitative approach with a type of case studies. Collecting data through unstructured interviews, non-participant observation and documentation. Data were analyzed using deductions, presentations and conclusions deductively. Data sources were from people who understood and were directly involved in the implementation, and from other records relating to the object of research. The research results were, firstly; In the pandhābā legalization procession there were several stages, such as attributes (sesajen) to be used, rasolan and khatmil Qur`ān, and bathing the pandhābā children with the water of seven wells and campoan mixed with flowers. Second; this research of Islamic law toward the tradition is not found any deviation. Even this tradition can be said to be sunnah to do, because it was full of Islamic teachings such as alms and pray together

    QIBLA JURISPRUDENCE: Deviation of Mosques’ Qibla in Pamekasan Madura

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    The qibla direction of some mosques in Pamekasan encountered deviation after the recalibration was carried out, but only a few mosques changed their qibla direction according to the calculation of hisâb. This study discusses three issues, namely: Society’s understanding of the direction of the mosque’s qibla, their responses to deviations from the direction of the mosque’s qibla, and the implications of the deviation of the mosque’s qibla on the validity of prayer in the perspective of falak science and Islamic law. With a qualitative-descriptive approach based on semi-structured interviews and non-participant observation, this study reveals that some congregants still regard the west as the direction of the qibla and do not understand the provisions of having to face the qibla during prayers; there are three axes of the congregation’s response to the deviation of the direction of the mosque’s qibla, namely serious, ordinary, and indifferent; and mosques that experience deviation according to astronomy are not following the provisions facing the qibla, so they must be repaired so that the prayers are perfect according to the provisions of Islamic law.[Sebagian arah kiblat masjid di Pamekasan mengalami deviasi setelah rekalibrasi dilakukan, tetapi hanya sedikit masjid yang mengubah arah kiblatnya sesuai perhitungan ilmu hisab. Artikel ini mendiskusikan tiga persoalan, yaitu: pemahaman masyarakat tentang arah kiblat masjid, respons masyarakat terhadap penyimpangan arah kiblat masjidnya, dan implikasi deviasi arah kiblat masjid terhadap keabsahan salat dalam perspektif ilmu falak dan hukum Islam. Dengan pendekatan kualitatif-deskriptif berdasarkan wawancara semi terstruktur dan observasi nonpartisipan, artikel ini mengungkap bahwa sebagian jemaah masih menganggap arah barat sebagai arah kiblat dan tidak memahami ketentuan harus hadap kiblat saat salat; ada tiga poros respons jemaah terhadap deviasi arah kiblat masjidnya, yaitu serius, biasa, dan cuek; dan masjid yang mengalami deviasi menurut ilmu falak tidak sesuai dengan ketentuan menghadap kiblat, sehingga harus diperbaiki agar salat menjadi sempurna sesuai ketentuan hukum Islam

    The Influence of Using 'CAPAT'-Based Educational Game Media on Critical Thinking Skills and Learning Interest of Students in Civic Education (PPKN) at Ar-Rohmaniyyah High School

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    The purpose of this study is to find out: (1) The effect of the use of educational game-based learning media "CAPAT" on students' critical thinking skills. (2) The effect of using educational game-based learning media "CAPAT" on learning interest in PPKn subjects of Arrohmaniyah High School. (3) The use of educational game-based learning media "CAPAT" for critical thinking skills and learning interest in PPKn subjects of Arrohmaniyah High School. The method уаng dіgunаkаn dаlаm реngаmbіlаn data раdа реnеlіtіаn іnі i.e. mеnggunаkаn mеtоdе "рurроѕіvе ѕаmрlіng". The results obtained showed that: (1) There was a significant influence of variable X (Use of CAPAT Educational Games) on variable Y (critical thinking skills) in class XII of SMA Arrohmaniyah Tambelangan, Sampang Regency. The value of the Correlation Coefficient is 0.566, meaning that the influence of variable X (Use of CAPAT Educational Games) on variable Y (critical thinking ability) is 56.6%. (2) There is no significant influence of variable X (Use of CAPAT Educational Games) on variable Y (Student learning interest) in class XII of SMA Arrohmaniyah Tambelangan Sampang Regency, the influence of variable X (Use of CAPAT Educational Games) on variable Y (Student learning interest) is only 0.5%. (3) The CAPAT educational game method can increase students' interest in learning and their critical thinking skills in PPKn subjects at SMA Arrohmaniyah Tambelangan Sampan

    The ABCC6 transporter : what lessons can be learnt from other ATP-binding cassette transporters?

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    ABC transporters represent a large family of ATP-driven transmembrane transporters involved in uni- or bidirectional transfer of a large variety of substrates. Divided in seven families, they represent 48 transporter proteins, several of which have been associated with human disease. Among the latter is ABCC6, a unidirectional exporter protein primarily expressed in liver and kidney. ABCC6 deficiency has been shown to cause the ectopic mineralization disorder pseudoxanthoma elasticum (PXE), characterized by calcification and fragmentation of elastic fibers, resulting in oculocutaneous and cardiovascular symptoms. Unique in the group of connective tissue disorders, the pathophysiological relation between the ABCC6 transporter and ectopic mineralization in PXE remains enigmatic, not in the least because of lack of knowledge on the substrate(s) of ABCC6 and its unusual expression pattern. Because many features, including structure and transport mechanism, are shared by many ABC transporters, it is worthwhile to evaluate if and to what extent the knowledge on the physiology and pathophysiology of these other transporters may provide useful clues toward understanding the (patho)physiological role of ABCC6 and how its deficiency may be dealt with

    Social relations, health problems and coping strategies of street- connected girls in Dhaka City

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    In Bangladesh, about one and a half million children roam the street of urban areas. Most of them don‘t have any family support or institutional care and treated as a sidelined group who experience abuse and deprivation of basic rights. About a quarter of total street children are girls who choose the street as an alternative in order to escape violence and abuse that happens in the family and community level. Regardless of government and NGO‘s initiatives, the number of street-connected girls is increasing in the city of Dhaka rapidly, raising questions about the effectiveness of existing services and policies to reduce the number. In addition, the limited knowledge about street-connected girls, health problems and coping strategies in Bangladesh depicts an extensive blankness for policy makers and social workers. This qualitative study investigates how the street-connected girls in the capital city of Bangladesh construct social network and generate social support on the street to cope with health related problems without family support. This study includes eight street-connected girls and four service providers in Dhaka city to collect data through semi-structured interviews. The findings of this study demonstrate that street-connected girls experience physical / reproductive health problems and they are vulnerable to HIV/AIDS and STDs because of their occupation and living condition. The study explores their capacity and agency to construct supportive network on the street without adult‘s supervision. Their network composes of peers, professionals, adults/job providers, romantic partners and family members, who are the primary sources of care and support to cope with health problems. They receive material, emotional and informational support from their social acquaintances, which assist them to cope with their problems. Finally, the findings of this study suggest the professionals and policy makers how to increase the effectiveness of existing services for street-connected girls in Bangladesh by using the social network relationships of street-connected girls