74 research outputs found

    Critical-Current Reduction in Thin Superconducting Wires Due to Current Crowding

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    We demonstrate experimentally that the critical current in superconducting NbTiN wires is dependent on their geometrical shape, due to current-crowding effects. Geometric patterns such as 90 degree corners and sudden expansions of wire width are shown to result in the reduction of critical currents. The results are relevant for single-photon detectors as well as parametric amplifiers

    Визначення правового статусу садівницьких, городницьких та дачних товариств

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    Розкриваються особливості правового статусу садівницьких, городницьких та дач­них товариств, досліджується їх організаційно-правова форма та ті специфічні пра­вові ознаки, що знаходяться в її основі. У зв’язку з відсутністю правової бази діяль­ності цих товариств, робиться спроба сформувати основні теоретико-правові кон­цептуальні підходи до розуміння їх природи та змоделювати законодавчу схему регулювання їх діяльності.Раскрываются особенности правового статуса садоводческих, огороднических и дачных товариществ, исследуются их организационно-правовая форма и правовые особенности, составляющие ее основание. В связи с отсутствием правовых обоснований деятельности этих товариществ автор стремится сформировать основные теоре­тико-правовые концептуальные подходы к раскрытию их сущности и смоделировать законодательную схему регулирования деятельности рассматриваемых товариществ.In article features of legal status of garden, vegetable-garden and country companies reveal, their organizational legal form and those specific features that are in its basis are investigated. In connection with absence of legal base of activity of these communities is attempted to generate the basic theoretical-legal conceptual approaches to understanding of their nature and model legislative sphere of regulation of their activity becomes

    Controlling magnetism with light in zero orbital angular momentum antiferromagnet

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    Antiferromagnetic materials feature intrinsic ultrafast spin dynamics, making them ideal candidates for future magnonic devices operating at THz frequencies. A major focus of current research is the investigation of optical methods for the efficient generation of coherent magnons in antiferromagnetic insulators. In magnetic lattices endowed with orbital angular momentum, spin-orbit coupling enables spin dynamics through the resonant excitation of low-energy electric dipoles such as phonons and orbital resonances which interact with spins. However, in magnetic systems with zero orbital angular momentum, microscopic pathways for the resonant and low-energy optical excitation of coherent spin dynamics are lacking. Here, we consider experimentally the relative merits of electronic and vibrational excitations for the optical control of zero orbital angular momentum magnets, focusing on a limit case: the antiferromagnet manganese phosphorous trisulfide (MnPS3), constituted by orbital singlet Mn2þ ions. We study the correlation of spins with two types of excitations within its band gap: a bound electron orbital excitation from the singlet orbital ground state of Mn2þ into an orbital triplet state, which causes coherent spin precession, and a vibrational excitation of the crystal field that causes thermal spin disorder. Our findings cast orbital transitions as key targets for magnetic control in insulators constituted by magnetic centers of zero orbital angular momentum

    Coupling charge and topological reconstructions at polar oxide interfaces

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    In oxide heterostructures, different materials are integrated into a single artificial crystal, resulting in a breaking of inversion-symmetry across the heterointerfaces. A notable example is the interface between polar and non-polar materials, where valence discontinuities lead to otherwise inaccessible charge and spin states. This approach paved the way to the discovery of numerous unconventional properties absent in the bulk constituents. However, control of the geometric structure of the electronic wavefunctions in correlated oxides remains an open challenge. Here, we create heterostructures consisting of ultrathin SrRuO3_3, an itinerant ferromagnet hosting momentum-space sources of Berry curvature, and LaAlO3_3, a polar wide-bandgap insulator. Transmission electron microscopy reveals an atomically sharp LaO/RuO2_2/SrO interface configuration, leading to excess charge being pinned near the LaAlO3_3/SrRuO3_3 interface. We demonstrate through magneto-optical characterization, theoretical calculations and transport measurements that the real-space charge reconstruction modifies the momentum-space Berry curvature in SrRuO3_3, driving a reorganization of the topological charges in the band structure. Our results illustrate how the topological and magnetic features of oxides can be manipulated by engineering charge discontinuities at oxide interfaces.Comment: 5 pages main text (4 figures), 29 pages of supplementary informatio

    The many faces of the emotional body

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    The perception of emotional signals is at the core of the study of the social brain. In this chapter, we discuss research in the field of affective and social neuroscience that specifically uses bodily expressions. Starting with the initial studies mapping the neural substrate of perception of simple bodily expressions, several steps have been taken to grasp the full extent of genuine interactions, from the use of multiple emotional cues, to dynamic social interactions, and recently the use of virtual reality. With increasing complexity of the emotional signals used in neuroscientific research, we can approximate the natural richness of the social and emotional reality

    Personality traits predict brain activation and connectivity when witnessing a violent conflict

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    As observers we excel in decoding the emotional signals telling us that a social interaction is turning violent. The neural substrate and its modulation by personality traits remain ill understood. We performed an fMRI experiment in which participants watched videos displaying a violent conflict between two people. Observers’ attention was directed to either the aggressor or the victim. Focusing on the aggressor (vs. focusing on the victim) activated the superior temporal sulcus (STS), extra-striate body area (EBA), occipital poles and centro-medial amygdala (CMA). Stronger instantaneous connectivity occurred between these and the EBA, insula, and the red nucleus. When focusing on the victim, basolateral amygdala (BLA) activation was related to trait empathy and showed increased connectivity with the insula and red nucleus. STS activation was associated with trait aggression and increased connectivity with the hypothalamus. The findings reveal that focusing on the aggressor of a violent conflict triggers more activation in categorical (EBA) and emotion (CMA, STS) areas. This is associated with increased instantaneous connectivity among emotion areas (CMA-insula) and between categorical and emotion (EBA-STS) areas. When the focus is on the victim, personality traits (aggression/empathy) modulate activity in emotion areas (respectively STS and postcentral gyrus/ BLA), along with connectivity in the emotional diencephalon (hypothalamus) and early visual areas (occipital pole)

    Ultrafast strain engineering and coherent structural dynamics from resonantly driven optical phonons in LaAlO3

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    Strain engineering has been extended recently to the picosecond timescales, driving ultrafast metal–insulator phase transitions and the propagation of ultrasonic demagnetization fronts. However, the nonlinear lattice dynamics underpinning interfacial optoelectronic phase switching have not yet been addressed. Here we perform time-resolved all-optical pump-probe experiments to study ultrafast lattice dynamics initiated by impulsive light excitation tuned in resonance with a polar lattice vibration in LaAlO3 single crystals, one of the most widely utilized substrates for oxide electronics. We show that ionic Raman scattering drives coherent rotations of the oxygen octahedra around a high-symmetry crystal axis. By means of DFT calculations we identify the underlying nonlinear phonon–phonon coupling channel. Resonant lattice excitation is also shown to generate longitudinal and transverse acoustic wave packets, enabled by anisotropic optically induced strain. Importantly, shear strain wave packets are found to be generated with high efficiency at the phonon resonance, opening exciting perspectives for ultrafast material control