5,366 research outputs found

    Planetary Trojans - the main source of short period comets?

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    We present a short review of the impact regime experienced by the terrestrial planets within our own Solar system, describing the three populations of potentially hazardous objects which move on orbits that take them through the inner Solar system. Of these populations, the origins of two (the Near-Earth Asteroids and the Long-Period Comets) are well understood, with members originating in the Asteroid belt and Oort cloud, respectively. By contrast, the source of the third population, the Short-Period Comets, is still under debate. The proximate source of these objects is the Centaurs, a population of dynamically unstable objects that pass perihelion between the orbits of Jupiter and Neptune. However, a variety of different origins have been suggested for the Centaur population. Here, we present evidence that at least a significant fraction of the Centaur population can be sourced from the planetary Trojan clouds, stable reservoirs of objects moving in 1:1 mean-motion resonance with the giant planets (primarily Jupiter and Neptune). Focusing on simulations of the Neptunian Trojan population, we show that an ongoing flux of objects should be leaving that region to move on orbits within the Centaur population. With conservative estimates of the flux from the Neptunian Trojan clouds, we show that their contribution to that population could be of order ~3%, while more realistic estimates suggest that the Neptune Trojans could even be the main source of fresh Centaurs. We suggest that further observational work is needed to constrain the contribution made by the Neptune Trojans to the ongoing flux of material to the inner Solar system, and believe that future studies of the habitability of exoplanetary systems should take care not to neglect the contribution of resonant objects (such as planetary Trojans) to the impact flux that could be experienced by potentially habitable worlds.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figures, published in the International Journal of Astrobiology (the arXiv.org's abstract was shortened, but the original one can be found in the manuscript file

    (1173) Anchises - Thermophysical and Dynamical Studies of a Dynamically Unstable Jovian Trojan

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    We have performed detailed thermophysical and dynamical modelling of Jovian Trojan (1173) Anchises. Our results reveal a most unusual object. By examining observational data taken by IRAS, Akari and WISE between 11.5 and 60 microns, along with variations in its optical lightcurve, we find Anchises is most likely an elongated body, with an axes-ratio of ~1.4. This yields calculated best-fit dimensions of 170x121x121km (an equivalent diameter of 136+18/-11km). We find the observations are best fit by Anchises having a retrograde sense of rotation, and an unusually high thermal inertia (25 to 100 Jm-2s-0.5K-1). The geometric albedo is found to be 0.027 (+0.006/-0.007). Anchises therefore has one of the highest published thermal inertias of any object larger than 100km in diameter, at such large heliocentric distances, and is one of the lowest albedo objects ever observed. More observations are needed to see if there is a link between the very shallow phase curve, with almost no opposition effect, and the derived thermal properties for this large Trojan asteroid. Our dynamical investigation of Anchises' orbit has revealed it to be dynamically unstable on timescales of hundreds of Myr, similar to the unstable Neptunian Trojans 2001 QR322 and 2008 LC18. Unlike those objects, we find that Anchises' dynamical stability is not a function of its initial orbital elements, the result of the exceptional precision with which its orbit is known. This is the first time that a Jovian Trojan has been shown to be dynamically unstable, and adds weight to the idea that planetary Trojans represent a significant ongoing contribution to the Centaur population, the parents of the short-period comets. The observed instability does not rule out a primordial origin for Anchises, but when taken in concert with the result of our thermophysical analysis, suggest that it would be a fascinating target for future study.Comment: 5 figures, 3 tables, accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Societ

    Origin and Dynamical Evolution of Neptune Trojans - II: Long Term Evolution

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    We present results examining the fate of the Trojan clouds produced in our previous work. We find that the stability of Neptunian Trojans seems to be strongly correlated to their initial post-migration orbital elements, with those objects that survive as Trojans for billions of years displaying negligible orbital evolution. The great majority of these survivors began the integrations with small eccentricities (e < 0.2) and small libration amplitudes (A < 30 - 40{\deg}). The survival rate of "pre-formed" Neptunian Trojans (which in general survived on dynamically cold orbits (e < 0.1, i < 5 - 10{\deg})) varied between ~5 and 70%. By contrast, the survival rate of "captured" Trojans (on final orbits spread across a larger region of e-i element space) were markedly lower, ranging between 1 and 10% after 4 Gyr. Taken in concert with our earlier work, we note that planetary formation scenarios which involve the slow migration (a few tens of millions of years) of Neptune from an initial planetary architecture that is both resonant and compact (aN < 18 AU) provide the most promising fit of those we considered to the observed Trojan population. In such scenarios, we find that the current day Trojan population would number ~1% of that which was present at the end of the planet's migration, with the bulk being sourced from captured, rather than pre-formed objects. We note, however, that even those scenarios still fail to reproduce the currently observed portion of the Neptune Trojan population moving on orbits with e 20{\deg}. Dynamical integrations of the currently observed Trojans show that five out of the seven are dynamically stable on 4 Gyr timescales, while 2001 QR322, exhibits significant dynamical instability. The seventh Trojan object, 2008 LC18, has such large orbital uncertainties that only future studies will be able to determine its stability.Comment: 24 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS (The abstract was shortened. Original version can be found in the pdf file

    A Study to Determine Appropriate Training Models for Maintenance Technicians - Cox Communications Hampton Roads

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    The following goals were used to direct this study: 1. Determine an appropriate training model for Maintenance Technicians, per training occasion; 2. Determine an appropriate training format for Maintenance Technicians, per training occasion and model; 3. Determine the appropriate administrative and management aspects of the training models and formats for Maintenance Technicians

    Formation and Dynamical Evolution of the Neptune Trojans - the Influence of the Initial Solar System Architecture

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    In this work, we investigate the dynamical stability of pre-formed Neptune Trojans under the gravitational influence of the four giant planets in compact planetary architectures, over 10 Myr. In our modelling, the initial orbital locations of Uranus and Neptune (aN) were varied to produce systems in which those planets moved on non-resonant orbits, or in which they lay in their mutual 1:2, 2:3 and 3:4 mean-motion resonances (MMRs). In total, 420 simulations were carried out, examining 42 different architectures, with a total of 840000 particles across all runs. In the non-resonant cases, the Trojans suffered only moderate levels of dynamical erosion, with the most compact systems (those with aN less than or equal 18 AU) losing around 50% of their Trojans by the end of the integrations. In the 2:3 and 3:4 MMR scenarios, however, dynamical erosion was much higher with depletion rates typically greater than 66% and total depletion in the most compact systems. The 1:2 resonant scenarios featured disruption on levels intermediate between the non-resonant cases and other resonant scenarios, with depletion rates of the order of tens of percent. Overall, the great majority of plausible pre-migration planetary architectures resulted in severe levels of depletion of the Neptunian Trojan clouds. In particular, if Uranus and Neptune formed near their mutual 2:3 or 3:4 MMR and at heliocentric distances within 18 AU (as favoured by recent studies), we found that the great majority of pre-formed Trojans would have been lost prior to Neptune's migration. This strengthens the case for the great bulk of the current Neptunian Trojan population having been captured during that migration.Comment: 17 pages, 2 figures, MNRAS (in press). Abstract slightly reduced in size, but in original form in the PDF fil

    Predictors of discordance among Chilean families

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    Parent-youth agreement on parental behaviors can characterize effective parenting. Although discordance in families may be developmentally salient and harmful to youth outcomes, predictors of discordance have been understudied, and existing research in this field has been mostly limited to North American samples. This paper addressed this literature gap by using data from a community-based study of Chilean adolescents. Analysis was based on 1,068 adolescents in Santiago, Chile. The dependent variable was discordance which was measured by the difference between parent and youth’s assessment of parental monitoring. Major independent variables for this study were selected based on previous research findings that underscore youth’s developmental factors, positive parental and familial factors and demographic factors. Descriptive and multivariate analyses were conducted to examine the prevalence and associations between youth, parental and familial measures with parent-youth discordance. There was a sizable level of discordance between parent and youth’s report of parental monitoring. Youth’s gender and externalizing behavior were significant predictors of discordance. Warm parenting and family involvement were met with decreases in discordance. The negative interaction coefficients between parental warmth and youth’s gender indicated that positive parental and familial measures have a greater effect on reducing parent-youth discordance among male youths. Results support the significance of positive family interactions in healthy family dynamics. Findings from this study inform the importance of services and interventions for families that aim to reduce youth’s problem behavior and to create a warm and interactive family environment.https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4181713/Accepted manuscrip

    2008 LC18: a potentially unstable Neptune Trojan

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    The recent discovery of the first Neptune Trojan at the planet's trailing (L5) Lagrange point, 2008 LC18, offers an opportunity to confirm the formation mechanism of a member of this important tracer population for the Solar system's dynamical history. We tested the stability of 2008 LC18's orbit through a detailed dynamical study, using test particles spread across the orbital uncertainties in a, e, i and {\Omega}. This showed that the wide uncertainties of the published orbit span regions of both extreme dynamical instability, with lifetimes 1 Gyr lifetimes). The stability of 2008 LC18's clones is greatly dependent on their semi-major axis and only weakly correlated with their eccentricity. Test particles on orbits with an initial semi-major axis less than 29.91 AU have dynamical half-lives shorter than 100 Myr; in contrast, particles with an initial semi-major axis greater than 29.91 AU exhibit such strong dynamical stability that almost all are retained over the 1 Gyr of our simulations. More observations of this object are necessary to improve the orbit. If 2008 LC18 is in the unstable region, then our simulations imply that it is either a temporary Trojan capture, or a representative of a slowly decaying Trojan population (like its sibling the L4 Neptunian Trojan 2001 QR322), and that it may not be primordial. Alternatively, if the orbit falls into the larger, stable region, then 2008 LC18 is a primordial member of the highly stable and highly inclined component of the Neptune Trojan population, joining 2005 TN53 and 2007 VL305. We attempted to recover 2008 LC18 using the 2.3m telescope at Siding Spring Observatory to provide this astrometry, but were unsuccessful due to the high stellar density of its current sky location near the galactic centre. The recovery of this object will require a telescope in the 8m class.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures, 1 table, accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Societ

    Incidence of pelvic inflammatory disease associated with mycoplasma genitalium infection: Evidence synthesis of cohort study data

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    We synthesized evidence from the POPI sexual-health cohort study, and estimated that 4.9% (95% credible interval 0.4-14.1%) of Mycoplasma genitalium infections in women progress to pelvic inflammatory disease, versus 14.4% (5.9-24.6%) of chlamydial infections. For validation, we predicted PID rates in four age groups that agree well with surveillance data
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