15,848 research outputs found

    Solution to the Equations of the Moment Expansions

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    We develop a formula for matching a Taylor series about the origin and an asymptotic exponential expansion for large values of the coordinate. We test it on the expansion of the generating functions for the moments and connected moments of the Hamiltonian operator. In the former case the formula produces the energies and overlaps for the Rayleigh-Ritz method in the Krylov space. We choose the harmonic oscillator and a strongly anharmonic oscillator as illustrative examples for numerical test. Our results reveal some features of the connected-moments expansion that were overlooked in earlier studies and applications of the approach

    Ground Beetles of Islands in the Western Basin of Lake Erie and the Adjacent Mainland (Coleoptera: Carabidae, Including Cicindelini)

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    We report 241 species representing 63 genera of ground beetles from the islands of the western basin of Lake Erie and selected mainland sites from a 1991-93 survey, plus specimens examined in public and private collections, and previously published sources. Most species are generally distributed; however, a restricted population of Sphaeroderus schaumii schaumii we rediscovered is no doubt imperiled. Comparison of wing morphotype frequencies of the Lake Erie island species with mainland populations from studies in Ohio and Michigan support a hypothesis that vagility is of increased import in the islands. Regression and correlation analysis show a positive relationship between species number and island area, no correlation between species number and distance from the mainland and an improved fit for a multiple regression which includes collecting effort

    Model of mesons with constituent gluons

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    A model of mesons composed of a quark, an antiquark, and a gluon is proposed. The binding of the constituents is provided by a confining linear potential between the gluon and the quarks. The lowest states of the model are described, and their relative masses evaluated, for the case of heavy (charmed) quarks, i.e., ccg states

    Which preferences associate with school performance? Lessons from an exploratory study with university students

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    <div><p>Success in life is determined to a large extent by school performance so it is important to understand the effect of the factors that influence it. In this exploratory study, in addition to cognitive abilities, we attempt to link measures of preferences with outcomes of school performance. We measured in an incentivized way risk, time, social and competitive preferences and cognitive abilities of university students to look for associations between these measures and two important academic outcome measures: exam results and GPA. We find consistently that cognitive abilities (proxied by the Cognitive Reflection Test) are very well correlated with school performance. Regarding non-cognitive skills, we report suggestive evidence for many of our measured preferences. We used two alternative measures of time preference: patience and present bias. Present bias explains exam grades better, while patience explains GPA relatively better. Both measures of time preferences have a non-linear relation to school performance. Competitiveness matters, as students, who opt for a more competitive payment scheme in our experimental task have a higher average GPA. We observe also that risk-averse students perform a little better than more risk-tolerant students. That makes sense in case of multiple choice exams, because more risk-tolerant students may want to try to pass the exam less prepared, as the possibility of passing an exam just by chance is not zero. Finally, we have also detected that cooperative preferences—the amount of money offered in a public good game—associates strongly with GPA in a non-linear way. Students who offered around half of their possible amounts had significantly higher GPAs than those, who offered none or all their money.</p></div

    StemNet: An Evolving Service for Knowledge Networking in the Life Sciences

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    Up until now, crucial life science information resources, whether bibliographic or factual databases, are isolated from each other. Moreover, semantic metadata intended to structure their contents is supplied in a manual form only. In the StemNet project we aim at developing a framework for semantic interoperability for these resources. This will facilitate the extraction of relevant information from textual sources and the generation of semantic metadata in a fully automatic manner. In this way, (from a computational perspective) unstructured life science documents are linked to structured biological fact databases, in particular to the identifiers of genes, proteins, etc. Thus, life scientists will be able to seamlessly access information from a homogeneous platform, despite the fact that the original information was unlinked and scattered over the whole variety of heterogeneous life science information resources and, therefore, almost inaccessible for integrated systematic search by academic, clinical, or industrial users

    Localizable Entanglement

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    We consider systems of interacting spins and study the entanglement that can be localized, on average, between two separated spins by performing local measurements on the remaining spins. This concept of Localizable Entanglement (LE) leads naturally to notions like entanglement length and entanglement fluctuations. For both spin-1/2 and spin-1 systems we prove that the LE of a pure quantum state can be lower bounded by connected correlation functions. We further propose a scheme, based on matrix-product states and the Monte Carlo method, to efficiently calculate the LE for quantum states of a large number of spins. The virtues of LE are illustrated for various spin models. In particular, characteristic features of a quantum phase transition such as a diverging entanglement length can be observed. We also give examples for pure quantum states exhibiting a diverging entanglement length but finite correlation length. We have numerical evidence that the ground state of the antiferromagnetic spin-1 Heisenberg chain can serve as a perfect quantum channel. Furthermore, we apply the numerical method to mixed states and study the entanglement as a function of temperature.Comment: 19 pages, modified definition of connected string order parameter, updated reference

    Investigating the timecourse of accessing conversational implicatures during incremental sentence interpretation

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    Many contextual inferences in utterance interpretation are explained as following from the nature of conversation and the assumption that participants are rational. Recent psycholinguistic research has focussed on certain of these ‘Gricean’ inferences and have revealed that comprehenders can access them in online interpretation. However there have been mixed results as to the time-course of access. Some results show that Gricean inferences can be accessed very rapidly, as rapidly as any other contextually specified information (Sedivy, 2003; Grodner, Klein, Carbery, & Tanenhaus, 2010); while other studies looking at the same kind of inference suggest that access to Gricean inferences are delayed relative to other aspects of semantic interpretation (Huang & Snedeker, 2009; in press). While previous timecourse research has focussed on Gricean inferences that support the online assignment of reference to definite expressions, the study reported here examines the timecourse of access to scalar implicatures, which enrich the meaning of an utterance beyond the semantic interpretation. Even if access to Gricean inference in support of reference assignment may be rapid, it is still unknown whether genuinely enriching scalar implicatures are delayed. Our results indicate that scalar implicatures are accessed as rapidly as other contextual inferences. The implications of our results are discussed in reference to the architecture of language comprehension