23 research outputs found

    Soils Testing for the Construction “Sil.I/11 Prodloužená Rudná“ – Processing of Results

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    Import 02/11/2016Předmětem bakalářské práce je zpracování a vyhodnocení dat laboratorních a polních zkoušek, které je součástí dílčí závěrečné zprávy zhotovitele o hodnocení jakosti díla. Práce obsahuje identifikační údaje stavby, základní rozdělení vlastností zemin, laboratorní a polní zkoušky, základní charakteristiku zájmového území a vlastní zpracování dat. Vyhodnocení se řídí dle ČSN 73 6133 – Návrh a provádění zemního tělesa pozemních komunikací a podle metodického pokynu Ředitelství silnic a dálnic.The object of work is data processing and evaluation of laboratory and field tests, which is part of the sub-contractor's final report on the evaluation of the quality of the work. Work includes identification data structures, basic distribution of soil properties, laboratory and field tests, the basic characteristics of the area and its own data processing. Evaluation is governed by the CSN 73 6133 - Design and implementation of the embankment roads and methodological instruction by Roads and Motorways Directorate.224 - Katedra geotechniky a podzemního stavitelstvívýborn

    Competitiveness Evaluation of a Retail Company

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    Bakalářská práce se zabývá zhodnocením konkurenceschopnosti vybrané maloobchodní firmy, která prodává drogistické zboží, parfémy, barvy, laky a technickou chemii. Tato práce je rozdělená do dvou částí. Teoretická část vymezuje základní pojmy a metody konkurenceschopnosti jako PEST analýza, Porterova analýza pěti konkurenčních sil, SWOT analýza a finanční analýza. V praktické části jsou jednotlivé metody aplikovány na vybraný podnik. Cílem práce je zhodnotit konkurenceschopnost podniku na základě vybraných metod a navrhnout doporučení k dalšímu rozvoji a posílení konkurenceschopnosti.The bachelor's thesis deals with the evaluation of the competitiveness of a selected retail company that sells drugstore goods, perfumes, paints, varnishes and technical chemistry. This work is divided into two parts. The theoretical part defines the basic concepts and methods of competitiveness such as PEST analysis, Porter's analysis of five competitive forces, SWOT analysis and financial analysis. In the practical part, the individual methods are used for the selected company. The aim of the work is to evaluate the competitiveness of the company on the basis of selected methods and to propose recommendations for further development and strengthening of competitiveness.152 - Katedra podnikohospodářskávýborn

    Assessment of the River Bečva Right Bank in Vsetín – the River Kilometer 19.800 to 20.000 and Design of Stabilization Measures

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    Předmětem diplomové práce je posouzení pravostranného břehu řeky Bečvy a vypracování návrhu nezbytných stabilizačních opatření. Práce obsahuje charakteristiku svahových deformací, geologickou, geomorfologickou a hydrogeologickou charakteristiku zájmového území, studii stávajícího stavu sesuvného území, navržená stabilizační opatření, jejich analýzu, porovnání a vyhodnocení a navržení monitoringu svahu. Vyhodnocení se řídí dle stupně stability svahu.The subject of the diploma thesis is the assessment of the right bank of the Bečva river and the elaboration of the necessary stabilization measures. The work includes the characterization of slope deformations, geological, geomorphological and hydrogeological characteristics of the area of interest, study of the current state of the landslide area, proposed stabilization measures, their analysis, comparison and evaluation and proposal of slope monitoring. The evaluation is governed by the factor of slope stability.224 - Katedra geotechniky a podzemního stavitelstvívelmi dobř

    Evaluation of the Company Competitiveness in the Information Technology Branch

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    Cílem diplomové práce je zhodnotit konkurenceschopnost podniku působícího na trhu informačních technologií a navrhnout, jakým způsobem by mohl své postavení zlepšit. Konkurenceschopnost podniku je zhodnocena pomocí finanční analýzy, PEST analýzy, Porterovy analýzy pěti konkurenčních sil, analýzy inovačního řízení podniku a SWOT analýzy. Na základě provedených analýz jsou navržena konkrétní doporučení pro zvýšení konkurenceschopnosti podniku.The aim of thesis is to evaluate the competitiveness of the company operating in the information technology market and to suggest how it could improve its position. Company competitiveness is evaluated through financial analysis, PEST analysis, Porter's analysis of five competitive forces, analysis of enterprise innovation management and SWOT analysis. Specific recommendations for increasing the competitiveness of the company are proposed based on these analyses.152 - Katedra podnikohospodářskávýborn

    A Turning Point in Theatre History in Brno: The Foundation and Activities of the Brno Czech National Theatre Cooperative

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    Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá vznikem českého profesionálního divadla v Brně, kdy důležitým mezníkem je založení Družstva českého národního divadla. Představuje nám nejdůležitější výsledky činnosti tohoto družstva, kterým je především získání vlastní budovy na rohu Radvítova (Raduitovo) náměstí (dnes Žerotínovo náměstí), divadla na Veveří, která se stala po adaptaci Národním divadlem v Brně. Kapitolám o Družstvu českého národního divadla a divadle na Veveří předchází souhrn, který seznamuje s dlouholetou divadelní tradicí, tu můžeme v Brně vypozorovat již od počátku 18. století, kdy se ustavuje profesionální divadlo.The thesis deals with the origin of the Czech professional theatre in Brno. The important turbiny - point is the establishment of the Society of Czech National Theatre. The thesis presents the most important activities of the Society, for example the way to gain the building on the corner of Radvít´s Square (Raduitovo náměstí, today Žerotínovo náměstí) ? the theatre in Veveří that was later transformed into National Theatre in Brno. The chapters about the Society of Czech National Theatre and the Theatre in Veveří are preceded by a summary that presents the longstanding theatre tradition (it can be observed in Brno at the beginning of the 18th century when professional theatre is being formed).Katedra historických vědDokončená práce s úspěšnou obhajobo

    Použití metody rychlého testu pro analýzu hospodářského výsledku

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    Import 20/04/2006Prezenční výpůjčkaVysoká škola báňská. Hutní fakulta. Katedra (634) ekonomiky a řízení hutnictv

    Paradoxal interpretation of scientist in chosen pieces by Villiers de l'Isle-Adam

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    work of Villiers de l'Isle-Adam is significant for the ambivalent relationship to his century which has become known as the century of Progress. On one hand, Villiers is fascinated by Science and its possibilities, on the other hand, he warns against the Science which has become new religion of this period. He projects the anamnesis of his century into a bizzare gallery of men of Science. First, we will see the inventors whose creations should facilitate our life but in reality, they repress everything that goes against the doctrine of the "sane intelligence". The next group of scientists are those who adjust people according to the spirit of the epoch which claims continence. These scientists treat people with the "balm of sane inteligence" helping to get rid off such "anachronisms" as calling of glory or honour, patriotism or remorses. But Villiers goes even further in his criticism and he introduces us cold maniacs of knowledge. For them, a human life is less valuable than the slightest scientific discovery. Next scientists who appear in Villiers's work are Tribulat Bonhomet and Edison. On one side, Bonhomet is the extract of all that Villiers imagines under the term of "blind pragmatism". Nevertheless, he is also an uncompleted esquisse of the most noble representative of Science whom Villiers has ever..

    Individual Planning Application with Clients of Sheltered Housing.

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    A very much debated topic is currently an issue of the individual planning with users of social services. It has been seen as a cornerstone in a rendition of the first-rate social service. It is legitimized in the Law No. 108/2006 Coll., on social services, where an obligation to plan a course of the service with the user is imposed with a respect to his/her needs and wishes so that he/she could be satisfied with an implementation and realization of the individual plans. The individual planning also belongs to important quality standards, that must be met so that the service could be provided on a high quality level, effectively and in accordance with the mission and goals of the organization while respecting the individual needs of the users. The aim of my thesis is to find out in which way the individual planning is carried out with users of the sheltered housing ?Proutek? in Jindřichův Hradec, whose clientele are people with mental disabilities. In the theoretical part, in order to achieve the objective, I will describe the individual planning, what specifics it has, methods and practices in the social work with mentally handicapped users, I will emphasize prerequisites for a successful planning with clients with mental disabilities. I will focus on the person of the worker who is engaged in the individual planning, how much he/she has been trained, which principles he/she should follow in the planning course to ensure the already above mentioned quality of the service in accordance with the standards. In the practical part I will specifically focus on an implementation of important preconditions for the high-quality individual planning for the users with mental disabilities in the sheltered housing. Through semi-controlled interviews with four assistants who realize the individual planning in the housing, I will find out the way of an implementation of the planning in the service, further I will evaluate positives as well as negatives which can occur during the individual planning with this specific group of users. An output of my bachelor thesis is an evaluation of the individual planning implementation in the service. A comparison of the assistants´ work and pointing out a good practice in a rendition of the first-rate individual planning with users with mental disabilities, focused on an application of principal planning prerequisites usable also for other establishments with a similar type of the service

    Value ranking of Children in Children's Home in Radenín.

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    My thesis focuses on what values are preferred by children in a children's home, what relationships between values arise, and how values interact. The domain of value orientations, value and attitude preferences must be monitored for a better understanding of the people who surround us, with whom we work, of whom we take care, and also whom we bring up The theoretical part of the thesis, its individual chapters, focuses on the theoretical background of the issue of values and value orientations, as well as on foster upbringing and the characteristics of facilities for institutional upbringing. The first chapter characterizes what foster upbringing of children is, what forms of foster upbringing may be used, and what facilities are legally defined for institutional upbringing. The reasons why institutional upbringing is ordered by courts are analyzed in detail. The second chapter focuses on a children's home as a specific facility for institutional upbringing. Specifically, the Children's Home in Radenín is introduced that was chosen for the research part of the thesis. The definitions of terms relating to values and value orientations, attitudes, interests and motivation are presented in the third chapter. More specifically, the kinds of values, whose characteristics can be found in expert literature, are described. The fourth chapter clarifies what factors operate, influence and shape our value orientation as well as individual values, which become an important part of everyone's lives. Of some interest were also the roles played in this shaping by the school, family, peers but also the media. The empirical part of the thesis defines the objective, during whose accomplishment the basic life values of the children the Children's Home in Radenín were investigated and subsequently analyzed. In line with the objective, a research question was formulates; it was as follows: What life values are preferred by the children in the Children's Home in Radenín? The research was intended to find out what values are recognized and preferred by children who do not grow in their primary families, whose effects are considered as cornerstones in building value orientations of children. Of major interest were the analyses of interrelationships of individual values, interpenetration, and interactions and preferences of these values in children. The benefit of the thesis can be seen in the use of its results in everyday work of educators working with children in children's home

    Podklady pro management podpory zaměstnanosti žen středního věku evidovaných na Úřadu práce Jindřichův Hradec

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    Cílem práce bude získat charakteristiky žen středního věku, které se potýkají s problémy při uplatnění na trhu práce. Tyto podklady poslouží pro plánování a realizaci dalších opatření na pomoc jejich reintegrace do aktivního života