1,075 research outputs found

    Unbinding of giant vortices in states of competing order

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    Funding: EPSRC (UK) via Grants No. EP/I031014/1 and No. EP/H049584/1.We consider a two-dimensional system with two order parameters, one with O(2) symmetry and one with O(M), near a point in parameter space where they couple to become a single O(2+M) order. While the O(2) sector supports vortex excitations, these vortices must somehow disappear as the high symmetry point is approached. We develop a variational argument which shows that the size of the vortex cores diverges as 1/root Delta and the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition temperature of the O(2) order vanishes as 1/1n(1/Delta), where Delta denotes the distance from the high-symmetry point. Our physical picture is confirmed by a renormalization group analysis which gives further logarithmic corrections, and demonstrates full symmetry restoration within the cores.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Thermal versus quantum fluctuations of optical-lattice fermions

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    We show that, for fermionic atoms in a one-dimensional optical lattice, the fraction of atoms in doubly occupied sites is a highly nonmonotonic function of temperature. We demonstrate that this property persists even in the presence of realistic harmonic confinement, and that it leads to a suppression of entropy at intermediate temperatures that offers a route to adiabatic cooling. Our interpretation of the suppression is that such intermediate temperatures are simultaneously too high for quantum coherence and too low for significant thermal excitation of double occupancy thus offering a clear indicator of the onset of quantum fluctuations.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Market segmentation : the segmentation of the UK market for king size cigarettes on the basis of consumer perceptions and product requirements

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    The first part of this thesis attempts a synthesis of published research in the general area of market segmentation. Because of the sheer volume of such research the thesis is primarily concerned with domestic, consumer research since 1970, adequate literature reviews being availahle of research prior to this time (see Frank, (1968) and Frank, Massy and Wind (1972)). Study of the literature indicates the growing use of situation specific variables in segmentation research coupled with the increased usage of multivariate techniques. Of particular interest are the more recent attempts to link market segmentation and product positioning methodology. Existing studies, however, are based largely on small, "convenience" samples without validation samples, and tend to be technique oriented, that is they are applications of existing or new techniques rather than attempts to solve problems. The empirical research presents a market segmentation methodology concerned with market gap identification, i.e. segments not adequately satisfied with existing product offerings. The methodology is tested on a large, representative sample of consumers in a particular market using a split sample for analysis and validation and a variety of alternative types of data and methods. Serious doubts are raised about the application of the INDSCAL model for dealing with individual differences in perception and the application of the PREFMAP model for identifying respondents' ideal brand locations. This work suggests that perceptual space segmentation is best accomplished through direct clustering of respondents on the basis of brand similarity judgements and that identification of brand requirements is best accomplished through the rating of the ideal brand along the dimensions of perception. The research indicates segments of consumers with homogeneous perceptions of current brand offerings and homogeneous brand requirements. These segments are further evaluated to determine their value to management as target markets, suggesting alternative marketing strategies

    High fidelity sorting of remarkably similar components via metal-mediated assembly.

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    Subtle differences in ligand coordination angle and rigidity lead to high fidelity sorting between individual components displaying identical coordination motifs upon metal-mediated self-assembly. Narcissistic self-sorting can be achieved between highly similar ligands that vary minimally in rigidity and internal coordination angle upon combination with Fe(ii) ions and 2-formylpyridine. Selective, sequential cage formation can be precisely controlled in a single flask from a mix of three different core ligands (and 33 total components) differing only in the hybridization of one group that is uninvolved in the metal coordination process

    Ensuring quality in online career mentoring

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    This article explores the issue of quality in online career mentoring. It builds on a previous evaluation of Brightside, an online mentoring system in the UK which is primarily aimed at supporting young people's transitions to further learning. The article notes that participants in Brightside's mentoring programmes reported satisfaction with their experiences, with many stating that it helped them to make decisions and to positively change their learning and career behaviours. However, the article argues that there are challenges in ensuring quality and consistency connected to both the voluntary nature of mentoring and the online mode. The article proposes a 10-point quality framework to support quality assurance, initial training and professional development for online mentors

    Good looks and good practice: the attitudes of career practitioners to attractiveness and appearance

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    Empirical evidence attests the impact that career image has on objective career success, yet little is known of how career practitioners conceptualise and operationalise this information. This article presents the quantitative findings of an online survey of career practitioners (n = 399, 74% female, 89% white and 75% from the U.K.) exploring their attitudes and practices towards issues of appearance and attractiveness. Career practitioners who participated in this survey acknowledged that beauty, self-presentation and interpersonal skills influence career success, and 96% of them considered conversations about career image as part of their professional remit. The career practitioners felt relatively comfortable and well informed in their discussions in this arena, but would welcome further guidance and training to inform their practice. Ethical and practical implications for the profession are considered

    Customer orientation and innovativeness:differing roles in new and old Europe

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    Burgess and Steenkamp [Burgess, S. M., & Steenkamp, J. (2006). Marketing renaissance: How research in emerging markets advances marketing science and practice. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 23(4), 337-356.] have pointed out that marketing knowledge derives almost exclusively from research conducted in high income, industrialized countries. However, the generalizability of marketing knowledge should also be tested in emerging markets. We demonstrate that returns on customer orientation and organizational innovativeness play out differently in New versus Old Europe. Contrary to previous research, we find that customer focus is at least as important in New Europe as in our Old European country, while organizational innovativeness appears more important in New Europe to drive both customer service and financial performance
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