105 research outputs found

    Eläimillekin käytettävät antibiootit vaikuttavat antibioottiresistenssin kehittymiseen

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    Suomalainen Lääkäriseura Duodecimin ja Suomen Akatemian konsensuskokous 1997 : Antibioottiresistenssi - säilyykö lääkkeiden teho?

    A study of bovine mastitis, milking procedures and management

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    Background: Mastitis prevalence, milking procedures and management practices were investigated in 25 big dairy herds supplying milk to an Estonian dairy company. The aim of the study was to provide information for the company to be used in their new udder health improvement program to be set up after the completion of this study. Methods: Quarter milk samples were collected from 3,166 cows for bacterial analysis and SCC (somatic cell counting). During the farm visit the veterinarian filled in a questionnaire about milking procedures and management practices with the help of farm managers. If the milk SCC of a cow or of a quarter exceeded 200,000/ml, the cow was defined as having mastitis. Results: The percentage of cows having inflammation in one or more quarters measured by SCC (200,000/ml) was 52.7%. Corynebacterium bovis, Staphylococcus aureus and coagulase negative staphylococci were the most common bacterial isolates. Women as farm owners, and participating in the milking, were associated with lower mastitis prevalence on the farm. Peat bedding was associated with higher mastitis prevalence. Conclusion: We demonstrated relatively high mastitis prevalence in this study. Contagious bacteria (eg. S. aureus, C. bovis, S. agalactiae and coagulase negative staphylococci) caused most of the infections. These infections are usually spread from cow to cow at milking if the milking hygiene is not good enough. The mastitis situation could be improved by improving milking procedures and hygiene

    A study of bovine mastitis, milking procedures and management practices on 25 Estonian dairy herds

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    Background: Mastitis prevalence, milking procedures and management practices were investigated in 25 big dairy herds supplying milk to an Estonian dairy company. The aim of the study was to provide information for the company to be used in their new udder health improvement program to be set up after the completion of this study. Methods: Quarter milk samples were collected from 3,166 cows for bacterial analysis and SCC (somatic cell counting). During the farm visit the veterinarian filled in a questionnaire about milking procedures and management practices with the help of farm managers. If the milk SCC of a cow or of a quarter exceeded 200,000/ml, the cow was defined as having mastitis. Results: The percentage of cows having inflammation in one or more quarters measured by SCC (200,000/ml) was 52.7%. Corynebacterium bovis, Staphylococcus aureus and coagulase negative staphylococci were the most common bacterial isolates. Women as farm owners, and participating in the milking, were associated with lower mastitis prevalence on the farm. Peat bedding was associated with higher mastitis prevalence. Conclusion: We demonstrated relatively high mastitis prevalence in this study. Contagious bacteria (eg. S. aureus, C. bovis, S. agalactiae and coagulase negative staphylococci) caused most of the infections. These infections are usually spread from cow to cow at milking if the milking hygiene is not good enough. The mastitis situation could be improved by improving milking procedures and hygiene

    Antimicrobial resistance in Staphylococcus spp., Escherichia coli and Enterococcus spp. in dogs given antibiotics for chronic dermatological disorders, compared with non-treated control dogs

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate antimicrobial resistance in canine staphylococci, Escherichia coli and enterococci, which were isolated from 22 dogs with pyoderma and a history of previous antibiotic treatment, compared to bacterial isolates from 56 non-treated control dogs. Two isolates of each bacterial species per dog were investigated, if detected. Staphylococcal isolates from dogs with pyoderma (35 isolates) were more resistant to sulphatrimethoprim than the isolates from controls (56 isolates) (57% vs. 25%, p < 0.004). Multiresistance in staphylococci was also more common in dogs with pyoderma (29% vs. 9%, p = 0.02). A similar trend among isolates of E. coli was detected (24 and 74 isolates from treated and control dogs, respectively), but the differences were not significant. Resistance for macrolide-lincosamides was approximately 20% among staphylococci in both groups. Resistance to ampicillin among enterococci was 4%–7%. The age of the dogs might have an impact on resistance: multiresistance among staphylococcal isolates from younger dogs (≤5 years) was more common than in older dogs (≥6 years) (24%, vs. 0%, 63 and 27 isolates, respectively, p = 0.02). Staphylococci in younger dogs were more resistant to tetracycline (48% vs. 11%, p < 0.001) and sulphatrimethoprim (48% vs. 15%, p < 0.01) than those in older dogs. In contrast, the isolates of E. coli from older dogs tended to be more resistant, although a significant difference was detected only in resistance to tetracycline (13% vs. 2% of 40 and 50 isolates respecthely, p = 0.04)). The results of this small study indicate that resistance in canine staphylococci in the capital area of Finland is comparable with many other countries in Europe. Resistance in indicator bacteria, E. coli and enterococci, was low

    An Outbreak of Listeria monocytogenes serotype 3a infections from butter in Finland

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    In February 1999, an outbreak of listeriosis caused by Listeria monocytogenes serotype 3a occurred in Finland. All isolates were identical. The outbreak strain was first isolated in 1997 in dairy butter. This dairy began delivery to a tertiary care hospital (TCH) in June 1998. From June 1998 to April 1999, 25 case patients were identified (20 with sepsis, 4 with meningitis, and 1 with abscess; 6 patients died). Patients with the outbreak strain were more likely to have been admitted to the TCH than were patients with other strains of L. monocytogenes (60% vs. 8%; odds ratio, 17.3; 95% confidence interval, 2.8136.8). Case patients admitted to the TCH had been hospitalized longer before cultures tested positive than had matched controls (median, 31 vs. 10 days; P = .008). An investigation found the outbreak strain in packaged butter served at the TCH and at the source dairy. Recall of the product ended the outbreak

    Puhdistamolietteen ja lietevalmisteiden käyttö maataloudessa. Hygienia ja riskitutkimus (pilottihanke LIVAKE-2000)

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    Raportoitavan pilottihankkeen tavoitteena oli kartoittaa, eläinten ja ihmisen sekä kasvien taudinaiheuttajien esiintymistä maatalous- ja viherrakentamiskäyttöön menevässä puhdistamolietteessä, stabiloidussa lietteessä, lietevalmisteissa. Tavoitteena oli myös kehittää laadunvalvontaan tarvittavia analyysimenetelmiä ja saada taustatietoa mahdollisille hallinnollisille päätöksille ja säädösten muutostyöhön. Giardia- ja Cryptosporidium-alkueläinten, kalikivirusten, enterokokkien, salmonellojen, Listeria monocytogenes- ja Escherichia coli O157:H7-bakteerien sekä mykobakteerien esiintymistä kartoitettiin 12 puhdistamon lietteissä ja niistä tehdyissä erilaisissa ja eri-ikäisissä lietevalmisteissa. Lisäksi kartoitettiin peruna-ankeroisen esiintymistä perunateollisuuden lietteissä ja lietekomposteissa. Alkueläinten kestomuotojen analysointiin puhdistamolietteistä kehitettiin projektin yhteydessä IMS-PCR-pohjainen menetelmä. Myös kalikivirusten ja mykobakteerien määritysmenetelmiä kehitettiin hankkeen yhteydessä. Tutkituissa lietteissä esiintyi puhdistamotyypistä riippumatta yleisesti tutkittuja taudinaiheuttajia, lukuun ottamatta E.coli O157:H7-bakteeria, jota ei lietteistä eikä lietevalmisteista tavattu. Lietteen stabilointi joko kalkkikäsittelyllä tai mädättämällä ei riittänyt tutkituilla puhdistamoilla tuhoamaan kartoitettuja taudinaiheuttajia lietteestä. Tutkimuksessa oli mukana kolme mädätystä käyttävää puhdistamoa, niistä kahdesta ei salmonellaa eikä enterokokkeja tavattu, mutta alkueläinten kestomuotoja sekä kalikivirusta löytyi edelleen. Tutkimuksessa mukana ollut kalkkistabilointilaitos osoittautui huonosti toimivaksi, taudinaiheuttajien määrä ei käsittelyssä vähentynyt, päinvastoin. Kompostointi mädätyksen jälkeisenä toimenpiteenä näytti riittävän kuudessa kuukaudessa tuhoamaan salmonellat, enterokokit ja listeriat. Samaan tulokseen päästiin tulosten mukaan joillakin puhdistamoilla pelkästään kompostoimalla, mutta joissakin tapauksissa listeriaa ja yhdessä tapauksessa myös kalikivirusta löytyi vielä kuudenkin kuukauden kompostoinnin jälkeen, vaikkei muita taudinaiheuttajia enää todettu. Komposteista ja lieteseoksista ei ollut mahdollista tutkia alkueläinten esiintymistä. Perunateollisuuden jätevesilietteistä ja lietekomposteista ei löytynyt peruna-ankeroisten kystia, mutta yhden tutkitun teollisuuslaitoksen lietenäytteistä (3 positiivista näytettä) löytyi Heterodera-suvun ankeroisten kystia. Tähän sukuun kuuluu mm. merkittävä sokerijuurikkaan tuholainen, juurikasankeroinen (H. schachtii). Kartoituksen tulokset osoittavat lietteiden ja lietevalmisteiden käyttöön maanviljelyssä sisältyvän riskin - sekä zoonoottisten taudinaiheuttajien osalta että kasvitautien osalta. Tässä hankkeessa toteutetussa laajuudessa ei aiemmin ole kartoitettu taudinaiheuttajia puhdistamolietteistä eikä niistä valmistetuista lietevalmisteista

    Factors associated with intramammary infection in dairy cows caused by coagulase-negative staphylococci, Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus uberis, Streptococcus dysgalactiae, Corynebacterium bovis, or Escherichia coli

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    The aim of this study was to determine risk factors for bovine intramammary infection (IMI) associated with the most common bacterial species in Finland. Large databases of the Finnish milk-recording system and results of microbiological analyses of mastitic milk samples from Valio Ltd. (Helsinki, Finland) were analyzed. The study group comprised 29,969 cows with IMI from 4,173 dairy herds. A cow with a quarter milk sample in which DNA of target species was detected in the PathoProof Mastitis PCR Assay (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Waltham, MA) was determined to have IMI. Only cows with IMI caused by the 6 most common pathogens or groups of pathogens, coagulase-negative staphylococci (CNS), Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus uberis, Streptococcus dysgalactiae, Corynebacterium bovis, and Escherichia coli, were included. The control group comprised 160,176 IMI-free cows from the same herds as the study group. A multilevel logistic regression model was used to study herd- and cow-specific risk factors for incidence of IMI. Pathogen-specific results confirmed those of earlier studies, specifically that increasing parity increases prevalence of IMI regardless of causative pathogen. Holsteins were more susceptible to IMI than Nordic Reds except when the causative pathogen was CNS. Occurrence of IMI caused by C. bovis was not related to milk yield, in contrast to IMI caused by all other pathogens investigated. Organic milk production was associated with IMI only when the causative pathogen of IMI was Staph. aureus; Staph. aureus IMI was more likely to occur in conventional than in organic production. Cows in older freestall barns with parlor milking had an increased probability of contracting an IMI compared with cows in tiestall barns or in new freestall barns with automatic milking. This was the case for all IMI, except those caused by CNS, the prevalence of which was not associated with the milking system, and IMI caused by Staph. aureus, which was most common in cows housed in tiestall barns. A better breeding index for milk somatic cell count was associated with decreased occurrence of IMI, indicating that breeding for improved udder health has been successful in reducing the incidence of IMI caused by the most common pathogens in Finland. In the Finnish dairy sector, the importance of other measures to control IMI will increase as the Holstein breed progressively takes the place of the Nordic Red breed. Attention should be paid to hygiene and cleanliness, especially in old freestall barns. Based on our results, the increasing prevalence of automatic milking is not a reason for special concern.Peer reviewe

    The effect of conspecific removal on behavioral and physiological responses of dairy cattle

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    Adverse social and welfare implications of mixing dairy cows or separating calves from their mothers have been documented previously. Here we investigated the behavioral and physiological responses of individuals remaining after conspecifics were removed. We conducted a series of 4 experiments incorporating a range of types of different dairy cattle groupings [experiment 1 (E1), 126 outdoor lactating dairy cows; experiment 2 (E2), 120 housed lactating dairy cows; experiment 3 (E3), 18 housed dairy calves; and experiment 4 (E4), 22 housed dairy bulls] from which a subset of individuals were permanently removed (E1, n = 7; E2, n = 5; E3, n = 9; E4, n = 18). Associations between individuals were established using near-neighbor scores (based upon identities and distances between animals recorded before removal) in E1, E2, and E3. Behavioral recordings were taken for 3 to 5 d, before and after removal on a sample of cattle in all 4 experiments (E1, n = 20; E2, n = 20; E3, n = 9; E4, n = 4). In 2 experiments with relatively large groups of dairy cows, E1 and E2, the responses of cows that did and did not associate with the removed cows were compared. An increase in time that both nonassociates and associates spent eating was observed after conspecific removal in E1. In E2, this increase was restricted to cows that had not associated with the removed cows. A reduction in ruminating in remaining cattle was observed in E3 and eating in E4. Immunoglobulin A concentrations increased after separation in both E3 and E4 cattle, but did not differ significantly between associates and nonassociates in E2. Blood and milk cortisol concentrations were not affected by conspecific removal. These findings suggest that some animals had affected feeding behavior and IgA concentrations after removal of conspecifics