19 research outputs found

    NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Spectral Reconstruction from an RGB Image

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    This paper reviews the second challenge on spectral reconstruction from RGB images, i.e., the recovery of whole- scene hyperspectral (HS) information from a 3-channel RGB image. As in the previous challenge, two tracks were provided: (i) a "Clean" track where HS images are estimated from noise-free RGBs, the RGB images are themselves calculated numerically using the ground-truth HS images and supplied spectral sensitivity functions (ii) a "Real World" track, simulating capture by an uncalibrated and unknown camera, where the HS images are recovered from noisy JPEG-compressed RGB images. A new, larger-than-ever, natural hyperspectral image data set is presented, containing a total of 510 HS images. The Clean and Real World tracks had 103 and 78 registered participants respectively, with 14 teams competing in the final testing phase. A description of the proposed methods, alongside their challenge scores and an extensive evaluation of top performing methods is also provided. They gauge the state-of-the-art in spectral reconstruction from an RGB image

    Standardized evaluation of Zika nucleic acid tests used in clinical settings and blood screening.

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    Early detection of Zika virus (ZIKV) transmission within geographic regions informs implementation of community mitigation measures such as vector reduction strategies, travel advisories, enhanced surveillance among pregnant women, and possible implementation of blood and organ donor screening or deferral. Standardized, comparative assessments of ZIKV assay and testing lab performance are important to develop optimal approaches to ZIKV diagnostic testing and surveillance. We conducted an expanded blinded panel study to characterize and compare the analytical performance of fifteen diagnostic and blood screening ZIKV NAT assays, including detection among single- and multiplex assays detecting ZIKV, dengue virus (DENV) and chikungunya virus (CHIKV). A 300 member blinded panel was constructed, consisting of 11 serial half-log dilutions ranging from ~104 to 10-1 genome equivalents/mL in 25 replicates each of the Tahitian Asian ZIKV isolate in ZIKV-negative human serum. Additionally, clinical samples from individuals with DENV-like syndrome or suspected ZIKV infection in Brazil were evaluated. The majority of assays demonstrated good specificity. Analytical sensitivities varied 1-2 logs, with a substantially higher limit of detection (LOD) in one outlier. Similar analytical sensitivity for ZIKV RNA detection in singleplex and multiplex assays of the Grifols and ThermoFisher tests were observed. Coefficient of Assay Efficiency (CE), calculated to characterize assays' RNA extraction and amplification efficiency, ranged from 0.13 for the Certest VIASURE multiplex and 0.75 for the Grifols multiplex assays. In general, assays using transcription mediated amplification (TMA) technology had greater CE compared to assays using conventional PCR technology. Donor screening NAT assays were significantly more sensitive than diagnostic RT-qPCR assays, primarily attributable to higher sample input volumes. However, ideal assays to maximize sensitivity and throughput may not be a viable option in all contexts, with other factors such as cost, instrumentation, and regulatory approval status influencing assay availability and selection, particularly in resource constrained settings

    Evaluation of Ortho VITROS and Roche Elecsys S and NC Immunoassays for SARS-CoV-2 Serosurveillance Applications

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    ABSTRACT SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence studies are instrumental in monitoring epidemic activity and require well-characterized, high-throughput assays, and appropriate testing algorithms. The U.S. Nationwide Blood Donor Seroprevalence Study performed monthly cross-sectional serological testing from July 2020 to December 2021, implementing evolving testing algorithms in response to changes in pandemic activity. With high vaccine uptake, anti-Spike (S) reactivity rates reached >80% by May 2021, and the study pivoted from reflex Roche anti-nucleocapsid (NC) testing of Ortho S-reactive specimens to parallel Ortho S/NC testing. We evaluated the performance of the Ortho NC assay as a replacement for the Roche NC assay and compared performance of parallel S/NC testing on both platforms. Qualitative and quantitative agreement of Ortho NC with Roche NC assays was evaluated on preselected S/NC concordant and discordant specimens. All 190 Ortho S+/Roche NC+ specimens were reactive on the Ortho NC assay; 34% of 367 Ortho S+/Roche NC- specimens collected prior to vaccine availability and 43% of 37 Ortho S-/Roche NC+ specimens were reactive on the Ortho NC assay. Performance of parallel S/NC testing using Ortho and Roche platforms was evaluated on 200 specimens collected in 2019 and 3,903 study specimens collected in 2021. All 200 pre-COVID-19 specimens tested negative on the four assays. Cross-platform agreement between Roche and Ortho platforms was 96.4% (3,769/3,903); most discordant results had reactivity close to the cutoffs on the alternate assays. These findings, and higher efficiency and throughput, support the use of parallel S/NC testing on either Roche or Ortho platforms for large serosurveillance studies. IMPORTANCE Seroprevalence studies like the U.S. Nationwide Blood Donor Seroprevalence Study (NBDS) have been critical in monitoring SARS-CoV-2 epidemic activity. These studies rely on serological assays to detect antibodies indicating prior infection. It is critical that the assays and testing algorithms used in seroprevalence studies have adequate performance (high sensitivity, high specificity, ability to discriminate vaccine-induced and infection-induced antibodies, etc.), as well as appropriate characteristics to support large-scale studies, such as high throughput and low cost. In this study we evaluated the performance of Ortho’s anti-nucleocapsid assay as a replacement for the Roche anti-nucleocapsid assay and compared performance of parallel anti-spike and anti-nucleocapsid testing on both platforms. These data demonstrate similar performance of the Ortho and Roche anti-nucleocapsid assays and that parallel anti-spike and anti-nucleocapsid testing on either platform could be used for serosurveillance applications

    How do we…form and coordinate a national serosurvey of SARS-CoV-2 within the blood collection industry?

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    BackgroundA national serosurvey of U.S. blood donors conducted in partnership with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) was initiated to estimate the prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 infections and vaccinations.MethodsBeginning in July 2020, the Nationwide Blood Donor Seroprevalence Study collaborated with multiple blood collection organizations, testing labs, and leadership from government partners to capture, test, and analyze approximately 150,000 blood donation specimens per month in a repeated, cross-sectional seroprevalence survey.ResultsA CDC website (https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/#nationwide-blood-donor-seroprevalence) provided stratified, population-level results to public health professionals and the general public.DiscussionThe study adapted operations as the pandemic evolved, changing specimen flow and testing algorithms, and collecting additional data elements in response to changing policies on universal blood donation screening and administration of SARS-CoV-2 spike-based vaccines. The national serosurvey demonstrated the utility of serosurveillance testing of residual blood donations and highlighted the role of the blood collection industry in public-private partnerships during a public health emergency

    Frequent detection but lack of infectivity of SARS-CoV-2 RNA in presymptomatic, infected blood donor plasma.

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    Respiratory viruses such as influenza do not typically cause viremia; however, SARS-CoV-2 has been detected in the blood of COVID-19 patients with mild and severe symptoms. Detection of SARS-CoV-2 in blood raises questions about its role in pathogenesis as well as transfusion safety concerns. Blood donor reports of symptoms or a diagnosis of COVID-19 after donation (post-donation information, PDI) preceded or coincided with increased general population COVID-19 mortality. Plasma samples from 2,250 blood donors who reported possible COVID-19-related PDI were tested for the presence of SARS-CoV-2 RNA. Detection of RNAemia peaked at 9%-15% of PDI donors in late 2020 to early 2021 and fell to approximately 4% after implementation of widespread vaccination in the population. RNAemic donors were 1.2- to 1.4-fold more likely to report cough or shortness of breath and 1.8-fold more likely to report change in taste or smell compared with infected donors without detectable RNAemia. No infectious virus was detected in plasma from RNAemic donors; inoculation of permissive cell lines produced less than 0.7-7 plaque-forming units (PFU)/mL and in susceptible mice less than 100 PFU/mL in RNA-positive plasma based on limits of detection in these models. These findings suggest that blood transfusions are highly unlikely to transmit SARS-CoV-2 infection