398 research outputs found

    Yakym Yarema’s Views on the Problem of Unconscious Mental Processes and their Background in Philosophy of Kazimierz Twardowski and Franz Brentano

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    This article introduces the views of Yakym Yarema, the Ukrainian representative of the Lviv-Warsaw School, on the problem of unconscious mental processes and proves the direct influence of Kazimierz Twardowski on them and indirect influence of Franz Brentano. The first part of the paper analyses the framework of Yarema’s manuscript “The problems of unconscious mental processes” (1926). The second part demonstrates the background of Yarema’s views on the problem of unconscious mental processes. The article demonstrates that Yarema’s interest in terms of unconscious mental phenomena did not contradict to the tradition of Twardowski’s philosophical school, but was determined by the development of psychology as an independent science.This article introduces the views of Yakym Yarema, the Ukrainian representative of the Lviv-Warsaw School, on the problem of unconscious mental processes and proves the direct influence of Kazimierz Twardowski on them and indirect influence of Franz Brentano. The first part of the paper analyses the framework of Yarema’s manuscript “The problems of unconscious mental processes” (1926). The second part demonstrates the background of Yarema’s views on the problem of unconscious mental processes. The article demonstrates that Yarema’s interest in terms of unconscious mental phenomena did not contradict to the tradition of Twardowski’s philosophical school, but was determined by the development of psychology as an independent science

    Kazimierz Twardowski’s Philosophy and Mykhailo Rudnytskyi’s Literary Criticism

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    In this article Twardowski’s philosophy and Rudnytskyi’s literary criticism have been compared for the first time. The purpose of the comparative analysis was to identify Twardowski’s tradition in the works of his student Rudnytskyi. This comparison seems to contribute to a rethinking of Rudnytskyi’s literary criticism in Ukrainian culture, namely to clarify its philosophical background, conceptual apparatus, and methodology. In the introduction some critical remarks on Rudnytskyi’s literary work, that were made by Ukrainian scholars, have been provided. Next, in the first part, the methodological and philosophical background of Twardowski’s philosophy has been analyzed. The second part encompasses an attempt to reconstruct Rudnytskyi’s literary criticism. In the third part the author argues the direct impact of Twardowski’s philosophy on Rudnytskyi’s literary criticism. Finally, in the conclusions, the author claims that Rudnytskyi’s literary criticism had a philosophical background, conceptual apparatus, and methodology.In this article Twardowski’s philosophy and Rudnytskyi’s literary criticism have been compared for the first time. The purpose of the comparative analysis was to identify Twardowski’s tradition in the works of his student Rudnytskyi. This comparison seems to contribute to a rethinking of Rudnytskyi’s literary criticism in Ukrainian culture, namely to clarify its philosophical background, conceptual apparatus, and methodology. In the introduction some critical remarks on Rudnytskyi’s literary work, that were made by Ukrainian scholars, have been provided. Next, in the first part, the methodological and philosophical background of Twardowski’s philosophy has been analyzed. The second part encompasses an attempt to reconstruct Rudnytskyi’s literary criticism. In the third part the author argues the direct impact of Twardowski’s philosophy on Rudnytskyi’s literary criticism. Finally, in the conclusions, the author claims that Rudnytskyi’s literary criticism had a philosophical background, conceptual apparatus, and methodology


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    The society expects from the public authorities an effective and responsible management aimed at meeting both needs of the society and the needs of individual citizens. An unsolved task is to develop a methodology for ensuring adequate and objective assessment of both results and related costs, as well as to ensure the comparability of the obtained estimates. The article shows evaluation methods of the public authorities’ activities and reveals the factors that explain the current situation. The authors propose indicators that meet current trends, in particular the concept of sustainable development, within which the world community is moving. The system of balanced indicators allows to link strategic goals and key indicators that measure the degree of their achievement in the regions. The formation of a perfect evaluation system for the public authorities activities includes monitoring the obtained results, their comparison with the forecast and plan under the condition of clearly defined costs in advance. This involves the use of a set of indicators, in particular: indicators that characterise economic and financial sustainability, those which assess institutional development, social transformation, environmental responsibility and energy efficiency. The influence of the public opinion makes any management process more or less public, so it is necessary to intensify the process of the public monitoring of the public authorities services’ provision, with further response or accumulation of the information for further consideration. Key words: evaluation; managemen; public authorities; region JEL Classification:   C13, H70, R5


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    The article provides an overview of programs, plans, tools of scientific and technological, innovation and industrial policy aimed at creating and producing new drugs in China; it is substantiated that the Chinese government uses an integrated approach in the implementation of mechanisms to protect and strengthen the pharmaceutical industry. It is demonstrated that the Chinese government provides business support in the form of subsidies, tax incentives, the creation of special zones for the development of high-tech industries, and helps to attract foreign direct investment in contract manufacturing and research and development, accompanied by technology transfer; through the public procurement system, a program for the development of endogenous innovations is implemented through the provision of price preferences, and advanced foreign technologies are involved. State support contributed to an increase in the level of localization of production and an increase in the number of jobs, an increase in the added value of production and the competitiveness of the pharmaceutical industry, the formation of scientific and technical competencies and the development of technologies, the creation of objects of intellectual property rights. The Chinese model of investment and innovative development, relying on the use of external technological, production, human resources, has made it possible to form a high-tech pharmaceutical sector capable of producing endogenous innovations. Given the objectives of the policy documents, Chinese enterprises are encouraged to invest in other countries in the interests of the development of Chinese pharmaceuticals

    Fashion tech as the leading world fashion industry trend

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    Nowadays modern technologies and innovations open new horizons for those who create products and services. New technological changes apply, in fact, to all areas of life and business, from the aerospace industry to medicine, education and even the arts. Virtual (VR) and augmented reality (AR), artificial intelligence (AI), blockchain, smart technologies, the Internet - at this stage these things have become or are gradually becoming ordinary and commonplace

    Analysis of the development Android’s runtime

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    The article presents the development of the Android runtime. Own application for Android is presented, which implements performance benchmarks used to test different versions of the Android runtime. The methods measure the benchmark execution times in different versions of the Android runtime environment

    Koncepcja samopoznania Stefana Baleya

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    On the basis of the works Personality and Paths of self-discovery the concept of self-knowledge of Ukrainian and Polish philosopher Stefan Baley has been reconstructed. It has been shown, that self-knowledge both in Baley’s philosophy and in the philosophy of Socrates has the character of the specific imperative, a certain kind of the obligation of every thinking person. Socrates and Baley are the supporters of the absolute truth, which is understood as practical value, which is beneficial to the moral cultivation of the person. The differences between the concepts of self-knowledge of Socrates and Baley lies in the fact, that Baley consider the soul of a man as the object of self-knowledge, but before self-knowledge a man needs to know another person. The second specificity of Baley’s concept is associated with worldview. In the worldview he sees the path to knowledge of the truth. It has been proven, that Baley’s views on the interdependence of the subject and truth are associated with his philosophical position, formed in the Lvov-Warsaw philosophical school.Na podstawie prac Osobowość i Drogi samopoznanie zrekonstruowano koncepcja samopoznania ukraińskiego i polskiego filozofa Stefana Baleya. Pokazano, że poznanie samego siebie zarówno w filozofii Baleya jak i w filozofii Sokratesa ma charakter specyficznego imperatywu, pewnego rodzaju obowiązku każdego myślącego człowieka. Sokrates i Baley to zwolennicy absolutnej prawdy, którą rozumieją jako praktyczną wartość, przynoszącą korzyść w moralnym samodoskonaleniu się człowieka. Odmienności w koncepcjach samopoznania Sokratesa i Baleya polega w tym, że obiektem samopoznania u Baleya jest dusza człowieka, ale do poznania samego siebie człowiek potrzebuje z koniecznością innego człowieka. Druga swoistość koncepcji Baleya jest związana z światopoglądem. W światopoglądzie bowiem Baley upatruje drogę do poznania prawdy. Udowodniono, że poglądy Baleya na współzależność podmiotu i prawdy są związane z jego filozoficzną pozycją, ukształtowaną w kręgu filozoficznej Szkoły Lwowsko-Warszawskiej

    Науково-інформаційна та соціокультурна діяльність провідних книгозбірень мережі освітніх бібліотек

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    Висвітлено діяльність Державної науково-педагогічної бібліотеки України імені В. О. Сухомлинського щодо укладання щорічного довідника "Науково-інформаційна та соціокультурна діяльність провідних освітянських бібліотек".The activity of the State Scientific and Pedagogical Library of Ukraine named after VO Sukhomlinsky on the compilation of the annual directory "Scientific, informational and sociocultural activities of leading educational libraries".Освещена деятельность Государственной научно-педагогической библиотеки Украины имени В. А. Сухомлинского по подготовке ежегодного справочника "Научно-информационная и социокультурная деятельность ведущих образовательных библиотек"