973 research outputs found

    Virtuaalinen ja vuorovaikutteinen printti : Lisätty todellisuus perinteisessä printtiympäristössä

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    Opinnäytetyön tavoitteena oli tutkia lisätyn todellisuuden toimintaa ja sen käyttömahdollisuuksia. Teoreettista tietopohjaa rakennettiin useiden tutkimusten, raporttien sekä verkkojulkaisujen pohjalta. Teoreettisen tiedon pohjalta oli tarkoitus muodostaa kehittämistutkimus, jonka lopputuote oli printtituote, johon luotiin lisätyn todellisuuden elementtejä. Työ toimi oppaana lisätyn todellisuuden alaan, jollaisena se kirjotushetkellä näyttäytyi. Kehittämistutkimusosuuden lopputuotteeksi rakentui flaijeri, joka toimii opiskelijarekrytoinnin apuvälineenä. Tuotteessa tutkittiin lisätyn todellisuuden toimivuutta printtiympäristössä. Tuotteen tilaajana toimi Tiimiakatemia. Lisätyn todellisuuden elementit tuotettiin Layar-palvelun avulla. Palvelun valinnassa kriteereinä olivat helppokäyttöisyys, yksinkertaisuus ja toimivuus sekä tunnettavuus. Tutkimusosuudessa käsiteltiin tuotantoprosessin vaiheet sekä perusteet virtuaalisille elementeille printissä. Teoreettisessa viitekehyksessä perehdyttiin lisätyn todellisuuden toimintaan, perusperiaatteisiin, tuotantotapoihin sekä useisiin AR-sovelluksiin. Viitekehys pyrittiin rakentamaan kattavaksi sekä lisätyn todellisuuden alaa yleishyödyllisesti kuvaavaksi. Lisäksi työssä kartoitettiin lisätyn todellisuuden mahdollisuuksia erityisesti markkinoinnin alalla. Useiden asiantuntijaraporttien mukaan lisätyn todellisuuden teknologiat tulevat olemaan voimakkaasti kasvava ala ja lisätty todellisuus tulee näkymään yhä enemmän päivittäisessä elämässä. Lisätty todellisuus tulee muuttamaan markkinointitrendejä yhä informatiivisempaan sekä kokemukselliseen suuntaan. Markkinoinnin ammattilaisen tai sellaiseksi tähtäävän kannattaa perehtyä AR-teknologian toimintaan sekä sen tarjoamiin mahdollisuuksiin.The goal of thesis was to research how augmented reality functions and where it can be used. Theory base of thesis was built from several researches, reports and internet publications. From that theory was built design research in which the end-result was print-ad, where augmented reality elements were added. Research served as a guide to augmented reality industry as it was at the time research was written. The end-result of design research was flyer which will be used as a tool for student recruiting. In the design research the functioning of augmented reality in print environment was studied. The orderer of the print was Tiimiakatemia. Augmented reality elements were created using Layar. Layar was chosen for its accessibility, simplicity, functionality and recognizability. Production process and justification for virtual elements used in print were discussed in design research part. The functioning of augmented reality, its basic principles, ways of production and several AR-applications were studied in theoretical framework of thesis. Theoretical base was intented to be comprehensive and generally descriptive. In addition, augmented reality especially from marketing point of view was studied. According to many specialist reports augmented reality technologies will be rapidly growing industry and will be seen more in daily life. Augmented reality is going to change marketing to be more informative and experiental. Augmented reality marketing and the possibilities of the field is recommended to take a look at for person working as a marketing specialist or one aiming to become such

    Minutes from the EUSAS-BRANDFORSK WORKSHOP on Smoke Detection, Sept 26-27 1994

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    Temperature and air speed values normally characteristic of a heated and ventilated room are compared with values for a fire in the room so that a first approximation can be calculated for size of fire overcoming the effects of the initial conditions

    Prehospitala patienters triageprocess vid Vasa Centralsjukhus jourpoliklinik : En SWOT-analyserad intervjustudie

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    Vid Vasa Centralsjukhus (VCS) jourpoliklinik utför förstavårdare triage när de anländer med en patient. Jourpolikliniken har tagit i bruk ett patientlogistiksystem som integrerar förstavårdarnas arbete i avdelningens verksamhet. Detta system har varit i användning sedan hösten 2014 och är en del av sjukhusets satsning för att effektivera verksamheten enligt deras verksamhets- och ekonomiplan 2015-2018. Syftet med studien är att kartlägga förstavårdarnas och sjukskötarnas åsikter om systemets funktion för att ge sjukhuset hjälpmedel att vidare utveckla och förbättra denna process. Forskningsfrågorna är 1) Hur upplevs triageringen med det nya systemet fungera enligt användarna? och 2) Har triageprocessen effektiverats för de båda arbetsgrupperna? Som teoretisk referensram fungerar Lean-principen. Den tidigare forskningen behandlar effektiv triage, triagering utförd av olika yrkesgrupper, elektroniska triagesystem samt överlämning av patienter. Studien är kvalitativ och utförs genom två gruppintervjuer där användare från Österbottens Räddningsverk och VCS jourpoliklinik deltar. Materialet kategoriseras och analyseras med SWOT-metoden. Resultatet visar på att systemet överlag fungerar bra och att arbetsbördan överlag minskat på samma gång som den upplevda patientsäkerheten stigit och samarbetet mellan arbetsgrupperna förbättrats. Det finns dock ett behov av utveckling när det gäller utbildningen av förstavårdarna, tillgången och kvaliteten på direktiv angående triageringen och specialområdesval samt en möjlighet att få och ge feedback mellan yrkesgrupperna. Frågeställningarna behandlas noggrannare i diskussionsdelen och trianguleras med teoretiska referensramen, tidigare forskningen och det insamlade materialet.The paramedics perform triage when they arrive at Vaasa Central Hospital (VCS) Emergency Department with a patient. The ED has begun using a patient logistics system that integrate the paramedics in the wards triage process. This system has been in use since the autumn of 2014 and is a part of the hospitals effort to streamline their operation in accordance with the hospitals’ operational- and economy plan for 2015-2018. The aim of this study is to chart the paramedics and ED nurses opinions about the function of the system to give the hospital means to continue developing and improving this process. The research questions are 1) How is the triaging experienced among the users? 2) Have the triage process become more effective for the user groups? The Lean principle is used as the scientific frame of reference. The earlier research cover effective triage, triaging conducted by different professions, electronic triage systems, and handover of patients. The study is qualitative and is conducted through two group interviews where users from Österbottens Räddningsverk and VCS ED partakes. The material is categorised and analysed with the SWOT-method. The result shows that the system essentially works well and that the work load have been lowered on the same time that the perceived patient safety is higher and the interaction between paramedics and nurses have improved. There is however a need of development in education of the paramedics, the access and quality of directives concerning triaging and speciality selection and an opportunity to give and get feedback between the user groups. The research questions are more closely addressed in the discussion part and are triangulated with the frame of reference, earlier research and the gathered material.Vaasan Keskussairaalan (VKS) päivystyspoliklinikalla ensihoitajat suorittavat triagen saapuessaan potilaan kanssa. Päivystys on ottanut käyttöön potilaslogistiikkajärjestelmän joka integroi ensihoitajat osaston toimintaan. Tämä järjestelmä on ollut käytössä syksystä 2014 lähtien ja on osa sairaalan panostusta tehostaa toimintaa toiminta- ja taloussuunnitelman 2015–2018 mukaisesti. Tutkimuksen tarkoitus on kartoittaa ensihoitajien ja sairaanhoitajien mielipiteet järjestelmän toimivuudesta antaakseen sairaalalle apuvälineitä joilla järjestelmää voidaan kehittää ja parantaa. Tutkielman kysymyksenasettelut ovat 1) Miten käyttäjät kokevat että lajittelu toimii uudella järjestelmällä? ja 2) Onko kummankin työryhmän lajitteluprosessi tehostunut? Viitekehyksenä toimii Lean-käytäntö. Aikasemmat tukmiukset käsittelevät tehokasta potilasluokittelua, eri ammattiryhmien tekemät potilasluokittelut, sähköisiä potilasluokittelujärjestelmiä sekä potilaan luovutus. Tutkimus on kvalitatiivinen ja aineisto kerätään kahden ryhmähaastattelun avulla. Haastatteluihin osallistuu käyttäjiä Pohjanmaan pelastuslaitokselta ja VKS päivystyspoliklinikalta. Tulos osoittaa että järjestelmä toimii kauttaaltaan hyvin ja työmäärä on kauttaaltaan vähentynyt. Samalla koettu potilasturvallisuus on noussut ja yhteistyö työryhmien välillä on parantunut. Kehittämistarpeet ovat ensihoitajien koulutus, lajittelua ja erikoisalan valintaa koskevien ohjeiden laatu ja saatavuus sekä mahdollisuus saada ja antaa palautetta ammattiryhmien välillä. Kysymyksenasettelua käsitellään tarkemmin keskusteluosiossa jossa teoreettinen viitekehys, aikaisemmat tutkimukset ja kerätty aineisto yhdistetään

    Numerical Prediciton of Heat Flux from Flame in Room Fire

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    A number of CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) calculations were carried out to simulate the large scale room corner fire, which is an important scenario for the evaluation of the fire performance of the surface lining material. Considered are turbulent gas flows, turbulent combustion, radiation and heat conduction inside solid boundary. Heat transfer from flame and hot gas is calculated, with the important radiation component presented by discrete transfer (DT) method and the convection heat transfer considered by the wall function. An absorptivity and emissivity model was employed to predict the radiation property of combustion products including soot, CO2 and H2O, which are usually the primary radiating species in the combustion of hydrocarbon fuels. Configurations are a square burner flame in the corner of the standard full scale fire room, with three different standoff distances: 0 cm, 5 cm and 10 cm, and two different burner outputs: 40 kW and 150 ItW. Totally, six cases were studied. The results, including the temperature and heat fluxes, are discussed and compared with experimental measurements

    Digitally Controlled Oscillator for mm-Wave Frequencies

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    In the fifth generation of mobile communication, 5G, frequencies above 30 GHz, so-called millimeter-wave (mm-wave) frequencies are expected to play a prominent role. For the synthesis of these frequencies, the all-digital phase locked loop (ADPLL) has recently gained much attention. A core component of the ADPLL is the digitally controlled oscillator (DCO), an oscillator that tunes the frequency discretely. For good performance, the frequency steps must be made very small, while the total tuning range must be large. This thesis covers several coarse- and fine-tuning techniques for DCOs operating at mm-wave frequencies. Three previously not published fine-tuning schemes are presented: The first one tunes the second harmonic, which will, due to the Groszkowski effect, tune the fundamental tone. The second one is a current-modulation scheme, which utilizes the weak current-dependence of the capacitance of a transistor to tune the frequency. In the third one, a digital-to-analog converter (DAC) is connected to the bulk of the differential pair and tunes the frequency by setting the bulk voltage. The advantages and disadvantages of the presented tuning schemes are discussed and compared with previously reported fine-tuning schemes. Two oscillators were implemented at 86 GHz. Both oscillator use the same oscillator core and hence have the same power consumption and tuning range, 14.1 mW and 13.9%. A phase noise of -89.7 dBc/Hz and -111.4 dBc/Hz at 1 MHz and 10 MHz offset, respectively, were achieved, corresponding to a Figure-of-Merit of -178.5 dBc/Hz. The first oscillator is fine-tuned using a combination of a transformer-based fine-tuning and the current modulation scheme presented here. The achieved frequency resolution is 55 kHz, but can easily be made finer. The second oscillator utilizes the bulk bias technique to achieve its fine tuning. The fine-tuning resolution is here dependent on the resolution of the DAC; a 100μV resolution corresponds to a resolution of 50 kHz.n 2011, the global monthly mobile data usage was 0.5 exabytes, or 500 million gigabytes. In 2016, this number had increased to 7 exabytes, an increase by a factor 14 in just five years, and there are no signs of this trend slowing down. To meet the demands of the ever increasing data usage, engineers have begun to investigate the possibility to use significantly higher frequencies, 30 GHz or higher, for mobile communication than what is used today, which is 3 GHz or below. To be able to transmit and receive data at these high frequency, an oscillator capable of operating at these frequencies are required. An oscillator is an electrical circuit that generates an alternating current (a current that first goes one way, and then the other) at a specific frequency. Below is an example to illustrate to function and importance of the oscillator: Imagine driving a car and listening to the radio. Suddenly, a horrendous song starts playing from the radio, so you instantly tune to another station and find some great, smooth jazz. Satisfied, you lean back and drive on. But what exactly happened when you "tuned to another station"? What you really did was changing the frequency of the oscillator, which can be found in the radio receiver of the car. The radio receiver filters out all frequencies, except for the frequency of the local oscillator. So by setting the frequency of the local oscillator to the frequency of the desired radio channel, only this radio channel will reach the speakers of the car. Thus, the oscillator must be able to vary its frequency to any frequency that a radio station can transmit on. While an old car radio may seem like a simple example, the very same principle is used in mobile communication, even at frequencies above 30 GHz. The oscillator is also used in the same way when transmitting signals, so that the signals are transmitted on the correct frequency. The design of the local oscillator is a hot topic among radio engineers. A poorly designed oscillator will ruin the performance of the whole receiver or transmitter. This thesis covers the design of a special type of oscillators, called digital controlled oscillators or DCO, operating at 30 GHz or higher. The frequency of these oscillators are determined by a digital word (ones and zeros), instead of using an analog voltage, which is traditionally used. Digital control results in greater flexibility and higher noise-resilience, but it also means that the frequency can’t be changed continuously, but rather in discrete steps. This discrete behavior will cause noise in the receiver. To minimize this noise, the frequency steps should be minimized. In this thesis, we have proposed a DCO design, operating at 85.5 GHz, which can be tuned almost 7 % in either direction. To our knowledge, no other DCO operates at such high frequencies. In the proposed oscillators the frequency steps are only 55 kHz apart, which is so small that its effect on the radio receiver can, with a good conscience, be ignored. This is achieved with a novel technique that makes tiny, tiny changes in the current that passes through the oscillator

    A concise synthesis of carbasugars isolated from Streptomyces lincolnensis

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    (–)-Quinic acid was used as a starting material in the hemisynthesis of two epimeric carbasugars isolated from Streptomyces lincolnensis. Previous 10–12 steps syntheses for the carbasugars have been herein shortened to 4–6 steps by using quinic acid as a chiron, based on a regioselective reduction step, with stereoinversion of a tertiary center. Both C-5 epimers of (1R, 2R, 3R)-5-(hydroxymethyl)cyclohexane-1,2,3-triol were obtained in up to 76% overall yield.publishe

    Small scale experiments and theoretical aspects of flame extinguishment with water mist

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    The present study focuses on extinction of flames with water mist where surface cooling effects are neglected i.e. water mist as a total flooding system where the direct spray cannot reach and cool all burning items in the protected volume. The study includes a survey of the production and properties of water mist such as different types of nozzles and means to describe droplet size distribution. Properties of jets and sprays are discussed as well as water droplet movement, fall and evaporation. Three different series of experiments were conducted with different hydraulic atomising nozzles. In the first series, droplet size distribution and water spray distribution measurements for the nozzles were conducted. The measurements showed that the droplet size distribution ranged from a Sauter Mean Diameter of approximately 35 - 85 µm, all dependent on the water pressure and the configuration of nozzles. The measurements show that considerably larger droplets are formed when individual nozzles are placed together. This can be explained by a coalescence effect when droplets from the sprays of the nozzles collide. The second series of experiments were done using a tubular propane gas bumer where water and propane were mixed prior to reaching the burner outlet. Based on the tests, the specific amount of extinguishing medium required (Required Extinguishing Medium Portion, REMP = m, / m, i.e. the ratio of the agent quantity to fuel quantity consumed) is given as a quantitative measure of the efficiency of the agent. The lower the REMP value, the more efficient the agent. The water pressure ranged between 40 and 80 bar which provided for droplet sizes with a Sauter Mean Diameter in the order of 35 pm. The results show that the amount of water needed for extinguishment by weight is between 1.2 - 2,2 times the amount of propane gas. The decrease in droplet sizes decreased the amount of water needed. Another observation was that the heat release rate of the fire is not affected until extinction occurs. A REMP-value of 1,2 - 2,2 corresponds to a water content of 100 – 200 g/m3 protected volume which is in agreement with theoretical values. Finally, a series of tests were conducted in a 113 scale room using a propane gas fire. Parameters such as location of the fire, the location of the nozzle, water flow rate and the size of the room opening were varied. In these tests the water content needed was in close agreement with the values obtained from the REh4P experiments and the theoretical values. These tests also highlighted the problem of delivering the droplets to the fire. To achieve "total flooding" in an actual situation, nozzles covering the complete protected compartment, with additional nozzles under obstructions would be needed. To make droplets follow the air flows inside a room and behave more like a gaseous total flooding agent, requires droplets of a size in the order of 1 - 20 µm

    Flame Sizes in a Small Scale Stack: Pilot Experiments

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    For the last many decades industry and insurance companies have been interested in protecting high racked goods from rapid fire growth. This has mainly been done by installing sprinklers of various types and designs in order to either extinguish the fire or control it. The efficiency of such protection measures is, however, very much dependant on the geometry of the stacks, their height, floor area, the flue spacing, etc. and the flammable characteristics of the stored goods. A research project was initiated by the Swedish Fire Research Board (BRANDFORSK) to throw some light on the aforementioned geometric aspects of the problem. The main part of the project is to be carried out at the Swedish National Testing and Research Institute (SP) but a pilot study was initiated at Lund University, with some participation from scientists at SP. The work carried out at Lund University consisted of two parts. Firstly, Thomas [l] carried out a litterature survey of earlier experiments and summarized the main findings. Secondly, some experiments were made on reduced scale to examine the effect of the geometry of a pile of inert goods on the flames from a burner. This report describes the work carried out in this second part of the pilot study

    National Urban Parks

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    The thesis’s main aim was to explore definitions and concepts of national urban parks and the concept urban wilderness compare the Rouge National Urban Park, Toronto, Canada with the Royal National City Park, Stockholm, Sweden. Objectives for the parks, their management, regulations, visitor information, challenges and other aspects were compared considering the different national approaches. A literature review was carried out to study the concept of the national urban park designation in particular in the two studied countries. The history of the designation, their management objectives and regulations, were investigated. Both parks were visited to get an impression about the nature of the parks and about aspects as visitor information. In addition an interview was carried out with the Rouge Park management and a workshop regarding the cultural landscape of the Royal National City Park in Stockholm was attended. The Royal National City Park in Stockholm was the first national urban park designated worldwide 20 years ago. The Rouge National Urban Park was legalised in May 2015, but the transfer of land and titles is still in process. National urban parks can also be found in other countries, for example Finland, which today has eight national urban parks. This study shows that despite differences between the two parks regarding national legislation, size (the Rouge National Urban Park will be two or three times the size of the Royal National City Park), context, and access, there are also similarities. Before the Royal National City Park and the Rouge National Urban Park became national urban parks, exploitation plans threatened to destroy valuable natural and cultural areas within the park. With the support of the nearby population and other stakeholders, the landscapes in the parks could be protected. This study shows how important it is to take care of our nature resources close by and in our cities. This is important for people’s health, wellbeing and to be able to reconnect with nature. Through these areas people reconnect with nature and may realize and prioritise nature areas protection both near and far. These nearby nature areas are also important as areas with high biodiversity, for ecosystem services and as recourses against environmental problems.Målet med uppsatsen var att jämföra Rouge Nationalstadspark i Toronto, Kanada, med Sveriges Kungliga Nationalstadspark i Stockholm. För att kunna jämföra nationalstadsparkerna med varandra behövde begreppet Nationalstadspark och liknande begrepp utredas. ’Urban wilderness’ var ett begrepp som diskuterades i uppsatsen. Genom en litteraturstudie klargjordes de olika begreppen. Litteraturstudien gjordes genom en så kallad ’snöbollsstudie’. Studiebesök till nationalstadsparkerna gjordes. Studiebesök gjordes även till områden som klassas som urban wilderness. Nationalparker har regler som inte alltid passar för naturområden nära städer då inga urbana element får existera i parken. För 20 år sedan fick Sverige världens första nationalstadspark. Sedan maj i år fick Kanada sin första nationalstadspark. Nationalstadsparker kan även hittas i Finland sedan 2001, Finland har idag åtta nationalstadsparker. Rouge Nationalstadspark kommer bli två eller tre gånger så stor som den Kungliga Nationalstadsparken. Både den Kungliga Nationalstadsparken och Rouge Nationalstadspark mötes av hot av exploatering och genom ett stöd från folket blev de parker för att kunna skydda naturen på bästa sätt. Studien visade hur viktigt det är med att ta hand om våra naturresurser nära och i våra städer, för såväl folks hälsa och välbefinnande, som för att återknyta människor med naturen. Genom natur i närmiljö lär sig folk vikten av att skydda naturområden. Dessa naturområden är viktiga för den biologiska mångfalden i städer och kan även hjälpa i olika miljöproblems situationer så som vid kraftigt regn kan naturområden och grönområden i städer ta till sig vattnet

    Protection for the landscape scenery before and now

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    Denna uppsats tar upp och jämför hur dagens olika natur- och kulturskydd skyddar landskapsbilden. Landskapsbildsskydd är en äldre typ av skydd för landskapsbilden, det vill säga landskapets visuella upplevelsevärden, som användes innan möjligheten att skydda områden med riksintresse fanns. Landskapsbildsskydd användes för att det var lättare att använda än naturreservat för att skydda större områden. De områden som har landskapsbildsskydd, behåller skyddet tills det upphävs. Landskapsbildsskydd skyddar stora områden från att bli förstörda av industri och annan exploatering. Syftet med uppsatsen var att ta reda på om något av dagens natur- och kulturskydd ger motsvarande skydd som landskapsbildsskydd. Landskapsbildsskydd är ett mellanting av natur- och kulturskydd. Flera av dagens skyddsformer skyddar landskapsbilden, men gör det ofta sekundärt till andra skyddsaspekter eller i mindre skala. För att underlätta för läsaren diskuteras landskapsbildsskydd i en fallstudie av ett område med landskapsbildskydd som ligger på Romeleåsen, i Skurup och Sjöbos kommuner. Andra skydd av denna plats belyses också i uppsatsen och vad dessa skydd har inneburit/innebär för platsen. Den viktigaste slutsatsen i studien är att vi har inget nutida skydd som direkt motsvarar landskapsbildsskydd. Nu när vi har gått med i den Europeiska landskapskonventionen så kanske vi måste förändra våra nuvarande skydd alternativt införa något nytt skydd som direkt skyddar det visuella upplevelsevärdet