91 research outputs found

    A Systematic Review of Intuition – A way of knowing in clinical nursing?

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    -The aim of this systematic review was to illuminate intuition in clinical nursing. Frequently described as a defining characteristic of professional expertise, intuition is gaining acceptance as a legitimate form of knowledge in clinical nursing. A total of 352 abstracts were read and eight quantitative studies included. A thematic analysis was performed to one main theme, two themes, and four sub-themes emerged. The main theme was: Sensing an unconscious and conscious state of mind, and the two themes were: A sudden emotional awareness and reflection, and arousal of conscious thought processes. The first theme included two sub-themes: Sensing spiritual connections with patients and experiencing physical sensations; worrying and reassuring feelings. The second theme comprised two sub-themes: Willingness to act on personal, interpersonal, and Clinical experiences; the influence of maturity and social support in clinical decision-making. An implication for clinical nursing was the need to develop sensitivity as a key to understanding the patient’s illness. In conclusion, leadership and management could facilitate discussions about intuition as a legitimate method of processing information and making decisions about patient care

    Trygg og sikker bruk av velferdsteknologi i hjemmebasert helse- og omsorgstjeneste

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    Hensikten med studien var å utforske hva ledere og helsepersonell opplever som viktig for trygg og sikker bruk av velferdsteknologi for eldre i hjemmebasert helse- og omsorgstjeneste. Studien har et eksplorativt, kvalitativt design. Det ble gjennomført fire fokusgrupper med tilsammen 20 deltagere: ti ledere fra åtte kommuner og ti helsepersonell fra to kommuner. Dataene ble analysert ved hjelp av kvalitativ innholdsanalyse. Resultatene viser at deltakerne opplevde det som viktig at både helsepersonell og brukere får nødvendig informasjon og opplæring om velferdsteknologien som benyttes. Det ble videre ansett som avgjørende at både teknologi og bruken av den følges tett opp, og at løsningene som tilbys er i samsvar med brukernes individuelle ønsker, behov og ressurser. Deltagerne viste også til betydningen av å øke oppmerksomheten mot tidlig innsats og bruk av velferdsteknologi i et forebyggende perspektiv.publishedVersio

    Tegn på sprog - set udefra

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    Topoisomerase 1 inhibits MYC promoter activity by inducing G-quadruplex formation

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    We have investigated the function of human topoisomerase 1 (TOP1) in regulation of G-quadruplex (G4) formation in the Pu27 region of the MYC P1 promoter. Pu27 is among the best characterized G4 forming sequences in the human genome and it is well known that promoter activity is inhibited upon G4 formation in this region. We found that TOP1 downregulation stimulated transcription from a promoter with wildtype Pu27 but not if the G4 motif in Pu27 was interrupted by mutation(s). The effect was not specific to the MYC promoter and similar results were obtained for the G4 forming promoter element WT21. The other major DNA topoisomerases with relaxation activity, topoisomerases 2α and β, on the other hand, did not affect G4 dependent promoter activity. The cellular studies were supported by in vitro investigations demonstrating a high affinity of TOP1 for wildtype Pu27 but not for mutant sequences unable to form G4. Moreover, TOP1 was able to induce G4 formation in Pu27 inserted in double stranded plasmid DNA in vitro. This is the first time TOP1 has been demonstrated capable of inducing G4 formation in double stranded DNA and of influencing G4 formation in cells

    A novel splice-affecting HNF1A variant with large population impact on diabetes in Greenland

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    Background: The genetic disease architecture of Inuit includes a large number of common high-impact variants. Identification of such variants contributes to our understanding of the genetic aetiology of diseases and improves global equity in genomic personalised medicine. We aimed to identify and characterise novel variants in genes associated with Maturity Onset Diabetes of the Young (MODY) in the Greenlandic population. Methods: Using combined data from Greenlandic population cohorts of 4497 individuals, including 448 whole genome sequenced individuals, we screened 14 known MODY genes for previously identified and novel variants. We functionally characterised an identified novel variant and assessed its association with diabetes prevalence and cardiometabolic traits and population impact. Findings: We identified a novel variant in the known MODY gene HNF1A with an allele frequency of 1.9% in the Greenlandic Inuit and absent elsewhere. Functional assays indicate that it prevents normal splicing of the gene. The variant caused lower 30-min insulin (β = −232 pmol/L, βSD = −0.695, P = 4.43 × 10−4) and higher 30-min glucose (β = 1.20 mmol/L, βSD = 0.441, P = 0.0271) during an oral glucose tolerance test. Furthermore, the variant was associated with type 2 diabetes (OR 4.35, P = 7.24 × 10−6) and HbA1c (β = 0.113 HbA1c%, βSD = 0.205, P = 7.84 × 10−3). The variant explained 2.5% of diabetes variance in Greenland. Interpretation: The reported variant has the largest population impact of any previously reported variant within a MODY gene. Together with the recessive TBC1D4 variant, we show that close to 1 in 5 cases of diabetes (18%) in Greenland are associated with high-impact genetic variants compared to 1–3% in large populations.publishedVersio

    Lysates of Methylococcus capsulatus Bath induce a lean-like microbiota, intestinal FoxP3+RORγt+IL-17+ Tregs and improve metabolism

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    Interactions between host and gut microbial communities are modulated by diets and play pivotal roles in immunological homeostasis and health. We show that exchanging the protein source in a high fat, high sugar, westernized diet from casein to whole-cell lysates of the non-commensal bacterium Methylococcus capsulatus Bath is sufficient to reverse western diet-induced changes in the gut microbiota to a state resembling that of lean, low fat diet-fed mice, both under mild thermal stress (T22 °C) and at thermoneutrality (T30 °C). Concomitant with microbiota changes, mice fed the Methylococcus-based western diet exhibit improved glucose regulation, reduced body and liver fat, and diminished hepatic immune infiltration. Intake of the Methylococcu-based diet markedly boosts Parabacteroides abundances in a manner depending on adaptive immunity, and upregulates triple positive (Foxp3+RORγt+IL-17+) regulatory T cells in the small and large intestine. Collectively, these data point to the potential for leveraging the use of McB lysates to improve immunometabolic homeostasis.publishedVersio

    High levels of genomic aberrations in serous ovarian cancers are associated with better survival

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    Martin K Oehler is a member of the Australian Ovarian Cancer Study GroupGenomic instability and copy number alterations in cancer are generally associated with poor prognosis; however, recent studies have suggested that extreme levels of genomic aberrations may be beneficial for the survival outcome for patients with specific tumour types. We investigated the extent of genomic instability in predominantly high-grade serous ovarian cancers (SOC) using two independent datasets, generated in Norway (n = 74) and Australia (n = 70), respectively. Genomic instability was quantified by the Total Aberration Index (TAI), a measure of the abundance and genomic size of copy number changes in a tumour. In the Norwegian cohort, patients with TAI above the median revealed significantly prolonged overall survival (p<0.001) and progression-free survival (p<0.05). In the Australian cohort, patients with above median TAI showed prolonged overall survival (p<0.05) and moderately, but not significantly, prolonged progression-free survival. Results were confirmed by univariate and multivariate Cox regression analyses with TAI as a continuous variable. Our results provide further evidence supporting an association between high level of genomic instability and prolonged survival of high-grade SOC patients, possibly as disturbed genome integrity may lead to increased sensitivity to chemotherapeutic agents.Lars O. Baumbusch, Åslaug Helland, Yun Wang, Knut Liestøl, Marci E. Schaner, Ruth Holm, Dariush Etemadmoghadam, Kathryn Alsop, Pat Brown, Australian Ovarian Cancer Study Group, Gillian Mitchell, Sian Fereday, Anna DeFazio, David D. L. Bowtell, Gunnar B. Kristensen, Ole Christian Lingjærde, Anne-Lise Børresen-Dal