241 research outputs found

    Design and Analysis of an Adaptive Asynchronous System Architecture for Energy Efficiency

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    Power has become a critical design parameter for digital CMOS integrated circuits. With performance still garnering much concern, a central idea has emerged: minimizing power consumption while maintaining performance. The use of dynamic voltage scaling (DVS) with parallelism has shown to be an effective way of saving power while maintaining performance. However, the potency of DVS and parallelism in traditional, clocked synchronous systems is limited because of the strict timing requirements such systems must comply with. Delay-insensitive (DI) asynchronous systems have the potential to benefit more from these techniques due to their flexible timing requirements and high modularity. This dissertation presents the design and analysis of a real-time adaptive DVS architecture for paralleled Multi-Threshold NULL Convention Logic (MTNCL) systems. Results show that energy-efficient systems with low area overhead can be created using this approach

    CD and FTIR Spectroscopic Studies of Carbohydrate-modified Opioid Peptides

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    The variety of vital functions played by glycoproteins in many physiological and pathological processes inspired the design of glycopeptides and the study of the effect of glycosylation on conformation. This work reports comparative circular dichroism (CD) and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopic studies on linear and cyclic Amadori and imidazolidinone-type glycopeptides 3-8 in comparison with spectroscopic data of the non-modified flexible parent peptides, Leu-enkephalin (H-Tyr-Gly-Gly-Phe-Leu-OH. 1) and its amide (H-Tyr-Gly-Gly-Phe-Leu-NH, 2). The CD and FTIR measurements were performed in different solvents in order to expose the structural and conformational differences caused by a keto-sugar. a rigid 5-membered imidazolidinone ring and/or cyclization. The combined application of CD and MR spectroscopy allowed to evaluate the relative amount of the extended and folded conformers of Amadori as well as imidazolidinone compounds and proved to be an effective tool for characterization of their structural features leading to a deeper understanding of their conformational behaviour

    A „Vidéki Aktív Tanulás†(Rural Action Learning, RAL) módszere

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    A képzés, az oktatás a vidékfejlesztés fontos eszköze. A képzettségi szint emelkedésével a vidéken élÅ‘k azon képessége is fejlÅ‘dik, hogy jobban felismerjék a környezetükben rejlÅ‘ gazdasági-társadalmi lehetÅ‘ségeket. A regionális potenciál – melynek egyik eleme a vidék identitástudata – minél szélesebb körben történÅ‘ megismertetése és kiaknázása alapozhatja meg a vidéki térségek fenntartható fejlÅ‘dését. A tanulmány az aktív tanulás (Rural Action Learning, RAL) módszertani megközelítésének ismertetését követÅ‘en bemutatja a Nyugat-dunántúli Régióban végzett, a regionális értékek és adottságok, helyi termékek ismeretét vizsgáló felmérés eredményeit. Elmondható, hogy a megkérdezettek jelentÅ‘s hányada nem ismeri, hogy milyen növényeket termelnek, illetve milyen élelmiszer-ipari termékeket állítanak elÅ‘ lakókörnyezetükben. Ezen az aktív tanulás módszere segíthet: egy működÅ‘ gazdaság, élelmiszer- ipari kisüzem meglátogatásával, közvetlen tapasztalatszerzéssel meg lehet ismertetni a mezÅ‘gazdaság és élelmiszer-feldolgozás jelentÅ‘ségét, a helyi gazdaságok munkáját, valamint az általuk előállított termékeket. A gazdaságok, élelmiszerfeldolgozó üzemek szempontjából új bevételi forrás teremtésére a RAL programok csak közvetve voltak alkalmasak. A programokban ugyanakkor a résztvevÅ‘k megismerhették a helyi üzemeket és az általuk előállított termékeket, ami a gazdaságoknak, feldolgozóknak lehetÅ‘séget nyújtott termékeik népszerűsítésére. ----------------------------- Education and training are important tools of rural development. Increased educational level also means increased capacity to acknowledge and utilise the economical and social possibilities of the region. Provision and transfer of information and knowledge concerning regional potentials (including rural identity) over a wider range and utilisation of such knowledge on a wider scale can serve as basis for sustainable development of rural areas. This study introduces the method of Rural Action Learning (RAL) and reports on the results of research carried out in the West-Dunántúl region on regional values and local products. We have found that most of the interviewees were unaware of agricultural production or local food processing in the region. The method of Rural Action Learning can be helpful for visiting farms or small-scale food processing facilities people gain direct experiences, they get to know the significance of agriculture and food production, the work of local farms and their products. RAL activities generated income for agricultural farms and food production units only in an indirect way. The participants became acquainted with local enterprises and their products that helped famers and food processors to sell their produce.aktív tanulás, regionális tanulás, regionális potenciál, vidék identitástudata, helyi termék, action learning, regional learning, regional potential, rural identity, local product, Agricultural and Food Policy, Community/Rural/Urban Development, Teaching/Communication/Extension/Profession,

    Convex Constraint Decomposition of Circular Dichroism Curves of Proteins

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    A new algorithm, called convex analysis, has been developed to deduce the chiral contribution of the common secondary structures directly from experimental circular dichroism (CD) curves of a large number of proteins. The analysis is based on CD data reported by Yang et aU Test runs were performed on sets of artificial protein spectra created by the Monte Carlo technique using poly-u-Iysine based component spectra. Application of the decomposition algorithm for the created sets of spectra resulted in component spectra [B (2, i)] and weights [C (i, k)] with excellent Pearson correlation coefficients (r).2 The algori thm, independent of X-ray data, revealed that the CD spectrum of a given protein is composed of at least four independent sources of chirality. Three of the computed component curves show remarkable resemblance to the CD spectra of known protein secondary structures. This approach yields a significant improvement compared to the eigenvector analysis of Hennessey and Johnson." The new method is a useful tool not only in analyzing CD spectra but also in treating other decomposition problems where an additivity constraint is valid

    Professor surdo: desafios na construção de uma prática bilíngue

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    The systematized study here analyzes a scenario pertaining to the Deaf teacher pedagogical practice in a bilingual school, aiming at analyzing the teaching processes (Didactics) used for teaching Deaf students, and , organizing spaces that allow the Deaf teachers involved, to reflect about their professional development as Deaf individuals and professionals, and about their practice (or performance) in the bilingual schools for Deaf students. Bibliographical research included didactics, bilingualism and bilingual education, as well as the teaching-learning process, the contribution of Educational Psychology, including the foundations of Vygotsky's Socio-Historical-Cultural approach (1924-1934) - basis for this dissertation thesis. This theoretical framework, together with the critical collaborative research (MAGALHÃES, 1990-2018), carried out with teachers through the filming of classes and reflective sessions, as well as semi-structured interviews between 2017 and 2018 in a private school for Deaf students, in the city of São Paulo, allowed us to identify some problems related to the didactics and teaching of the school subjects whose classes were observed. These problems were the target of discussions in the reflective sessions with the aim of constructing new practices (or, at least, of re-signifying the existing pracices). Data analysis was performed with the focus on the language and contents of the participants' speeches. In other words, we sought the lexical items that demonstrate the senses and meanings (VYGOTSKY, 1930) that each teacher has about the theme investigated in this paper (i.e., didactics and their action in the classroom with Deaf students). The results show that there is a lack of concern with didactic knowledge, rather there is a repetition of the means and practices by which the teachers were educated during their school years. This indicates a possible explanation for the problems encountered with the teaching-learning process, also indicating the urgency of reflections based on didactic (or pedagogical) issues pertaining to the Deaf teacher, especially in terms of the teaching of Libras and the teaching in Libras.O estudo aqui sistematizado analisa um cenário relativo a didática do professor Surdo em escola de prática bilíngue, tendo como objetivo promover a reflexão do professor Surdo sobre o seu fazer, articulando espaços que permitam, aos professores Surdos envolvidos, refletindo acerca de seu desenvolvimento profissional Surdo e sobre sua atuação em escolas bilíngues para Surdos. A pesquisa bibliográfica compreendeu a didática, o bilinguismo e educação bilíngue, assim como o processo de ensino-aprendizagem, a contribuição da Psicologia da Educação, incluindo os fundamentos da abordagem Sócio-Histórico-Cultural de Vygotsky (1924 -1934) – base deste trabalho. Essa fundamentação, somada à pesquisa crítica de colaboração (MAGALHÃES, 1990-2018) realizada com professores por meio de filmagens de aulas e de sessões reflexivas, assim como de entrevistas semiestruturadas no período de 2017-2018 em uma escola voltada para o atendimento de Surdos, da rede particular, no município de São Paulo, permitiu identificar alguns problemas relativos à didática e ensino das disciplinas escolares cujas aulas foram observadas. Esses problemas foram alvo das discussões nas sessões reflexivas com o objetivo de construirmos novas práticas (ou, ao menos, de ressignificá-las). A análise de dados foi realizada com o foco na linguagem e nos conteúdos das falas dos participantes. Em outras palavras, foram buscados os itens lexicais que demonstram os sentidos e significados (VYGOTSKY, 1930) que cada professor tem sobre o tema deste trabalho (i.e., a didática) e a sua ação em sala de aula com alunos Surdos. Os resultados demonstram que há carência de preocupação com o conhecimento didático; ao contrário, parece haver uma repetição das práticas com as quais o professor foi ensinado durante seus anos de escola. Isso sinaliza uma explicação possível para os problemas encontrados com o processo de ensino-aprendizagem, indicando também a urgência de reflexões pautadas pelas questões didáticas do professor Surdo em relação, principalmente, ao ensino de Libras e em Libras.Dados abertos - Sucupira - Teses e dissertações (2019

    Structure analysis of proteins, peptides and metal complexes by vibrational circular dichroism

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    There are two principal forms of vibrational optical activity (VOA), an IR form referred to as vibrational circular dichroism (VCD) and Raman form known as Raman optical activity (ROA). This paper reports examples of the application of VCD spectroscopy for the determination of the absolute configuration and conformation of chiral molecules, e. g. cyclic beta-lactams. VCD spectroscopy can be applied for the characterization of the conformation of proteins and peptides in solution. VCD based conformational analysis of cyclic peptides is discussed. Examples are the cyclic hexapeptide cyclo(Pro(2)-Gly-Pro(2)-Gly) and cyclic peptides comprising beta-homoamino acids (trans-2-aminocyclopentane or trans-2-aminocyclohexane carboxylic acid). Structure analysis by VCD of opiate peptides, glycopeptides, peptidomimetics and chiral transition metal complexes are also discussed

    Report on the 4th Inter-laboratory Comparison Organised by the Community Reference Laboratory for Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons - 15 + 1 EU Priority PAHs in Fish and Acetonitrile

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    This report represents the results of the 4th inter-laboratory comparison organised by the CRL PAHs on the determination of the 16 EU priority PAHs in fish and acetonitrile. The test materials used in this exercise were raw, frozen fish spiked with the 16 PAHs, a cooked fish spiked with an extract of contaminated smoke flavourings and a solution in acetonitrile of the 16 PAHs. For the frozen fish 94% of results were rated as satisfactory with regard to performance. For the smoked fish 89% of results were rated satisfactory.JRC.DDG.D.6-Food Safety and Qualit

    Application of Acoustic Sensing Technology for Improving Building Energy Efficiency

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    AbstractBuildings are one of the leading energy consumers in Europe. To improve energy efficiency in the built environment means to optimise the operation of building systems. Acoustics potentially provide an important information source to support the assessment of the operation of buildings. Recently, different approaches to the application of acoustic sensing technology have been studied. This paper presents an overview of three on-going projects which look at how sounds can be utilized to reduce energy consumption in buildings. In the “Sounds for Energy Control of Buildings” (S4ECoB) project the primary goal is the establishment of more energy-efficient buildings through the optimization of existing BMS. The “Experimenting Acoustics in Real environment using Innovative Test-beds” (EAR-IT) project aims to develop acoustic mass flows maps which provide awareness of the flows of masses. The “Energy efficient & Cost competitive retrofitting solutions for Shopping buildings” (EcoShopping) project purpose is to increase the energy efficiency of a building and to optimize the investments necessary in building retrofitting. Diverse methodologies and technologies (wired, wireless and mobile) are tested in realistic conditions provided by each demonstrator

    Report on the Third Inter-Laboratory Comparison Test Organised by the Community Reference Laboratory for Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons - 15+1 EU Priority PAHs in Sausage Meat and Acetonitrile

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    This report presents the results of the 3rd inter-laboratory comparison (ILC) of the Community Reference Laboratory for Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) on the determination of the 15+1 EU priority PAHs in sausage meat and acetonitrile, which was conducted along the lines of the IUPAC International Harmonized Protocol for the Proficiency Testing of Analytical Chemical Laboratories. In agreement with the National Reference Laboratories, the test materials used in this exercise were a canned sausage meat preparation spiked with the 15+1 EU priority PAHs and a solution of the analytes in acetonitrile, respectively. The materials were prepared gravimetrically. The assigned concentration values of PAHs in sausage meat and in acetonitrile were calculated from the gravimetric preparation data. Only officially nominated National Reference Laboratories of the EU Member States and from countries covered by the Technical Assistance and Information Exchange programme of the European Commission were admitted as participants. However, from latter countries only one laboratory reported results. The participants were free to choose the method for the analysis of the materials. The performance of the participating laboratories was expressed as z-scores, which were calculated from the participants reported ¿final result¿ for the analytes' contents in the sausage meat material, based on gravimetrical preparation. The reported values of the laboratories for PAHs in acetonitrile were not rated. For the sausage meat material 88 % of the reported values were attributed with z-scores = |2|), indicating that most of the participating laboratories were performing satisfactorily with respect to internationally accepted standards. However, in some cases bias and/or a high variability were discovered, and some analytes consistently caused specific problems. It is therefore recommended to investigate this further.JRC.D.8-Food safety and qualit