41 research outputs found

    Irregular S-cone mosaics in felid retinas: spatial interaction with axonless horizontal revealed by cross-correlation

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    In most mammals short-wavelength-sensitive (S) cones are arranged in irregular patterns with widely variable intercell distances. Consequently, mosaics of connected interneurons either may show some type of correlation to photoreceptor placement or may establish an independent lattice with compensatory dendritic organization. Since axonless horizontal cells (A-HC’s) are supposed to direct all dendrites to overlying cones, we studied their spatial interaction with chromatic cone subclasses. In the cheetah, the bobcat, and the leopard, anti-S-opsin antibodies have consistently colabeled the A-HC’s in addition to the S cones. We investigated the interaction between the two cell mosaics, using autocorrelation and cross-correlation procedures, including a Voronoi-based density probe. Comparisons with simulations of random mosaics show significantly lower densities of S cones above the cell bodies and primary dendrites of A-HC’s. The pattern results in different long-wavelength-sensitive-L- and S-cone ratios in the central versus the peripheral zones of A-HC dendritic fields. The existence of a related pattern at the synaptic level and its potential significance for color processing may be investigated in further studies

    Opioid receptor-like (ORL1) receptor distribution in the rat central nervous system: Comparison of ORL1 receptor mRNA expression with 125 I-[ 14 Tyr]-orphanin FQ binding

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    The recently discovered neuropeptide orphanin FQ (OFQ), and its opioid receptor-like (ORL1) receptor, exhibit structural features suggestive of the μ, κ, and δ opioid systems. The anatomic distribution of OFQ immunoreactivity and mRNA expression has been reported recently. In the present analysis, we compare the distribution of orphanin receptor mRNA expression with that of orphanin FQ binding at the ORL1 receptor in the adult rat central nervous system (CNS). By using in vitro receptor autoradiography with 125 I-[ 14 Tyr]-OFQ as the radioligand, orphanin receptor binding was analyzed throughout the rat CNS. Orphanin binding sites were densest in several cortical regions, the anterior olfactory nucleus, lateral septum, ventral forebrain, several hypothalamic nuclei, hippocampal formation, basolateral and medial amygdala, central gray, pontine nuclei, interpeduncular nucleus, substantia nigra, raphe complex, locus coeruleus, vestibular nuclear complex, and the spinal cord. By using in situ hybridization, cells expressing ORL1 mRNA were most numerous throughout multiple cortical regions, the anterior olfactory nucleus, lateral septum, endopiriform nucleus, ventral forebrain, multiple hypothalamic nuclei, nucleus of the lateral olfactory tract, medial amygdala, hippocampal formation, substantia nigra, ventral tegmental area, central gray, raphe complex, locus coeruleus, multiple brainstem motor nuclei, inferior olive, deep cerebellar nuclei, vestibular nuclear complex, nucleus of the solitary tract, reticular formation, dorsal root ganglia, and spinal cord. The diffuse distribution of ORL1 mRNA and binding supports an extensive role for orphanin FQ in a multitude of CNS functions, including motor and balance control, reinforcement and reward, nociception, the stress response, sexual behavior, aggression, and autonomic control of physiologic processes. J. Comp. Neurol. 412:563–605, 1999. © 1999 Wiley-Liss, Inc.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/34456/1/2_ftp.pd

    Erratum to "Watery and dark axons in Wallerian degeneration of the opossum's optic nerve: different patterns of cytoskeletal breakdown?" [An Acad Bras Cienc 73(2001): 231-243]

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    In this paper we report a qualitative morphological analysis of Wallerian degeneration in a marsupial. Right optic nerves of opossums Didelphis marsupialis were crushed with a fine forceps and after 24, 48, 72, 96 and 168 hours the animals were anaesthetized and perfused with fixative. The optic nerves were immersed in fixative and processed for routine transmission electron microscopy. Among the early alterations typical of axonal degeneration, we observed nerve fibers with focal degeneration of the axoplasmic cytoskeleton, watery degeneration and dark degeneration, the latter being prevalent at 168 hours after crush. Our results point to a gradual disintegration of the axoplasmic cytoskeleton, opposed to the previous view of an "all-or-nothing'' process (Griffin et al 1995). We also report that, due to an unknown mechanism, fibers show either a dark or watery pattern of axonal degeneration, as observed in axon profiles. We also observed fibers undergoing early myelin breakdown in the absence of axonal alterations

    Estudo eletrorretinográfico de visão cromática Electroretinographic study of chromatic vision

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    OBJETIVO: O objetivo deste estudo é descrever o traçado eletrorretinográfico no gambá sul-americano (Didelphis aurita) obtido com estímulo cromático de comprimento de onda seletivo. O eletrorretinograma é o registro das variações de voltagem nas células retinianas, desencadeadas por estímulo luminoso. O eletrorretinograma representa a atividade elétrica combinada de diferentes células, e sofre variações dependendo da fisiologia retiniana e do método de exame. MÉTODOS: Foram registrados os eletrorretinogramas de seis animais em adaptação ao escuro utilizando filtros cromáticos Kodak Wratten®, e registrada a sensibilidade espectral para comprimentos de onda específicos nas faixas de cores do azul, verde, amarelo, laranja e vermelho. RESULTADOS: Os resultados eletrorretinográficos mais consistentes foram obtidos quando o animal foi estimulado por faixas espectrais seletivas, ao invés de luz branca; e são consistentes com a curva de absorbância das opsinas descritas em fotorreceptores de marsupiais. Estudos prévios sugeriram a tricromacia dos marsupiais por microespectrofotometria de opsinas e imuno-histoquímica de retina. Esse fundamento morfológico não tinha demonstração fisiológica eletrorretinográfica, até este estudo. CONCLUSÃO: O gambá sul-americano tem se mostrado interessante como animal experimental no estudo comparativo da fisiologia visual em mamíferos, especialmente no estudo filogenético da visão cromática. Os marsupiais apresentam um modelo retiniano que superpõe os sistemas fotópico e escotópico; e o gênero Didelphis conserva características encontradas em fósseis do período pleoceno. Portanto, o sistema visual de um marsupial resgata características dos primórdios da evolução dos mamíferos, até o desenvolvimento dos padrões retinianos modernos.<br>PURPOSE: To describe the electroretinogram of the South-American opossum (Didelphis aurita) obtained by chromatic stimulus of specific wavelengths. The electroretinogram records voltage variations of retinal cells triggered by light stimulation. The electroretinogram represents the combination of electric activity of many different cells and varies according to retinal physiology and examination methods. METHODS: We recorded the electroretinogram of six animals in dark adaptation using chromatic Kodak Wratten® filters, and recorded the spectral sensitivity to specific wavelengths in the spectrum of blue, green, yellow, orange and red light bands. RESULTS: The most consistent electrorretinographic results were obtained when the animals were stimulated by selective spectral bands instead of white light. These results are consistent with the absorbance curve of the opsins described in marsupial photoreceptors. Previous studies using microspectrophotometry of opsins and retinal immunohistochemistry suggested marsupial trichromacy. This morphologic knowledge has not before been physiologically demonstrated by electroretinographic methods. CONCLUSION: The South-American opossum has proven to be an interesting experimental animal for comparative visual physiology studies among other mammals, especially studies on phylogenetic of chromatic vision. The opossum represents a retinal model that superimposes both the photopic and scotopic systems; and the Didelphis genus shows few changes when compared to the fossils of the Pleocene period. Therefore the marsupial's visual system retrieves characteristics from ancient mammal evolution to the retinal patterns found in modern mammals