79 research outputs found
Astronomy books from the childhood of seniors in the U3V courses
V seniorském věku rádi otvíráme knížky z dětství i ze školního věku. Někdy se po
nich přímo pídíme po knihovnách či antikvariátech. Skrze jejich autory se dost úspěšně
vracíme do čtenářských zážitků i do poznávání vesmíru z krásných a po tajemnu
dychtivých dnů dětství a mládí. Na knihy se však již díváme také přes životní zkušenost
a změny kolem nás, tedy trochu jinýma očima. Populární astronomická literatura v češtině z několika minulých staletí je skvělým zdrojem pro obohacení U3V svým přístupem, myšlenkami, vzpomínkami i jazykem.It is in our elder hood, that we tend to reopen the books; we used to read as children.
Indeed, we may go as far as to seek them in such places as libraries or antiquarian shops.
It is thanks to the authors, that we can once again relive the amazing days of learning
about the space and reminisce about the beautiful, mystery-seeking times of our youth.
However, due to the experience gained throughout our lives, we now tend to look at those
books from quite a different perspective. Popular astronomical literature written in the
Czech language from the last few centuries can make a great source of enrichment for the U3V through the ways, thoughts, memories and the language it offers
Test Methods for Evaluation of Radiation Effects in High Precision Analog and Mixed-Signal Devices for Space Applications
The traditional radiation testing of space electronics has been used for more than fifty years to support the radiation hardness assurance. Its typical goal is to ensure reliable operation of the spacecraft in the harsh environment of space. This PhD research looks into the radiation testing from a different perspective; the goal is to develop radiation testing methods that are focused not only on the reliability of the components but also on a continuous radiation-induced degradation of their performance. Such data are crucial for the understanding of the impact of radiation on the measurement uncertainty of data acquisition systems onboard research space missions.The traditional radiation testing of space electronics has been used for more than fifty years to support the radiation hardness assurance. Its typical goal is to ensure reliable operation of the spacecraft in the harsh environment of space. This PhD research looks into the radiation testing from a different perspective; the goal is to develop radiation testing methods that are focused not only on the reliability of the components but also on a continuous radiation-induced degradation of their performance. Such data are crucial for the understanding of the impact of radiation on the measurement uncertainty of data acquisition systems onboard research space missions.
Cost effective replace of the diesel traction on regional not electrified railways by intermodal battery vehicles
A suitable way to the cost-effective replacement of diesel traction on non-electrified regional railways are
battery vehicles with batteries located on replaceable separate low-height waggon, pushed in front of the
passenger motor-car and designed as a powerful deformation zone. Thanks to the battery car´s protective
function, the passenger car can be built in a cost-effective lightweight construction and the battery capacity
can be reduced. At the same time, this car enables (E-)bicycles to be transported in considerable quantities,
thus promoting regional road-rail intermodality and making the rail accessibility much better. At the final
station, the battery car is replaced by battery car with charged battery. The battery -car can also acquire
additional equipment (incl. driver´s cab and passenger cab), so it can gain other interesting features and
further increase the cost-effectivity. When a cumulative comparison is made between the purchase price of
vehicles including batteries- and energy-costs for 30 years , the price of both diesel- and battery-traction is
comparable and intermodality is a bonus free of charge
Analysis of export opportunies for company Klatovské rybářství, a.s.
The aim of this thesis is to analyze export opportunities for company Klatovské rybářství, a.s. in selected countries (Germany, Austria, Poland, Slovakia). The first chapter provides basic information about history of fish farming and fishing in Bohemia, Czech fish producers and company Klatovské rybářství. The second chapter gives a view on the world fish trade, the fish consumption in selected countries and activities of Klatovské rybářství on domestic and foreign markets. The third chapter contains SWOT analysis of company Klatovské rybářství, a.s. The last chapter gives an outlook to export opportunities in selected countries
Integrated development environment for creating www
Katedra informačních technologií a technické výchovyFaculty of EducationPedagogická fakult
The Role of National Identities in the Iran-Iraq War
Účelem této práce bylo vymezit, popsat a zanalyzovat prvky, které utvářely národní identity v zemích podílejících se na Íránsko-irácké válce. K tomuto bylo využíváno nástroju konstruktivistické diskursivní analýzy, jež proběhla na projevech Saddáma Husajna a Ayatolláha Ruholláha Chomejního. Na základě popisu války samotné bylo následně možné vytyčit body, ve kterých národní identity ovlivnily průběh výše zmíněné války.Katedra blízkovýchodních studiíObhájenoThe goal of this thesis was to define, describe and analyze processes, which formed national identities in the states participating in the Iran-Iraq war. For those purposes were utilized the instruments of constructivist discourse analysis, which was performed on the speechces of Saddam Hussain and Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini. Based on the description of the war itself, we were then able to define points where national identity influenced the forementioned war
Assessment of Deformation Properties of Road Construction
ústav mechaniky a materiál
Urban gardening as a social phenomenon (case study Prazelenina)
New phenomenon of urban gardening is taking place also in the Czech republic. Even it's quite common in the USA, Great Britain, Germany, Scandinavia or Spain, that urban gardens have a long history and sometimes also a political intentions, in the Czech republic it is still a new phenomenon. In 2012a new urban gardening project called Prazelenina started in Prague 7 Holešovice. I decided to focus on it using qualitative research methods and find out how is Prazelenina going on. I will also deal with possibilities of a resistance to pressures of individualization and commodification in life of Prazelenina
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