272 research outputs found

    Interaction between myosin and its substrates

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    Low concentrations of p-chloromercuribenzoate (PCMB), Zn++, or Cd++ increase the ATPase and CTPase activities of myosin B but inhibit ITPase and GTPase activities. Higher concentrations of these modifiers inhibit the activities of all the nucleoside triphosphates (NTP). Dialysis against cysteine ethyl ester (CEE) increases the ATPase and CTPase activities of myosin but decreases the ITPase and GTPase activities. The temperature dependence of the maximum velocities of hydrolysis and of the Michaelis-Menten constants also differentiate between ATP-CTP and ITP-GTP. ATP and CTP confer considerable protection against thermal denaturation of myosin, while ITP and GTP confer only a small protection. The shape of the PCMB vs. NTPase activity curve is invariant to the substitution of Mg++ for Ca++ in the presence of 0.3 M KCl or to the substitution of Na+, Li+, or for K+ in the presence of Ca++. PCMB inactivates myosin at 37 [deg] at a rate which is highly sensitive to the PCMB concentration. The inactivated myosin can be restored to activity by dialysis against CEE. These and other observations are interpreted in terms of a conformation change at the active site of myosin.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/32426/1/0000505.pd

    Die Isolierung des kontraktilen Eiwei�es aus Sarkomzellen

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    Release of male-specific bacteriophages from surviving host bacteria

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    Single cells of Escherichia coli K12, infected with the male-specific phages fd (DNA phage) or fr (RNA phage), may release up to several hundred particles of progeny phage per division cycle while the active cells continue to divide. The fd-infected or fr-infected state, for their indefinite maintenance, require reinfection and tend to be lost if phage readsorption is prevented by extremely diluting the growing bacteria. Death of fd-infected cells is infrequent (at 36°C), as judged from microscopic control and the high rate of bacterial growth observed in mass infection. Infection with fr phage leads to visible clearing of the infected cultures at 37° but is nonlethal if the infected cells are grown at 31°. Established infection of mass cultures with either fd or fr is reflected by a proportional increase of phage and bacterial counts, a phenomenon whose significance is discussed

    Bau und Reifung von Virusteilchen

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    The known mechanisms of cell motility

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    Geisselmodelle und Adenosintriphosphat (ATP)

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    Glycerin-wasserextrahierte Geisseln von Spermatozoen und Trypanosomen (Geisselmodelle) schlängeln sich unter ATP. In allen ihren Abhängigkeiten entspricht diese Bewegung der Kontraktion von Fibroblasten- und Muskelmodellen, doch ist es eine Besonderbeit des kontraktilen Apparatas der Geisseln, auch unter konstanten Aussenbedingungen zwischen Kontraktion und Erschlaffung zu wechseln. Diese Spontaneität muss dem kontraktilen Apparat selbst zugeschrieben werden, weil sie in abgetrennten Teilen der Geissel ebenfalls auftritt und weil die Membranen der Zellen und ihre selektive Permeabilität bei der Herstellung der Modelle zerstört werden. ATP hat für die Geisselbewegungen doppelte Bedeutung. Es ist spezifischer Betriebsstoff und wirkt unspezifisch als Weichmacher. Da die Weichheit der Modelle ihre Bewegungsgeschwindigkeit bestimmt, regelt die ATP-Konzentration die Schlagfrequenz. Germanin ist für die Bewegung von Trypanosomen modellen ein äusserst wirksamer Inhibitor.Flagella of spermatozoa and trypanosomes extracted in glycerine-water (flagellum models), undulate in the presence of ATP. These movements correspond in all respects to the contraction of fibroblast- and muscle-models, but it is a peculiarity of the contractile system of the flagella to alternate between contraction and relaxation under constant external conditions. This spontaneity must be attributed to the contractile apparatus itself, because it occurs even in separated parts of the flagellum and because the cell membranes and their selective permeability are destroyed in the preparation of the models. ATP has a double function in flagellar movement. It works specifically to cause contraction and unspecifically as a plasticiser. Since the plasticity of the models determines the speed of their movement, the ATP concentration controls the frequency of the beat. Germanin is an extremely effective inhibitor of the movement of trypanosome models.Des flagelles de spermatozoïdes et de trypanosomes extraits à l'eau glycérinée (flagelles modéles) sont animés de mouvements ondulatoires en présence d'ATP. Ces mouvements correspondent à tous égards à la contraction des modéles de fibroblastes et de muscles; cependant, le systéme contractile des flagelles présente la particularité de passer de l'état contracté à l'état décontracté dans des conditions de milieu extérieur constantes. Cette spontanéité est une propriété du systéme contractile lui-même, puisqu'elle se manifeste en même temps dans des régions séparées du flagelle et puisque les membranes cellulaires et leur perméabilité sélective sont supprimées au cours de la préparation des modèles. L'ATP intervient de deux façons dans le mouvement des flagelles: il provoque spécifiquement la contraction et il contrôle non specifiquement la plasticité. Puisque la plasticité du modèle détermine la vitesse de ses mouvements, c'est la concentration en ATP qui règle la fréquence des ondulations. La germanine est un inhibiteur extrêmement efficace du mouvement des flagelles modèles de trypanosome

    Die Beweglichkeit der Zellen

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