165 research outputs found
Catholicism and Community: American Political Culture and the Conservative Catholic Social Justice Tradition, 1890-1960
The prevailing trend in the historiography of American Catholicism has been an implicit acceptance of the traditional liberal narrative as formulated by scholars like Louis Hartz. American Catholic historians like Jay Dolan and John McGreevy have incorporated this narrative into their studies and argue that America was inherently liberal and that the conservative Catholics who rejected liberalism were thus fundamentally anti-American. This has simplified nuanced and complex relationships into a story of simple opposition. Further, the social justice doctrine of the Catholic Church, although based on undeniably illiberal foundations, led conservatives to come to the same conclusions about social and economic reform as did twentieth-century liberal reformers. These shared ideas about social reform, though stemming from conflicting foundations and looking toward vastly different goals, allowed conservative Catholics to play a role in what are seen as some of the most sweeping liberal reforms of the twentieth-century
FNRI: Nutrition Assessment and Monitoring Division, Philippines
Poster created by students in the 2019 IWU Freeman Asia Internship Program
Myasthenia Gravis Appearing After Thymectomy: a Case Report and Review of the Literature
A small proportion of thymoma patients without myasthenia gravis (MG) have been observed to develop MG after total removal of the thymoma. However, the underlying cause is not yet known due to the rarity of postoperative MG patients. We report a 39-year-old man in whom MG appeared after surgical removal of a thymoma. Computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging showed no signs of recurrent or metastatic thymoma. Administration of pyridostigmine bromide resulted in the prompt improvement of myasthenic symptoms. Our observations indicate that postoperative follow-up care with monitoring of possible postoperative MG is necessary after resecting a thymoma
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Berechnung der Fachwerke ([43])
Theorie des Erddrucks und Berechnung von Futtermauern ([139])
Berechnung der symmetrischen Tonnengewölbe ([139])
Das Seilpolygon mit Anwendung auf discontinuirliche Träger ([181])
Theorie der elastischen Linie und Berechnung der continuirlichen Träger ([217])
Berechnung des elastischen Bogenträgers ([279])
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Techno–ecological synergies of solar energy for global sustainability
The strategic engineering of solar energy technologies—from individual rooftop modules to large solar energy power plants—can confer significant synergistic outcomes across industrial and ecological boundaries. Here, we propose techno–ecological synergy (TES), a framework for engineering mutually beneficial relationships between technological and ecological systems, as an approach to augment the sustainability of solar energy across a diverse suite of recipient environments, including land, food, water, and built-up systems. We provide a conceptual model and framework to describe 16 TESs of solar energy and characterize 20 potential techno–ecological synergistic outcomes of their use. For each solar energy TES, we also introduce metrics and illustrative assessments to demonstrate techno–ecological potential across multiple dimensions. The numerous applications of TES to solar energy technologies are unique among energy systems and represent a powerful frontier in sustainable engineering to minimize unintended consequences on nature associated with a rapid energy transition
Long-Term Outcomes of Microsurgical Nasal Replantation: Review of the Literature and Illustrated 10-Year Follow-Up of a Pediatric Case with Full Sensory Recovery
We present a case of successful artery only total nose replantation in an 18 month-old child, with 10 years of follow up and full sensory recovery despite no nerve repair. The common absence of veins for anastomosis does not prevent successful replant, as demonstrated with the use of Hirudin medicinalis use in this unique case. We comprehensively review the literature of this rare and complex injury and advocate microsurgical replantation where possible over other methods of nasal reconstruction
Acquired pure red cell aplasia: updated review of treatment
Pure red cell aplasia (PRCA) is a syndrome characterized by a severe normocytic anaemia, reticulocytopenia, and absence of erythroblasts from an otherwise normal bone marrow. Primary PRCA, or secondary PRCA which has not responded to treatment of the underlying disease, is treated as an immunologically-mediated disease. Although vigorous immunosuppressive treatments induce and maintain remissions in a majority of patients, they carry an increased risk of serious complications. Corticosteroids were used in the treatment of PRCA and this has been considered the treatment of first choice although relapse is not uncommon. Cyclosporine A (CsA) has become established as one of the leading drugs for treatment of PRCA. However, common concerns have been the number of patients treated with CsA who achieve sustained remissions and the number that relapse. This article reviews the current status of CsA therapy and compares it to other treatments for diverse PRCAs
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