436 research outputs found

    Implicit Motives Across Cultures

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    In recent years, methodological and substantial progress has been made in the field of cross-cultural studies on implicit motives. We propose that cross-cultural studies on implicit motives are indispensable to understand universal and culture-specific variations in individuals’ mental processes and behavior. It is assumed that implicit motives represent the first motivational system to be shaped in a human being’s ontogeny and that they have far-reaching consequences for individuals’ development, their feelings and actions in everyday life across different cultural groups. Applying psychometrically sound measurements cross-culturally, researchers have revealed a number of universal relationships between implicit motives and psychological and behavioral correlates. Despite these promising advancements, fundamental work still needs to be done with respect to the developmental antecedents of motives and behavioral correlates, particularly focusing on affiliation and power, which have received much less attention compared to the achievement motive. We conclude that if we want to do a better job at predicting behavior both within and across cultural groups, we need to supplement our typical reliance on explicit measures with implicit measures of motivation, beliefs, and values

    Cerebral Iron Deposition in Neurodegeneration

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    Disruption of cerebral iron regulation appears to have a role in aging and in the pathogenesis of various neurodegenerative disorders. Possible unfavorable impacts of iron accumulation include reactive oxygen species generation, induction of ferroptosis, and acceleration of inflammatory changes. Whole-brain iron-sensitive magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) techniques allow the examination of macroscopic patterns of brain iron deposits in vivo, while modern analytical methods ex vivo enable the determination of metal-specific content inside individual cell-types, sometimes also within specific cellular compartments. The present review summarizes the whole brain, cellular, and subcellular patterns of iron accumulation in neurodegenerative diseases of genetic and sporadic origin. We also provide an update on mechanisms, biomarkers, and effects of brain iron accumulation in these disorders, focusing on recent publications. In Parkinson’s disease, Friedreich’s disease, and several disorders within the neurodegeneration with brain iron accumulation group, there is a focal siderosis, typically in regions with the most pronounced neuropathological changes. The second group of disorders including multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer’s disease, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis shows iron accumulation in the globus pallidus, caudate, and putamen, and in specific cortical regions. Yet, other disorders such as aceruloplasminemia, neuroferritinopathy, or Wilson disease manifest with diffuse iron accumulation in the deep gray matter in a pattern comparable to or even more extensive than that observed during normal aging. On the microscopic level, brain iron deposits are present mostly in dystrophic microglia variably accompanied by iron-laden macrophages and in astrocytes, implicating a role of inflammatory changes and blood–brain barrier disturbance in iron accumulation. Options and potential benefits of iron reducing strategies in neurodegeneration are discussed. Future research investigating whether genetic predispositions play a role in brain Fe accumulation is necessary. If confirmed, the prevention of further brain Fe uptake in individuals at risk may be key for preventing neurodegenerative disorders.publishedVersio

    Success and Complication Rates of Transvenous Lead Extraction in a Developing High-Volume Extraction Center: The Zurich Experience

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    INTRODUCTION: Transvenous lead extractions are increasingly performed for malfunction or infection of cardiac implantable electronic devices, but they harvest a potential for complications and suboptimal success. Apart from multicenter registries and reports from highly experienced single centers, the outcome in individual newly developing high-volume centers starting a lead extraction program is less well established. We aimed to evaluate the clinical and radiological success and complication rate at our center, having started a lead extraction program less than a decade ago. METHODS: We retrospectively analyzed patients who underwent transvenous lead extraction at the University Hospital Zurich from 2013 to 2021 regarding success as well as complications and compared our results to previously reported outcome rates. RESULTS: A total of 346 patients underwent 350 transvenous lead extractions from January 2013 to December 2021. Combined radiological success was achieved in 97.7% and clinical success in 96.0% of interventions. Procedure-related major complications occurred in 13 patients (3.7%). Death within 30 days after transvenous lead extractions occurred in 13 patients (3.7%), with a procedure-related mortality of 1.4% (five patients). SUMMARY: Transvenous lead extractions in newly developing high-volume centers can be performed with high clinical and radiological success rates, but procedure-related major complications may affect a relevant number of patients. Compared to large single or multicenter registries of experienced centers, the success rate may be lower and the complication rate higher in centers newly starting with lead extraction, which may have important implications for patient selection, procedural planning, proctoring, and safety measures

    Faculty development initiatives in Medical Education in German-Speaking Countries : III. Aspects of successful implementation

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    Eine erfolgreiche Implementierung medizindidaktischer Qualifizierungsmaßnahmen setzt zwingend voraus, dass die FakultĂ€ten nicht nur fĂŒr entsprechende Angebote, sondern mittelfristig auch fĂŒr lehrförderliche Rahmenbedingungen sorgen. Dabei mĂŒssen sowohl institutionelle Aspekte, die sich aus der Struktur und Funktion der FakultĂ€t als Organisation ergeben als auch individuelle Aspekte der Zielgruppe der Lehrenden berĂŒcksichtigt werden. Von institutioneller Seitemuss vor allem Dermatologie und Deutschland die fĂŒr alle sichtbare UnterstĂŒtzung des Programms sichergestellt werden. Ebenfalls von zentraler Bedeutung ist die Bereitschaft, die medizindidaktische Qualifikation als einen wesentlichen Baustein der akademischen Laufbahn zu bewerten. Im Hinblick auf die Lehrenden geht es vor allem darum, das Angebot bekannt zu machen und seinen Nutzen herauszustellen, was mit Hilfe karrierebezogener Anreize naturgemĂ€ĂŸ leichter ist.To implement faculty development programs successfully it is absolutely essential that medical schools do not only provide adequate courses but do also offer surrounding conditions conducive to teaching. Institutional aspects that arise from structure and function of the medical school as an organisation as well as individual aspects that refer to the target group of medical teachers have to be taken into account. Looking at the institutional aspects it is especially important that official support of the program is assured and visible for everybody. Another institutional requirement is that expertise in teaching is regarded as an integral component of academic careers in medical education. Regarding medical teachers it is important to make faculty development programs known to them and to emphasise their benefit which is of course a lot easier by means of career incentives

    Influence of fluid accumulation on major adverse kidney events in critically ill patients - an observational cohort study.

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    BACKGROUND Fluid accumulation (FA) is known to be associated with acute kidney injury (AKI) during intensive care unit (ICU) stay but data on mid-term renal outcome is scarce. The aim of this study was to investigate the association between FA at ICU day 3 and major adverse kidney events in the first 30 days after ICU admission (MAKE30). METHODS Retrospective, single-center cohort study including adult ICU patients with sufficient data to compute FA and MAKE30. We defined FA as a positive cumulative fluid balance greater than 5% of bodyweight. The association between FA and MAKE30, including its sub-components, as well as the serum creatinine trajectories during ICU stay were examined. In addition, we performed a sensitivity analysis for the stage of AKI and the presence of chronic kidney disease (CKD). RESULTS Out of 13,326 included patients, 1,100 (8.3%) met the FA definition. FA at ICU day 3 was significantly associated with MAKE30 (adjusted odds ratio [aOR] 1.96; 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.67-2.30; p < 0.001) and all sub-components: need for renal replacement therapy (aOR 3.83; 95%CI 3.02-4.84), persistent renal dysfunction (aOR 1.72; 95%CI 1.40-2.12), and 30-day mortality (aOR 1.70; 95%CI 1.38-2.09), p all < 0.001. The sensitivity analysis showed an association of FA with MAKE30 independent from a pre-existing CKD, but exclusively in patients with AKI stage 3. Furthermore, FA was independently associated with the creatinine trajectory over the whole observation period. CONCLUSIONS Fluid accumulation is significantly associated with MAKE30 in critically ill patients. This association is independent from pre-existing CKD and strongest in patients with AKI stage 3

    Choice of creep or maintenance fluid type and their impact on total daily ICU sodium burden in critically ill patients: A systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Purpose Maintenance and hidden/creep fluids are a major source of fluid and sodium intake in intensive care unit (ICU) patients. Recent research indicates that low versus high sodium content maintenance fluids could decrease fluid and sodium burden. We conducted a systematic review (SR) with meta-analysis to summarize the impact of maintenance fluid choice on total daily sodium in ICU patients. Materials and methods Systematic literature search in Pubmed, Embase, the Cochrane Library and the Clinical Trials registry. Only controlled clinical trials were included. Exclusion criteria: trials on resuscitation fluids, performed in the emergency department only and in pediatric patients. Primary objective was the reduction in mean total sodium intake with low versus high sodium content maintenance/creep fluids. Results Five studies (1105 patients) were included. Heterogeneity was high.Risk of bias was moderate. Mean daily sodium reduction was 117 mmol (95%Confidence Interval [CI] -174; −59; p < 0.001) with low versus high sodium content maintenance/creep fluids. Incidence of hyperchloremia was lower (OR 0.26; 95%CI 0.1; 0.64) with low sodium. There were no differences in the incidences of hyper−/hyponatremia and fluid balances. Conclusion Using low sodium content maintenance/creep fluids substantially reduces daily sodium burden in adult ICU patients. Significant knowledge/research gaps exist regarding relevance and safety

    Two TRPV1 receptor antagonists are effective in two different experimental models of migraine

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    Background The capsaicin and heat responsive ion channel TRPV1 is expressed on trigeminal nociceptive neurons and has been implicated in the pathophysiology of migraine attacks. Here we investigate the efficacy of two TRPV1 channel antagonists in blocking trigeminal activation using two in vivo models of migraine. Methods Male Sprague–Dawley rats were used to study the effects of the TRPV1 antagonists JNJ-38893777 and JNJ-17203212 on trigeminal activation. Expression of the immediate early gene c-fos was measured following intracisternal application of inflammatory soup. In a second model, CGRP release into the external jugular vein was determined following injection of capsaicin into the carotid artery. Results Inflammatory up-regulation of c-fos in the trigeminal brain stem complex was dose-dependently and significantly reduced by both TRPV1 antagonists. Capsaicin-induced CGRP release was attenuated by JNJ-38893777 only in higher dosage. JNJ-17203212 was effective in all doses and fully abolished CGRP release in a time and dose-dependent manner. Conclusion Our results describe two TRPV1 antagonists that are effective in two in vivo models of migraine. These results suggest that TRPV1 may play a role in the pathophysiological mechanisms, which are relevant to migraine

    Modulation of microbial predator-prey dynamics by phosphorus availability: Growth patterns and survival strategies of bacterial phylogenetic clades

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    We simultaneously studied the impact of top-down (protistan grazing) and bottom-up (phosphorus availability) factors on the numbers and biomasses of bacteria from various phylogenetic lineages, and on their growth and activity parameters in the oligo-mesotrophic Piburger See, Austria. Enhanced grazing resulted in decreased proportions of bacteria with high nucleic acid content (high-NA bacteria) and lower detection rates by FISH. There was a change in the composition of the bacterial assemblage, whereby Betaproteobacteria were heavily grazed while Alphaproteobacteria and Cytophaga—Flavobacterium—Bacteroides were less affected by predators. Changes in bacterial assemblage composition were also apparent in the treatments enriched with phosphorus, and even more pronounced in the incubations in dialysis tubes (allowing relatively free nutrient exchange). Here, Betaproteobacteria became dominant and appeared to act as successful opportunistic competitors for nutrients. In contrast, Actinobacteria did not respond to surplus phosphorus by population growth, and, moreover, maintained their small size, which resulted in a very low biomass contribution. In addition, significant relationships between high-NA bacteria and several bacterial phylogenetic clades were found, indicating an enhanced activity status. By combining several single-cell methods, new insight is gained into the competitive abilities of freshwater bacteria from a variety of phylogenetic lineages under contrasting sets of bottom-up and top-down constraint
