129 research outputs found

    In vitro production of bovine embryos derived from individual donors in the Corral® dish

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    Background: Since the identity of the embryo is of outmost importance during commercial in vitro embryo production, bovine oocytes and embryos have to be cultured strictly per donor. Due to the rather low yield of oocytes collected after ovum pick-up (OPU) per individual cow, oocyte maturation and embryo culture take place in small groups, which is often associated with inferior embryo development. The objective of this study was to improve embryonic development in small donor groups by using the Corral (R) dish. This commercial dish is designed for human embryo production. It contains two central wells that are divided into quadrants by a semi-permeable wall. In human embryo culture, one embryo is placed per quadrant, allowing individual follow-up while embryos are exposed to a common medium. In our study, small groups of oocytes and subsequently embryos of different bovine donors were placed in the Corral (R) dish, each donor group in a separate quadrant. Results: In two experiments, the Corral (R) dish was evaluated during in vitro maturation (IVM) and/or in vitro culture (IVC) by grouping oocytes and embryos of individual bovine donors per quadrant. At day 7, a significantly higher blastocyst rate was noted in the Corral (R) dish used during IVM and IVC than when only used during IVM (12.9% +/- 2.10 versus 22.8% +/- 2.67) (P < 0.05). However, no significant differences in blastocyst yield were observed anymore between treatment groups at day 8 post insemination. Conclusions: In the present study, the Corral (R) dish was used for in vitro embryo production (IVP) in cattle; allowing to allocate oocytes and/or embryos per donor. As fresh embryo transfers on day 7 have higher pregnancy outcomes, the Corral (R) dish offers an added value for commercial OPU/IVP, since a higher blastocyst development at day 7 is obtained when the Corral (R) dish is used during IVM and IVC

    SMART Research: Toward Interdisciplinary River Science in Europe

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    Interdisciplinary science is rapidly advancing to address complex human-environment interactions. River science aims to provide the methods and knowledge required to sustainably manage some of the planet’s most important and vulnerable ecosystems; and there is a clear need for river managers and scientists to be trained within an interdisciplinary approach. However, despite the science community’s recognition of the importance of interdisciplinary training, there are few studies examining interdisciplinary graduate programs, especially in science and engineering. Here we assess and reflect on the contribution of a 9-year European doctoral program in river science: ‘Science for MAnagement of Rivers and their Tidal Systems’ Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorate (SMART EMJD). The program trained a new generation of 36 early career scientists under the supervision of 34 international experts from different disciplinary and interdisciplinary research fields focusing on river systems, aiming to transcend the boundaries between disciplines and between science and management. We analyzed the three core facets of the SMART program, namely: (1) interdisciplinarity, (2) internationalism, and (3) management-oriented science. We reviewed the contents of doctoral theses and publications and synthesized the outcomes of two questionnaire surveys conducted with doctoral candidates and supervisors. A high percentage of the scientific outputs (80%) were interdisciplinary. There was evidence of active collaboration between different teams of doctoral candidates and supervisors, in terms of joint publications (5 papers out of the 69 analyzed) but this was understandably quite limited given the other demands of the program. We found evidence to contradict the perception that interdisciplinarity is a barrier to career success as employment rates were high (97%) and achieved very soon after the defense, both in academia (50%) and the private/public sector (50%) with a strong international dimension. Despite management-oriented research being a limited (9%) portion of the ensemble of theses, employment in management was higher (22%). The SMART program also increased the network of international collaborations for doctoral candidates and supervisors. Reflections on doctoral training programs like SMART contribute to debates around research training and the career opportunities of interdisciplinary scientists

    Identification and characterization of dairy cows with different backfat thickness antepartum in relation to postpartum loss of backfat thickness: a cluster analytic approach

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    The objectives of this study were (1) to characterize the interindividual variation in the relationship between antepartum (ap) backfat thickness (BFT) and subsequent BFT loss during early lactation in a large dairy herd using cluster analysis; (2) to compare the serum concentrations of metabolites (nonesterified fatty acids, β-hydroxybutyrate), metabolic hormones (leptin and adiponectin), and an inflammatory marker (haptoglobin) among the respective clusters; and (3) to compare lactation performance and uterine health status in the different clusters. An additional objective was (4) to investigate differences in these serum variables and in milk yield of overconditioned (OC) cows that differed in the extent of BFT loss. Using data from a large study of 1,709 multiparous Holstein cows, we first selected those animals from which serum samples and BFT results (mm) were available at d 25 (±10) ap and d 31 (±3 d) postpartum (pp). The remaining 713 cows (parity of 2 to 7) were then subjected to cluster analysis: different approaches based on the BFT of the cows were performed. K-means (unsupervised machine learning algorithm) clustering based on BFT-ap alone identified 5 clusters: lean (5–8 mm BFT, n = 50), normal (9–12 mm, n = 206), slightly fat (SF; 13–16 mm, n = 203), just fat (JF; 16–22 mm, n = 193), and very fat (VF; 23–43 mm, n = 61). Clustering by difference between BFT-ap and BFT-pp (ΔBFT) also revealed 5 clusters: extreme loss (17–23 mm ΔBFT, n = 16), moderate loss (9–15 mm, n = 119), little loss (4–8 mm, n = 326), no loss (0–3 mm, n = 203), and gain (−8 to −1 mm, n = 51). Based on the blood variables measured, our results confirm that cows with greater BFT losses had higher lipid mobilization and ketogenesis than cows with less BFT loss. The serum variables of cows that gained BFT did not differ from normal cows. Milk yield was affected by the BFT-ap cluster, but not by the ΔBFT cluster. Cows categorized as VF had lesser milk yield than other clusters. We further compared the OC cows that had little or no BFT loss (i.e., 2% of VF, 12% of JF, and 31% of SF, OC-no loss, n = 85) with the OC cows that lost BFT (OC-loss, n = 135). Both NEFA and BHB pp concentrations and milk yield were greater in OC-loss cows compared with the OC-no loss cows. The serum concentration of leptin ap was greater in OC-loss than in the OC-no loss cows. Overall, OC cows lost more BFT than normal or lean cows. However, those OC cows with a smaller loss of BFT produced less milk than OC cows with greater losses

    Plastin 3 is upregulated in iPSC-derived motoneurons from asymptomatic SMN1-deleted individuals

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    Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is a devastating motoneuron (MN) disorder caused by homozygous loss of SMN1. Rarely, SMN1-deleted individuals are fully asymptomatic despite carrying identical SMN2 copies as their SMA III-affected siblings suggesting protection by genetic modifiers other than SMN2. High plastin 3 (PLS3) expression has previously been found in lymphoblastoid cells but not in fibroblasts of asymptomatic compared to symptomatic siblings. To find out whether PLS3 is also upregulated in MNs of asymptomatic individuals and thus a convincing SMA protective modifier, we generated induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) from fibroblasts of three asymptomatic and three SMA III-affected siblings from two families and compared these to iPSCs from a SMA I patient and control individuals. MNs were differentiated from iPSC-derived small molecule neural precursor cells (smNPCs). All four genotype classes showed similar capacity to differentiate into MNs at day 8. However, SMA I-derived MN survival was significantly decreased while SMA III- and asymptomatic-derived MN survival was moderately reduced compared to controls at day 27. SMN expression levels and concomitant gem numbers broadly matched SMN2 copy number distribution; SMA I presented the lowest levels, whereas SMA III and asymptomatic showed similar levels. In contrast, PLS3 was significantly upregulated in mixed MN cultures from asymptomatic individuals pinpointing a tissue-specific regulation. Evidence for strong PLS3 accumulation in shaft and rim of growth cones in MN cultures from asymptomatic individuals implies an important role in neuromuscular synapse formation and maintenance. These findings provide strong evidence that PLS3 is a genuine SMA protective modifier

    Transcriptome dynamics and molecular cross-talk between bovine oocyte and its companion cumulus cells

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The bi-directional communication between the oocyte and its companion cumulus cells (CCs) is crucial for development and functions of both cell types. Transcripts that are exclusively expressed either in oocytes or CCs and molecular mechanisms affected due to removal of the communication axis between the two cell types is not investigated at a larger scale. The main objectives of this study were: 1. To identify transcripts exclusively expressed either in oocyte or CCs and 2. To identify those which are differentially expressed when the oocyte is cultured with or without its companion CCs and vice versa.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We analyzed transcriptome profile of different oocyte and CC samples using Affymetrix GeneChip Bovine Genome array containing 23000 transcripts. Out of 13162 genes detected in germinal vesicle (GV) oocytes and their companion CCs, 1516 and 2727 are exclusively expressed in oocytes and CCs, respectively, while 8919 are expressed in both. Similarly, of 13602 genes detected in metaphase II (MII) oocytes and CCs, 1423 and 3100 are exclusively expressed in oocytes and CCs, respectively, while 9079 are expressed in both. A total of 265 transcripts are differentially expressed between oocytes cultured with (OO + CCs) and without (OO - CCs) CCs, of which 217 and 48 are over expressed in the former and the later groups, respectively. Similarly, 566 transcripts are differentially expressed when CCs mature with (CCs + OO) or without (CCs - OO) their enclosed oocytes. Of these, 320 and 246 are over expressed in CCs + OO and CCs - OO, respectively.</p> <p>While oocyte specific transcripts include those involved in transcription (<it>IRF6, POU5F1, MYF5, MED18</it>), translation (<it>EIF2AK1, EIF4ENIF1</it>) and CCs specific ones include those involved in carbohydrate metabolism (<it>HYAL1, PFKL, PYGL, MPI</it>), protein metabolic processes (<it>IHH, APOA1, PLOD1</it>), steroid biosynthetic process (<it>APOA1, CYP11A1, HSD3B1, HSD3B7</it>). Similarly, while transcripts over expressed in OO + CCs are involved in carbohydrate metabolism (<it>ACO1, 2</it>), molecular transport (<it>GAPDH, GFPT1</it>) and nucleic acid metabolism (<it>CBS, NOS2</it>), those over expressed in CCs + OO are involved in cellular growth and proliferation (<it>FOS, GADD45A</it>), cell cycle (<it>HAS2, VEGFA</it>), cellular development (<it>AMD1, AURKA, DPP4</it>) and gene expression (<it>FOSB, TGFB2</it>).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>In conclusion, this study has generated large scale gene expression data from different oocyte and CCs samples that would provide insights into gene functions and interactions within and across different pathways that are involved in the maturation of bovine oocytes. Moreover, the presence or absence of oocyte and CC factors during bovine oocyte maturation can have a profound effect on transcript abundance of each cell types, thereby showing the prevailing molecular cross-talk between oocytes and their corresponding CCs.</p