32 research outputs found

    En longitudinell studie om utvikling av ledermestringstro og motivasjon til å lede på Hærens Krigsskole

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    Motivasjon til å lede (MTL) og ledermestringstro (LMT) foreslås i denne studien å være sentrale individuelle forutsetninger for utbytte av lederutvikling. Disse egenskaper vil kunne påvirke deltakeres vilje til å påta seg lederroller og – ansvar, og eksponere seg for utviklingserfaringer som de kan lære og utvikle seg av. Hensikten med denne studien var derfor å undersøke om, og eventuelt hvordan, affektiv MTL og LMT utvikles i løpet av et langvarig lederutviklingsprogram. Deretter var hensikten teste om autonomistøtte og skoletrivsel kan bidra til å forklare utvikling av affektiv MTL og LMT, og om indre skolemotivasjon medierer disse relasjoner. To longitudinelle studier på Hærens Krigsskole, over tre og ett år, viste at affektiv MTL ikke endret seg på gruppenivå i noen av studiene. Derimot så har både de som er høy og lav på affektiv MTL i pre-test en svak positiv utvikling over ett år. Det ble funnet en direkte relasjon mellom indre skolemotivasjon og affektiv MTL, men ikke mellom autonomistøtte og skoletrivsel med affektiv MTL. Videre så er det funnet en betydelig reduksjon av LMT i begge studier på gruppenivå, men det var kun de som var høy på LMT i pre-test som hadde en signifikant reduksjon. Lav LMT kategorien hadde en svak, men ikke signifikant, reduksjon. Det argumenteres imidlertid for at dette kan være uttrykk for en sunn kalibrering til realistisk LMT i møte med nye utfordringer. Videre så ble det funnet at indre skolemotivasjon medierer relasjonene mellom autonomistøtte og LMT, og mellom skoletrivsel og LMT. I lys av disse funn foreslås det at lederutvikling bør rette spesiell oppmerksomhet mot å styrke lederes utviklingsberedskap, og legge til rette for kontekstrelevante utviklingserfaringer som muliggjør individuell kalibrering og selvregulering. I tillegg vil lederutvikling som tilbyr autonomistøtte og skoletrivsel, i form av lærerstøtte og medelevstøtte, kunne styrke indre motivert og selvregulert involvering, læring og utvikling. Funnene og praktiske implikasjoner blir diskutert, og forslag til videre forskning blir presentert

    Beneficial Effects of Probiotic and Food Borne Yeasts on Human Health

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    Besides being important in the fermentation of foods and beverages, yeasts have shown numerous beneficial effects on human health. Among these, probiotic effects are the most well known health effects including prevention and treatment of intestinal diseases and immunomodulatory effects. Other beneficial functions of yeasts are improvement of bioavailability of minerals through the hydrolysis of phytate, folate biofortification and detoxification of mycotoxins due to surface binding to the yeast cell wall

    On Folates in Yeasts -Exploring Yeasts as Vehicles for Biofortification of Folates in Food

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    High intake of the B vitamin folate during pregnancy is known to decrease the risk for development of neural tube defects. In addition, a good folate status may prevent the progression of several diseases such as megaloblastic anaemia, cardiovascular disease, cancer and Alzheimer’s disease. However, reaching sufficient amounts via the diet only is complicated and new strategies must be developed to increase the mean folate intake. The aim of this thesis is to explore the use of yeasts for biofortification of folates in food. Yeasts synthesise folates de novo and may constitute potent vehicles for natural folates. Current work includes investigations of folate content and composition in yeasts as well as studies of the impact of growth rate and chemical environments on folate levels in Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Baker’s yeast). The applicability of the results was then investigated in two food model systems (bread and a cereal-based fermented porridge called togwa) to demonstrate the practical relevance. In a screening of 52 yeast strains, the folate content ranged from 40 to 145 \ub5g per gram dry matter of yeast, showing that inherent variations in yeast folate levels exist. Several S. cerevisiae strains showed at least a two-fold higher folate content than a commercial Baker’s strain, indicating possibilities to increase folates in fermented foods simply by choosing the proper strain. With regard to cultivation conditions, folates in S. cerevisiae were demonstrated to increase linearly with growth rate in a defined medium, showing that high growth rate, i.e. respiro-fermentative metabolism, is most favourable for high folate content. Cultivation in a rich medium yielded cells containing lower amounts of folate compared to cells grown in a poor chemical environment even though the specific growth rate was higher in the rich medium. The results obtained show that the growth rate per se could not predict intracellular folate concentrations and that the chemical environment has a substantial impact on intracellular folates. By applying strain selection and cultivation at optimal conditions prior to baking we were able to increase folates five-fold in white wheat bread compared to bread leavened with commercial Baker’s yeast. In addition, folates increased at most 23-fold during yeast fermentations in a cereal-based porridge (togwa) compared to togwa raw material. Final folate levels were shown to be highly dependent on strain and cultivation time. The results demonstrate that yeasts constitute flexible and controllable vehicles for biofortification of folates in fermented food

    On Folates in Yeasts -Exploring Yeasts as Vehicles for Biofortification of Folates in Food

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    High intake of the B vitamin folate during pregnancy is known to decrease the risk for development of neural tube defects. In addition, a good folate status may prevent the progression of several diseases such as megaloblastic anaemia, cardiovascular disease, cancer and Alzheimer’s disease. However, reaching sufficient amounts via the diet only is complicated and new strategies must be developed to increase the mean folate intake. The aim of this thesis is to explore the use of yeasts for biofortification of folates in food. Yeasts synthesise folates de novo and may constitute potent vehicles for natural folates. Current work includes investigations of folate content and composition in yeasts as well as studies of the impact of growth rate and chemical environments on folate levels in Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Baker’s yeast). The applicability of the results was then investigated in two food model systems (bread and a cereal-based fermented porridge called togwa) to demonstrate the practical relevance. In a screening of 52 yeast strains, the folate content ranged from 40 to 145 \ub5g per gram dry matter of yeast, showing that inherent variations in yeast folate levels exist. Several S. cerevisiae strains showed at least a two-fold higher folate content than a commercial Baker’s strain, indicating possibilities to increase folates in fermented foods simply by choosing the proper strain. With regard to cultivation conditions, folates in S. cerevisiae were demonstrated to increase linearly with growth rate in a defined medium, showing that high growth rate, i.e. respiro-fermentative metabolism, is most favourable for high folate content. Cultivation in a rich medium yielded cells containing lower amounts of folate compared to cells grown in a poor chemical environment even though the specific growth rate was higher in the rich medium. The results obtained show that the growth rate per se could not predict intracellular folate concentrations and that the chemical environment has a substantial impact on intracellular folates. By applying strain selection and cultivation at optimal conditions prior to baking we were able to increase folates five-fold in white wheat bread compared to bread leavened with commercial Baker’s yeast. In addition, folates increased at most 23-fold during yeast fermentations in a cereal-based porridge (togwa) compared to togwa raw material. Final folate levels were shown to be highly dependent on strain and cultivation time. The results demonstrate that yeasts constitute flexible and controllable vehicles for biofortification of folates in fermented food

    Ökad källsortering : En studie av hur man genom styrmedel och information kan öka privatpersoners källsortering

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    Jordens resurser är ändliga, om konsumtionsmönstret följer dagens utveckling kommer flera ta slut inom en överskådlig framtid. En åtgärd är att källsortera så att våra naturresurser kommer in i ett kretslopp där de återvinns eller återanvänds. Det här arbetet inriktar sig på hur man med god kommunikation kan åstadkomma en beteendeförändring som leder till ökad källsortering. Arbetet utgörs av en litteraturstudie för att finna goda exempel från EU och en enkätundersökning med frågor relaterade till källsortering/informationskanaler. Förordningen om deponering har bidraget till att en större andel avfall källsorteras men utvecklingen har stagnerat och i dag återvinns bara 2/3 av alla förpackningar från hushåll. Påverkan för en beteendeförändring kan ske genom regelstyrning, målstyrning och visionsstyrning. Enligt enkätundersökningen har visionsstyrningen störst inverkan för en ökad källsortering. För att få människor att ändra sitt beteende måste man veta vad som styr beteendet i dag särskilt om det är ett beteende som inte är gynnsamt för individen såsom rökning eller en hållbar utveckling såsom att vi tär på jordens ändliga resurser. Här kan man använda sig av en beteendeanalys. För att lyckas med beteendeförändringar genom information gäller att väcka ett intresse för frågan, det kan uppnås genom en noggrann målgruppsanalys och val av rätt budskapsstrategier. Enligt enkätundersökningen har tidningar följt av undervisning och TV-program haft störst positiv påverkan för en ökad källsortering. Bloggar följt av onlinespel och mobilappar har haft minst positiv påverkan för en ökad källsortering, de har även lägst utvecklingspotential. Pappersutskick var den informationskälla som ansågs ha högst utvecklingspotential. Vid litteraturstudien framkom att det finns flera goda exempel på vad som görs i andra europeiska länder för att öka källsorteringen. Många exempel bygger på undervisning i grundskolan där Österrike är en förebild, de har tagit fram ett rikstäckande material där man behandlar ämnet i de flesta årskurser. Andra exempel är "sop-coacher" ute i samhället, tävlingsmoment baserade på källsortering personliga initiativ som att starta en blogg som jobbar för "inget avfall"

    Growth rate and medium composition strongly affect folate content in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

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    Folate content in a Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain was monitored during aerobic batch fermentation in synthetic growth medium, yeast peptone dextrose medium, and a molasses based medium. During growth in the synthetic medium large differences in intracellular folate content was observed at different phases. Specific folate levels, expressed per unit biomass, were highest during respiro-fermentative growth (120 mu g/g) and decreased during the respiratory and stationary phases. Thus, the physiological state of the cells clearly affects the folate content. This was confirmed in chemostat Cultures where total intracellular folate content increased linearly with increasing growth rate (r(2) = 0.998), indicating high growth rate i.e. respiro-fermentative growth to be most favourable to obtain high specific folate content. In complex media however, much lower folate content (15-40 mu g/g) was found throughout the batch growth. Only minor growth-phase related differences were detected. This shows the impact of cultivation medium on folate content in yeast. To further investigate which components that influence folate content, batch experiments in synthetic medium with addition of specific components were performed. Adding a raw mixture of peptides and amino acids (peptone) decreased folate levels extensively (90%) whereas adding amino acids one-by-one only had minor effects on the intracellular folate content. Furthermore, supplementing synthetic medium with pABA, folate or nucleotides did not change the intracellular folate content. This work constitutes the first steps towards an optimised process for production of natural folates for fortification Purposes, as well as an effort to gain fundamental understanding of folate requirements in yeast in relation to environmental conditions

    Biofortification of folates in white wheat bread by selection of yeast strain and process

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    We here demonstrate that folate content in yeast fermented food can be dramatically increased by using a proper (i) yeast strain and (ii) cultivation procedure for the selected strain prior to food fermentation. Folate levels were 3 to 5-fold higher in white wheat bread leavened with a Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain CBS7764, cultured in defined medium and harvested in the respiro-fermentative phase of growth prior to dough preparation (135-139 mu g/100 dry matter), compared to white wheat bread leavened with commercial Baker\u27s yeast (27-43 mu g/100 g). The commercial Baker\u27s yeast strain had been industrially produced, using a fedbatch process. thereafter compressed and stored in the refrigerator until bakings were initiated. This strategy is an attractive alternative to fortification of bread with synthetically produced folic acid. By using a high folate producing strain cultured a suitable way folate levels obtained were in accordance with folic acid content in fortified cereal products

    Inherent biodiversity of folate content and composition in yeasts

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    We have studied folate content and composition in 44 yeast strains cultivated in a synthetic medium at standardised conditions. Folates were measured by a validated HPLC method. The total folate content ranged from 4000 to 14,500 mu g/100g dry matter showing a large biodiversity among studied yeasts. The forms found were 5-CH3-H(4)folate and H(4)folate, also varying extensively in relative amounts between different strains. Several strains showed a showed two-fold or higher folate content as compared to the control strain-a commercial strain of Baker's yeast. This indicates that folate content in yeast-fermented foods may be more than doubled merely by choosing a proper strain