9 research outputs found

    Patients with Hidradenitis Suppurativa Suffer from Low Health-Related Quality of Life as Measured by the Generic 15D Instrument

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    Introduction: Hidradenitis suppurativa (HS) is a chronic inflammatory skin disease associated with various comorbidities and diminished quality of life (QoL). Among dermatological conditions, HS is reported to most severely diminish QoL. This study aimed to analyse the health-related QoL (HRQoL) of patients with HS in more detail by using generic to disease-specific HRQoL questionnaires. Correlations between the HRQoL measures and HS disease severity measures were assessed. Methods: We analysed the HRQoL and clinical severity of patients with HS (N = 92) treated in 5 Finnish hospitals using HRQoL measurement tools most often used in dermatological clinics, as well as the generic 15D instrument (standardized and self-administered 15-dimensional measure of HRQoL). The disease severity was assessed using the Hurley stage, International Hidradenitis Suppurativa Severity Score System, and disease severity evaluation by the investigator. Results: The mean 15D score of HS patients was low and comparable with that of patients with cancers. No correlation was found between HS severity measures and 15D score, indicating that even mild HS has a high impact on HRQoL. Conclusions: Our findings strengthen the understanding about HS as a debilitating disease and even compared with non-dermatological conditions and highlight the need of comprehensive care of patients with HS.</p

    Patients with Hidradenitis Suppurativa Suffer from Low Health-Related Quality of Life as Measured by the Generic 15D Instrument

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    Introduction: Hidradenitis suppurativa (HS) is a chronic inflammatory skin disease associated with various comorbidities and diminished quality of life (QoL). Among dermatological conditions, HS is reported to most severely diminish QoL. This study aimed to analyse the health-related QoL (HRQoL) of patients with HS in more detail by using generic to disease-specific HRQoL questionnaires. Correlations between the HRQoL measures and HS disease severity measures were assessed. Methods: We analysed the HRQoL and clinical severity of patients with HS (N = 92) treated in 5 Finnish hospitals using HRQoL measurement tools most often used in dermatological clinics, as well as the generic 15D instrument (standardized and self-Administered 15-dimensional measure of HRQoL). The disease severity was assessed using the Hurley stage, International Hidradenitis Suppurativa Severity Score System, and disease severity evaluation by the investigator. Results: The mean 15D score of HS patients was low and comparable with that of patients with cancers. No correlation was found between HS severity measures and 15D score, indicating that even mild HS has a high impact on HRQoL. Conclusions: Our findings strengthen the understanding about HS as a debilitating disease and even compared with non-dermatological conditions and highlight the need of comprehensive care of patients with HS.publishedVersionPeer reviewe

    Professional competences to promote healthy ageing across the lifespan: a scoping review

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    As societies age, the development of resources and strategies that foster healthy ageing from the beginning of life become increasingly important. Social and healthcare professionals are key agents in this process; therefore, their training needs to be in agreement with societal needs. We performed a scoping review on professional competences for social and health workers to adequately promote healthy ageing throughout life, using the framework described by Arksey and O’Malley and the Joanna Briggs Institute Guidelines. A stakeholder consultation was held in each of the participating countries, in which 79 experts took part. Results show that current literature has been excessively focused on the older age and that more attention on how to work with younger population groups is needed. Likewise, not all disciplines have equally refected on their role before this challenge and interprofessional approaches, despite showing promise, have not been sufciently described. Based on our results, health and social professionals working to promote healthy ageing across the lifespan will need sound competences regarding person-centred communication, professional communication, technology applications, physiological and pathophysiological aspects of ageing, social and environmental aspects, cultural diversity, programs and policies, ethics, general and basic skills, context and self-management-related skills, health promotion and disease prevention skills, educational and research skills, leadership skills, technological skills and clinical reasoning. Further research should contribute to establishing which competences are more relevant to each discipline and at what level they should be taught, as well as how they can be best implemented to efectively transform health and social care systems.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Promoção de competências para o envelhecimento saudável: projeto SIENHA

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    Introdução: Face aos desafios sociais e de saúde de uma população em envelhecimento, é necessário a atualização das políticas sociais e de saúde na Europa (WHO, 2020; Rudnicka, 2020). O paradigma do Envelhecimento Saudável (HA) sublinha a necessidade de inovação nos sectores educativo, de saúde e social e a devida formação dos profissionais implicados. Objectivos: O projecto Strategic Innovative Educational Network for Healthy Ageing (SIENHA) - www.sienha.eu, visa desenvolver educação a nível superior e o desenvolvimento de competências em estudantes e profissionais dos sectores de saúde e social na Europa. Este projeto envolveu uma cooperação académica multilateral ao longo de 36 meses entre sete Instituições de Ensino Superior (IES) europeias, e foi financiado pelo programa ERASMUS+. Material e Métodos: Foram estabelecidos quatro principais resultados intelectuais: 1) Identificação de um quadro de competências profissionais em HA; 2) Desenvolvimento de um currículo de ensino superior; 3) Criação de um kit de ferramentas para inovação e investigação em HA; e 4) Produção de uma ferramenta de disseminação, um Manual em Envelhecimento Saudável. Com base numa revisão exploratória, foram estabelecidas listas de competências fundamentais e desenvolvido as estratégias de avaliação e o programa de estudos. Foi também elaborado um kit de ferramentas com vista à aplicação de investigação de implementação e estratégias pedagógicas inovadoras. Resultados: O projeto culminou na identificação de competências relevantes, na conceção de um kit de ferramentas baseado nas melhores práticas e na criação de um currículo educacional centrado no envelhecimento saudável ao longo da vida. Este currículo foi concebido para melhor preparar os profissionais de saúde e sociais, incluindo fisioterapeutas, promovendo a saúde e bem-estar ao longo da vida. Conclusões: O projeto SIENHA proporciona uma abordagem integrada e estratégica para enfrentar os desafios do envelhecimento saudável na Europa, trazendo inovações na formação e prática profissional. Esta colaboração pode representar um avanço significativo para a melhoria da formação e preparação de profissionais nos sectores de saúde e social na Europa.N/

    Identifying Stakeholders’ Expectations and Needs in the Development of a Double Degree Programme in Social Services (BA)

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    Internationalisation has become an important part of the activities undertaken by higher education institutions. Within the Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences, Double Degree Programmes have entered the forefront of international development. Despite this, there is little information available on how Double Degree Programmes in the field of social and health care have been developed, and how the stakeholders of Finnish higher education have been acknowledged in the development processes. The purpose of this research was to enhance the development of a Double Degree Programme in Social Services (Bachelor level) at JAMK University of Applied Sciences, School of Health and Social Studies. Theoretical framework chosen for the research was the stakeholder theory by Freeman (2010, 27). Theory focuses on understanding the influence of various stakeholders for efficient business management. The main research question aimed at finding out how can a Double Degree Programme in Social Services be developed taking into account the stakeholders of Finnish higher education. The research was carried out as a qualitative research with design strategy as the chosen method. The research results pave away for the development of a Double Degree Programme in Social Services, utilising the main expectations and needs of the stakeholders of Finnish higher education, identified by the research as students, institution, working life and national agencies. The impacts of the research contributions and recommendations for future research were presented in line with the stakeholder groups, the field of social and health care and the utilised theoretical framework of the research.Kansainvälisyydestä on tullut tärkeä osa korkeakoulujen toimintaa. Suomalaisten ammattikorkeakoulujen keskuudessa kaksoistutkinnot ovat kasvaneet kansainvälisen kehityksen keskiöön. Tästä huolimatta kaksoistutkintojen luomisesta sosiaali- ja terveysalalle on vähän näyttöä, mukaan luettuna suomalaisen korkeakoulutuksen sidosryhmien huomioiminen osana luomisprosesseja. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli edesauttaa sosiaalialan kaksoistutkinnon (sosionimi AMK) luomista Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulun hyvinvointiyksikköön. Tutkimukseen valittu teoreettinen tietoperusta oli Freemanin (2010, 27) ”Stakeholder theory”, sidosryhmäteoria. Teorian tarkoituksena on ymmärtää eri sidosryhmien vaikutus tehokkaaseen liiketoimintaan. Tärkein tutkimuskysymys keskittyi selvittämään, miten sosiaalialan kaksoistutkinto voidaan luoda ottamalla huomioon suomalaisen korkeakoulutuksen sidosryhmät. Tutkimus toteutettiin laadullisena tutkimuksena suunnittelututkimusta hyödyntäen. Tutkimustulokset edesauttavat sosiaalialan kaksoistutkinnon luomisessa, hyödyntäen tutkimuksessa esille tulleiden suomalaisen korkeakoulutuksen sidosryhmien, opiskelijoiden, korkeakoulun, työelämän sekä korkeakoulutuksen hallinnon odotuksia ja tarpeita. Tutkimustulosten vaikutukset ja ehdotukset tulevaisuuden tutkimukselle esitettiin perustuen kyseessä oleviin neljään sidosryhmään, sosiaali- ja terveysalaan sekä tutkimuksessa käytettyyn teoreettiseen tietoperustaan

    The Sportscomp Erasmus+ Project: Higher Education to Improve Competency in Sports Physiotherapy

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    One of the most important milestones of the International Federation of Sports Physical Therapy (IFSPT), a specialty group of the World Physiotherapy (WP) group, was the creation of the Sports Physiotherapy Competencies and Standards document. This statement, finalized by an international panel of experts almost twenty years ago, under The European Union-funded Sports Physiotherapy for All (SPA) project, describes effective professional behaviours and integrates specific knowledge, skills and attitudes in the context of practice. These competencies provide a basis for policy development, enable quality assurance activities and facilitate individual professional development