2,068 research outputs found

    Real space tests of the statistical isotropy and Gaussianity of the WMAP CMB data

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    ABRIDGED: We introduce and analyze a method for testing statistical isotropy and Gaussianity and apply it to the WMAP CMB foreground reduced, temperature maps, and cross-channel difference maps. We divide the sky into regions of varying size and shape and measure the first four moments of the one-point distribution within these regions, and using their simulated spatial distributions we test the statistical isotropy and Gaussianity hypotheses. By randomly varying orientations of these regions, we sample the underlying CMB field in a new manner, that offers a richer exploration of the data content, and avoids possible biasing due to a single choice of sky division. The statistical significance is assessed via comparison with realistic Monte-Carlo simulations. We find the three-year WMAP maps to agree well with the isotropic, Gaussian random field simulations as probed by regions corresponding to the angular scales ranging from 6 deg to 30 deg at 68% confidence level. We report a strong, anomalous (99.8% CL) dipole ``excess'' in the V band of the three-year WMAP data and also in the V band of the WMAP five-year data (99.3% CL). We notice the large scale hemispherical power asymmetry, and find that it is not highly statistically significant in the WMAP three-year data (<~ 97%) at scales l <= 40. The significance is even smaller if multipoles up to l=1024 are considered (~90% CL). We give constraints on the amplitude of the previously-proposed CMB dipole modulation field parameter. We easily detect the residual foregrounds in cross-band difference maps at rms level <~ 7 \mu K (at scales >~ 6 deg) and limit the systematical uncertainties to <~ 1.7 \mu K (at scales >~ 30 deg).Comment: 20 pages, 20 figures; more tests added; updated to match the version to be published in JCA

    Cross-correlation of the CMB and foregrounds phases derived from the WMAP data

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    We present circular and linear cross-correlation tests and the "friend-of-friend" analysis for phases of the Internal Linear Combination Map (ILC) and the WMAP foregrounds for all K--W frequency bands at the range of multipoles 100\ell\le100. We compare also Tegmark, de Oliveira-Costa and Hamilton (2003) and Naselsky et al. (2003) cleaned maps with corresponding foregrounds. We have found significant deviations from the expected Poissonian statistics for all the cleaned maps and foregrounds. Our analysis shows that, for a low multipole range of the cleaned maps, power spectra contains some of the foregrounds residuals mainly from the W band.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figures. Submitted to MNRA

    Cross-Correlation Detection of Point Sources in WMAP First Year Data

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    We apply a Cross-correlation (CC) method developed previously for detecting gamma-ray point sources to the WMAP first year data by using the Point-Spread Function of WMAP and obtain a full sky CC coefficient map. Analyzing this map, we find that the CC method is a powerful tool to examine the WMAP foreground residuals which can be further cleaned accordingly. Evident foreground signals are found in WMAP foreground cleaned maps and Tegmark cleaned map. In this process 101 point-sources are detected, and 26 of them are new sources besides the originally listed WMAP 208 sources. We estimate the flux of these new sources and verify them by another method. As a result, a revised mask file based on the WMAP first year data is produced by including these new sources.Comment: 14 pages, 10 figures; accepted for publication by ChJA

    Five-Year Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) Observations: Angular Power Spectra

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    We present the temperature and polarization angular power spectra of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) derived from the first 5 years of WMAP data. The 5-year temperature (TT) spectrum is cosmic variance limited up to multipole l=530, and individual l-modes have S/N>1 for l<920. The best fitting six-parameter LambdaCDM model has a reduced chi^2 for l=33-1000 of chi^2/nu=1.06, with a probability to exceed of 9.3%. There is now significantly improved data near the third peak which leads to improved cosmological constraints. The temperature-polarization correlation (TE) is seen with high significance. After accounting for foreground emission, the low-l reionization feature in the EE power spectrum is preferred by \Delta\chi^2=19.6 for optical depth tau=0.089 by the EE data alone, and is now largely cosmic variance limited for l=2-6. There is no evidence for cosmic signal in the BB, TB, or EB spectra after accounting for foreground emission. We find that, when averaged over l=2-6, l(l+1)C^{BB}_l/2\pi < 0.15 uK^2 (95% CL).Comment: 29 pages, 13 figures, accepted by ApJ

    Statistical Isotropy violation of the CMB brightness fluctuations

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    Certain anomalies at large angular scales in the cosmic microwave background measured by WMAP have been suggested as possible evidence of breakdown of statistical isotropy(SI). Most CMB photons free-stream to the present from the surface of last scattering. It is thus reasonable to expect statistical isotropy violation in the CMB photon distribution observed now to have originated from SI violation in the baryon-photon fluid at last scattering, in addition to anisotropy of the primordial power spectrum studied earlier in literature. We consider the generalized anisotropic brightness distribution fluctuations, Δ(k,n^,τ)\Delta(\vec{k}, \hat{n}, \tau) (at conformal time τ\tau) in contrast to the SI case where it is simply a function of k|\vec{k}| and k^n^\hat{k} \cdot \hat{n}. The brightness fluctuations expanded in Bipolar Spherical Harmonic (BipoSH) series, can then be written as Δ12LM(k,τ)\Delta_{\ell_1 \ell_2}^{L M}(\vec{k}, \tau) where L>0L > 0 terms encode deviations from statistical isotropy. We study the evolution of Δ12LM(k,τ)\Delta_{\ell_1 \ell_2}^{L M}(\vec{k}, \tau) from non-zero terms Δ34LM(k,τs)\Delta_{\ell_3 \ell_4}^{L M}(\vec{k}, \tau_s) at last scattering. Similar to the SI case, power at small spherical harmonic (SH) multipoles of Δ34LM(k,τs)\Delta_{\ell_3 \ell_4}^{L M}(\vec{k},\tau_s) at the last scattering, is transferred to Δ12LM(k,τ)\Delta_{\ell_1 \ell_2}^{L M}(\vec{k}, \tau) at larger SH multipoles. The structural similarity is more apparent in the asymptotic expression for large values of the final SH multipoles. This formalism allows an elegant identification of any SI violation observed today to a possible origin in the SI violation present in the baryon-photon fluid (eg., due to the presence of significant magnetic field).Comment: 14 pages, 4 figures, added illustrative example of SI violation in baryon-photon fluid, matches version accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Introducing Mexican needlets for CMB analysis: Issues for practical applications and comparison with standard needlets

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    Over the last few years, needlets have a emerged as a useful tool for the analysis of Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) data. Our aim in this paper is first to introduce in the CMB literature a different form of needlets, known as Mexican needlets, first discussed in the mathematical literature by Geller and Mayeli (2009a,b). We then proceed with an extensive study of the properties of both standard and Mexican needlets; these properties depend on some parameters which can be tuned in order to optimize the performance for a given application. Our second aim in this paper is then to give practical advice on how to adjust these parameters in order to achieve the best properties for a given problem in CMB data analysis. In particular we investigate localization properties in real and harmonic spaces and propose a recipe on how to quantify the influence of galactic and point source masks on the needlet coefficients. We also show that for certain parameter values, the Mexican needlets provide a close approximation to the Spherical Mexican Hat Wavelets (whence their name), with some advantages concerning their numerical implementation and the derivation of their statistical properties.Comment: 40 pages, 11 figures, published version, main modification: added section on more realistic galactic and point source mask

    Gravitational Lensing Signature of Long Cosmic Strings

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    The gravitational lensing by long, wiggly cosmic strings is shown to produce a large number of lensed images of a background source. In addition to pairs of images on either side of the string, a number of small images outline the string due to small-scale structure on the string. This image pattern could provide a highly distinctive signature of cosmic strings. Since the optical depth for multiple imaging of distant quasar sources by long strings may be comparable to that by galaxies, these image patterns should be clearly observable in the next generation of redshift surveys such as the Sloan Digital Sky Survey.Comment: 4 pages, revtex with 3 postscript figures include

    A measurement of large-scale peculiar velocities of clusters of galaxies: results and cosmological implications

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    Peculiar velocities of clusters of galaxies can be measured by studying the fluctuations in the cosmic microwave background (CMB) generated by the scattering of the microwave photons by the hot X-ray emitting gas inside clusters. While for individual clusters such measurements result in large errors, a large statistical sample of clusters allows one to study cumulative quantities dominated by the overall bulk flow of the sample with the statistical errors integrating down. We present results from such a measurement using the largest all-sky X-ray cluster catalog combined to date and the 3-year WMAP CMB data. We find a strong and coherent bulk flow on scales out to at least > 300 h^{-1} Mpc, the limit of our catalog. This flow is difficult to explain by gravitational evolution within the framework of the concordance LCDM model and may be indicative of the tilt exerted across the entire current horizon by far-away pre-inflationary inhomogeneities.Comment: Ap.J. (Letters), in press. 20 Oct issue (Vol. 686

    New insights into foreground analysis of the WMAP five-year data using FASTICA

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    In this paper, we present a foreground analysis of the WMAP 5-year data using the FASTICA algorithm, improving on the treatment of the WMAP 3-year data in Bottino et al 2008. We revisit the nature of the free-free spectrum with the emphasis on attempting to confirm or otherwise the spectral feature claimed in Dobbler et al 2008b and explained in terms of spinning dust emission in the warm ionised medium. With the application of different Galactic cuts, the index is always flatter than the canonical value of 2.14 except for the Kp0 mask which is steeper. Irrespective of this, we can not confirm the presence of any feature in the free-free spectrum. We experiment with a more extensive approach to the cleaning of the data, introduced in connection with the iterative application of FASTICA. We confirm the presence of a residual foreground whose spatial distribution is concentrated along the Galactic plane, with pronounced emission near the Galactic center. This is consistent with the WMAP haze detected in Finkbeiner 2004. Finally, we attempted to perform the same analysis on full-sky maps. The code returns good results even for those regions where the cross-talk among the components is high. However, slightly better results in terms of the possibility of reconstructing a full-sky CMB map, are achieved with a simultaneous analysis of both the five WMAP maps and foreground templates. Nonetheless, some residuals are still present and detected in terms of an excess in the CMB power spectrum, on small angular scales. Therefore, a minimal mask for the brightest regions of the plane is necessary, and has been defined.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS, 25 pages, 17 figures, 4 tables. Version with full resolution figures available at: http://www.mpa-garching.mpg.de/~bottino/downloads/bottino_etal.pd

    Seven-Year Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) Observations: Are There Cosmic Microwave Background Anomalies?

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    (Abridged) A simple six-parameter LCDM model provides a successful fit to WMAP data, both when the data are analyzed alone and in combination with other cosmological data. Even so, it is appropriate to search for any hints of deviations from the now standard model of cosmology, which includes inflation, dark energy, dark matter, baryons, and neutrinos. The cosmological community has subjected the WMAP data to extensive and varied analyses. While there is widespread agreement as to the overall success of the six-parameter LCDM model, various "anomalies" have been reported relative to that model. In this paper we examine potential anomalies and present analyses and assessments of their significance. In most cases we find that claimed anomalies depend on posterior selection of some aspect or subset of the data. Compared with sky simulations based on the best fit model, one can select for low probability features of the WMAP data. Low probability features are expected, but it is not usually straightforward to determine whether any particular low probability feature is the result of the a posteriori selection or of non-standard cosmology. We examine in detail the properties of the power spectrum with respect to the LCDM model. We examine several potential or previously claimed anomalies in the sky maps and power spectra, including cold spots, low quadrupole power, quadropole-octupole alignment, hemispherical or dipole power asymmetry, and quadrupole power asymmetry. We conclude that there is no compelling evidence for deviations from the LCDM model, which is generally an acceptable statistical fit to WMAP and other cosmological data.Comment: 19 pages, 17 figures, also available with higher-res figures on http://lambda.gsfc.nasa.gov; accepted by ApJS; (v2) text as accepte