599 research outputs found

    How to Cope with Declining Small Urban Centres? - The Finnish Regional Centre Programme in perspective

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    The severe depression which Finland suffered in the early 1990´s as well as the subsequent economic developments saw Finland faced not only with high unemployment and rising income disparities but also with deepening regional imbalance. As a handful of larger cities grew, many others either coped or declined altogether. In 2000 the Finnish government launched the Regional Centre Programme (RCP). Through the development of a regional network of different sized growth centres based on their particular strengths, expertise and specialization, the original purpose of the programme was not only to find new sources of economic growth but to find ways of spreading growth more evenly across regions without hindering the overall development. The aim of this paper is to assess the development trail which led to the emergence of the RCP as well as to study RCP´s role in assisting the development of small urban centres during its first three years of existence. Keywords: Regional development, Regional Centre Policy, Finland

    Introduction: looking beyond the walls

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    In its consideration of the remarkable extent and variety of non-university researchers, this book takes a broader view of ‘knowledge’ and ‘research’ than in the many hot debates about today’s knowledge society, ‘learning age’, or organisation of research. It goes beyond the commonly held image of ‘knowledge’ as something produced and owned by the full-time experts to take a look at those engaged in active knowledge building outside the university walls

    Effects of the CPAP Treatment on the NON-REM Sleep Microstructures in Patients with Severe Apnea-Hypoapnea Syndrome

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    Sleep quality is affected in patients with sleep apnea- hypopnea syndrome (SAHS) with nocturnal and diurnal consequences. Most of these patients who are treated with positive airway pressure (CPAP) return to normal sleep patterns. We could consider good sleepers those patients who present more sleep spindles in stage II, and slower wave sleep as a good sign of better sleep quality. The objective in this research study was to compare the microstructure of stage II using the number of spindles and the increase of slow wave sleep before and after CPAP night titration. We developed a wavelet filter using a spline cubic function from a wavelet mother, which was appropriate to be used over electroencephalographic signal. By means of this filter in a multi-resolution mode, the spindles were detected from the increase of the IV band power; the sampling rate of the device determined the filter characteristics. The staging of polysomnographic studies was made by an expert according AASM (American Academy of Sleep Medicine) and then processed by the filter to get the index of sleep spindles before-and-after CPAP during stage II as well as the relationship between fast and slow powers from the EEG signal. An increase in the power of the slow waves vs. fast activity was observed in all the cases as a feature of better sleep. The neuroprotective effect described in previous research works regarding the density of the sleep spindles seems to be detected in patients improving their sleep quality after the correction of the apnea-hypopnea syndrome using CPAP.Fil: Smurra, Marcela. Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Hospital General de Agudos Dr. Enrique Tornú; ArgentinaFil: Blanco, Susana Alicia Ana. Universidad de Belgrano. Facultad de Ingeniería; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Eguiguren, Veronica. Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Hospital General de Agudos Dr. Enrique Tornú; ArgentinaFil: Di Risio, Cecilia Diana. Universidad de Belgrano. Facultad de Ingeniería; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    Insuliinipumppu tutuksi - DVD : Osa nykyaikaista diabeteksen hoitoa

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    Insuliinipumppu on osa nykyaikaista diabeteksen hoitoa. Insuliinipumppuhoito on jatkuvasti yleisty-mässä, mutta hoitomuoto on hoitohenkilökunnan huonosti tuntema. Teimme opinnäytetyönämme insu-liinipumpusta ja sen käytöstä DVD:n oppilaitoksemme eli Mikkelin ammattikorkeakoulun hoitoalan opiskelijoiden käyttöön. DVD tarjoaa mahdollisuuden tutustua laitteen perusominaisuuksiin ja insuliinipumppuhoidon pääpiir-teisiin. DVD tehtiin yhteistyössä mediatekniikan tietojenkäsittelyopiskelijoiden kanssa. Tiivistä yhteistyötä teimme myös insuliinipumppuvalmistaja Medtronic Finlandin Oy:n kanssa. Teoriaosuudessamme käsittelemme diabeteksen lääketieteellisen hoidon pääpiirteitä sekä oppimista au-diovisuaalisen materiaalin avulla.Insulin pump is a part of the modern treatment of diabetes. Although insulin pump treatment is becoming more and more common, as a treatment method it's not well known among the nurses. The purpose of our bachelor´s was to make an educational DVD on the use of insulin pump for the nursing students of Mikkeli University of Applied Sciences. The goal was to offer student the possibility to get familiar with the basic functions of the device and with the principles of insulin pump treatment . It's been produced in cooperation with IT students carring out their mediatechnology studies and also cooperated closely with Medtronic Fin-land Oy, the manufacturer of the insulin pump.DV

    Kukoistusta ja elinvoimaa

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    Pekka Himanen: Kukoistuksen käsikirja. WSOY 2010. Aarne Nurmio ja Teppo Turkki (toim.): Elinvoimainen Suomi. Sitra 2010

    Finnish Young People´s Attitudes towards and Perceptions of Entrepreneurship : An evaluation of the impact of Youth entrepreneurship theme year

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    In the Helsinki-Uusimaa region of Finland, 2012 was the theme year of entrepreneurship, with the central aim of promoting entrepreneurship among young people. Throughout the year about 80 different events took place. The present study analysed the impact of the theme year and its activities. The study will examine the changes in the attitudes and perceptions towards entrepreneurship amongst young people. The first sample (N = 873) was collected in early 2012 and the second sample (N=725) in early 2013. The results indicate the challenging nature of trying to influence attitudes towards entrepreneurship and perceptions of entrepreneurship. According to the results the perception of entrepreneurship changed slightly during the theme year, but only amongst upper secondary school students. Similarly a small change was observed in the relationship between the perception and appreciation of entrepreneurship. In addition the study shows how challenging it is to evaluate the impact of promotional activity at the regional level

    The Socio-Political Dynamic Import of Citizens Participation in Public Resource Management in Relation to Good Governance for South Africa

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    This article looks at the social fundamentals in Africa’s political governance in relation to basicleadership and its system of administration regarding public office holders vis-a-vis political leaders. In anattempt to address the research question, it conceptualizes the dynamics of having a transparent government,in the changing pattern in leadership in relation to good administration of governance and the managementof public goods and delivery of services to general public, a system for which the discourse changes in Africa’slegislative issues. This article focuses on the structures of interaction from the national to local level it thenbrings up development of events that seem to be basic to all African politics, which may have been inciting thechanges in the original patterns. It identifies socio-political and economic policies as bedrock that is central toa country’s stability and development. Inevitably, a properly established economic policy is needed to ensurethe sustainability, strength, development, and delivery, of public goods efficiently. This article contributes tothe political discourse in Africa, which may have continued to this day and findings shows the obvious failureson the part of political leaders’ and their inability to manage public resources, thereby making them deviatefrom their campaign manifestos or become detached from people-centred fundamental issues of governance.Qualitatively, this article is conducted and guided by Stewardship and Corporate Governance theory. Itobjectively looks at the keys of good governance as its objective in the post-independence African publicsector in providing an enabling environment and effective regulatory framework

    The Smart House Intelligent Management System : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Engineering in Information Engineering at Massey University

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    In October 2002, Massey University embarked on the Smart House Project. It was intended to be a test bed of different technologies that improve the safety and quality of life within the home. This thesis presents the design and current status of the Smart House Intelligent Management System, a management system for processing the commands received in the Massey University Smart House. There will be two parts to this Management System: an Expert System which will be responsible for the supervision of the house, its rules and its devices, as well as a conversation module which will converse with the occupant/s of the Smart House. The system will receive voice or text commands from the user as input and process the information through performing database queries about the received command, to ascertain whether it is valid. Validity is dependent on the command's adhering to house rules, which have been set by the user beforehand. This Management System will communicate with three other modules: the Bluetooth Smart Watch, the Speech Recognition/Generation System and the Ethernet Switching System, which enables access to the house devices

    Maaottelu kuusen siemenviljelyksillä

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    Tieteen tori201

    Tietoyhteiskunta selviytymistarinana

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    Kirja-arvostelu: Suomen tietoyhteiskuntamalli / Manuel Castells, Pekka Himanen : Sitra & WSOY. Helsinki, 2001