83 research outputs found

    Construction and characterization of synthetic bacterial community for experimental ecology and evolution

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    Experimental microbial ecology and evolution have yielded foundational insights into ecological and evolutionary processes using simple microcosm setups and phenotypic assays with one- or two-species model systems. The fields are now increasingly incorporating more complex systems and exploration of the molecular basis of observations. For this purpose, simplified, manageable and well-defined multispecies model systems are required that can be easily investigated using culturing and high-throughput sequencing approaches, bridging the gap between simpler and more complex synthetic or natural systems. Here we address this need by constructing a completely synthetic 33 bacterial strain community that can be cultured in simple laboratory conditions. We provide whole-genome data for all the strains as well as metadata about genomic features and phenotypic traits that allow resolving individual strains by amplicon sequencing and facilitate a variety of envisioned mechanistic studies. We further show that a large proportion of the strains exhibit coexistence in co-culture over serial transfer for 48 days in the absence of any experimental manipulation to maintain diversity. The constructed bacterial community can be a valuable resource in future experimental work.Peer reviewe

    A high-throughput approach to the culture-based estimation of plasmid transfer rates

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    Horizontal gene transfer is an essential component of bacterial evolution. Quantitative information on transfer rates is particularly useful to better understand and possibly predict the spread of antimicrobial resistance. A variety of methods has been proposed to estimate the rates of plasmid-mediated gene transfer all of which require substantial labor input or financial resources. A cheap but reliable method with high-throughput capabilities is yet to be developed in order to better capture the variability of plasmid transfer rates, e.g. among strains or in response to environmental cues. We explored a new approach to the culture-based estimation of plasmid transfer rates in liquid media allowing for a large number of parallel experiments. It deviates from established approaches in the fact that it exploits data on the absence/presence of transconjugant cells in the wells of a well plate observed over time. Specifically, the binary observations are compared to the probability of transconjugant detection as predicted by a dynamic model. The bulk transfer rate is found as the best-fit value of a designated model parameter. The feasibility of the approach is demonstrated on mating experiments where the RP4 plasmid is transfered from Serratia marcescens to several Escherichia coil recipients. The methods uncertainty is explored via split sampling and virtual experiments.Peer reviewe

    Antibiotic resistance in the wild: an eco-evolutionary perspective

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    The legacy of the use and misuse of antibiotics in recent decades has left us with a global public health crisis: antibiotic-resistant bacteria are on the rise, making it harder to treat infections. At the same time, evolution of antibiotic resistance is probably the best-documented case of contemporary evolution. To date, research on antibiotic resistance has largely ignored the complexity of interactions that bacteria engage in. However, in natural populations, bacteria interact with other species; for example, competition and grazing are import interactions influencing bacterial population dynamics. Furthermore, antibiotic leakage to natural environments can radically alter bacterial communities. Overall, we argue that eco-evolutionary feedback loops in microbial communities can be modified by residual antibiotics and evolution of antibiotic resistance. The aim of this review is to connect some of the well-established key concepts in evolutionary biology and recent advances in the study of eco-evolutionary dynamics to research on antibiotic resistance. We also identify some key knowledge gaps related to eco-evolutionary dynamics of antibiotic resistance, and review some of the recent technical advantages in molecular microbiology that offer new opportunities for tackling these questions. Finally, we argue that using the full potential of evolutionary theory and active communication across the different fields is needed for solving this global crisis more efficiently. This article is part of the themed issue 'Human influences on evolution, and the ecological and societal consequences'.Peer reviewe

    Co-evolution as an important component explaining microbial predator-prey interaction

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    Predator-prey relationships belong to the most important and well-studied ecological interactions in nature. Understanding the underlying mechanisms is important to predict community dynamics and to estimate coexistence probability. Historically, evolution has been considered to be too slow to affect such ecological interactions. However, evolution can occur within ecological time scales, potentially affecting predator-prey communities. In an antagonistic pair-wise relationship the prey might evolve to minimize the effect caused by the predator (e.g. mortality), while the predator might evolve to maximize the effect (e.g. food intake). Evolution of one of the species or even co-evolution of both species in predator-prey relationships is often difficult to estimate from population dynamics without measuring of trait changes in predator and/or prey population. Particularly in microbial systems, where microorganisms evolve quickly, determining whether co-evolution occurs in predator-prey systems is challenging. We simulate observational data using quantitative trait evolution models and show that the interaction between bacteria and ciliates can be best explained as a co-evolutionary process, where both the prey and predator evolve. Evolution by prey alone explains the data less well, whereas the models with predator evolution alone or no evolution are both failing. We conclude that that ecology and evolution both interact in shaping community dynamics in microcosms. Ignoring the contribution of evolution might lead to incorrect conclusions.Peer reviewe

    The spread of the plasmid RP4 in a synthetic bacterial community is dependent on the particular donor strain

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    The rapid spread of antibiotic resistance challenges modern medicine. So far, mechanistic and quantitative knowledge concerning the spread of resistance genes mainly relies on laboratory experiments with simplified setups, e.g. two strain communities. Thus, the transferability of the obtained process rates might be limited. To investigate the role of a diverse community concerning the dissemination of the multidrug resistance plasmid RP4, an Escherichia coli harboring RP4 invaded a microbial community consisting of 21 species. Changes in the community composition as well as plasmid uptake by community members were monitored for 22 days. Special focus was laid on the question of whether the observed changes were dependent on the actual invading donor isolate and the ambient antibiotic concentration. In our microcosm experiment, the community composition was primarily influenced by the given environmental variables and only secondarily by the particular invader E. coli. The establishment of resistance within the community, however, was directly dependent on the donor identity. The extent to which ambient conditions influence the spread of RP4 depended on the E. coli donor strain. These results emphasize that even within one species there are great differences in the ability to conquer an ecological niche and to spread antibiotic resistance.Peer reviewe

    Effect of mutation supply on population dynamics and trait evolution in an experimental microbial community

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    Mutation supply can influence evolutionary and thereby ecological dynamics in important ways which have received little attention. Mutation supply influences features of population genetics, such as the pool of adaptive mutations, evolutionary pathways and importance of processes, such as clonal interference. The resultant trait evolutionary dynamics, in turn, can alter population size and species interactions. However, controlled experiments testing for the importance of mutation supply on rapid adaptation and thereby population and community dynamics have primarily been restricted to the first of these aspects. To close this knowledge gap, we performed a serial passage experiment with wild-type Pseudomonas fluorescens and a mutant with reduced mutation rate. Bacteria were grown at two resource levels in combination with the presence of a ciliate predator. A higher mutation supply enabled faster adaptation to the low-resource environment and anti-predatory defence. This was associated with higher population size at the ecological level and better access to high-recurrence mutational targets at the genomic level with higher mutation supply. In contrast, mutation rate did not affect growth under high-resource level. Our results demonstrate that intrinsic mutation rate influences population dynamics and trait evolution particularly when population size is constrained by extrinsic conditions.Peer reviewe

    High variability of plasmid uptake rates in Escherichia coli isolated from sewage and river sediments

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    The horizontal transfer of plasmids is a key mechanism behind the spread of antibiotic resistance in bacteria. So far, transfer rate constants were measured for a variety of plasmids, donors and recipients. The employed strains typically had a long history in laboratories. Existing data are, therefore, not necessarily representative for real-world environments. Moreover, information on the inter-strain variability of plasmid transfer rates is scarce. Using a high-throughput approach, we studied the uptake of RP4 by various Escherichia coli recipients using Serratia marcescens as the donor. The recipient strains were isolated from human-borne sewage and river sediments. The rate constants of plasmid transfer generally followed a log-normal distribution with considerable variance. The rate constants for good and poor recipients (95 and 5% quantile) differed by more than three orders of magnitude. Specifically, the inter-strain variability of the rate constant was large in comparison to alterations induced by low-level antibiotic exposure. We did not find evidence for diverging efficiencies of plasmid uptake between E. coli recipients of different origin. On average, strains isolated from river bottom sediments were equally efficient in the acquisition of RP4 as isolates extracted from sewage. We conclude that E. coli strains persisting in the aquatic environment and those of direct human origin share a similar intrinsic potential for the conjugative uptake of certain plasmids. In view of the large inter-strain variability, we propose to work towards probabilistic modeling of the environmental spread of antibiotic resistance.Peer reviewe

    Repeatable ecological dynamics govern the response of experimental communities to antibiotic pulse perturbation

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    By exposing an experimental 34-species bacterial community to different levels of pulse antibiotic disturbance with or without immigration, the authors identify a highly repeatable community response, the magnitude of which increases with increasing antibiotic levels. In an era of pervasive anthropogenic ecological disturbances, there is a pressing need to understand the factors that constitute community response and resilience. A detailed understanding of disturbance response needs to go beyond associations and incorporate features of disturbances, species traits, rapid evolution and dispersal. Multispecies microbial communities that experience antibiotic perturbation represent a key system with important medical dimensions. However, previous microbiome studies on this theme have relied on high-throughput sequencing data from uncultured species without the ability to explicitly account for the role of species traits and immigration. Here, we serially passage a 34-species defined bacterial community through different levels of pulse antibiotic disturbance, manipulating the presence or absence of species immigration. To understand the ecological community response measured using amplicon sequencing, we combine initial trait data measured for each species separately and metagenome sequencing data revealing adaptive mutations during the experiment. We found that the ecological community response was highly repeatable within the experimental treatments, which could be attributed in part to key species traits (antibiotic susceptibility and growth rate). Increasing antibiotic levels were also coupled with an increasing probability of species extinction, making species immigration critical for community resilience. Moreover, we detected signals of antibiotic-resistance evolution occurring within species at the same time scale, leaving evolutionary changes in communities despite recovery at the species compositional level. Together, these observations reveal a disturbance response that presents as classic species sorting, but is nevertheless accompanied by rapid within-species evolution.Peer reviewe

    Strong selective environments determine evolutionary outcome in time-dependent fitness seascapes

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    The impact of fitness landscape features on evolutionary outcomes has attracted considerable interest in recent decades. However, evolution often occurs under time-dependent selection in so-called fitness seascapes where the landscape is under flux. Fitness seascapes are an inherent feature of natural environments, where the landscape changes owing both to the intrinsic fitness consequences of previous adaptations and extrinsic changes in selected traits caused by new environments. The complexity of such seascapes may curb the predictability of evolution. However, empirical efforts to test this question using a comprehensive set of regimes are lacking. Here, we employed an in vitro microbial model system to investigate differences in evolutionary outcomes between time-invariant and time-dependent environments, including all possible temporal permutations, with three subinhibitory antimicrobials and a viral parasite (phage) as selective agents. Expectedly, time-invariant environments caused stronger directional selection for resistances compared to time-dependent environments. Intriguingly, however, multidrug resistance outcomes in both cases were largely driven by two strong selective agents (rifampicin and phage) out of four agents in total. These agents either caused cross-resistance or obscured the phenotypic effect of other resistance mutations, modulating the evolutionary outcome overall in time-invariant environments and as a function of exposure epoch in time-dependent environments. This suggests that identifying strong selective agents and their pleiotropic effects is critical for predicting evolution in fitness seascapes, with ramifications for evolutionarily informed strategies to mitigate drug resistance evolution.Peer reviewe
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