224 research outputs found

    If Ravelling Is Your Problem

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    Your dress is all cut out! Now, how will you finish the seams? Overcast them? Years agom a seamstress was judged by the quality and perfection of her overcasting. But it took her hours of careful handwork, and probably you\u27d rather not spend that much time- but will pinking really prevent ravelling? You may want to turn each seam edge under and stitch it. If you\u27re going to do this, you should stitch each edge before stitching the seams. This helps in turning the edges after the seam is stitched when you\u27re ready to do the seam finish

    Dynamics of dendritic cell maturation are identified through a novel filtering strategy applied to biological time-course microarray replicates

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Dendritic cells (DC) play a central role in primary immune responses and become potent stimulators of the adaptive immune response after undergoing the critical process of maturation. Understanding the dynamics of DC maturation would provide key insights into this important process. Time course microarray experiments can provide unique insights into DC maturation dynamics. Replicate experiments are necessary to address the issues of experimental and biological variability. Statistical methods and averaging are often used to identify significant signals. Here a novel strategy for filtering of replicate time course microarray data, which identifies consistent signals between the replicates, is presented and applied to a DC time course microarray experiment.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The temporal dynamics of DC maturation were studied by stimulating DC with poly(I:C) and following gene expression at 5 time points from 1 to 24 hours. The novel filtering strategy uses standard statistical and fold change techniques, along with the consistency of replicate temporal profiles, to identify those differentially expressed genes that were consistent in two biological replicate experiments. To address the issue of cluster reproducibility a consensus clustering method, which identifies clusters of genes whose expression varies consistently between replicates, was also developed and applied. Analysis of the resulting clusters revealed many known and novel characteristics of DC maturation, such as the up-regulation of specific immune response pathways. Intriguingly, more genes were down-regulated than up-regulated. Results identify a more comprehensive program of down-regulation, including many genes involved in protein synthesis, metabolism, and housekeeping needed for maintenance of cellular integrity and metabolism.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The new filtering strategy emphasizes the importance of consistent and reproducible results when analyzing microarray data and utilizes consistency between replicate experiments as a criterion in both feature selection and clustering, without averaging or otherwise combining replicate data. Observation of a significant down-regulation program during DC maturation indicates that DC are preparing for cell death and provides a path to better understand the process. This new filtering strategy can be adapted for use in analyzing other large-scale time course data sets with replicates.</p

    MARCH1 protects the lipid raft and tetraspanin web from MHCII proteotoxicity in dendritic cells

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    Dendritic cells (DCs) produce major histocompatibility complex II (MHCII) in large amounts to function as professional antigen presenting cells. Paradoxically, DCs also ubiquitinate and degrade MHCII in a constitutive manner. Mice deficient in the MHCII-ubiquitinating enzyme membrane-anchored RING-CH1, or the ubiquitin-acceptor lysine of MHCII, exhibit a substantial reduction in the number of regulatory T (Treg) cells, but the underlying mechanism was unclear. Here we report that ubiquitin-dependent MHCII turnover is critical to maintain homeostasis of lipid rafts and the tetraspanin web in DCs. Lack of MHCII ubiquitination results in the accumulation of excessive quantities of MHCII in the plasma membrane, and the resulting disruption to lipid rafts and the tetraspanin web leads to significant impairment in the ability of DCs to engage and activate thymocytes for Treg cell differentiation. Thus, ubiquitin-dependent MHCII turnover represents a novel quality-control mechanism by which DCs maintain homeostasis of membrane domains that support DC's Treg cell-selecting function

    Peroxiredoxin II Regulates Effector and Secondary Memory CD8+ T cell Responses

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    Reactive oxygen intermediates (ROI) generated in response to receptor stimulation play an important role in cellular responses. However, the effect of increased H2O2on an antigen-specific CD8+ T cell response was unknown. Following T cell receptor (TCR) stimulation, the expression and oxidation of peroxiredoxin II (PrdxII), a critical antioxidant enzyme, increased in CD8+ T cells. Deletion of PrdxII increased ROI, S phase entry, division, and death during in vitro division. During primary acute viral and bacterial infection, the number of effector CD8+ T cells in PrdxII-deficient mice was increased, while the number of memory cells were similar to those of the wild-type cells. Adoptive transfer of P14 TCR transgenic cells demonstrated that the increased expansion of effector cells was T cell autonomous. After rechallenge, effector CD8+ T cells in mutant animals were more skewed to memory phenotype than cells from wild-type mice, resulting in a larger secondary memory CD8+ T cell pool. During chronic viral infection, increased antigen-specific CD8+ T cells accumulated in the spleens of PrdxII mutant mice, causing mortality. These results demonstrate that PrdxII controls effector CD8+ T cell expansion, secondary memory generation, and immunopathology

    Cross-priming of cyclin B1, MUC-1 and survivin-specific CD8(+ )T cells by dendritic cells loaded with killed allogeneic breast cancer cells

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    INTRODUCTION: The ability of dendritic cells (DCs) to take up whole tumor cells and process their antigens for presentation to T cells ('cross-priming') is an important mechanism for induction of tumor specific immunity. METHODS: In vitro generated DCs were loaded with killed allogeneic breast cancer cells and offered to autologous naïve CD8(+ )T cells in 2-week and/or 3-week cultures. CD8(+ )T cell differentiation was measured by their capacity to secrete effector cytokines (interferon-γ) and kill breast cancer cells. Specificity was measured using peptides derived from defined breast cancer antigens. RESULTS: We found that DCs loaded with killed breast cancer cells can prime naïve CD8(+ )T cells to differentiate into effector cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs). Importantly, these CTLs primed by DCs loaded with killed HLA-A*0201(- )breast cancer cells can kill HLA-A*0201(+ )breast cancer cells. Among the tumor specific CTLs, we found that CTLs specific for HLA-A2 restricted peptides derived from three well known shared breast tumor antigens, namely cyclin B1, MUC-1 and survivin. CONCLUSION: This ability of DCs loaded with killed allogeneic breast cancer cells to elicit multiantigen specific immunity supports their use as vaccines in patients with breast cancer

    HER2-based recombinant immunogen to target DCs through FcγRs for cancer immunotherapy

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    Dendritic cell (DC)-based immunotherapy is an attractive approach to induce long lasting antitumor effector cells aiming to control cancer progression. DC targeting is a critical step in the design of DC vaccines in order to optimize delivery and processing of the antigen, and several receptors have been characterized for this purpose. In this study, we employed the FcγRs to target DCs both in vitro and in vivo. We designed a recombinant molecule (HER2-Fc) composed of the immunogenic sequence of the human tumor-associated antigen HER2 (aa 364–391) and the Fc domain of a human IgG1. In a mouse model, HER2-Fc cDNA vaccination activated significant T cell-mediated immune responses towards HER2 peptide epitopes as detected by IFN-γ ELIspot and induced longer tumor latency as compared to Ctrl-Fc-vaccinated control mice. Human in vitro studies indicated that the recombinant HER2-Fc immunogen efficiently targeted human DCs through the FcγRs resulting in protein cross-processing and in the activation of autologous HER2-specific CD8+ T cells from breast cancer patients

    Immunological Responses and Actin Dynamics in Macrophages Are Controlled by N-Cofilin but Are Independent from ADF

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    Dynamic changes in the actin cytoskeleton are essential for immune cell function and a number of immune deficiencies have been linked to mutations, which disturb the actin cytoskeleton. In macrophages and dendritic cells, actin remodelling is critical for motility, phagocytosis and antigen presentation, however the actin binding proteins, which control antigen presentation have been poorly characterized. Here we dissect the specific roles of the family of ADF/cofilin F-actin depolymerizing factors in macrophages and in local immune responses

    Pitfalls of vaccinations with WT1-, Proteinase3- and MUC1-derived peptides in combination with MontanideISA51 and CpG7909

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    T cells with specificity for antigens derived from Wilms Tumor gene (WT1), Proteinase3 (Pr3), and mucin1 (MUC1) have been demonstrated to lyse acute myeloid leukemia (AML) blasts and multiple-myeloma (MM) cells, and strategies to enhance or induce such tumor-specific T cells by vaccination are currently being explored in multiple clinical trials. To test safety and immunogenicity of a vaccine composed of WT1-, Pr3-, and MUC1-derived Class I-restricted peptides and the pan HLA-DR T helper cell epitope (PADRE) or MUC1-helper epitopes in combination with CpG7909 and MontanideISA51, four patients with AML and five with MM were repetitively vaccinated. No clinical responses were observed. Neither pre-existing nor naive WT1-/Pr3-/MUC1-specific CD8+ T cells expanded in vivo by vaccination. In contrast, a significant decline in vaccine-specific CD8+ T cells was observed. An increase in PADRE-specific CD4+ T helper cells was observed after vaccination but these appeared unable to produce IL2, and CD4+ T cells with a regulatory phenotype increased. Taken into considerations that multiple clinical trials with identical antigens but different adjuvants induced vaccine-specific T cell responses, our data caution that a vaccination with leukemia-associated antigens can be detrimental when combined with MontanideISA51 and CpG7909. Reflecting the time-consuming efforts of clinical trials and the fact that 1/3 of ongoing peptide vaccination trails use CpG and/or Montanide, our data need to be taken into consideration

    Bacteria Modulate the CD8+ T Cell Epitope Repertoire of Host Cytosol-Exposed Proteins to Manipulate the Host Immune Response

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    The main adaptive immune response to bacteria is mediated by B cells and CD4+ T-cells. However, some bacterial proteins reach the cytosol of host cells and are exposed to the host CD8+ T-cells response. Both gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria can translocate proteins to the cytosol through type III and IV secretion and ESX-1 systems, respectively. The translocated proteins are often essential for the bacterium survival. Once injected, these proteins can be degraded and presented on MHC-I molecules to CD8+ T-cells. The CD8+ T-cells, in turn, can induce cell death and destroy the bacteria's habitat. In viruses, escape mutations arise to avoid this detection. The accumulation of escape mutations in bacteria has never been systematically studied. We show for the first time that such mutations are systematically present in most bacteria tested. We combine multiple bioinformatic algorithms to compute CD8+ T-cell epitope libraries of bacteria with secretion systems that translocate proteins to the host cytosol. In all bacteria tested, proteins not translocated to the cytosol show no escape mutations in their CD8+ T-cell epitopes. However, proteins translocated to the cytosol show clear escape mutations and have low epitope densities for most tested HLA alleles. The low epitope densities suggest that bacteria, like viruses, are evolutionarily selected to ensure their survival in the presence of CD8+ T-cells. In contrast with most other translocated proteins examined, Pseudomonas aeruginosa's ExoU, which ultimately induces host cell death, was found to have high epitope density. This finding suggests a novel mechanism for the manipulation of CD8+ T-cells by pathogens. The ExoU effector may have evolved to maintain high epitope density enabling it to efficiently induce CD8+ T-cell mediated cell death. These results were tested using multiple epitope prediction algorithms, and were found to be consistent for most proteins tested