1,889 research outputs found

    An unusual muscle of the wrist with potential compression of the ulnar nerve

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    During routine cadaveric dissection of the upper extremity an unusual muscle was discovered arising from the tendon of the flexor carpi ulnaris and inserting into the muscle belly of the flexor digiti minimi. The muscle’s course was superficial to the ulnar nerve and artery in Guyon’s canal. We review the literature regarding such muscle variations and discuss the potential for compression of the ulnar nerve by such muscles

    Microstructural Shear Localization in Plastic Deformation of Amorphous Solids

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    The shear-transformation-zone (STZ) theory of plastic deformation predicts that sufficiently soft, non-crystalline solids are linearly unstable against forming periodic arrays of microstructural shear bands. A limited nonlinear analysis indicates that this instability may be the mechanism responsible for strain softening in both constant-stress and constant-strain-rate experiments. The analysis presented here pertains only to one-dimensional banding patterns in two-dimensional systems, and only to very low temperatures. It uses the rudimentary form of the STZ theory in which there is only a single kind of zone rather than a distribution of them with a range of transformation rates. Nevertheless, the results are in qualitative agreement with essential features of the available experimental data. The nonlinear theory also implies that harder materials, which do not undergo a microstructural instability, may form isolated shear bands in weak regions or, perhaps, at points of concentrated stress.Comment: 32 pages, 6 figure

    Not all risks are equal: The risk taking inventory for high-risk sports

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    Although high-risk sport participants are typically considered a homogenous risk-taking population, attitudes to risk within the high-risk domain can vary considerably. As no validated measure allows researchers to assess risk taking within this domain, we validated the Risk Taking Inventory (RTI) for high-risk sport across four studies. The RTI comprises seven items across two factors: deliberate risk taking and precautionary behaviors. In Study 1 (n = 341), the inventory was refined and tested via a confirmatory factor analysis used in an exploratory fashion. The subsequent three studies confirmed the RTI's good model-data fit via three further separate confirmatory factor analyses. In Study 2 (n = 518) and in Study 3 (n = 290), concurrent validity was also confirmed via associations with other related traits (sensation seeking, behavioral activation, behavioral inhibition, impulsivity, self-esteem, extraversion, and conscientiousness). In Study 4 (n = 365), predictive validity was confirmed via associations with mean accidents and mean close calls in the high-risk domain. Finally, in Study 4, the self-report version of the inventory was significantly associated with an informant version of the inventory. The measure will allow researchers and practitioners to investigate risk taking as a variable that is conceptually distinct from participation in a high-risk spor

    Observed flux density enhancement at submillimeter wavelengths during an X-class flare

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    We analyse the 30 October, 2004, X1.2/SF solar event that occurred in AR 10691 (N13 W18) at around 11:44 UT. Observations at 212 and 405 GHz of the Solar Submillimeter Telescope (SST), with high time resolution (5 ms), show an intense impulsive burst followed by a long-lasting thermal phase. EUV images from the Extreme Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope (SOHO/EIT) are used to identify the possible emitting sources. Data from the Radio Solar Telescope Network (RSTN) complement our spectral observations below 15 GHz. During the impulsive phase the turnover frequency is above 15.4 GHz. The long-lasting phase is analysed in terms of thermal emission and compared with GOES observations. From the ratio between the two GOES soft X-ray bands, we derive the temperature and emission measure, which is used to estimate the free-free submillimeter flux density. Good temporal agreement is found between the estimated and observed profiles, however the former is larger than the latter.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figure

    On slip pulses at a sheared frictional viscoelastic/ non deformable interface

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    We study the possibility for a semi-infinite block of linear viscoelastic material, in homogeneous frictional contact with a non-deformable one, to slide under shear via a periodic set of ``self-healing pulses'', i.e. a set of drifting slip regions separated by stick ones. We show that, contrary to existing experimental indications, such a mode of frictional sliding is impossible for an interface obeying a simple local Coulomb law of solid friction. We then discuss possible physical improvements of the friction model which might open the possibility of such dynamics, among which slip weakening of the friction coefficient, and stress the interest of developing systematic experimental investigations of this question.Comment: 23 pages, 3 figures. submitted to PR

    Balance on the Brain: a randomised controlled trial evaluating the effect of a multimodal exercise programme on physical performance, falls, quality of life and cognition for people with mild cognitive impairment—study protocol

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    Introduction: Exercise and physical activity have been shown to improve cognition for people living with mild cognitive impairment (MCI). There is strong evidence for the benefits of aerobic exercise and medium evidence for participating in regular strength training for people with MCI. However, people living with MCI fall two times as often as those without cognitive impairment and the evidence is currently unknown as to whether balance training for people with MCI is beneficial, as has been demonstrated for older people without cognitive impairment. The aim of this study is to determine whether a balance-focused multimodal exercise intervention improves balance and reduces falls for people with MCI, compared with a control group receiving usual care. Methods and analysis: This single blind randomised controlled trial (Balance on the Brain) will be offered to 396 people with MCI living in the community. The multimodal exercise intervention consists of two balance programmes and a walking programme to be delivered by physiotherapists over a 6-month intervention period. All participants will be followed up over 12 months (for the intervention group, this involves 6-month intervention and 6-month maintenance). The primary outcomes are (1) balance performance and (2) rate of falls. Physical performance, levels of physical activity and sedentary behaviour, quality of life and cognition are secondary outcomes. A health economic analysis will be undertaken to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of the intervention compared with usual care. Ethics and dissemination: Ethics approval has been received from the South Metropolitan Health Service Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC), Curtin University HREC and the Western Australia Department of Health HREC; and approval has been received to obtain data for health costings from Services Australia. The results will be disseminated through peer-review publications, conference presentations and online platforms

    Electronic polarization in pentacene crystals and thin films

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    Electronic polarization is evaluated in pentacene crystals and in thin films on a metallic substrate using a self-consistent method for computing charge redistribution in non-overlapping molecules. The optical dielectric constant and its principal axes are reported for a neutral crystal. The polarization energies P+ and P- of a cation and anion at infinite separation are found for both molecules in the crystal's unit cell in the bulk, at the surface, and at the organic-metal interface of a film of N molecular layers. We find that a single pentacene layer with herring-bone packing provides a screening environment approaching the bulk. The polarization contribution to the transport gap P=(P+)+(P-), which is 2.01 eV in the bulk, decreases and increases by only ~ 10% at surfaces and interfaces, respectively. We also compute the polarization energy of charge-transfer (CT) states with fixed separation between anion and cation, and compare to electroabsorption data and to submolecular calculations. Electronic polarization of ~ 1 eV per charge has a major role for transport in organic molecular systems with limited overlap.Comment: 10 revtex pages, 6 PS figures embedde

    Chiral Multiplets of Heavy-Light Mesons

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    The recent discovery of a narrow resonance in D_s+pi^0 by the BABAR collaboration is consistent with the interpretation of a heavy J^P(0+,1+) spin multiplet. This system is the parity partner of the groundstate (0-,1-) multiplet, which we argue is required in the implementation of SU(3)_L x SU(3)_R chiral symmetry in heavy-light meson systems. The (0+,1+)->(0-,1-)+pi transition couplings satisfy a Goldberger-Treiman relation, g_pi = Delta(M)/f_pi, where Delta(M) is the mass gap. The BABAR resonance fits the 0+ state, with a kinematically blocked principal decay mode to D+K. The allowed D_s+pi, D_s+2pi and electromagnetic transitions are computed from the full chiral theory and found to be suppressed, consistent with the narrowness of the state. This state establishes the chiral mass difference for all such heavy-quark chiral multiplets, and precise predictions exist for the analogous B_s and strange doubly-heavy baryon states.Comment: 10 pages; minor editorial revisions; recomputed M1 transitio

    Obtaining archaeointensity data from British Neolithic pottery: A feasibility study

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    YesThere is a significant lack of geomagnetic field strength (archaeointensity) measurements for many archaeological time periods in the United Kingdom (UK). This not only makes past geomagnetic secular variation difficult to model but also limits the development of archaeointensity dating. This paper presents the first archaeointensity study on UK Neolithic material. In this study, twenty-five sherds of Neolithic Grooved Ware pottery from the Ness of Brodgar, Orkney, UK, some with direct radiocarbon dates, were subjected to a full archaeomagnetic investigation with the aim of increasing the amount of archaeointensity data for the UK. Both thermal Thellier and microwave palaeointensity experiments were used to determine which technique would be most suitable for British Neolithic pottery. Three successful archaeointensity results between 35 and 40μT were obtained using thermal Thellier method, which is consistent with the limited data available within a 15° radius and geomagnetic field model predictions from the same time. We separated the results into four different types with an intention of explaining the behaviours that determine the likelihood of achieving an acceptable archaeointensity estimate. The feasibility of obtaining geomagnetic field strength information during the UK Neolithic from ceramics has been demonstrated and the results provide a solid basis for improving our knowledge of geomagnetic secular variation during archaeological time in Britain.The Andy Jagger Fund, University of Bradford, for supporting the stay at the University of Liverpool and Crafoord Grant, Sweden, No. 20160763. The radiocarbon dates were funded by AHRC NF/2017/2/7

    Factors influencing common diagnoses made during first-opinion small-animal consultations in the United Kingdom

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    It is currently unclear how frequently a diagnosis is made during small-animal consultations or how much of a role making a diagnosis plays in veterinary decision-making. Understanding more about the diagnostic process will help direct future research towards areas relevant to practicing veterinary surgeons. The aim of this study was to determine the frequency with which a diagnosis was made, classify the types of diagnosis made (and the factors influencing these) and determine which specific diagnoses were made for health problems discussed during small-animal consultations. Data were gathered during real-time direct observation of small-animal consultations in eight practices in the United Kingdom. Data collected included characteristics of the consultation (e.g. consultation type), patient (e.g. breed), and each problem discussed (e.g. new or pre-existing problem). Each problem discussed was classified into one of the following diagnosis types: definitive; working; presumed; open; previous. A three-level multivariable logistic-regression model was developed, with problem (Level 1) nested within patient (Level 2) nested within consulting veterinary surgeon (Level 3). Problems without a previous diagnosis, in cats and dogs only, were included in the model, which had a binary outcome variable of definitive diagnosis versus no definitive diagnosis. Data were recorded for 1901 animals presented, and data on diagnosis were gathered for 3192 health problems. Previous diagnoses were the most common diagnosis type (n = 1116/3192; 35.0%), followed by open (n = 868/3192; 27.2%) then definitive (n = 660/3192; 20.7%). The variables remaining in the final model were patient age, problem history, consultation type, who raised the problem, and body system affected. New problems, problems in younger animals, and problems raised by the veterinary surgeon were more likely to result in a definitive diagnosis than pre-existing problems, problems in older animals, and problems raised by the owner. The most common diagnoses made were overweight/obese and periodontal disease (both n = 210; 6.6%). Definitive diagnoses are rarely made during small-animal consultations, with much of the veterinary caseload involving management of ongoing problems or making decisions around new problems prior to a diagnosis being made. This needs to be taken into account when considering future research priorities, and it may be necessary to conduct research focused on the approach to common clinical presentations, rather than purely on the common diagnoses made. Examining how making a diagnosis affects the actions taken during the consultation may shed further light on the role of diagnosis in the clinical decision-making process
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