2,675 research outputs found

    Electrochemical and Structural Characterization of Azotobacter vinelandii Flavodoxin II

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    Azotobacter vinelandii flavodoxin II serves as a physiological reductant of nitrogenase, the enzyme system mediating biological nitrogen fixation. Wildtype A. vinelandii flavodoxin II was electrochemically and crystallographically characterized to better understand the molecular basis for this functional role. The redox properties were monitored on surfactant-modified basal plane graphite electrodes, with two distinct redox couples measured by cyclic voltammetry corresponding to reduction potentials of −483 ± 1 mV and −187 ± 9 mV (vs. NHE) in 50 mM potassium phosphate, 150 mM NaCl, pH 7.5. These redox potentials were assigned as the semiquinone/hydroquinone couple and the quinone/semiquinone couple, respectively. This study constitutes one of the first applications of surfactant-modified basal plane graphite electrodes to characterize the redox properties of a flavodoxin, thus providing a novel electrochemical method to study this class of protein. The X-ray crystal structure of the flavodoxin purified from A. vinelandii was solved at 1.17 Å resolution. With this structure, the native nitrogenase electron transfer proteins have all been structurally characterized. Docking studies indicate that a common binding site surrounding the Fe-protein [4Fe:4S] cluster mediates complex formation with the redox partners Mo-Fe protein, ferredoxin I, and flavodoxin II. This model supports a mechanistic hypothesis that electron transfer reactions between the Fe-protein and its redox partners are mutually exclusive

    Distinct Transcriptional and Anti-Mycobacterial Profiles of Peripheral Blood Monocytes Dependent on the Ratio of Monocytes: Lymphocytes.

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    The ratio of monocytes and lymphocytes (ML ratio) in peripheral blood is associated with tuberculosis and malaria disease risk and cancer and cardiovascular disease outcomes. We studied anti-mycobacterial function and the transcriptome of monocytes in relation to the ML ratio. Mycobacterial growth inhibition assays of whole or sorted blood were performed and mycobacteria were enumerated by liquid culture. Transcriptomes of unstimulated CD14 + monocytes isolated by magnetic bead sorting were characterised by microarray. Transcript expression was tested for association with ML ratio calculated from leucocyte differential counts by linear regression. The ML ratio was associated with mycobacterial growth in vitro (β = 2.23, SE 0.91, p = 0.02). Using sorted monocytes and lymphocytes, in vivo ML ratio (% variance explained R(2) = 11%, p = 0.02) dominated over in vitro ratios (R(2) = 5%, p = 0.10) in explaining mycobacterial growth. Expression of 906 genes was associated with the ML ratio and 53 with monocyte count alone. ML-ratio associated genes were enriched for type-I and -II interferon signalling (p = 1.2 × 10(− 8)), and for genes under transcriptional control of IRF1, IRF2, RUNX1, RELA and ESRRB. The ML-ratio-associated gene set was enriched in TB disease (3.11-fold, 95% CI: 2.28-4.19, p = 5.7 × 10(− 12)) and other inflammatory diseases including atopy, HIV, IBD and SLE. The ML ratio is associated with distinct transcriptional and anti-mycobacterial profiles of monocytes that may explain the disease associations of the ML ratio

    Safety and immunogenicity of boosting BCG vaccinated subjects with BCG: comparison with boosting with a new TB vaccine, MVA85A.

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    OBJECTIVES: To investigate the safety and immunogenicity of a booster BCG vaccination delivered intradermally in healthy, BCG vaccinated subjects and to compare with a previous clinical trial where BCG vaccinated subjects were boosted with a new TB vaccine, MVA85A. DESIGN: Phase I open label observational trial, in the UK. Healthy, HIV-negative, BCG vaccinated adults were recruited and vaccinated with BCG. The primary outcome was safety; the secondary outcome was cellular immune responses to antigen 85, overlapping peptides of antigen 85A and tuberculin purified protein derivative (PPD) detected by ex vivo interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) ELISpot assay and flow cytometry. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: BCG revaccination (BCG-BCG) was well tolerated, and boosting of pre-existing PPD-specific T cell responses was observed. However, when these results were compared with data from a previous clinical trial, where BCG was boosted with MVA85A (BCG-MVA85A), MVA85A induced significantly higher levels (>2-fold) of antigen 85-specific CD4+ T cells (both antigen and peptide pool responses) than boosting with BCG, up to 52 weeks post-vaccination (p = 0.009). To identify antigen 85A-specific CD8+ T cells that were not detectable by ex vivo ELISpot and flow cytometry, dendritic cells (DC) were used to amplify CD8+ T cells from PBMC samples. We observed low, but detectable levels of antigen 85A-specific CD8+ T cells producing IFNgamma (1.5% of total CD8 population) in the BCG primed subjects after BCG boosting in 1 (20%) of 5 subjects. In contrast, in BCG-MVA85A vaccinated subjects, high levels of antigen 85A-specific CD8+ T cells (up to 14% total CD8 population) were observed after boosting with MVA85A, in 4 (50%) of 8 subjects evaluated. In conclusion, revaccination with BCG resulted in modest boosting of pre-existing immune responses to PPD and antigen 85, but vaccination with BCG-MVA85A induced a significantly higher response to antigen 85 and generated a higher frequency of antigen 85A-specific CD8+ T cells. TRIAL REGISTRATION: ClinicalTrials.gov NCT00654316 NCT00427830

    High frequency deep brain stimulation attenuates subthalamic and cortical rhythms in Parkinson's disease

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    Parkinson's disease (PD) is marked by excessive synchronous activity in the beta (8–35 Hz) band throughout the cortico-basal ganglia network. The optimal location of high frequency deep brain stimulation (HF DBS) within the subthalamic nucleus (STN) region and the location of maximal beta hypersynchrony are currently matters of debate. Additionally, the effect of STN HF DBS on neural synchrony in functionally connected regions of motor cortex is unknown and is of great interest. Scalp EEG studies demonstrated that stimulation of the STN can activate motor cortex antidromically, but the spatial specificity of this effect has not been examined. The present study examined the effect of STN HF DBS on neural synchrony within the cortico-basal ganglia network in patients with PD. We measured local field potentials dorsal to and within the STN of PD patients, and additionally in the motor cortex in a subset of these patients. We used diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) to guide the placement of subdural cortical surface electrodes over the DTI-identified origin of the hyperdirect pathway (HDP) between motor cortex and the STN. The results demonstrated that local beta power was attenuated during HF DBS both dorsal to and within the STN. The degree of attenuation was monotonic with increased DBS voltages in both locations, but this voltage-dependent effect was greater in the central STN than dorsal to the STN (p < 0.05). Cortical signals over the estimated origin of the HDP also demonstrated attenuation of beta hypersynchrony during DBS dorsal to or within STN, whereas signals from non-specific regions of motor cortex were not attenuated. The spatially-specific suppression of beta synchrony in the motor cortex support the hypothesis that DBS may treat Parkinsonism by reducing excessive synchrony in the functionally connected sensorimotor network

    Pilot Evaluation of S-(3-[18F]Fluoropropyl)-d-Homocysteine and O-(2-[18F]Fluoroethyl)-d-Tyrosine as Bacteria-Specific Radiotracers for PET Imaging of Infection

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    Purpose There is currently no ideal radiotracer for imaging bacterial infections. Radiolabelled d-amino acids are promising candidates because they are actively incorporated into the peptidoglycan of the bacterial cell wall, a structural feature which is absent in human cells. This work describes fluorine-18 labelled analogues of d-tyrosine and d-methionine, O-(2-[18F]fluoroethyl)-d-tyrosine (d-[18F]FET) and S-(3-[18F]fluoropropyl)-d-homocysteine (d-[18F]FPHCys), and their pilot evaluation studies as potential radiotracers for imaging bacterial infection. Procedures d-[18F]FET and d-[18F]FPHCys were prepared in classical fluorination-deprotection reactions, and their uptake in Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa was evaluated over 2 h. Heat killed bacteria were used as controls. A clinically-relevant foreign body model of S. aureus infection was established in Balb/c mice, as well as a sterile foreign body to mimic inflammation. The ex vivo biodistribution of d-[18F]FPHCys in the infected and inflamed mice was evaluated after 1 h, by dissection and gamma counting. The uptake was compared to that of [18F]FDG. Results In vitro uptake of both d-[18F]FET and d-[18F]FPHCys was specific to live bacteria. Uptake was higher in S. aureus than in P. aeruginosa for both radiotracers, and of the two, higher for d-[18F]FPHCys than d-[18F]FET. Blocking experiments with non-radioactive d-[19F]FPHCys confirmed specificity of uptake. In vivo, d-[18F]FPHCys had greater accumulation in S. aureus infection compared with sterile inflammation, which was statistically significant. As anticipated, [18F]FDG showed no significant difference in uptake between infection and inflammation. Conclusions d-[18F]FPHCys uptake was higher in infected tissues than inflammation, and represents a fluorine-18 labelled d-AA with potential to detect a S. aureus reference strain (Xen29) in vivo. Additional studies are needed to evaluate uptake of this radiotracer in clinical isolates

    Transcriptional profiling of mycobacterial antigen-induced responses in infants vaccinated with BCG at birth

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    BACKGROUND: Novel tuberculosis (TB) vaccines recently tested in humans have been designed to boost immunity induced by the current vaccine, Mycobacterium bovis Bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG). Because BCG vaccination is used extensively in infants, this population group is likely to be the first in which efficacy trials of new vaccines will be conducted. However, our understanding of the complexity of immunity to BCG in infants is inadequate, making interpretation of vaccine-induced immune responses difficult. METHODS: To better understand BCG-induced immunity, we performed gene expression profiling in five 10-week old infants routinely vaccinated with BCG at birth. RNA was extracted from 12 hour BCG-stimulated or purified protein derivative of tuberculin (PPD)-stimulated PBMC, isolated from neonatal blood collected 10 weeks after vaccination. RNA was hybridised to the Sentrix(R) HumanRef-8 Expression BeadChip (Illumina) to measure expression of >16,000 genes. RESULTS: We found that ex vivo stimulation of PBMC with PPD and BCG induced largely similar gene expression profiles, except that BCG induced greater macrophage activation. The peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR) signaling pathway, including PPAR-gamma, involved in activation of the alternative, anti-inflammatory macrophage response was down-regulated following stimulation with both antigens. In contrast, up-regulation of genes associated with the classic, pro-inflammatory macrophage response was noted. Further analysis revealed a decrease in the expression of cell adhesion molecules (CAMs), including integrin alpha M (ITGAM), which is known to be important for entry of mycobacteria into the macrophage. Interestingly, more leukocyte genes were down-regulated than up-regulated. CONCLUSION: Our results suggest that a combination of suppressed and up-regulated genes may be key in determining development of protective immunity to TB induced by vaccination with BCG

    Boosting BCG with recombinant modified vaccinia ankara expressing antigen 85A: Different boosting intervals and implications for efficacy trials

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    Objectives. To investigate the safety and immunogenicity of boosting BCG with modified vaccinia Ankara expressing antigen 85A (MVA85A), shortly after BCG vaccination, and to compare this first with the immunogenicity of BCG vaccination alone and second with a previous clinical trial where MVA85A was administered more than 10 years after BCG vaccination. Design. There are two clinical trials reported here: a Phase I observational trial with MVA85A; and a Phase IV observational trial with BCG. These clinical trials were all conducted in the UK in healthy, HIV negative, BCG naı¨ve adults. Subjects were vaccinated with BCG alone; or BCG and then subsequently boosted with MVA85A four weeks later (short interval). The outcome measures, safety and immunogenicity, were monitored for six months. The immunogenicity results from this short interval BCG prime–MVA85A boost trial were compared first with the BCG alone trial and second with a previous clinical trial where MVA85A vaccination was administered many years after vaccination with BCG. Results. MVA85A was safe and highly immunogenic when administered to subjects who had recently received BCG vaccination. When the short interval trial data presented here were compared with the previous long interval trial data, there were no significant differences in the magnitude of immune responses generated when MVA85A was administered shortly after, or many years after BCG vaccination. Conclusions. The clinical trial data presented here provides further evidence of the ability of MVA85A to boost BCG primed immune responses. This boosting potential is not influenced by the time interval between prior BCG vaccination and boosting with MVA85A. These findings have important implications for the design of efficacy trials with MVA85A. Boosting BCG induced anti-mycobacterial immunity in either infancy or adolescence are both potential applications for this vaccine, given the immunological data presented here. Trial Registration. ClinicalTrials.Oxford University was the sponsor for all the clinical trials reported here

    Synthesis, in vitro evaluation, and radiolabeling of fluorinated puromycin analogues: potential candidates for PET imaging of protein synthesis

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    There is currently no ideal radiotracer for imaging protein synthesis rate (PSR) by positron emission tomography (PET). Existing fluorine-18 labelled amino acid-based radiotracers predominantly visualize amino acid transporter processes, and in many cases they are not incorporated into nascent proteins at all. Others are radiolabelled with the short half-life positron emitter carbon-11 which is rather impractical for many PET centers. Based on the puromycin (6) structural manifold, a series of 10 novel derivatives of 6 was prepared via Williamson ether synthesis from a common intermediate. A bioluminescence assay was employed to study their inhibitory action on protein synthesis which identified fluoroethyl analogue (7b) as a lead compound. The fluorine-18 analogue was prepared via nucleophilic substitution of the corresponding tosylate precursor in modest radiochemical yield 2±0.6% and excellent radiochemical purity (>99%) and showed complete stability over 3 h at ambient temperature