37 research outputs found

    Growth of Sales, Investment, Liquidity, Profitability, Dan Size of Firm Terhadap Kebijakan Dividend Payout Ratio Pada Perusahaan Manufaktur Yang Terdaftar Di Bursa Efek Indonesia

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    This research was to analysis influenced growth of sales, investment, liquidity, profitability, and size of firm to the dividend payout ratio. By using purposive sampling on the data of manufacturing company listed in BEI 2008-2010. The number of sample use in this research were 29 company. Data was analyzed use multiple linier regression. the result of the research indicated that all of variables independent have positive effect together to dividend payout ratio. There was negative effect significant return on equity to DPR, there was no ositive effect significant growth of sale to DPR, there was positive effect significant investment to DPR, there was positive effect not significant liquidity to DPR, there was negative effect not significant profitability to DPR, and there was positive effect not significant size of firm to DPR


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    Egg chips are not yet common in society so it is necessary to pay attention to appearance, especially color. Color is one of the determinants of food being accepted or not by consumers. This study aims to determine the effect of adding the type and level of fillers to the value of L*, a*, and b* in egg chips. Eighty-one eggs were used in the research. The studies were arranged based on a completely randomized design with a 3 x 3 factorial pattern with 3 replications. The first factor consisted of 3 types of fillers, namely tapioca powder, soybean protein isolate, and Porang powder. The second factor was the level of filler (%) 3, 6, and 9 respectively. Parameters measured were color (L*= brightness level, a*= redness level, b*= yellowness level). The addition of tapioca powder can increase the brightness of the egg chips, and Porang powder can increase the reddish and yellowish color of the egg chips. However, at the filler level, it can increase the color of the brightness, redness, and yellowness of egg chips

    Hubungan Struktur Kepemilikan, Tingkat Utang, Dividen, Dan Nilai Perusahaan Dalam Mengurangi Konflik Keagenan Di Indonesia

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    This research tried to analyze substitution relationship among debt policy, dividend and insider ownershipstructure as the agency control mechanism on manufacturing firms in period 2005-2009. The hypothesisproposed in this paper were there was a substitution relationship between insider's ownership and debt policyin reducing agency conflict, there was a substitution relationship between debt and dividend policy in reducingagency conflict and there was substitution relationship between insider's ownership and dividend policyin reducing agency conflict. This research used purposive sampling method to determine samples and therewere 42 firms as the samples. The analysis instrument used was simultaneous equation model by using twostages least square method. These empirical results verified that debt and dividend policy was determined bysimultaneous, while insider ownership did not influence debt policy. Hypothesis test showed that there was nosubstitution relationship between insider's ownership and debt policy in reducing agency conflict, there wassubstitution relationship between debt and dividend policy in reducing agency conflict and there was substitutionrelationship between insider's ownership and dividend policy in reducing agency conflict. Because as awhole, eventhough not fully, there was simultaneity among debt policy, insider's ownership and dividend itwas expected to increase firm value

    Analisis Penanggulangan Cyberbullying Melalui Edukasi Literasi Digital

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    Penypemahaman mengenai pemanfaatan teknologi penting dilakukan terlebih lagi pada mayoritas anak yang menginjak usia remaja. Cyberbullying sering kali menjadi momok tersendiri di kala kurangnya edukasi literasi digital. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat dampak penguatan dan  pengetahuan anak mengenai bahaya Cyberbullying serta pembiasaan mengenai pentingnya literasi digital yang di lakukan pada anak-anak panti asuhan Yatim Aisyiyah Sidoarjo. Metode penelitian kualitatif deskriptif dengan tahapan penyuluhan mengenai Cyberbullying, dan edukasi literasi digital yang terdiri pengambilan data melalui tes yang akan di lakukan dengan menggunakan angket persepsi, dan pretest postest di akhir kegiatan. Dalam penelitian didapatkan hasil bahwa  pemahaman cyberbullying dan edukasi literasi digital dapat meningkatkan persepsi anak panti asuhan mengenai beberapa peristiwa yang akan sering dijumpai di lingkunga. Dibuktikan dengan meningkatnya pengetahuan anak mengenai dampak yang di timbulkan dari Cyberbullying dan literasi digital yang naik sebesar 80 persen dari total 14 anak di panti asuhan melalui tes angket uji persepsi

    Digital Marketing as a Marketing Communication Strategy

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    Digital marketing is a strategy that is quite impactful to increase the number of consumers in the organic fertilizer business sector in an era like today. The purpose of this research is to analyze the marketing strategy of organic fertilizers and the increase in the number of consumers. The research method used was escriptive methods, namely data collection and questionnaires. Methods of data collection carried out by observation, interviews and literature study. The questionnaire was used in analyzing consumers who use organic fertilizers on chilies. The results of this research show that digital marketing as marketing communication is useful in increasing selling power and promotion. This study discusses the use of digital marketing in marketing communications and whether consumers prefer organic fertilizers or not

    Karakterisasi Keragaan Agronomis Varietas Padi Sawah Tadah Hujan pada Pemupukan Nitrogen dan Perlakuan Air

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    Hikmah et al, 2017. Characterization of Agronomic Traits on Two Rainfed Rice Varieties on Several Levels of Nitrogen Fertilizers and Water Treatments. JLSO 6(2):176-184.Rainfed rice varieties are expected to increase yield on rainfed fields. This research aim was to identify various agronomic characters including yield of rainfed rice varieties. It was conducted at the Sukamandi Field Station at rainy season 2016/2017, using a split split plot design with 4 replications. Water management as the main plot with two levels (I1: irrigated and I2: rainfed). Nitrogen (N) fertilizer dosage as subplot with three levels (P1: 0 kg N/ha, P2: 60 kg N/ha, and P3: 120 kg N/ha) and varieties as subplots with two levels (V1: Inpari 39 Tadah Hujan Agritan and V2: Inpari 41 Tadah Hujan Agritan). The results showed that water treatment and N dosage on each variety gave different response on their agronomic characters, including yield. Tiller numbers per hill was strongly influenced by water management and dosage of N fertilizer. In irrigated treatment, tiller number increased linearly increasing N dosage. In rainfed,Inpari 41 Tadah Hujan Agritan reach maximum tiller number with 80 N kg/ha which more efficient than Inpari 39 Tadah Hujan Agritan with 91,97 N kg/ha. Rice yield was significant effected by N fertilizer and the genetic trait of each variety. The yield of Inpari 41 Tadah Hujan Agritan was higher than the Inpari 39 Tadah Hujan Agritan. Inpari 41 Tadah Hujan Agritan reached 5.70 t/ha GKG and Inpari 39 Tadah Hujan Agritan 4.62 t/ha


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    WeRise merupakan teknologi (IRRI-JIRCAS-Badan Litbang Pertanian) spesifik tadah hujan yang membantu petani menentukan waktu tanam yang tepat sesuai distribusi hujan dan varietas yang diinginkan. Penelitian dilakukan di Nusa Tenggara Barat dan Jawa Tengah tahun 2018 dengan melibatkan 15 petani di setiap lokasi. Kegiatan ini membandingkan pertanaman dengan waktu tanam sesuai rekomendasi WeRise (1) dan sesuai kebiasaan petani (2), menggunakan varietas yang sama yaitu Inpari 41 yang merupakan VUB spesifik lahan tadah hujan. Pengaruh perlakuan dianalisis mengunakan Uji T pada taraf 5%. Prediksi waktu tanam terbaik sesuai hasil rekomendasi WeRise di NTB pada ± 1 Desember 2018, sedangkan kesepakatan waktu tanam petani dilakukan pada ± 15 November 2018. Sementara itu, hasil rekomendasi WeRise di Jawa Tengah ternyata sama dengan petani, yaitu pada tanggal ± 15 November 2018. Namun demikian, pengujian tetap dilaksanakan mengikuti alternatif rekomendasi kedua/ketiga meskipun prediksi hasilnya lebih rendah (1 Desember 2018). Hal ini dilakukan untuk memperoleh informasi tingkat validitas aplikasi WeRise terhadap tingkat hasil. Hasil gabah dari perlakuan WeRise dan praktek petani tidak berbeda nyata dengan rata-rata hasil sebesar 5,01 t ha-1 untuk perlakuan WeRise dan 4,84 t ha-1 untuk praktek petani di Jawa Tengah dan rata-rata hasil sebesar 5,44 t ha-1 untuk perlakuan WeRise dan 5,65 t ha-1 untuk praktek petani di NTB. Artinya pada validasi awal ini WeRise sudah menunjukkan performa yang cukup baik dengan hasil setara dengan petani. Namun diduga prediksi Werise di Jawa Tengah masih terlalu rendah atau hanya 54% dari hasil riil, sedangkan prediksi di NTB mencapai 102%.WeRise is a rainfed specific technology (IRRI-JIRCAS-IAARD) that helps farmers to determine planting time according to rainfall distribution and specific variety. The research was conducted in West Nusa Tenggara (WNT) and Central Java at 2018, involving 15 farmers in each location. It compared planting time according to WeRise’s recommendation (1) and farmers’ practice (2), using the same variety, namely Inpari 41, which is a specific high yielding variety for rainfed. It was analyzed using the T test at the 5% level. The best WeRise’s recommendations in WNT was ± 1 December 2018, while farmers’ planting time was carried out on ± 15 November 2018. Meanwhile, in Central Java WeRise’s recommendations was same as the farmers, on ± 15 November 2018. However, testing was still carried out following the second / third alternative WeRise recommendation even though the yield prediction were lower (1 December 2018). The yield from WeRise treatment and farmer practices was not significantly different with an average yield of 5.01 t ha-1 for the WeRise treatment and 4.84 t ha-1 for farmer practice in Central Java and an average yield of 5.44 t ha-1 for the WeRise treatment and 5.65 t ha-1 for farmer practice in WNT. This means that in this initial validation WeRise had shown a fairly good performance with equivalent yield to farmers. However, it was suspected that Werise’s prediction in Central Java was still too low or 54% lower than the actual yield, while the prediction in NTB reaches 102%