1,570 research outputs found

    Adiabatically changing the phase-space density of a trapped Bose gas

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    We show that the degeneracy parameter of a trapped Bose gas can be changed adiabatically in a reversible way, both in the Boltzmann regime and in the degenerate Bose regime. We have performed measurements on spin-polarized atomic hydrogen in the Boltzmann regime demonstrating reversible changes of the degeneracy parameter (phase-space density) by more than a factor of two. This result is in perfect agreement with theory. By extending our theoretical analysis to the quantum degenerate regime we predict that, starting close enough to the Bose-Einstein phase transition, one can cross the transition by an adiabatic change of the trap shape.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, Latex, submitted to PR

    Disparate dispersal limitation in Geomalacus slugs unveiled by the shape and slope of the genetic–spatial distance relationship

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    Long‐term dispersal ability is a key species’ trait constraining species ranges and thus large‐scale biodiversity patterns. Here we infer the long‐term dispersal abilities of three Geomalacus (Gastropoda, Pulmonata) species from their range‐wide genetic–spatial distance relationships. This approach follows recent advances in statistical modelling of the analogous pattern at the community level: the distance decay in assemblage similarity. While linear relationships are expected for species with high long‐term dispersal abilities, asymptotic relationships are expected for those with more restricted mobility. We evaluated three functional forms (linear, negative exponential and power‐law) for the relationship between genetic distance (computed from mitochondrial cox1 sequences, n = 701) and spatial distance. Range fragmentation at present time and at the Last Glacial Maximum was also estimated based on the projection of climatic niches. The power‐law function best fit the relationship between genetic and spatial distances, suggesting strong dispersal limitation and long‐term population isolation in all three species. However, the differences in slope and explained variance pointed to disparities in dispersal ability among these weak dispersers. Phylogeographic patterns of Geomalacus species are thus largely driven by the same major process (i.e. dispersal limitation), operating at different strengths. This strong dispersal limitation results in geographic clustering of genetic diversity that makes these species highly vulnerable to genetic erosion due to climate changThe authors were supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through grant CGL2016‐76637‐P and fellowship IJCI‐2014‐20881 to CG‐RS

    Atomic Deuterium Adsorbed on the Surface of Liquid Helium

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    We investigate deuterium atoms adsorbed on the surface of liquid helium in equilibrium with a vapor of atoms of the same species. These atoms are studied by a sensitive optical method based on spectroscopy at a wavelength of 122 nm, exciting the 1S-2P transition. We present a direct measurement of the adsorption energy of deuterium atoms on helium and show evidence for the existence of resonantly enhanced recombination of atoms residing on the surface to molecules.Comment: 6 pages 4 figure

    Finite-lattice expansion for Ising models on quasiperiodic tilings

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    Low-temperature series are calculated for the free energy, magnetisation, susceptibility and field-derivatives of the susceptibility in the Ising model on the quasiperiodic Penrose lattice. The series are computed to order 20 and estimates of the critical exponents alpha, beta and gamma are obtained from Pade approximants.Comment: 16 pages, REVTeX, 26 postscript figure

    Spatially explicit species distribution models: A missed opportunity in conservation planning?

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    Aim: Systematic conservation planning is vital for allocating protected areas given the spatial distribution of conservation features, such as species. Due to incomplete species inventories, species distribution models (SDMs) are often used for predicting species habitat suitability and species probability of occurrence. Currently, SDMs mostly ignore spatial dependencies in species and predictor data. Here, we provide a comparative evaluation of how accounting for spatial dependencies, that is, autocorrelation, affects the delineation of optimized protected areas. Location: Southeast Australia, Southeast U.S. Continental Shelf, Danube River Basin. Methods: We employ Bayesian spatially explicit and non-spatial SDMs for terrestrial, marine and freshwater species, using realm-specific planning unit shapes (grid, hexagon and subcatchment, respectively). We then apply the software gurobi to optimize conservation plans based on species targets derived from spatial and non-spatial SDMs (10% 50% each to analyse sensitivity), and compare the delineation of the plans. Results: Across realms and irrespective of the planning unit shape, spatially explicit SDMs (a) produce on average more accurate predictions in terms of AUC, TSS, sensitivity and specificity, along with a higher species detection probability. All spatial optimizations meet the species conservation targets. Spatial conservation plans that use predictions from spatially explicit SDMs (b) are spatially substantially different compared to those that use non-spatial SDM predictions, but (c) encompass a similar amount of planning units. The overlap in the selection of planning units is smallest for conservation plans based on the lowest targets and vice versa. Main conclusions: Species distribution models are core tools in conservation planning. Not surprisingly, accounting for the spatial characteristics in SDMs has drastic impacts on the delineation of optimized conservation plans. We therefore encourage practitioners to consider spatial dependencies in conservation features to improve the spatial representation of future protected areas. © 2019 The Authors. Diversity and Distributions Published by John Wiley and Sons LtdThis study was funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 642317. SDL has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie SkƂodowska‐Curie grant agreement No. 748625, and SCJ from the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) for the “GLANCE” project (Global Change Effects in River Ecosystems; 01 LN1320A). We wish to thank Gwen Iacona and two anonymous referees for their constructive comments on an earlier version of the manuscript

    Behavioral Response of a Mobile Marine Predator to Environmental Variables Differs Across Ecoregions

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    Animal movement and habitat selection are in part a response to landscape heterogeneity. Many studies of movement and habitat selection necessarily use environmental covariates that are readily available over large‐scales, which are assumed representative of functional habitat features such as resource availability. For widely distributed species, response to such covariates may not be consistent across ecosystems, as response to any specific covariate is driven by its biological relevance within the context of each ecosystem. Thus, the study of any widely distributed species within a limited geographic region may provide inferences that are not widely generalizable. Our goal was to evaluate the response of a marine predator to a suite of environmental covariates across a wide ecological gradient. We identified two behavioral states (resident and transient) in the movements of shortfin mako sharks (Isurus oxyrinchus) tracked via satellite telemetry in two regions of the western North Atlantic Ocean: the tropical Caribbean/Gulf of Mexico marginal sea (CGM), and the temperate waters off the east coast of North America (OWA). We compared patterns of resident behavior between regions, and modeled relationships between oceanographic variables and resident behavior. We tracked 39 sharks during 2013 – 2015. Resident behavior was associated with shallow, continental shelf and slope waters in both regions. In the OWA resident behavior was associated with low sea surface temperature and high primary productivity, however, sharks exhibited no response to either variable in the CGM. There was a negative relationship between sea‐surface height gradient (a proxy for oceanic fronts) and resident behavior in the OWA, and a positive relationship in the CGM. Our observations likely reflect shark responses to regional variability in factors responsible for the distribution and availability of prey. Our study illustrates the importance of studying widely distributed species in a consistent manner over large spatial scales

    Competition and coexistence of bond and charge orders in (TMTTF)2AsF6

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    (TMTTF)2AsF6 undergoes two phase transitions upon cooling from 300 K. At Tco=103 K a charge-ordering (CO) occurs, and at Tsp(B=9 T)=11 K the material undergoes a spin-Peierls (SP) transition. Within the intermediate, CO phase, the charge disproportionation ratio is found to be at least 3:1 from carbon-13 NMR 1/T1 measurements on spin-labeled samples. Above Tsp, up to about 3Tsp, 1/T1 is independent of temperature, indicative of low-dimensional magnetic correlations. With the application of about 0.15 GPa pressure, Tsp increases substantially, while Tco is rapidly suppressed, demonstrating that the two orders are competing. The experiments are compared to results obtained from calculations on the 1D extended Peierls-Hubbard model.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Range-wide variation in local adaptation and phenotypic plasticity of fitness-related traits in Fagus sylvatica and their implications under climate change

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    Aim To better understand and more realistically predict future species distribution ranges, it is critical to account for local adaptation and phenotypic plasticity in populations' responses to climate. This is challenging because local adaptation and phenotypic plasticity are trait-dependent and traits covary along climatic gradients, with differential consequences for fitness. Our aim is to quantify local adaptation and phenotypic plasticity of vertical and radial growth, leaf flushing and survival across the range of Fagus sylvatica and to estimate the contribution of each trait to explaining the species' occurrence. Location Europe. Time period 1995-2014; 2070. Major taxa studied Fagus sylvatica L. Methods We used vertical and radial growth, flushing phenology and mortality of F. sylvatica L. recorded in the BeechCOSTe52 database (>150,000 trees). Firstly, we performed linear mixed-effect models that related trait variation and covariation to local adaptation (related to the planted populations' climatic origin) and phenotypic plasticity (accounting for the climate of the plantation), and we made spatial predictions under current and representative concentration pathway (RCP 8.5) climates. Secondly, we combined spatial trait predictions in a linear model to explain the occurrence of the species. Results The contribution of plasticity to intraspecific trait variation is always higher than that of local adaptation, suggesting that the species is less sensitive to climate change than expected; different traits constrain beech's distribution in different parts of its range: the northernmost edge is mainly delimited by flushing phenology (mostly driven by photoperiod and temperature), the southern edge by mortality (mainly driven by intolerance to drought), and the eastern edge is characterized by decreasing radial growth (mainly shaped by precipitation-related variables in our model); considering trait covariation improved single-trait predictions. Main conclusions Population responses to climate across large geographical gradients are dependent on trait x environment interactions, indicating that each trait responds differently depending on the local environment.Peer reviewe
