66 research outputs found

    Hubungan logika, bahasa, dan budaya

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    “As creatures that can think, humans need the means of thinking. The means include language and logic. The intersection between logic, language, and culture exists in humans as the culprit. Humans use their logic to speak, and the language used as a communication tool will create a culture. Culture develops with the help of logic, so it can form 'new language' as the development of existing language. Where there are humans it is certain that language and culture exist. Because of the subjects, as well as objects of language and cultured, are human. The relationship of logic, language, culture is a relationship of mutual influence and has a very close relationship. All three become a whole communication system, binding, and enable the work of a society. It is also an interaction system that enables a society to occur, be nurtured and sustainably. Language as a part of the culture is a factor that allows the formation of culture. Language is the most importantly in a culture. Good language, showing a good society culture. Humans are able to maximize the potential of logic, of course, will be able to speak and cultured good. Language is a reflection of the nation's culture. Language shows the personality of the nation.

    Hubungan logika, bahasa, dan budaya

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    “As creatures that can think, humans need the means of thinking. The means include language and logic. The intersection between logic, language, and culture exists in humans as the culprit. Humans use their logic to speak, and the language used as a communication tool will create a culture. Culture develops with the help of logic, so it can form 'new language' as the development of existing language. Where there are humans it is certain that language and culture exist. Because of the subjects, as well as objects of language and cultured, are human. The relationship of logic, language, culture is a relationship of mutual influence and has a very close relationship. All three become a whole communication system, binding, and enable the work of a society. It is also an interaction system that enables a society to occur, be nurtured and sustainably. Language as a part of the culture is a factor that allows the formation of culture. Language is the most importantly in a culture. Good language, showing a good society culture. Humans are able to maximize the potential of logic, of course, will be able to speak and cultured good. Language is a reflection of the nation's culture. Language shows the personality of the nation.

    الإدارة الإستراتيجية في تعليم المهارات اللغوية

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    يتناول هذا البحث الإدارة الإستراتيجية بقسم تعليم اللغة العربية جامعة مولانا مالك إبراهيم الإسلامية الحكومية مالانج الناجحة في تعليم المهارات اللغوية. تناول البحث مدى توفر متطلبات تطبيق الإدارة الإستراتيجية في ذلك القسم بالإضافة إلى تبيان العلاقة بين تطبيق مفهوم الإدارة الإستراتيجية والأداء والأثر فيه الناجحة في تعليم المهارات اللغوية. وقد توصلنا بنتيجة البحث إلى مجموعة من النتائج والمقترحات والتي من المتوقع في حال الأخذ بها العمل على تحسين وتطوير أدائها. يهدف هذا البحث لمعرفة الإدارة الإستراتيجية بقسم تعليم اللغة العربية الناجحة في تعليم المهارات اللغوية ولماذا استخدم تلك الإستراتيجيات في تعليم المهارات اللغوية. استخدم هذا البحث منهج دراسة الحالة، وتم تحليل البيانات باستخدام عملية تفاعلية بالتصرف من مايلس وهيبرمان. ونتائج البحث هي استخدم قادة قسم تعليم اللغة العربية الإستراتيجية العامة. وكذلك الاستراتيجيات التي تتقاطع بشكل مباشر مع الخدمات المقدمة. ثانيا، أسباب استخدام تلك الإستراتيجيات من أجل تحقيق الأهداف والغايات التي تم تحديدها معا في الرؤية والرسالة والأهداف التعليمية. بالإضافة إلى إعداد الخريجين من قسم تعليم اللغة العربية لديهم المهارات اللغوية والكفاءة التعليمية و غير تعليمية

    Implementasi akad wakalah pada fintech peer-to-peer (P2P) lending di Indonesia

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    This study aims to analyze the implementation of wakalah contracts in fintech peer to peer lending in Indonesia. This study uses a qualitative approach with data collection techniques using literature study. The results of this study found that Alami and Investree companies provide financing products based on factoring with Wakalah bil Ujrah contracts that are in accordance with sharia provisions. Meanwhile, the financing products from Dana Syariah Indonesia are not fully in accordance with sharia provisions because there are still misconceptions in practice


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    ABSTRACTNusantara manuscripts are one of the cultural assets in Indonesia that have high value in the history of Indonesian culture. Many of the cultural research experts and activists have researched and studied in depth the manuscripts of the archipelago. Most of the archipelago manuscripts that are hundreds of years old are in very poor physical condition. This research aims to describe the ins and outs and the physical condition of two manuscripts of copies of the book Tanbihul Masyi al-Mansub ila Thoriq al-Qusyasyi by Sheikh Abdurrauf bin Ali al-Fanshuri as-Singkili. This research uses a descriptive-qualitative method with a codicological approach based on primary reference sources, namely two manuscript copies of Tanbihul Masyi al-Mansub ila Thoriq al-Qusyasyi. The secondary data sources are articles, books, and literature related to codicology studies. Based on the results of research related to the ins and outs of manuscripts, it is revealed that the two manuscripts of the copy of Tanbihul Masyi between the Lengkong version of West Java and the Pustaka Kitab Jawi Lama Pantonlabu Aceh version have very different physical aspects. The Lengkong version of the manuscript, which is a ± 165 year old copy, is in poor physical condition, with many sheets and writings missing and illegible. The manuscript can only be seen digitally through the website. While the manuscript version of Pustaka Kitab Jawi Lama is in good physical condition and well preserved because it has been copied and reproduced for the public to enjoy.Keywords: Codicology, Manuscript Criticism, Sheikh Abdurrauf as-Singkili, Tanbihul al-Mansub Ila Thoriq al-Qusyasyi. ABSTRAKNaskah Nusantara merupakan salah satu aset budaya di Indonesia yang bernilai tinggi dalam sejarah kebudayaan Indonesia. Banyak dari para pakar peneliti budaya dan aktivis yang meneliti dan mengkaji secara mendalam naskah nusantara. Sebagian besar naskah nusantara yang berumur ratusan tahun kondisi fisik dan keadaannya sangatlah buruk. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan seluk beluk dan kondisi fisik dari dua naskah salinan kitab Tanbihul Masyi al-Mansub ila Thoriq al-Qusyasyi karya Syekh Abdurrauf bin Ali al-Fanshuri as-Singkili. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif-kualitatif dengan pendekatan kodikologi berdasarkan sumber acuan primer, yakni dua naskah salinan kitab Tanbihul Masyi al-Mansub ila Thoriq al-Qusyasyi. Adapun sumber data sekunder berupa artikel, buku, dan literatur yang berkaitan dengan kajian kodikologi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian terkait seluk beluk pernaskahan terungkap bahwa dua naskah salinan kitab Tanbihul Masyi antara versi Lengkong Jawa Barat dan versi Pustaka Kitab Jawi Lama Pantonlabu Aceh mempunyai aspek fisik naskah yang sangat berbeda. Naskah versi Lengkong yang merupakan salinan berusia ±165 tahun kondisi fisiknya buruk, banyak lembaran dan tulisan yang hilang serta tidak terbaca. Naskahnya pun hanya dapat dilihat secara digital melalui laman website. Sedangkan naskah versi Pustaka Kitab Jawi Lama dalam kondisi fisik yang bagus dan terawat karena sudah di salin dan perbanyak untuk dinikmati masyarakat.Kata kunci: Kodikologi, Kritik Naskah, Syekh Abdurrauf as-Singkili, Tanbihul al-Mansub Ila Thoriq al-Qusyasy

    āl-Irhāb āl-Ijrāmiy fi Bandung fi āl-Akhbār āl-'Arābiyāh ālā āl-Intirnit; Istinādān ilā tāhlil āl-Khithāb ān-Naqdiy li Theo Van Leeuwen

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    The mass media plays a crucial role in shaping public opinion and influencing people's perceptions of important issues being discussed, one of which is terrorism. This research aims to identify and analyze critical discourse through exclusion strategies and inclusion strategies and describe the three Arab online media in constructing news. This research uses a critical discourse analysis approach from Theo van Leeuwen's perspective. Researchers used qualitative methods with content analysis techniques from Arabic online media, namely al Arabiya.net, al Jazeera.net, and okaz.com.sa with the theme of Indonesian criminal terrorism news namely Suicide Bombing in Bandung December 7, 2022 edition. The collection technique uses the documentation, observation, and record method. The results of the research show that the exclusion strategy is used in the media al Arabiya.net with 2 data and al Jazeera.net with 1 data, and the inclusion strategy is used in the media al Arabiya.net 6 models, al Jazeera.net 7 models, and okaz.com.sa as many as 5 data models. The three online media have a tendency towards groups or government agencies rather than terrorists. Furthermore, suggestions for further research use the theory of media psychology and emotional effects

    Peran dan kiprah alumni: tracer study UIN Maliki 2020

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    Karya ini memotret peran dan kiprah alumni UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang setelah lulus kuliah. Dengan menggunakan konsep tracer study yaitu riset untuk mengetahui dan memahami rekam jejak alumni dan hubungan antara pendidikan tinggi dan pekerjaan. Sebagai salah satu institusi penyedia jasa pendidikan, UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang bergerak pada dua wilayah sekaligus, yaitu quality in fact dan quality perception. Konsep quality in fact mengacu kepada upaya kampus untuk merekam proses peningkatan mutu lulusan. Tahapan ini mencakup aspek perencanaan, pelaksanaan, monitoring, dan evaluasi. Lulusannya dinilai berdasarkan indikator perkembangan tertentu dan kemampuan mereka untuk beradaptasi di dunia kerja. Sementara konsep quality perception lebih didasarkan pada persepsi masyarakat di dunia usaha dan dunia industri terhadap mutu lulusan. Buku ini menyajikan dua hal penting tersebut. Dimana kampus memiliki cita-cita dalam rangka mencapai prestasi dan reputasi di kancah global, tentu tidak bisa menafikan peran dan kiprah alumninya di dunia kerja

    The Kanjuruhan tragedy in online news: A critical discourse analysis of Michel Foucault's model

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    The Kanjuruhan tragedy was a major disaster that occurred in Indonesia, and this event was able to attract the attention of foreign news, as evidenced by the fact that several foreign platforms also reported on it. it can really understand the meaning. This research aims to determine the relationship and power of online news portals and the impacts that occur. This research is a qualitative descriptive research with a data analysis model using electronic media analysis consisting of media space, media archives, media objects and experiences. The primary data source is the Kanjuruhan tragedy news text from the BBC Arabic, CNN Arabic and Al Jazeera portals. The secondary data source is the use of literature related to Michel Foucault's critical discourse. The results of the research are the relations of power and knowledge that occur, including the police, FIFA, society, law, football teams, government authorities, and PSSI. The impact of knowledge and power relations resulted in legal authorities taking action to punish football officials responsible for the Kanjuruhan tragedy, regulations regarding FIFA prohibiting the use of tear gas, which were violated, caused FIFA to distrust the police, the police is in the spotlight public because using authority is not according to norms. Keywords: Cyber Media, Michel Foucault's Critical Discourse, Online News Portal, Power and Knowledge Relations, The Kanjuruhan Traged

    Perspectives on managing state assets in the public service agency policies: a multisite study at Indonesian Islamic state universities

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    Indonesia's policy granted state universities with excellent asset management to manage their business independently. This study explored asset management practices at Indonesian state Islamic universities to reveal and evaluate the asset management practices. This study uses a qualitative research paradigm with a multisite approach. In-depth interviews and non-participant observation, including leaders of public service agencies, finance officials, asset managers, and financial management staff, were used as a data collection strategy. This study's findings indicate unpreparedness and dilemma in managing the university's assets, caused by the mindset of principals trapped in the old-school government paradigm. As they are encouraged to increase their income from asset management, they are also expected to reduce public subsidies. Weak asset management and low contribution to university funding are also present. Public universities must build a paradigm transformation from the government agency to agencification (semi-autonomy), from bureaucracy to entrepreneurship, both in mindset, system, and university management

    The Kanjuruhan tragedy in online news: A critical discourse analysis of Michel Foucault's model

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    The Kanjuruhan tragedy was a major disaster that occurred in Indonesia, and this event was able to attract the attention of foreign news, as evidenced by the fact that several foreign platforms also reported on it. it can really understand the meaning. This research aims to determine the relationship and power of online news portals and the impacts that occur. This research is a qualitative descriptive research with a data analysis model using electronic media analysis consisting of media space, media archives, media objects and experiences. The primary data source is the Kanjuruhan tragedy news text from the BBC Arabic, CNN Arabic and Al Jazeera portals. The secondary data source is the use of literature related to Michel Foucault's critical discourse. The results of the research are the relations of power and knowledge that occur, including the police, FIFA, society, law, football teams, government authorities, and PSSI. The impact of knowledge and power relations resulted in legal authorities taking action to punish football officials responsible for the Kanjuruhan tragedy, regulations regarding FIFA prohibiting the use of tear gas, which were violated, caused FIFA to distrust the police, the police is in the spotlight public because using authority is not according to norms. Keywords: Cyber Media, Michel Foucault's Critical Discourse, Online News Portal, Power and Knowledge Relations, The Kanjuruhan Traged