55 research outputs found


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    Untuk membuat hasil investasi yang menghasilkan keuntungan yang maksimum sesuai dengan yang diharapkan dengan mempertimbangkan risiko yang kecil, maka aset disusun ke dalam portofolio. Pilihan aset yang bisa dipilih investor ke dalam portofolio sangat banyak, namun secara umum berdasarkan karakteristik risikonya aset bisa dibagi kedalam dua kelompok yaitu aset berisiko dan aset bebas risiko. Ada banyak model optimisasi portofolio yang ada, salah satunya adalah model Mean Absolute Deviation (MAD) yang diperkenalkan oleh Hiroshi Konno dan Yamazaki (1991). Model ini merupakan pengembangan dari model yang sudah ada sebelumnya yaitu model Mean-Variance (MV) dimana perbedaannya terletak pada bentuk pengukuran risiko atau fungsi tujuannya. Model MAD berupa Linear Programming sehingga waktu komputasi yang dibutuhkan lebih cepat dibandingkan model MV yang berupa Quadratic Programming. Pada tugas akhir ini topik yang dibahas adalah permasalahan optimasi portofolio gabungan aset berisiko (saham) dan aset bebas risiko (deposito) yang diperdagangkan di pasar Indonesia menggunakan model MAD yang dibandingkan hasilnya dengan model MV. Berdasarkan hasil analisis diperoleh hasil risiko model MAD lebih besar daripada model MV namun pebedaan keduanya tidak signifikan. Fluktuasi nilai return portofolio yang dihasilkan kedua model memiliki kecenderungan yang sama. Waktu komputasi model MAD lebih cepat dibandingkan model MV ketika jumlah aset yang digunakan dalam portofolio lebih dari 28 buah untuk setiap periode. Nilai performansi Sharpe Ratio return portofolio yang dihasilkan oleh model MAD lebih rendah dibandingkan model MV, namun keduanya masih lebih baik dibandingkan nilai Sharpe Ratio indeks LQ 45

    Implementasi Public Private Partnership dalam Pengembangan Pariwisata di Kabupaten Toraja Utara

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    The concept of Public Private Partnership (PPP) provides efficiency and Effectiveness in providing public services to the community, as well as helping the government sector deal with limited budget and resources in developing the tourism sector. This study aims to determine how the implementation of the Public Private Partnership (PPP) in tourism development in North Toraja Regency. This research uses a qualitative approach. Data collection was carried out by interview, observation and documentation study. Data processing techniques and data analysis were carried out in three stages, namely: data reduction, presentation and conclusion drawing. The informants in this study were: (a) the Culture and Tourism Office of North Toraja Regency; (b) Owner / Manager of Ke'te Kesu 'and Lempe Negeri Diatas Awan Tourism Object; (c) Visitors / Community. The results showed: (1) Equity shows the existence of a win-win solution in the distribution of cooperation which has an impact on receiving fees and tourism services; (2) The Effectiveness of this MoU (cooperation agreement) is seen to be effective in receiving revenue (retribution) and providing services to visitors or tourists; (3) The efficiency in this public-private collaboration shows that the use of resources in the development of tourist objects is proven to be more efficient with the involvement of the private sector; (4) Exportability shows the government gets a high risk of demand to meet the needs of tourist objects and compensation to communities affected by the construction of tourist attraction facilities and infrastructure.


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    Organisasi olahraga di Indonesia, termasuk di Kabupaten Sinjai, memainkan peran penting dalam pembinaan dan pengembangan prestasi olahraga. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji manajemen cabang olahraga unggulan di bawah naungan organisasi tersebut di Kabupaten Sinjai, dengan fokus pada upaya peningkatan prestasi olahraga. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif deskriptif dan melibatkan 50 responden, terdiri dari pengurus (28 orang), pelatih (2 orang), dan atlet (20 orang). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: Perencanaan: Skor tes menunjukkan kategori kurang handal (32,56). Hal ini menunjukkan perlunya perbaikan dalam aspek penetapan tujuan, perumusan strategi, dan penyusunan program kerja yang lebih terarah dan terukur. Pengorganisasian: Skor tes menunjukkan kategori kurang handal (33,32). Perlu ada peningkatan dalam aspek pendelegasian tugas, koordinasi antar pengurus, pelatih, dan atlet, serta struktur organisasi yang lebih efektif. Penelitian ini merekomendasikan beberapa langkah untuk meningkatkan manajemen cabang olahraga unggulan di Kabupaten Sinjai, antara lain: Penyusunan program kerja yang lebih terarah dan terukur, dengan mempertimbangkan potensi atlet dan sumber daya yang tersedia. Peningkatan koordinasi antar pengurus, pelatih, dan atlet dalam pelaksanaan program latihan dan pertandingan. Pembinaan dan pelatihan berkelanjutan bagi pengurus, pelatih, dan atlet untuk meningkatkan kualitas dan profesionalisme. Dengan upaya-upaya tersebut, diharapkan manajemen cabang olahraga unggulan di Kabupaten Sinjai dapat dioptimalkan untuk mencapai prestasi olahraga yang lebih baik di masa depan

    Aplikasi Penjualan Pakaian Couple Berbasis Website pada Rain-d Shop Samarinda

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan bertujuan untuk membuat Aplikasi Penjualan Pakaian Couple Berbasis Website pada Rain-D Shop Samarinda yang memudahkan pelanggan dalam pembelian produk yang diinginkan. Alat bantu pengembangan sistem yang digunakan yaitu flowchart dengan menggunakan bahasa pemrograman PHP serta database MySQL. Maka dihasilkan sebuah informasi Penjualan Online Pada Rain-D Shop Samarinda yang dapat memberi kemudahan pada masyarakat untuk mendapatkan informasi tentang penjualan dan informasi produk-produk terbaru yang ditawarkan oleh Rain-D Shop Samarinda. Sistem penjualan ini juga dapat membantu kinerja admin yaitu dengan mudah menambah, mengganti & menghapus data

    Kinetika Oksidasi Minyak Ikan Tuna (Thunus SP) Selama Penyimpanan

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    Minyak ikan tuna (Thunnus sp) mengandung asam lemak omega-3, sehingga mudah rusak akibat oksidasi selama penyimpanan. Kecepatan reaksi oksidasi dapat didekati melalui reaksi orde ke nol maupun orde pertama. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari reaksi oksidasi selama penyimpanan dengan menentukan besaran energi aktivasi (Ea) dan konstanta Perubahan (k). Hasil menunjukkan bahwa nilai k meningkat dari 0,11 menjadi 2,07 pada suhu 0 oC untuk angka peroksida, angka TBA dan angka asam adalah 0,041 menjadi 1,002 dan 0,02 menjadi 0,30, yang terjadi pada suhu 10, 20, 30, dan 40 oC. Energi aktivasi (Ea) reaksi oksidasi yang menghasilkan angka peroksida 50,07 Kj/mol.K; angka asam 42,43 Kj/mol.K dan TBA 57,69 Kj/mol.K. Studi kinetika memperlihatkan bahwa terjadi peningkatan laju reaksi kerusakan oksidasi minyak ikan tuna (Thunus sp) selama penyimpanan dengan mengikuti reaksi orde ke nol atau reaksi berlangsung secara lambat

    Kinetika Oksidasi Protein Ikan Kakap (Lutjanus SP) Selama Penyimpanan

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    Fish protein is oxidased easily during storage. The oxidation reaction rate can be approached through the order to zero or first order. The objective of this research was to study the oxidation rate during storage by determining the amount of activation energy (Ea) and constant change (k). The results showed that the increased of temperature storage from 0 °C to 40oC can increased the k value from 0.0617 to 0.311. The carbonyl content of red snapper protein isolate can be increased to higher level as storage temperature increase to 40 °C with higher level increase at higher temperature. The activation energy of oxidation reactions that cause oxidation of the protein is 42.015 Kj/mol.K to zero order. Kinetics increase in protein carbonyls: the higher the temperature storage protein isolate red snapper (Lutjanus sp), the greater the value of a constant (k) is obtained. Kinetics studies show that an increase in the rate of reaction of oxidative damage fish protein (Lutjanus sp) during storage by following zero order reactions

    Teknik Sosiodrama untuk Meningkatkan Perilaku Asertif

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    This study was a guidance and counseling action research (GCAR). This study was conducted in two cycles, each of cycles consisting of planning, acting, observating and reflecting. Source of data comes from students. Technique of collecting data used was an observation an academic questionaire on the finding in the field. The data validation was conducted using data triangulation and expert metode. The data analysis employed precentage analysis technique and clinical. The research procedure used Kemmis and MC Taggart’s model. The result of research showed that the average pretest value of 75,92. Posttest siclus I showed average value os 88,17 and increasing precentage about 16,12 % was said not significant. The result of action in cycle II showed significant degression of 120,08 and increased of 58,36 % with showed significant value

    Controllable Core Size of Au@TiO2 through Al(NO3)3 Addition and Its Effects on DSSC Performance

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    It is known that plasmonic nanoparticles in dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSC) could enhance efficiency through improvement in light absorbance and electron dynamics. Herein we investigated various sizes of AuNP through spontaneous Al(NO3 )3 addition. Core-Shell Au@TiO2 was prepared with various Al(NO3 )3 concentrations of 0.25 mM, 0.5 mM, 0.75 mM and 1 mM. The Au@TiO2 volume fraction of 1% was further added to TiO2 photoanode. Based on the particle size analyzer (PSA) characteristics, the synthesized AuNP’s size was within a range of 34.62 nm – 139.5 nm. The highest efficiency of DSSC was obtained for the sample with the largest AuNP ’s diameter, i.e., 0.0313%, which is about three times higher than pristine DSSC. The increase in efficiency was in accord with Metallic Nanoparticle Boundary Element Method (MNPBEM) simulation, UV-vis spectroscopy, and Incident Photon to Current Conversion Efficiency (IPCE) analysis largest Au core diameter contributes to the strong absorbance and hence the short circuit curren

    Limestone Industry on PM2.5 Air Quality in Padalarang and Surrounding Areas

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    The processing of limestone through the combustion process will cause air pollution at the combustion site and its surroundings. At the limestone processing site, Padalarang experiences relatively high air pollution. PM2.5 is one of the main pollutants produced by limestone burning, so it is very necessary to study the concentration of PM2.5 in the air in Padalarang and its surroundings. This study was conducted in Padalarang and its surroundings, where data collection was carried out in five locations, namely at the center of limestone burner, 1 km, 2 km, 3 km, and 4 km to the east of the burning center. Data collection was carried out for ten days, where each data collection was carried out for 12 hours, from 07.00 to 19.00. Based on the national standard of PPRI No. 22 of 2021, which is 55 µg/m3, the concentration in the limestone burning center and 1 km from burning center have exceeded the standard, which is 82.5 and 69.3 µg/m3. While PM2.5 concentrations at distances of 2 km, 3 km, and 4 km are below the national standard, namely 52.0, 51.6 and 50.2 µg/m3, respectively. Based on the Air Quality Index (AQI), the AQI at the burning center, distance of 1 km, 2 km, 3 km, and 4 km are Unhealthy, Unhealthy, Moderate, Moderate and Moderate, respectively. This means that areas less than 1 km away are not healthy places to live. The poor air quality in Padalarang is reflected in the much higher number of ARI cases compared to the surrounding sub-districts that do not have a limestone industry

    Peran Faktor-faktor Psikologis terhadap Depresi pada Pasien Diabetes Mellitus Tipe 2

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    Depression has strong relationship with diabetes mellitus and the aspect of psychology has influence toward the diabetes patient as control. This research aimed to find out the role of psychological factors in dealing with depression suffered by patient of DM-2 and to see the dynamics of both direct and indirect relationship of psychological factors toward the depression of DM-2 patient. The main model is a model that can bring effect of mediation between social support and depression caused by DM-2. Optimism can provide mediating effect of the relationship between social support and self-esteem. Resilience can provide mediating effect of the relationship between social support and self-esteem. Similarly, self-esteem acts as the mediator of the relationship between optimism and resilience toward the depression of DM-2 patient. The result of estimation parameter test showed the direct relationship between social support toward optimism (0.717), resilience (0.811), self-esteem (0.269) and depression (-0.210) and the direct role to depression (-0.397). The higher social support and self-esteem will cause the higher optimism and resilience. On the other hand, the role of self-esteem showed negative coefficient. On the other hand, the role of self-esteem to depression showed a negative coefficient is, the higher self-esteem will be followed by the decrease of depression in patient with DM-2. Keywords: depression, optimism, resilience, self-esteem, social support, DM-
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