8 research outputs found


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    The agricultural sector is the main element in the food supply, especially to achieve food security, climate change, damage to agricultural infrastructure, land conversion and declining agricultural production are threats in the agricultural sector that are currently occurring both globally and nationally can cause a food crisis. One of the government's efforts to maintain sustainable food availability is the food estate program involving the Ministry of  Defense. This study aims to identify the role of the Indonesian Ministry of  Defense in overcoming threats to the agricultural sector for the welfare and interests of national defense. This study uses a qualitative method with a literature study approach. The data collection technique is to examine empirical information or data sourced from books, journals, scientific research reports, and other literature that has links to the national defense sector and the agricultural sector, as well as open library materials such as magazines, newspapers, and websites. From the perspective of non-military defense, it can be concluded that the role of defense institutions in overcoming non-military threats, in this case, the threat of a food crisis, is as a form of support capacity in securing national food availability, both production and distribution as well as supporting non-military defense functions in the context of realizing national logistics reserves. To support the implementation of a non-military defense system in agriculture that can maintain the safety of the nation from the threat of a food crisis, it is necessary to empower non-military defense so that it has strong deterrence in preventing all threats that arise

    "The Framing of Gay Candidate for Human Right Commissioner in the Religious-Based Indonesian Online Portals"

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    The representation of homosexuality in Indonesian media tends to be discriminative and negative, with stigma, prejudice, and stereotypes. It occurs not only in the mainstream but also in the cyber media such as online news-portals. The discriminating views against homosexuals have even penetrated into the political sphere. In 2012, when Dede Oetomo, an activist of LGBTIQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex, and Queer) proposed as a candidate for the National Commission on Human Rights (Komnas HAM) commissioner, various reactions arose from people as he was exposed by the media. The controversy of Dede Oetomo’s candidacy occurs and spread widely, especially amongst online media portals. The public resistance to Dede Oetomo is mostly due to his gay identity. This paper studies how Dede Oetomo’s candidacy as the Human Right Commissioner is portrayed in the Indonesian online portals, based on Robert Entman’s framing model. The results show the online media portals’ framing of homosexual issues is still influenced by the majority religion (Islam) and the local cultural norms. The portals also differ from one another concerning the way they depict the issue although showing similar resentment towards homosexuality.     Keywords: framing, homosexuality issues, online news, Dede Oetom

    Diskursus Ujaran Kebencian Pemerintah pada Kasus LGBT di Media Daring

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    Artikel ini membahas tentang diskursus ujaran kebencian pemerintah Indonesia di media daring di tahun 2016 dengan pendekatan analisis diskursus Sara Mills. Media daring yang dipilih adalah republika.co.id, viva.co.id, tempo.co, dan kompas.com. Hasil riset menunjukkan bahwa kelompok minoritas LGBT tidak pernah menjadi subjek media dan hanya menjadi objek yang dipinggirkan karena dominasi pemerintah atas diskursus tentang LGBT. Temuan ini ditunjukkan melalui tiga hal: pertama, ujaran kebencian dibangun oleh stereotip, stigma, dan nilai heteronormative berasas agama; kedua, kurangnya pengetahuan di kalangan jurnalis tentang seksualitas, terutama LGBT; ketiga, kata-kata kebencian menjadi bagian dari kekuasaan ideologi heteronormative yang menindas dan didistribusikan melalui media daring

    Causing Factors Of Children With Special Needs And Abk Classification

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor penyebab anak berkebutuhan khusus. Anak berkebutuhan khusus adalah anak yang memerlukan penanganan khusus karena adanya gangguan perkembangan dan kelainan yang dialami anak. Anak dengan kebutuhan khusus adalah anak yang membutuhkan layanan atau perlakuan khusus untuk mencapai perkembangan yang optimal sebagai akibat dari kelainan atau keluarbiasaan yang disandangnya. Pengertian ini menunjukan bahwa tanpa pelayanan atau perlakuan khusus mereka tidak dapat mencapai perkembangan yang optimal, termasuk kebutuhan khusus dalam layanan pendidikan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan ialah metode kualitatif, serta menggunakan metode studi pustaka atau library research

    Sebuah Perjuangan untuk Indonesia Masa Depan

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    Melawan Neoimperialisme Kebijakan Pangan Indonesia

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    The following thesis titled �Conflict Analysis in Forest Conservation Area with a Case Study on Gunung Halimun Salak National Park� is aimed at investigating further the management of state forest which is marked by unresolved problems, in particular conflict around the forest areas. The appointment of TNGHS as conservation area through the decree of Forestry Minister number 175/2003, in conventional conflict studies terms, has caused conflict escalation, vertically between the government (which is represented by the Ministry of Forestry) and local society. This research explores the root of conflict in TNGHS in general and the case of �villa liar� in the area of Gunung Salak Endah, Kecamatan Pamijahan, Kabupaten Bogor, which is widely known as LokaPurna (Lokasi Purnawirawan). The research focuses on two types of society, namely the local society (those who live in local villages) and public figures. The goal is to comprehend the differences in conflict patterns and resolution efforts, applied by the Ministry of Forestry on the two different societies. It is argued that treatments toward �perambahan� (those who occupy forest areas) vary according to the types of occupiers. Based on Simon Fisher�s theory the author finds a clear differences in the way the Ministry approaches and treats the so-called �perambahan hutan�. Even though the existing law on forestry strictly mentions a non-discriminative principle in law enforcement against offences on state forest areas, the case of �villa liar� demonstrates how the presence of public figures in this kind of conflict significantly affects conflict pattern and its type of resolution. By using qualitative method, the author concludes that the complexity of forest management in Indonesia is largely due to the lack of concern by the related state apparatus who also seems not to be well-prepared in dealing with problems such as different perception on the meaning of conservation, the scope of authority and authority between state institutions, and ownership claim as well as access to forest resources. This is added further by problems such as disparity in authority caused by new law on regional autonomy which has in practical terms cultivated sector egoism and disharmony both between central and regional governments and between various related state agencies. This thesis finds that the basic shortcoming is in the ability of government to communicate and socialize the virtue of conservation, which should be better taken as shared responsibility and be supported by each and every one in the society around the area. Dissemination of knowledge and ethics on environment should be put into public discourse and reformulated into a shared understanding by multi-stakeholders

    "the Framing of Gay Candidate for Human Right Commissioner in the Religious-Based Indonesian Online Portals"

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    The representation of homosexuality in Indonesian media tends to be discriminative and negative, with stigma, prejudice, and stereotypes. It occurs not only in the mainstream but also in the cyber media such as online news-portals. The discriminating views against homosexuals have even penetrated into the political sphere. In 2012, when Dede Oetomo, an activist of LGBTIQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex, and Queer) proposed as a candidate for the National Commission on Human Rights (Komnas HAM) commissioner, various reactions arose from people as he was exposed by the media. The controversy of Dede Oetomo's candidacy occurs and spread widely, especially amongst online media portals. The public resistance to Dede Oetomo is mostly due to his gay identity. This paper studies how Dede Oetomo's candidacy as the Human Right Commissioner is portrayed in the Indonesian online portals, based on Robert Entman's framing model. The results show the online media portals' framing of homosexual issues is still influenced by the majority religion (Islam) and the local cultural norms. The portals also differ from one another concerning the way they depict the issue although showing similar resentment towards homosexuality.     Keywords: framing, homosexuality issues, online news, Dede Oetom