177 research outputs found

    Cataloging to preserve. The particular case of the Central Market of Valencia. Spain

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    [SPA] La rehabilitación del Mercado Central de Valencia fue financiada con cargo al 1% Cultural, Ministerios de Fomento, Educación y Cultura en 1999. El Mercado Central es uno de los edificios más representativos del modernismo valenciano, catalogado como BIC. Está situado en el centro histórico de Valencia en el barrio del Mercat Los trabajos de rehabilitación dieron comienzo en el año 2004, finalizando en 2008, con un presupuesto de 11.502.643 €. En los estudios previos a la redacción del proyecto se puso de manifiesto el alto nivel de deterioro de sus unidades constructivas. Este hecho motivó la catalogación de todas sus unidades arquitectónicas con el objetivo de documentar las características de su construcción, formas y composición. El desarrollo de mi tesis doctoral “Investigación integral de las unidades constructivas-arquitectónicas que definen el Mercado Central de Valencia como ejemplo singular de la arquitectura modernista valenciana” recoge, entre otros, este objetivo. El resultado ha sido la elaboración de más de 200 fichas técnicas que, a modo de síntesis, faciliten la información técnica para su definición y conocimiento en posteriores trabajos de rehabilitación y/o reconstrucción. [ENG] The rehabilitation of the Central market of Valencia was funded under the 1% Cultural, Ministries of Development, Education and Culture in 1999. The Central market is one of the most representative buildings of Valencian modernism, cataloged as BIC. It is located in the Valencian historic center, in the Mercat’s neighbourhood. The rehabilitation work started in 2004, finishing in 2008, with a 11.502.643 euro budget. Previous studies to the redaction project, revealed the high level of deterioration of its constructive units. This fact promoted the cataloging of all its architectural units with the aim of documenting the characteristics of its construction, shapes and composition. The development of my dissertation ‘’ Comprehensive research of the constructive-architectural units that define the Central market of Valencia as singular example of the modernist Valencian architecture’’ resumes the above mentioned subjet. As a result, the development of more than 200 technical specifications and it was finished is provides technical information for definition and knowledge in subsequent works of rehabilitation or reconstruction

    Antagonism between lipid-derived reactive carbonyls and phenolic compounds in the Strecker degradation of amino acids

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    25 Páginas: 1 Tabla; 5 FigurasThe Strecker-type degradation of phenylalanine in the presence of 2-pentanal and phenolic compounds was studied to investigate possible interactions that either promote or inhibit the formation of Strecker aldehydes in food products. Phenylacetaldehyde formation was promoted by 2-pentenal and also by o- and p-diphenols, but not by m-diphenols. This is consequence of the ability of phenolic compounds to be converted into reactive carbonyls and produce the Strecker degradation of the amino acid. When 2-pentenal and phenolic compounds were simultaneously present, an antagonism among them was observed. This antagonism is suggested to be a consequence of the ability of phenolic compounds to either react with both 2-pentenal and phenylacetaldehyde, or compete with other carbonyl compounds for the amino acids, a function that is determined by their structure. All these results suggest that carbonyl–phenol reactions may be used to modulate flavor formation produced in food products by lipid-derived reactive carbonyls.We are indebted to José L. Navarro for technical assistance. This study was supported in part by the European Union (FEDER funds) and the Plan Nacional de I + D of the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad of Spain (project AGL2012-35627).Peer reviewe

    Quantum nanoconstrictions fabricated by cryo-etching in encapsulated graphene

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    More than a decade after the discovery of graphene, ballistic transport in nanostructures based on this intriguing material still represents a challenging field of research in two-dimensional electronics. The presence of rough edges in nanostructures based on this material prevents the appearance of truly ballistic electron transport as theo\-re\-tically predicted and, therefore, not well-developed plateaus of conductance have been revealed to date. In this work we report on a novel implementation of the cryo-etching method, which enabled us to fabricate graphene nanoconstrictions encapsulated between hexagonal boron nitride thin films with unprecedented control of the structure edges. High quality smooth nanometer-rough edges are characterized by atomic force microscopy and a clear correlation between low roughness and the existence of well-developed quantized conductance steps with the concomitant occurrence of ballistic transport is found at low temperature. In par\-ti\-cu\-lar, we come upon exact 2e2/he^{2}/h quantization steps of conductance at zero magnetic field due to size quantization, as it has been theoretically predicted for truly ballistic electron transport through graphene nanoconstrictions

    Generation of technology-portable flexible analog blocks

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    This paper introduces a complete methodology for retargeting of analog blocks to different sets of specifications, even to different technology processes. By careful integration of the tuning process of design parameters with layout generation, fully functional designs are generated in a few minutes of CPU time.Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología TIC 2001-092

    Selective expression of the neurexin substrate for presenilin in the adult forebrain causes deficits in associative memory and presynaptic plasticity

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    Presenilins (PS) form the active subunit of the gamma-secretase complex, which mediates the proteolytic clearance of a broad variety of type-I plasma membrane proteins. Loss-of-function mutations in PSEN1/2 genes are the leading cause of familial Alzheimer's disease (fAD). However, the PS/gamma-secretase substrates relevant for the neuronal deficits associated with a loss of PS function are not completely known. The members of the neurexin (Nrxn) family of presynaptic plasma membrane proteins are candidates to mediate aspects of the synaptic and memory deficits associated with a loss of PS function. Previous work has shown that fAD-linked PS mutants or inactivation of PS by genetic and pharmacological approaches failed to clear Nrxn C-terminal frag-ments (NrxnCTF), leading to its abnormal accumulation at presynaptic terminals. Here, we generated transgenic mice that selectively recreate the presynaptic accumulation of NrxnCTF in adult forebrain neurons, leaving unaltered the function of PS/gamma-secretase complex towards other substrates. Behavioral characterization identified selective impairments in NrxnCTF mice, including decreased fear-conditioning memory. Electro-physiological recordings in medial prefrontal cortex-basolateral amygdala (mPFC-BLA) of behaving mice showed normal synaptic transmission and uncovered specific defects in synaptic facilitation. These data functionally link the accumulation of NrxnCTF with defects in associative memory and short-term synaptic plasticity, pointing at impaired clearance of NrxnCTF as a new mediator in ADMinisterio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (RTI2018-101886-B-100)Junta de Andalucía (PY18-823)Junta de Andalucía (P11- CVI-7599)Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (BES-2016-076579)Garantía Juvenil contract from Universidad de Sevill

    El edificio de enfermería de mujeres del complejo sanitario de San Francisco de Borja de Fontilles. Análisis constructivo y patológico

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    El Sanatorio de San Francisco de Borja de Fontilles, emplazado estratégicamente en Vall de Laguart,provincia de Alicante, con más de 30 edificaciones, es un modelo de Colonia Sanitaria inaugurado en enero de 1909, que surge de la necesidad social y médica para la investigación y el tratamiento de enfermedades infecciosas asociadas a la pobreza en España, en concreto la lepra. Las edificaciones, construidas todas ellas a lo largo del siglo XX, abarcan un gran abanico de técnicas y tipologías constructivas. Los materiales utilizados, según se ha cotejado a nivel de archivo, provienen del entorno de la comarca, exceptuando la fabricación de productos cerámicos y carpintería de taller que fueron, en parte, de fabricación propia. Este conjunto patrimonial, caracterizado por integrar valores patrimoniales de carácter tanto arquitectónico como paisajístico, es también portador de una serie de valores culturales y patrimoniales inmateriales que han propiciado su estudio integral en el marco del proyecto El Sanatorio de San Francisco de Borja de Fontilles. Modelo de análisis para la recuperación integral de complejos sanitarias de valor patrimonial (Programa estatal de investigación, desarrollo e innovación orientada a los retos de la sociedad. Ref. HAR2013- 42060-R). En el presente artículo se pretende precisar la secuencialización, evolución arquitectónica y caracterización constructiva de uno de los edificios de la Colonia Sanitaria, la antigua enfermería de mujeres. Se trata de un edificio de reducidas dimensiones, actualmente en desuso, pero que responde de forma plena a las características arquitectónicas del resto de los edificios del conjunto. El artículo explica la metodología de análisis arquitectónico que se pretende aplicar en el conjunto del entorno patrimonial, así como la tipificación y caracterización de los sistemas constructivos y su nivel patológico.Marín Tolosa, RE.; Martínez Piqueras, JF.; Hidalgo Delgado, F.; Llopis Verdú, J.; Baviera Llópez, EM. (2015). El edificio de enfermería de mujeres del complejo sanitario de San Francisco de Borja de Fontilles. Análisis constructivo y patológico. Arché. (10):441-450. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/851924414501

    Levantamiento gráfico. Antecedentes y estado actual de la clínica fisioterapéutica de rehabilitación del centro sanitario de San Francisco de Borja de Fontilles

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    El centro sanitario de Fontilles está situado en el hermoso paraje de la Vall de Laguard, en la Marina Alta (Alicante). Nace en 1909 como colonia sanitaria para la lucha contra la lepra, y ya desde su origen se proyecta bajo las recomendaciones médicas de la época en donde se buscaban unas condiciones sanitarias de confort y naturaleza para el tratamiento de las personas afectadas. En la actualidad, con una extensión cercana a los 800.000 m² y más de 30 edificios, el centro se dedica a continuar la lucha contra la lepra a nivel mundial, como centro de operaciones en las campañas médicas y envío de ayuda. Uno de los pabellones que jugaban un gran papel en la lucha de esta terrible enfermedad es el edificio de rehabilitación, lugar donde los pacientes realizaban los ejercicios y actividades físicas necesarias para los tratamientos postoperatorios que debían recibir y así como para mejorar su calidad de vida. Pese al papel importante que jugaba este edificio, se encuentra poco estudiado y con escasas informaciones acerca de esta misma. Este trabajo recoge todos los procesos que se han llevado a cabo para su levantamiento gráfico mediante técnicas SFM (Structure From Motion) detallando la metodología empleada para garantizar la precisión del levantamiento, donde la propia ubicación del edificio, situado entre bancales, dificultaba un levantamiento convencional, hasta obtener los modelos 3D de dicho edificio que han servido en el análisis de su evolución histórica y compositiva. Éste está enmarcado en el proyecto I+D+i “El Sanatorio de San Francisco de Borja de Fontilles. Modelo de análisis para la recuperación integral de complejos sanitarias de valor patrimonial” (Programa estatal de investigación, desarrollo e innovación orientada a los retos de la sociedad. Ref. HAR2013- 42060-R).Martínez Piqueras, JF.; Marín Tolosa, RE.; Llopis Verdú, J.; Hidalgo Delgado, F.; Baviera Llópez, EM. (2015). Levantamiento gráfico. Antecedentes y estado actual de la clínica fisioterapéutica de rehabilitación del centro sanitario de San Francisco de Borja de Fontilles. Arché. (10):433-440. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/1900194334401

    Impact of Using Different Levels of Threshold-Based Artefact Correction on the Quantification of Heart Rate Variability in Three Independent Human Cohorts

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    The following are available online at https://www.mdpi.com/2077-0383/9/2/325/s1, Figure S1: Example of a visual inspection of a R-R signal to find possible artefacts or premature contractions across Kubios filters; Figures S2 and S3: Differences on the Heart Rate Variability (HRV) time- and frequency-domains parameters respectively without considering the Very Strong filter; Figure S4: Differences between cohorts on the SDNN using different Kubios filters; Figure S5: Differences between cohorts on the pNN50 using different Kubios filters; and Figure S6: Differences between cohorts on the HF using different Kubios filters.Juan M.A. Alcantara, Abel Plaza-Florido, Jairo H. Migueles, Guillermo Sanchez-Delgado and Francisco J. Amaro-Gahete are supported by the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport (FPU15/04059, FPU16/02760, FPU15/02645, FPU13/04365 and FPU14/04172 respectively). Guillermo Sanchez-Delgado is supported by the University of Granada Plan Propio de Investigación 2018 (Programa Contratos-Puente and Programa Perfeccionamiento de Docotres). Francisco J. Amaro-Gahete is supported by the University of Granada Plan Propio de Investigación 2019 (Programa Contratos-Puente). Guillermo Sanchez-Delgado and Borja Martinez-Tellez are supported by individual postdoctoral grants from the Fundación Alfonso Martin Escudero.Heart rate variability (HRV) is a non-invasive indicator of autonomic nervous system function. HRV recordings show artefacts due to technical and/or biological issues. The Kubios software is one of the most used software to process HRV recordings, offering different levels of threshold-based artefact correction (i.e., Kubios filters). The aim of the study was to analyze the impact of different Kubios filters on the quantification of HRV derived parameters from short-term recordings in three independent human cohorts. A total of 312 participants were included: 107 children with overweight/obesity (10.0 ± 1.1 years, 58% men), 132 young adults (22.2 ± 2.2 years, 33% men) and 73 middle-aged adults (53.6 ± 5.2 years, 48% men). HRV was assessed using a heart rate monitor during 10–15 min, and the Kubios software was used for HRV data processing using all the Kubios filters available (i.e., 6). Repeated-measures analysis of variance indicated significant differences in HRV derived parameters in the time-domain (all p < 0.001) across the Kubios filters in all cohorts, moreover similar results were observed in the frequency-domain. When comparing two extreme Kubios filters, these statistical differences could be clinically relevant, e.g. more than 10 ms in the standard deviation of all normal R-R intervals (SDNN). In conclusion, the results of the present study suggest that the application of different Kubios filters had a significant impact on HRV derived parameters obtained from short-term recordings in both time and frequency-domains.The study was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (DEP2013-47540 and DEP2016-79512-R), the Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria del Instituto de Salud Carlos III (PI13/01393), European Union Development Funds, the Fundación Iberoamericana de Nutrición (FINUT), the Redes Temáticas de Investigación Cooperativa RETIC (Red SAMID RD16/0022), the University of Granada Plan Propio de Investigación 2016 (Excellence actions: Unit of Excellence on Exercise and Health [UCEES]), and the Junta de Andalucía, Consejería de Conocimiento, Investigación y Universidades (FEDER: ref. SOMM17/6107/UGR)

    Accuracy of paper-and-pencil systematic observation versus computer-aided systems

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    Computer-aided behavior observation is gradually supplanting paper-and-pencil approaches to behavior observation, but there is a dearth of evidence on the relative accuracy of paper-and-pencil versus computer-aided behavior observation formats in the literature. The current study evaluated the accuracy resulting from paper-and-pencil observation and from two computer-aided behavior observation methods: The Observer XT® desktop software and the Big Eye Observer® smartphone application. Twelve postgraduate students without behavior observation experience underwent a behavior observation training protocol. As part of a multi-element design, participants recorded 60 real clinical sessions randomly assigned to one of the three observation methods. All three methods produced high levels of accuracy (paper-and-pencil, .88 ± .01; The Observer XT, .84 ± .01; Big Eye Observer, .84 ± .01). A mixed linear model analysis indicated that paper-and-pencil observation produced marginally superior accuracy values, whereas the accuracy produced by The Observer XT and Big Eye Observer did not differ. The analysis suggests that accuracy of recording was mediated by the number of recordable events in the observation videos. The implications of these findings for research and practice are discussed

    Adaptation and validation of the Mood Rhythm Instrument for use in Brazilian adolescents

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    Objective: Adapt and validate the Mood Rhythm Instrument (MRhI), a self-reported questionnaire that assesses self-perceived rhythmicity of mood-related symptoms in adults, into a version that assesses and evaluates perceived mood-related symptoms in adolescents (MRhI-Y). Methods: Adaptation of the Brazilian Portuguese version of the MRhI for an adolescent population followed three steps: review by consultants, analysis by experts, and pilot testing through a visual analogue scale (VAS). The final questionnaire (MRhI-Y) was applied to 171 adolescents aged 12-17 years. Internal consistency was calculated using Cronbach’s alpha and McDonald’s omega. The psychometric properties of the MRhI-Y were evaluated using exploratory factor analysis (EFA). Results: The MRhI-Y was designed to use wording more appropriate for adolescents than that of the MRhI. Expert agreement about item quality ranged between 82 and 100%. Adolescents’ VAS ratings indicated good comprehension of the items. Cronbach’s alpha and McDonalds’ omega coefficients were 0.71 and 0.74. The EFA resulted in a three-factor solution (affective, cognitive, and somatic). Younger adolescents (ages 12 to 13) reported lower rhythmicity scores than older groups (ages 14 to 15 and 16 to 17), even controlling for chronotype. Conclusions: The Brazilian Portuguese version of the MRhI-Y presented adequate comprehension by adolescents and good internal consistency. The MRhI-Y is a promising tool to improve our understanding of the underlying characteristics of mood fluctuation in adolescence