2,709 research outputs found

    Jóvenes y juventud en los espacio ibéricos durante el Antiguo Régimen. Vidas en construcción

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    El libro que aquí se reseña, coordinado por José Pablo Blanco de la universidad de Extremadura, Máximo García de Valladolid y Fernanda Olivar de Évora, sienta las bases de una historia de los ciclos vitales aun por escribir. Enfocada mayormente en la infancia, sobre todo los huérfanos y las instituciones que los acogieron, y en la vejez, períodos ambos caracterizados por unos marcos, tanto biológicos como culturales, más exactos. El estudio de la juventud se ha ido abriendo paso en los discursos históricos durante los últimos años, esta tardanza hay que buscarla principalmente en la inexactitud de las fronteras de referida edad y, por ende, en la dificultad de su estudio

    Towards Emotion Recognition: A Persistent Entropy Application

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    Emotion recognition and classification is a very active area of research. In this paper, we present a first approach to emotion classification using persistent entropy and support vector machines. A topology-based model is applied to obtain a single real number from each raw signal. These data are used as input of a support vector machine to classify signals into 8 different emotions (calm, happy, sad, angry, fearful, disgust and surprised)

    The concept of finite limit of a function at one point as explained by students of non-compulsory secondary education

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    We review various educational studies of the mathematical concept of limit of a function at a point that indicate how colloquial uses of the terms “to approach,” “to tend toward,” “to reach,” “to exceed” and “limit” influence students’ conceptions of these terms. We then present the results of an exploratory study of this question performed with Spanish students in non-compulsory secondary education and analyze the responses they provide to justify the truth or falsity of statements related to the different characteristics of the concept of finite limit of a function at a point when they use these terms. Finally, we organize their answers according to the kinds of arguments made. Using the response profiles detected, we discuss the influence of everyday usage on the students’ arguments

    Enseñanza y aprendizaje de las matemáticas en educación infantil, de Encarnación Castro y Enrique Castro

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    Recensión del libro "Enseñanza y aprendizaje de las matemáticas en educación infantil", de Encarnación Castro y Enrique Castro

    MOOCs and L2 teacher training: an assessment proposal

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    Los MOOC (Massive Online Open Courses) han supuesto una verdadera revolución en el contexto de la formación en línea. Sin embargo, y a pesar de las numerosas posibilidades que ofrecen, bien es cierto que plantean una serie de retos, principalmente relacionados con su calidad pedagógica. En este sentido, hasta el momento son limitados los estudios que relacionan los MOOC con la formación del profesorado de segundas lenguas (L2) y su didáctica. En este trabajo, recogemos una propuesta de evaluación para los MOOC relacionados con la lengua inglesa como L2 y la formación del profesorado, a través de la creación de un cuestionario elaborado ad hoc, denominado «Cuestionario de evaluación de la calidad de los MOOC para la formación permanente del profesorado de L2». Se termina este trabajo con la discusión y las conclusiones que ponen de relieve la necesidad de una mayor interacción entre los distintos actores involucrados en el desarrollo de los MOOC relacionados con la L2 y su didáctica. La presente propuesta, por consiguiente, pretende establecer un punto de partida para la evaluación de este tipo específico de MOOC y, a su vez, tratar de sugerir este punto de unión entre los distintos participantes en la creación, la implantación y la evaluación para mejorar su calidad y usabilidad por parte del profesorado de segundas lenguas y sus didácticas.MOOCs (Massive Online Open Courses) have made a real revolution in the context of on-line training courses. Nevertheless, and in spite of the numerous possibilities MOOCs may offer (i.e. lifelong learning, specializations, continuous training), MOOCs do pose a series of challenges – mainly related to their pedagogical quality. In this context, the studies regarding MOOCs and second language (L2) and didactics teacher training are limited up to now. Regarding this situation, this paper presents an assessment proposal for MOOCs related to the English language as L2 as well as to teacher training, thanks to the development of a structured questionnaire prepared ad hoc, called «Questionnaire for assessing the quality of MOOCs for continuous L2 teacher training». The paper finishes with the discussion and conclusions, which highlight the necessity of a better interaction among the actors involved in the development of MOOCs related to L2 and its didactics, as a means to improve the pedagogical quality and to reduce the dropout numbers. This proposal, thus, aims to stablish a starting point to assess this specific type of MOOC and, consequently, to suggest this point of union among the different actors involved in the design, implementation and assessment in order to improve their quality and usability by the teachers of L2 and its didactics

    Antequera en los inicios del siglo XVI

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    En este trabajo se analizan las transformaciones que tuvieron lugar en el ámbito agropecuario y urbano de Antequera a raíz de la caída del reino granadino.The purpose of this article is to analyse the transformations that took place in Antequera related to urban and agricultural after the fall of the Kingdom of Granada

    Agua y guerra en la Castilla de los Reyes Católicos a través de las crónicas: Las guerras de Portugal y Granada (1475-1492)

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    La tesis doctoral Agua y guerra en la Castilla de los Reyes Católicos a través de las crónicas: Las guerras de Portugal y Granada (1475-1492) se centra en dos ejes principales: ¿Hasta qué punto el agua estuvo presente e influyó en el desenlace militar de los conflictos estudiados? Y ¿Puede ser considerado el control del agua como recurso económico un casus belli de las guerras presentadas? La exposición se divide en nueve capítulos. El primero, Estrategia militar y recursos hídricos en las crónicas, estudia la influencia de los elementos hídricos en los planteamientos previos a un conflicto armado, tales como la definición sobre plano de los movimientos, o los objetivos de las acciones armadas. El segundo, Papel defensivo del agua, ahonda en los aspectos estratégicos específicos de las acciones defensivas y demuestra la preponderancia de su uso como elemento estratégico de defensa pasiva. De forma similar, el tercero, Agua y ofensivas militares, establece la relación de los mismos con las tácticas de ataque y establece la estrecha relación entre la presencia de agua y los desarrollos tácticos en el combate. El cuarto, El agua en campaña. La logística del Real, estudia la creciente tendencia a establecer los campamentos militares en las riveras de los ríos, a medida que la convocatoria aumenta el volumen de efectivos convocados y el número de bestias utilizadas.Departamento de Historia Antigua y Medieva

    Functional characterization of strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa) transcription factors and transcriptional regulator during the fruit ripening, and genes with biotechnological interest

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    The strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa) belongs to the family Rosaceae in the genus Fragaria. This soft fruit is cultivated in different regions of the world and is part of the diet of millions of people. Spain is the first producer of strawberries in Europe and the second one in the world after United States (FAO, 2012). The main octoploid variety Fragaria × ananassa cultivated is the result of crossing two native American species, F. virginiana and F. chiloensis (Hancock, 1999; Mabberley, 2002; Eriksson et al., 2003). The wild diploid species Fragaria vesca is also considered as an ancestor of the cultivated octoploid variety. Recently, the genome of the wild species Fragaria vesca has been sequenced (Shulaev et al., 2011). This information, together with the ESTs (expressed sequence tag) availability from cultivated species and the development of efficient transformation techniques of these varieties, will allow the development of genomics and recombinant DNA studies between different species of Rosaceae in the future (Bombarely et al., 2010). Strawberry fruit has been classified as non-climacteric, since there is no concomitant burst of respiration and ethylene production that triggers to the ripening process. Thus, all changes related with the fruit ripening occur without a significant increase in ethylene production, which suggests that this process is independent of this hormone (Iwata et al., 1969a and 1969b; Villareal et al., 2010). The strawberry fruit has a maximum respiration at the transition between stages ripe to overripe. Strawberries are much appreciated for their flavor, aroma and nutritional value. The mature fruit is composed of approximately 90 % water and 10% total soluble solids. Moreover, it contains many important dietary components such as vitamin C, soluble sugars such as glucose and fructose (which constitute over 80 % of total sugars), organic acids such as citric acid (88 % of total acids) and ellagic acid, which has anticancer properties (Green, 1971; Wrolstad and Shallenberger, 1981; Maas et al., 1991; Hemphill and Martin, 1992; Maas et al. 1996; Hancock, 1999). Soft fruits have an initial phase of growth and elongation, followed by a phase of maturity. The growth of the strawberry receptacle depends of the cortex and medulla cells development while the fruit size is mainly determined for the medulla cells development and the fruit position in the inflorescence (Hancock, 1999). Moreover, the fruit development is determined by the number and distribution of achenes, the receptacle area around each achene and the percentage of fertilized carpels. In this sense, the synthesis of auxin, fundamentally indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), which takes place in the achenes, is considerate the main responsible of the receptacle growth while gibberellins, cytokinins and abscisic acid have a limited role in the fruit growth (Nitsch,1950; Perkins-Veazie, 1995). Along the development and ripening processes, the strawberry fruit suffers important molecular changes such the removal of existing polypeptides and the synthesis of new proteins (Manning, 1994). In this sense, three evolution models of the transcripts have been described: mRNA whose concentration increases along the ripening, mRNA whose levels decrease over the ripening, and mRNA whose components exceed their maximum concentration in the intermediate stage, which then declined in stages of maturation (Veluthambi and Poovaiah, 1984; Reddy and Poovaiah, 1990; Reddy et al., 1990; Manning, 1994)