1,601 research outputs found

    Horizontal variation of Tate--Shafarevich groups

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    Let EE be an elliptic curve over Q\mathbb{Q}. Let pp be an odd prime and ι:QCp\iota: \overline{\mathbb{Q}}\hookrightarrow \mathbb{C}_p an embedding. Let KK be an imaginary quadratic field and HKH_{K} the corresponding Hilbert class field. For a class group character χ\chi over KK, let Q(χ)\mathbb{Q}(\chi) be the field generated by the image of χ\chi and pχ\mathfrak{p}_{\chi} the prime of Q(χ)\mathbb{Q}(\chi) above pp determined via ιp\iota_p. Under mild hypotheses, we show that the number of class group characters χ\chi such that the χ\chi-isotypic Tate--Shafarevich group of EE over HKH_{K} is finite with trivial pχ\mathfrak{p}_{\chi}-part increases with the absolute value of the discriminant of KK

    Magnetization plateaus in antiferromagnetic-(ferromagnetic)_{n} polymerized S=1/2 XXZ chains

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    The plateau-non-plateau transition in the antiferromagnetic-(ferromagnetic)n_{n} polymerized S=1/2S=1/2 XXZ chains under the magnetic field is investigated. The universality class of this transition belongs to the Brezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless (BKT) type. The critical points are determined by level spectroscopy analysis of the numerical diagonalization data for 4p134 \leq p \leq 13 where p(n+1)p(\equiv n+1) is the size of a unit cell. It is found that the critical strength of ferromagnetic coupling decreases with pp for small pp but increases for larger enough pp. It is also found that the plateau for large pp is wide enough for moderate values of exchange coupling so that it should be easily observed experimentally. This is in contrast to the plateaus for p=3p = 3 chains which are narrow for a wide range of exchange coupling even away from the critical point

    Density Matrix Renormalization Group Study of the Haldane Phase in Random One-Dimensional Antiferromagnets

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    It is conjectured that the Haldane phase of the S=1 antiferromagnetic Heisenberg chain and the S=1/2S=1/2 ferromagnetic-antiferromagnetic alternating Heisenberg chain is stable against any strength of randomness, because of imposed breakdown of translational symmetry. This conjecture is confirmed by the density matrix renormalization group calculation of the string order parameter and the energy gap distribution.Comment: 4 Pages, 7 figures; Considerable revisions are made in abstract and main text. Final accepted versio

    Quantum disorder due to singlet formation: The Plaquette lattice

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    I study the order/disorder transition due to singlet formation in a quantum spin system by means of exact diagonalization. The systems is build by spin 1/2 on a two-dimensional square lattice with two different kinds of antiferromagnetic Heisenberg interactions. The interaction J_p connects 4 nearest neighbor spins on a plaquette. The interaction J_n connects the plaquettes with each other. If J_p=J_n the systems reduces to the simple square lattice case. If one of the interactions becomes sufficiently larger then the other the purely quantum effect of singlet formation drives the system into a disordered phase with only short range correlations in the plaquettes and a spin gap. I study the transition point by evaluating the spin gap and spin-spin correlations. I compare the results with previously calculated data from a non-linear sigma model approach, spin wave theory and series expansion calculations. I confirm a critical value of J_n \approx 0.6 for the quantum phase transition point.Comment: 5 pages (Revtex), 7 figure

    Extensions of abelian varieties defined over a number field

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    We study the arithmetic aspects of the finite group of extensions of abelian varieties defined over a number field. In particular, we establish relations with special values of L-functions and congruences between modular forms.Comment: 11 page

    Quantum Antiferromagnetism in Quasicrystals

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    The antiferromagnetic Heisenberg model is studied on a two-dimensional bipartite quasiperiodic lattice. The distribution of local staggered magnetic moments is determined on finite square approximants with up to 1393 sites, using the Stochastic Series Expansion Quantum Monte Carlo method. A non-trivial inhomogeneous ground state is found. For a given local coordination number, the values of the magnetic moments are spread out, reflecting the fact that no two sites in a quasicrystal are identical. A hierarchical structure in the values of the moments is observed which arises from the self-similarity of the quasiperiodic lattice. Furthermore, the computed spin structure factor shows antiferromagnetic modulations that can be measured in neutron scattering and nuclear magnetic resonance experiments. This generic model is a first step towards understanding magnetic quasicrystals such as the recently discovered Zn-Mg-Ho icosahedral structure.Comment: RevTex, 4 pages with 5 figure

    The antiferromagnetic order in an F-AF random alternating quantum spin chain : (CH_3)_2 CHNH_3 Cu(Cl_x Br_{1-x})_3

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    A possibility of the uniform antiferromagnetic order is pointed out in an S=1/2 ferromagnetic (F) - antiferromagnetic (AF) random alternating Heisenberg quantum spin chain compound: (CH_3)_2 CHNH_3 Cu(Cl_x Br_{1-x})_3. The system possesses the bond alternation of strong random bonds that take +/- 2J and weak uniform AF bonds of -J. In the pure concentration limits, the model reduces to the AF-AF alternation chain at x=0 and to the F-AF alternation chain at x=1. The nonequilibrium relaxation of large-scale quantum Monte Carlo simulations exhibits critical behaviors of the uniform AF order in the intermediate concentration region, which explains the experimental observation of the magnetic phase transition. The present results suggest that the uniform AF order may survive even in the presence of the randomly located ferromagnetic bonds.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Entanglement Generation by Qubit Scattering in Three Dimensions

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    A qubit (a spin-1/2 particle) prepared in the up state is scattered by local spin-flipping potentials produced by the two target qubits (two fixed spins), both prepared in the down state, to generate an entangled state in the latter when the former is found in the down state after scattering. The scattering process is analyzed in three dimensions, both to lowest order and in full order in perturbation, with an appropriate renormalization for the latter. The entanglement is evaluated in terms of the concurrence as a function of the incident and scattering angles, the size of the incident wave packet, and the detector resolution, to clarify the key elements for obtaining an entanglement with high quality. The characteristics of the results are also discussed in the context of (in)distinguishability of alternative paths for a quantum particle.Comment: 21 pages, 19 figures, the final versio

    Ground State and Magnetization Process of the Mixture of Bond-Alternating and Uniform S=1/2 Antiferromagnetic Heisenberg Chains

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    The mixture of bond-alternating and uniform S=1/2 antiferromagnetic Heisenberg chains is investigated by the density matrix renormalization group method. The ground state magnetization curve is calculated and the exchange parameters are determined by fitting to the experimentally measured magnetization curve of \CuCl2x_{2x}Br2(1x)_{2(1-x)}(γ\gamma-pic)2_2. The low field behavior of the magnetization curve and low temperature behavior of the magnetic susceptibility are found to be sensitive to whether the bond-alternation pattern (parity) is fixed all over the sample or randomly distributed. The both quantities are compatible with the numerical results for the random parity model.Comment: 5 pages, 7 figures. Final and enlarged version accepted for publication in J. Phys. Soc. Jp

    Effects of Single-site Anisotropy on Mixed Diamond Chains with Spins 1 and 1/2

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    Effects of single-site anisotropy on mixed diamond chains with spins 1 and 1/2 are investigated in the ground states and at finite temperatures. There are phases where the ground state is a spin cluster solid, i.e., an array of uncorrelated spin-1 clusters separated by singlet dimers. The ground state is nonmagnetic for the easy-plane anisotropy, while it is paramagnetic for the easy-axis anisotropy. Also, there are the N\'eel, Haldane, and large-DD phases, where the ground state is a single spin cluster of infinite size and the system is equivalent to the spin-1 Heisenberg chain with alternating anisotropy. The longitudinal and transverse susceptibilities and entropy are calculated at finite temperatures in the spin-cluster-solid phases. Their low-temperature behaviors are sensitive to anisotropy.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure