147 research outputs found

    Spectroscopic characterization of X-ray emitting young stars associated with the Sh 2-296 nebula

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    We studied a sample of stars associated with the Sh 2-296 nebula, part of the reflection nebulae complex in the region of Canis Major (CMa R1). Our sample corresponds to optical counterparts of X-ray sources detected from observations with the XMM-Newton satellite, which revealed dozens of possible low-mass young stars not yet known in this region. A sample of 58 young star candidates were selected based on optical spectral features, mainly H{\alpha} and lithium lines, observed with multi-objects spectroscopy performed by the Gemini South telescope. Among the candidates, we find 41 confirmed T Tauri and 15 very likely young stars. Based on the H{\alpha} emission, the T Tauri stars were distinguished between classical (17%) and weak-lined (83%), but no significant difference was found in the age and mass distribution of these two classes. The characterization of the sample was complemented by near- and mid-infrared data, providing an estimate of ages and masses from the comparison with pre-main-sequence evolutionary models. While half of the young stars have an age of 1-2 Myrs or less, only a small fraction (~25%) shows evidence of IR excess revealing the presence of circumstellar discs. This low fraction is quite rare compared to most young star-forming regions, suggesting that some external factor has accelerated the disc dissipation

    The Fractal Dimension of Projected Clouds

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    The interstellar medium seems to have an underlying fractal structure which can be characterized through its fractal dimension. However, interstellar clouds are observed as projected two-dimensional images, and the projection of a tri-dimensional fractal distorts its measured properties. Here we use simulated fractal clouds to study the relationship between the tri-dimensional fractal dimension (D_f) of modeled clouds and the dimension resulting from their projected images. We analyze different fractal dimension estimators: the correlation and mass dimensions of the clouds, and the perimeter-based dimension of their boundaries (D_per). We find the functional forms relating D_f with the projected fractal dimensions, as well as the dependence on the image resolution, which allow to estimatethe "real" D_f value of a cloud from its projection. The application of these results to Orion A indicates in a self-consistent way that 2.5 < D_f < 2.7 for this molecular cloud, a value higher than the result D_per+1 = 2.3 some times assumed in literature for interstellar clouds.Comment: 27 pages, 13 figures, 1 table. Accepted for publication in ApJ. Minor change

    An Extremely Lithium-Rich Bright Red Giant in the Globular Cluster M3

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    We have serendipitously discovered an extremely lithium-rich star on the red giant branch of the globular cluster M3 (NGC 5272). An echelle spectrum obtained with the Keck I HIRES reveals a Li I 6707 Angstrom resonance doublet of 520 milli-Angstrom equivalent width, and our analysis places the star among the most Li-rich giants known: log[epsilon(Li)] ~= +3.0. We determine the elemental abundances of this star, IV-101, and three other cluster members of similar luminosity and color, and conclude that IV-101 has abundance ratios typical of giants in M3 and M13 that have undergone significant mixing. We discuss mechanisms by which a low-mass star may be so enriched in Li, focusing on the mixing of material processed by the hydrogen-burning shell just below the convective envelope. While such enrichment could conceivably only happen rarely, it may in fact regularly occur during giant-branch evolution but be rarely detected because of rapid subsequent Li depletion.Comment: 7-page LaTeX file, including 2 encapsulated ps figures + 1 table; accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal Letter

    A companion candidate in the gap of the T Cha transitional disk

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    T Cha is a young star surrounded by a cold disk. The presence of a gap within its disk, inferred from fitting to the spectral energy distribution, has suggested on-going planetary formation. We observed T Cha in L' and K_s with NAOS-CONICA, the adaptive optics system at the VLT, using sparse aperture masking. We detected a source in the L' data at a separation of 62+-7 mas, position angle of 78+-1 degrees, and a contrast of delta L' = 5.1+-0.2 mag. The object is not detected in the Ks band data, which show a 3-sigma contrast limit of 5.2 mag at the position of the detected L' source. For a distance of 108 pc, the detected companion candidate is located at 6.7 AU from the primary, well within the disk gap. If T Cha and the companion candidate are bound, the comparison of the L' and Ks photometry with evolutionary tracks shows that the photometry is inconsistent with any unextincted photosphere at the age and distance of T Cha. The detected object shows a very red Ks-L' color for which a possible explanation would be a significant amount of dust around it. This would imply that the companion candidate is young, which would strengthen the case for a physical companion, and moreover that the object would be in the substellar regime, according to the Ks upper limit. Another exciting possibility would be that this companion is a recently formed planet within the disk. Additional observations are mandatory to confirm that the object is bound and to properly characterize it.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures; accepted for publication by A&

    Multifractal Scaling, Geometrical Diversity, and Hierarchical Structure in the Cool Interstellar Medium

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    Multifractal scaling (MFS) refers to structures that can be described as a collection of interwoven fractal subsets which exhibit power-law spatial scaling behavior with a range of scaling exponents (concentration, or singularity, strengths) and dimensions. The existence of MFS implies an underlying multiplicative (or hierarchical, or cascade) process. Panoramic column density images of several nearby star- forming cloud complexes, constructed from IRAS data and justified in an appendix, are shown to exhibit such multifractal scaling, which we interpret as indirect but quantitative evidence for nested hierarchical structure. The relation between the dimensions of the subsets and their concentration strengths (the "multifractal spectrum'') appears to satisfactorily order the observed regions in terms of the mixture of geometries present: strong point-like concentrations, line- like filaments or fronts, and space-filling diffuse structures. This multifractal spectrum is a global property of the regions studied, and does not rely on any operational definition of "clouds.'' The range of forms of the multifractal spectrum among the regions studied implies that the column density structures do not form a universality class, in contrast to indications for velocity and passive scalar fields in incompressible turbulence, providing another indication that the physics of highly compressible interstellar gas dynamics differs fundamentally from incompressible turbulence. (Abstract truncated)Comment: 27 pages, (LaTeX), 13 figures, 1 table, submitted to Astrophysical Journa

    X-ray emission from MP Muscae: an old classical T Tauri star

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    We study the properties of X-ray emitting plasma of MP Mus, an old classical T Tauri star. We aim at checking whether an accretion process produces the observed X-ray emission and at deriving the accretion parameters and the characteristics of the shock-heated plasma. We compare the properties of MP Mus with those of younger classical T Tauri stars to test whether age is related to the properties of the X-ray emission plasma. XMM-Newton X-ray spectra allows us to measure plasma temperatures, abundances, and electron density. In particular the density of cool plasma probes whether X-ray emission is produced by plasma heated in the accretion process. X-ray emission from MP Mus originates from high density cool plasma but a hot flaring component is also present, suggesting that both coronal magnetic activity and accretion contribute to the observed X-ray emission. We find a Ne/O ratio similar to that observed in the much younger classical T Tauri star BP Tau. From the soft part of the X-ray emission, mostly produced by plasma heated in the accretion shock, we derive a mass accretion rate of 5x10^{-11} M_{sun} yr^{-1}.Comment: 4 pages, 4 postscript figures, accepted for publication as a Letter in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Three-Dimensional Dynamical Instabilities in Galactic Ionization Fronts

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    Ionization front instabilities have long been of interest for their suspected role in a variety of phenomena in the galaxy, from the formation of bright rims and 'elephant trunks' in nebulae to triggered star formation in molecular clouds. Numerical treatments of these instabilities have historically been limited in both dimensionality and input physics, leaving important questions about their true evolution unanswered. We present the first three-dimensional radiation hydrodynamical calculations of both R-type and D-type ionization front instabilities in galactic environments (i.e., solar metallicity gas). Consistent with linear stability analyses of planar D-type fronts, our models exhibit many short-wavelength perturbations growing at early times that later evolve into fewer large-wavelength structures. The simulations demonstrate that both self-consistent radiative transfer and three-dimensional flow introduce significant morphological differences to unstable modes when compared to earlier two-dimensional approximate models. We find that the amplitude of the instabilities in the nonlinear regime is primarily determined by the efficiency of cooling within the shocked neutral shell. Strong radiative cooling leads to long, extended structures with pronounced clumping while weaker cooling leads to saturated modes that devolve into turbulent flows. These results suggest that expanding H II regions may either promote or provide turbulent support against the formation of later generations of stars, with potential consequences for star formation rates in the galaxy today.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figures, accepted to Ap

    SACY - a Search for Associations Containing Young stars

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    The scientific goal of the SACY (Search for Associations Containing Young-stars) was to identify possible associations of stars younger than the Pleiades Association among optical counterparts of the ROSAT X-ray bright sources. High-resolution spectra for possible optical counterparts later than G0 belonging to HIPPARCOS and/or TYCHO-2 catalogs were obtained in order to assess both the youth and the spatial motion of each target. More than 1000 ROSAT sources were observed, covering a large area in the Southern Hemisphere. The newly identified young stars present a patchy distribution in UVW and XYZ, revealing the existence of huge nearby young associations. Here we present the associations identified in this survey.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures, to appear in the Proceedings of Open Issues in Local Formation and Early Stellar Evolution, Ouro Preto, Brazi

    The initial stellar mass function from random sampling in hierarchical clouds II: statistical fluctuations and a mass dependence for starbirth positions and times

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    Observed variations in the slope of the initial stellar mass function are shown to be consistent with a model in which the protostellar gas is randomly sampled from hierarchical clouds at a rate proportional to the square root of the local density. RMS variations in the IMF slope around the Salpeter value are +/- 0.4 when only 100 stars are observed, and +/- 0.1 when 1000 stars are observed. The hierarchical-sampling model also reproduces the tendency for massive stars to form closer to the center of a cloud, at a time somewhat later than the formation time of the lower mass stars. The assumed density dependence for the star formation rate is shown to be appropriate for turbulence compression, magnetic diffusion, gravitational collapse, and clump or wavepacket coalescence. The low mass flattening in the IMF comes from the inability of gas to form stars below the thermal Jeans mass at typical temperatures and pressures. Consideration of heating and cooling processes indicate why the thermal Jeans mass should be nearly constant in normal environments, and why it might increase in some starburst regions. The steep IMF in the extreme field is not explained by the model, but other origins are suggested.Comment: 21 pages, 8 figures, scheduled for ApJ vol. 515, April 10, 199
