89 research outputs found

    Naturales y extranjeros: sobre la construcción de categorías en el mundo hispánico

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    Este ensayo indaga sobre el sentido, utilización y extensión de los conceptos “natural” y “extranjero” tanto en España como en Hispanoamérica durante el período moderno. Aboga por una lectura que destaca i. que la distinción entre naturales y extranjeros no siempre era importante, ni siquiera relevante; ii. que para que haya discusiones al respecto hacía falta una parte afectada y unos intereses concretos; iii. que la naturaleza y la extranjería no eran situaciones concretas sino que reflejaban la existencia de un continuum que iba de los totalmente extranjeros a los totalmente naturales, pasando por una amplia gama de situaciones intermedias; iv. que el discurso sobre la extranjería también se aplicaba a lo que hoy llamaríamos minorías con el fin de discriminarlas

    De-and Re-Population in Early Modern Spain: Questions for a Debate

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    This text studies 18th century debates regarding the repopulation of depopulated enclaves, with the aim of clarifying the criteria contemporaries used. It asks how contemporaries identified depopulation, why and how they wished to reform depopulated enclaves, whether at stake was the reformation of territory or people, what was the role of memory in these processes, and how public utility was defined. The text ends with questions regarding the relevance of these debates in the present.Se estudia el debate del siglo XVIII en torno de la repoblación de los despoblados con el fin de repensar los criterios barajados en la época. Nos preguntamos cómo se identificaban los despoblados, por qué se los quería reformar y cuál era el papel de la memoria en estos procesos. Igualmente se indaga cómo se entendía la utilidad pública y qué relevancia tienen estos debates en la actualidad

    Compliance and Resistance Within Neoliberal Academia

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    This open access book reflects on academic life under a neoliberal regime. Through collaborative autoethnographies, the authors share stories about the everyday experiences, dilemmas and conflicts of three academics: the struggle for promotion, teaching’s challenges, the race to publish, confronting bureaucracy and institutional politics, as well as the resulting emotional stress. These stories reveal the impact of neoliberal culture on ideological, economic, social, collegial, and emotional integrity which are integral to academics’ lives today. But along with the challenges, the authors present their vision of hope, and transformation through academic solidarity - and for the silenced voices to be heard, inside academia and beyond it. This is an open access book

    Compliance and Resistance Within Neoliberal Academia

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    This open access book reflects on academic life under a neoliberal regime. Through collaborative autoethnographies, the authors share stories about the everyday experiences, dilemmas and conflicts of three academics: the struggle for promotion, teaching’s challenges, the race to publish, confronting bureaucracy and institutional politics, as well as the resulting emotional stress. These stories reveal the impact of neoliberal culture on ideological, economic, social, collegial, and emotional integrity which are integral to academics’ lives today. But along with the challenges, the authors present their vision of hope, and transformation through academic solidarity - and for the silenced voices to be heard, inside academia and beyond it. This is an open access book

    Os limites das capitanias hereditárias do sul e o conceito de território

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    Analisam-se os limites das capitanias do sul (1534-1700), chegando a interessantes conclusões. As terras da Capitania de Santana, em função da estimativa que se faça para a longitude de Tordesilhas, ou pertenciam à Espanha ou formavam pequenas parcelas descontínuas. O limite norte da Capitania de São Tomé (Pero de Góis), definido por acordo entre os dois confrontantes, afetava um terceiro território, coisa que não se percebeu. O limite sul dessa capitania na carta de doação indicava uma linha correndo diretamente para oeste, enquanto que na de seu vizinho (Martim Afonso) indicava uma linha correndo a noroeste. Essa mesma direção também está definida para o limite sul desse lote, complicando a partição das terras. Essas fronteiras artificiais nunca foram demarcadas nem tidas em conta, e tanto os donatários como a Coroa foram criando vilas e cidades em terreno alheio: umas vezes por não levar em conta os limites das cartas de doação (São Paulo, Santana de Parnaíba, Mogi das Cruzes, São Sebastião, Taubaté, Paranaguá, por exemplo); outras por ocupação indevida, mas necessária (Rio de Janeiro); por dolo ou extrapolação de poderes (Cabo Frio); ou mesmo em terras de Castela (Curitiba). A isso veio somar-se a questão de jurisdição sobre a Capitania de Santo Amaro (a querela entre as casas de Monsanto e Vimieiro); a questão da extrapolação de jurisdição (Angra dos Reis e Paraty); e finalmente a má-fé e as tropelias de juízes, capitães-gerais e da Coroa. O entendimento dessas questões, facilitada pela cartografia histórica, permitiu revelar pontos desconhecidos da história das capitanias, explicar melhor a formação dos limites dos atuais Estados e aprofundar-se no entendimento dos conceitos da época para indicar o território: termo, sertões, fundos e outros.We analyze the limits of the southern Captaincies (1534-1700), reaching interesting conclusions. The Terras de Santana Captaincy, depending on the estimate of the longitude of the Tordesillas line, or belonged to Spain or are formed by small discrete portions. The northern limit of the Captaincy of São Tomé (Pero de Gois) defined by agreement between the two neighbors affected a third territory, something that was not perceived. The southern boundary of this Captaincy in the Donation Letter indicated a line running directly to the west, while in his neighbor Letter (Martim Afonso) indicated a line running northwest. This same direction is also set to the southern limit of that lot, complicating the partition of the lands. These artificial boundaries have never been demarcated or taken into account, and both the donatories, as the crown, were creating towns and cities in foreign land: sometimes for not taking into account the limits of the Donation Letters (São Paulo, Santana de Parnaiba, Mogi das Cruzes, São Sebastião, Taubaté, Paranaguá, for example); others by improper occupation, even when necessary (Rio de Janeiro); intentionally or extrapolation of powers (Cabo Frio); or even in the land of Castile (Curitiba). To this has added up the question of jurisdiction over the Captaincy of Santo Amaro (the quarrel between the houses of Monsanto and Vimieiro); the question of extrapolation jurisdiction (Angra dos Reis and Paraty) and finally the bad faith and mischief of judges, general captains and the crown. The understanding of these issues, facilitated by historical cartography, allows us to understand unknown point of the history of the captaincies; a better explain of the formation of the limits of current States and a deeper the understanding of the concepts of that time to indicate the territory: termo, sertão (hinterlands), fundos (funds) and others

    New World Civitas, Contested Jurisdictions and Intercultural Conversation in the Construction of the Spanish Monarchy

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    Jurisdictional frontiers were created, contested, and negotiated among a wide range of actors, including native Americans and Europeans, with reference to the cities founded in Castilla del Oro (roughly present-day Panama). This research deals, first, with the reshaping of the concept of a city in the New World, based on its inhabitants' sense of civitas. It analyses, secondly, the creation and redefinition of jurisdiction during political conflicts and, third, the construction and maintenance of jurisdiction through local relations with indigenous populations described as "conversation". The analysis of the creation and preservation of local jurisdictions allows for an interpretation of the complexities involved in the configuration of political power and political space from below in the territories claimed by the Spanish Monarchy.Art Empir

    Early Modern Citizenship in Europe and the Americas: A Twenty Years’ Conversation

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    This text interrogates the relations between a book and its readers. It describes why I wrote Defining Nations: Immigrants and Citizens in Early Modern Spain and Spanish America some twenty years ago in terms of what I wanted to ask and answer, and it depicts how readers have used it since. Besides considering how the study of early modern citizenship changed over time, the aim is to encourage a conversation regarding how scholarship develops, as well as invite authors to reflect on their own successes and failures

    La naturaleza, la legitimidad y la estructura de la familia colonial (Quito, s. XVII-XVIII)

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