3,697 research outputs found

    Growth and texture of Spark Plasma Sintered Al2O3 ceramics: a combined analysis of X-rays and Electron Back Scatter Diffraction

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    Textured alumina ceramics were obtained by Spark Plasma Sintering (SPS) of undoped commercial a-Al2O3 powders. Various parameters (density, grain growth, grain size distribution) of the alumina ceramics, sintered at two typical temperatures 1400{\deg}C and 1700{\deg}C, are investigated. Quantitative textural and structural analysis, carried out using a combination of Electron Back Scattering Diffraction (EBSD) and X-ray diffraction (XRD), are represented in the form of mapping, and pole figures. The mechanical properties of these textured alumina ceramics include high elastic modulus and hardness value with high anisotropic nature, opening the door for a large range of applicationsComment: 16 pages, 6 figures, submitted to J. Appl. Phy

    Multifuncionalidad y Sistemas Agroalimentarios locales: prioridades de investigación e innovación en medio ambiente, territorio y desarrollo rural en el sector español del aceite de oliva

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    Los sistemas agroalimentarios locales (SIAL) de aceite de oliva en España son un buen ejemplo del comportamiento multifuncional y de su contribución potencial a la gobernanza territorial. Se detectan cambios significativos en la geografía del olivar español, derivados, por una parte, de la expansión de nuevas superficies de olivar en regadío de cultivo intensivo y superintensivo y, por otra, de la creciente marginalización a la que se ve abocado el olivar español de media y alta pendiente. Por otra parte, el olivar español produce un fuerte grado de externalidades ambientales negativas, como la erosión o la contaminación difusa de suelos y acuíferos. El principal objetivo del trabajo es detectar las relaciones que se establecen entre la definición de los principales problemas que atañen a los SIAL de aceite de oliva en España y las prioridades de investigación e innovación en materia de territorio y medio ambiente, desde una óptica multidisciplinar que integre enfoques procedentes de las Ciencias Sociales y de las Ciencias Agronómicas y Ambientales. El marco teórico procede de las teorías sobre la multifuncionalidad de los espacios rurales y sobre los SIAL. La metodología utiliza información cualitativa y cuantitativa procedente de dos fuentes primarias: i) un grupo de discusión integrado en un panel presencial de expertos sobre innovación en olivicultura, sostenibilidad y aprovechamiento de residuos; ii) un análisis Delphi dirigido a un conjunto amplio de expertos sobre medio ambiente, territorio y desarrollo rural sostenible en el sector oleícola. En cuanto al análisis de resultados, el grupo de discusión ha tenido como misión categorizar las grandes tipologías de olivicultura en España y sintetizar sus respectivos problemas ambientales y territoriales. Estos resultados sirven como marco de referencia del análisis Delphi, que tiene un doble objetivo: por una parte, el análisis de los principales problemas ambientales y territoriales de los SIAL oleícolas en España; por otra, el estudio de las prioridades en materia de programas y de grupos de líneas de investigación sobre la materia, así como las relaciones entre dichas líneas de investigación y los problemas a los que se enfrentan los SIAL oleícolas.prioridades de investigación e innovación, medio ambiente y territorio, análisis Delphi., Agribusiness, Agricultural and Food Policy, Community/Rural/Urban Development, Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety, Labor and Human Capital,

    Identification of nonlinearity in conductivity equation via Dirichlet-to-Neumann map

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    We prove that the linear term and quadratic nonlinear term entering a nonlinear elliptic equation of divergence type can be uniquely identified by the Dirichlet to Neuman map. The unique identifiability is proved using the complex geometrical optics solutions and singular solutions

    Traumatic brain injury leads to alterations in contusional cortical miRNAs involved in dementia

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    There is compelling evidence that head injury is a significant environmental risk factor for Alzheimer's disease (AD) and that a history of traumatic brain injury (TBI) accelerates the onset of AD. Amyloid-β plaques and tau aggregates have been observed in the post-mortem brains of TBI patients; however, the mechanisms leading to AD neuropathology in TBI are still unknown. In this study, we hypothesized that focal TBI induces changes in miRNA expression in and around affected areas, resulting in the altered expression of genes involved in neurodegeneration and AD pathology. For this purpose, we performed a miRNA array in extracts from rats subjected to experimental TBI, using the controlled cortical impact (CCI) model. In and around the contusion, we observed alterations of miRNAs associated with dementia/AD, compared to the contralateral side. Specifically, the expression of miR-9 was significantly upregulated, while miR-29b, miR-34a, miR-106b, miR-181a and miR-107 were downregulated. Via qPCR, we confirmed these results in an additional group of injured rats when compared to naïve animals. Interestingly, the changes in those miRNAs were concomitant with alterations in the gene expression of mRNAs involved in amyloid generation and tau pathology, such as β-APP cleaving enzyme (BACE1) and Glycogen synthase-3-β (GSK3β). In addition increased levels of neuroinflammatory markers (TNF-α), glial activation, neuronal loss, and tau phosphorylation were observed in pericontusional areas. Therefore, our results suggest that the secondary injury cascade in TBI affects miRNAs regulating the expression of genes involved in AD dementia

    Progression of Doppler changes in early-onset small for gestational age fetuses. How frequent are the different progression sequences?

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    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the progression of Doppler abnormalities in early-onset fetal smallness (SGA). METHODS: A total of 948 Doppler examinations of the umbilical artery (UA), middle cerebral artery (MCA) and ductus venosus (DV), belonging to 405 early-onset SGA fetuses, were studied, evaluating the sequences of Doppler progression, the interval examination-labor at which Doppler became abnormal and the cumulative sum of Doppler anomalies in relation with labor proximity. RESULTS: The most frequent sequences were that in which only the UA pulsatility index (PI) became abnormal (42.1%) and that in which an abnormal UA PI appeared first, followed by an abnormal MCA PI (24.2%). In general, 71.3% of the fetuses followed the classical progression sequence UA→MCA→DV, mostly in the early stages of growth restriction (84.1%). In addition, the UA PI was the first parameter to be affected (9 weeks before delivery), followed by the MCA PI and the DV PIV (1 and 0 weeks). Finally, the UA PI began to sum anomalies 5 weeks before delivery, while the MCA and DV did it at 3 and 1 weeks before the pregnancy ended. CONCLUSIONS: In early-onset SGA fetuses, Doppler progression tends to follow a predictable order, with sequential changes in the umbilical, cerebral and DV impedances

    The Presampler for the Forward and Rear Calorimeter in the ZEUS Detector

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    The ZEUS detector at HERA has been supplemented with a presampler detector in front of the forward and rear calorimeters. It consists of a segmented scintillator array read out with wavelength-shifting fibers. We discuss its desi gn, construction and performance. Test beam data obtained with a prototype presampler and the ZEUS prototype calorimeter demonstrate the main function of this detector, i.e. the correction for the energy lost by an electron interacting in inactive material in front of the calorimeter.Comment: 20 pages including 16 figure

    Intermediation for technology diffusion and user innovation in a developing rural economy:a social learning perspective

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    Technology intermediaries are seen as potent vehicles for addressing perennial problems in transferring technology from university to industry in developed and developing countries. This paper examines what constitutes effective user-end intermediation in a low-technology, developing economy context, which is an under-researched topic. The social learning in technological innovation framework is extended using situated learning theory in a longitudinal instrumental case study of an exemplar technology intermediation programme. The paper documents the role that academic-related research and advisory centres can play as intermediaries in brokering, facilitating and configuring technology, against the backdrop of a group of small-scale pisciculture businesses in a rural area of Colombia. In doing so, it demonstrates how technology intermediation activities can be optimized in the domestication and innofusion of technology amongst end-users. The design components featured in this instrumental case of intermediation can inform policy making and practice relating to technology transfer from university to rural industry. Future research on this subject should consider the intermediation components put forward, as well as the impact of such interventions, in different countries and industrial sectors. Such research would allow for theoretical replication and help improve technology domestication and innofusion in different contexts, especially in less-developed countries

    A multiscale orchestrated computational framework to reveal emergent phenomena in neuroblastoma

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    Neuroblastoma is a complex and aggressive type of cancer that affects children. Current treatments involve a combination of surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and stem cell transplantation. However, treatment outcomes vary due to the heterogeneous nature of the disease. Computational models have been used to analyse data, simulate biological processes, and predict disease progression and treatment outcomes. While continuum cancer models capture the overall behaviour of tumours, and agent-based models represent the complex behaviour of individual cells, multiscale models represent interactions at different organisational levels, providing a more comprehensive understanding of the system. In 2018, the PRIMAGE consortium was formed to build a cloud-based decision support system for neuroblastoma, including a multi-scale model for patient-specific simulations of disease progression. In this work we have developed this multi-scale model that includes data such as patient's tumour geometry, cellularity, vascularization, genetics and type of chemotherapy treatment, and integrated it into an online platform that runs the simulations on a high-performance computation cluster using Onedata and Kubernetes technologies. This infrastructure will allow clinicians to optimise treatment regimens and reduce the number of costly and time-consuming clinical trials. This manuscript outlines the challenging framework's model architecture, data workflow, hypothesis, and resources employed in its development

    Measurement of hadronic event shapes in high-pT multijet final states at √s = 13 TeV with the ATLAS detecto

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    Artículo escrito por un elevado número de autores, solo se referencian el que aparece en primer lugar, el nombre del grupo de colaboración, si le hubiere, y los autores pertenecientes a la UA

    Energy Linearity and Resolution of the ATLAS Electromagnetic Barrel Calorimeter in an Electron Test-Beam

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    A module of the ATLAS electromagnetic barrel liquid argon calorimeter was exposed to the CERN electron test-beam at the H8 beam line upgraded for precision momentum measurement. The available energies of the electron beam ranged from 10 to 245 GeV. The electron beam impinged at one point corresponding to a pseudo-rapidity of eta=0.687 and an azimuthal angle of phi=0.28 in the ATLAS coordinate system. A detailed study of several effects biasing the electron energy measurement allowed an energy reconstruction procedure to be developed that ensures a good linearity and a good resolution. Use is made of detailed Monte Carlo simulations based on Geant which describe the longitudinal and transverse shower profiles as well as the energy distributions. For electron energies between 15 GeV and 180 GeV the deviation of the measured incident electron energy over the beam energy is within 0.1%. The systematic uncertainty of the measurement is about 0.1% at low energies and negligible at high energies. The energy resolution is found to be about 10% sqrt(E) for the sampling term and about 0.2% for the local constant term