2,314 research outputs found

    Steps to ensure a successful implementation of occupational health and safety: Interventions at an organizational level

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    There is increasing meta-analytic evidence that addresses the positive impact of evidence-based occupational health and safety interventions on employee health and well-being. However, such evidence is less clear when interventions are approached at an organizational level and are aimed at changing organizational policies and processes. Given that occupational health and safety interventions are usually tailored to specific organizational contexts, generalizing and transferring such interventions to other organizations is a complex endeavor. In response, several authors have argued that an evaluation of the implementation process is crucial for assessing the intervention’s effectiveness and for understanding how and why the intervention has been (un)successful. Thus, this paper focuses on the implementation process and attempts to move this field forward by identifying the main factors that contribute toward ensuring a greater success of occupational health and safety interventions conducted at the organizational level. In doing so, we propose some steps that can guide a successful implementation. These implementation steps are illustrated using examples of evidence-based best practices reported in the literature that have described and systematically evaluated the implementation process behind their interventions during the last decade

    A Pragmatic Guideline for Evaluation of Social Intervention

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    Considerando la multiplicidad de perspectivas teóricas y metodológicas existentes en el campo de la evaluación, se ha elaborado una pauta que permita conducir la evaluación de programas de intervención social. Para ello se han tenido en cuenta los propósitos u objetivos que puede perseguir la evaluación: (a) planificación de intervenciones, (b) aprendizaje y mejora continua de las intervenciones, (c) programación de políticas, y (d) transformación de la sociedad. Estos objetivos determinarán la perspectiva de análisis adoptada (centrada en el evaluando o en su contexto) y las estrategias de cambio utilizadas (orientadas a los procesos o a los resultados). Se han considerado también los elementos que para Shadish, Cook y Levinton (1991) constituyen la teoría de la evaluación (evaluando, valor, construcción del conocimiento y usos). El análisis de todos estos componentes ha permitido elaborar una guía que oriente la práctica de la evaluación desde una perspectiva pragmática acorde a las demandas y necesidades que se planteen en un contexto social determinadoConsidering the many theoretical and methodological viewpoints in the field of evaluation, a guideline was established to facilitate the evaluation of social intervention programs. For this purpose, the goals of the evaluation were taken into account: (a) planning interventions, (b) learning and continuous improvement of interventions, (c) programming policies, and (d) transformation of society. These goals will determine the perspective of the analysis selected (focusing on the evaluand or the context) and the strategies for change employed (focusing on processes or results). The elements that, according to Shadish, Cook, and Levinton (1991), constitute the theory of evaluation (evaluand, value, building of knowledge, and uses) have also been considered. The analysis of all these components led to the elaboration of a guideline to orient the practice of evaluation from a pragmatic perspective, in accordance with the demands and needs of a certain social context

    Necesidades de evaluación de las organizaciones sociales

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    Se examinan los aspectos teóricos y prácticos que regulan el proceso de la evaluación cuando el objeto de la misma lo conforman las organizaciones sociales que colaboran con la Administración Pública para la prestación de servicios sociales. De este modo, se pretende dar respuesta a las necesidades de evaluación en lo que se refiere a: 1) el conocimiento de las características del objeto de la evaluación; 2) la formulación de los criterios que serán empleados para su valoración; 3) el procedimiento a través del cual se obtendrá información relevante de cara a la valoración; y 4) la utilización de los resultados de la evaluación. Todo ello encaminado a la formulación de un modelo que pueda orientar la práctica de la evaluación de las organizaciones sociales

    Application of an evaluation model of the social organizations

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    Se evaluaron 676 organizaciones según su idoneidad para prestar servicios sociales en colaboración con la Administración andaluza y desarrollar programas para mejorar su gestión. Se aplicó una encuesta por correo a sus directivos recabando información sobre el modo en que éstas se definen, configuran, desarrollan, y el producto de sus acciones. Las respuestas fueron valoradas por tres jueces expertos en términos de grado de competencia y recursos para lograr sus fines (procesos). Los productos de sus acciones fueron transformados en indicadores de eficiencia, participación y cobertura (resultados). Las puntuaciones en ambos criterios permitieron clasificar a las organizaciones en diez grupos según su idoneidad para la prestación de servicios y déficit de gestión que requieren mejora. Los resultados se discuten en cuanto a su significado para la toma de decisiones políticas y el desarrollo de programas de asesoramiento a las organizaciones sociales.According to their suitability to offer social services in collaboration with the Andalusian administration and to develop programs to improve their management, 676 organizations were evaluated. A mail survey was sent to the managers to obtain information about the way the organizations are defined, formed and developed and about the result of their actions. The reply was evaluated by three expert judges in terms of grades of competence and sources for reaching their goals (process). The output of their actions was transformed into indicators of efficiency, participation and coverage (results). The points achieved in both criteria allowed for the classification of the organisations in ten groups according to their suitability to deliver services and to improve management deficiencies. The results were discussed according to their significance in political decision-making and the development of advising programs

    Quantification of isoflavones in stems of faba bean (Vicia faba L.)

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    The isoflavone aglycones daidzein and genistein are phytoestrogens that ameliorate the symptoms of menopause and assist in the prevention of chronic diseases. These compounds have been studied mainly in soya but have also been detected in faba beans (Vicia faba L.). Since little information is available concerning the content of isoflavone aglycones in faba beans from Mexico, the present study aimed to establish the presence and concentrations of daidzein and genistein in stems of faba bean cultivars from the Mexican central plateau. Cultivars C-281, C-146, C-160, C-89, C-288, C-181, C-93 and C-Zac22 were grown under greenhouse conditions and 6 to 7 week-old stems were harvested. The presence of daidzein and genistein in these tissues was confirmed by thin layer chromatography using a solvent system containing toluene-ethyl acetate-acetone-formic acid (74:14.8:7.4:3.8). High-pressure liquid chromatographic analysis revealed significant differences (p≤0.01) in the concentrations of aglycones with levels of genistein in the range 0.30 to 0.85 mg kg-1 dry weight (DW) and of daidzein, which was more abundant in all cultivars, present in the concentration range 34.92 to 59.98 mg kg-1 DW. Stems of cultivars C-89, C-181, C-281 and C-146 were exceptional for their concentrations of isoflavones and may represent good alternative sources of phytoestrogens.The isoflavone aglycones daidzein and genistein are phytoestrogens that ameliorate the symptoms of menopause and assist in the prevention of chronic diseases. These compounds have been studied mainly in soya but have also been detected in faba beans (Vicia faba L.). Since little information is available concerning the content of isoflavone aglycones in faba beans from Mexico, the present study aimed to establish the presence and concentrations of daidzein and genistein in stems of faba bean cultivars from the Mexican central plateau. Cultivars C-281, C-146, C-160, C-89, C-288, C-181, C-93 and C-Zac22 were grown under greenhouse conditions and 6 to 7 week-old stems were harvested. The presence of daidzein and genistein in these tissues was confirmed by thin layer chromatography using a solvent system containing toluene-ethyl acetate-acetone-formic acid (74:14.8:7.4:3.8). High-pressure liquid chromatographic analysis revealed significant differences (p≤0.01) in the concentrations of aglycones with levels of genistein in the range 0.30 to 0.85 mg kg-1 dry weight (DW) and of daidzein, which was more abundant in all cultivars, present in the concentration range 34.92 to 59.98 mg kg-1 DW. Stems of cultivars C-89, C-181, C-281 and C-146 were exceptional for their concentrations of isoflavones and may represent good alternative sources of phytoestrogens

    The effect of conservation of resources on the entrepreneurial intention in the context of economic crisis: the moderating role of the self-efficacy and creativity

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    This study presents a research line of entrepreneurship incorporating personal factors and current socio-economic context in the frame-work of the Conservation of Resources Theory. The objectives were to analyze the effect of the loss, threat loss, and gain of the resources on entrepreneurial intention and to determine the moderating role of entrepreneurial self-efficacy and perception of own creativity. A cross sectional study in 278 university postgraduate students was conducted. It was found that loss and gain of resources contributed in the decision to start a business, the positive effect of both variables was greater when the effect of the creative perception joined. Entrepreneurial self-efficacy showed more predictive power. It is concluded that the Conservation of Resources Theory is a theoretical support for the study of entrepreneurship in the context of economic crisis, however studies are needed to clarify and consolidate the results obtained, incorporating prospective analysis covering social structure, coping strategies, gender perspective and types of entrepreneurial behaviour.Este estudio plantea una línea de investigación del emprendimiento que incorpora el análisis de factores personales y del contexto socioeconómico actual en el marco de la Teoría de la Conservación de Recursos. Los objetivos del estudio fueron analizar el efecto que ejercen la pérdida, amenaza de pérdida y ganancia de recursos sobre la intención emprendedora, y determinar el papel moderador de la autoeficacia emprendedora y la percepción de la propia creatividad. Se realizó un estudio transversal en 278 estudiantes universitarios de posgrado. Se comprobó que la pérdida y la ganancia de recursos contribuyeron en la decisión de crear una empresa y que el efecto positivo de ambas variables fue mayor cuando se unía el efecto de la percepción creativa, siendo la autoeficacia emprendedora la variable que presentó mayor fuerza predictiva. Se concluye que la Teoría de la Conservación de Recursos constituye un soporte teórico que permite comprender el emprendimiento en el contexto de crisis económica, si bien se precisa la realización de estudios que permitan clarificar y consolidar los resultados obtenidos, incorporando análisis prospectivos que contemplen, la estructura social, las estrategias de afrontamiento, la perspectiva de género y los tipos de conducta de emprendimiento

    Entrenamiento en habilidades sociales y responsabilidad social corporativa: estudio de un caso

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    Este artículo evalúa la eficacia de un entrenamiento en habilidades sociales para la adquisición y mejora de destrezas de comunicación requeridas en la implantación y desarrollo de estrategias de responsabilidad social corporativa en una PYME (Pequeña y Mediana Empresa). Se utilizó un diseño cuasi-experimental con medidas pre-post de un entrenamiento en el que participaron 56 directivos y mandos intermedios de la mencionada empresa, mientras que el grupo de comparación estuvo conformado por 28 trabajadores de igual empleo en otra empresa del mismo sector productivo y composición demográfica similar. Los resultados demostraron que después del entrenamiento los participantes obtuvieron puntuaciones medias más altas que antes del mismo en una escala de adopción de la perspectiva del “otro” y en una de interés empático. Asimismo obtuvieron promedios más elevados después del entrenamiento que los obtenidos por el grupo de comparación en ambas variables así como en una medida de heteroevaluación mediante un diferencial semántico sobre empatía. Se discuten los resultados y sus implicaciones prácticas para la implantación y desarrollo de estrategias de responsabilidad social.This paper addresses the effectiveness of social skills training for the acquisition and improvement of communication skills required in the implementation and development of corporate social responsibility strategies in a SME (Small and Medium Enterprise). A quasi-experimental pre-post design was used, in which 56 senior and middle managers of such enterprise were trained (experimental group), while the comparison group was composed by 28 workers in the same job position at another company in the same productive sector and similar demographic composition. Results showed that scores of trained participants in both adoption of the other-party perspective and empathetic interest scales were higher after than before training. Their scores after training were also higher than those obtained by the comparison group in both variables as well as on an empathy heteroevaluation measure based on semantic differential. Findings and its practical implications for implementing and developing social responsibility strategies are discussed

    Stereoselective Synthesis of Nojirimycin α-C-Glycosides from a Bicyclic Acyliminium Intermediate: A Convenient Entry to N,C-Biantennary Glycomimetics

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    A simple and efficient method for the stereoselective synthesis of nojirimycin α-C-glycoside derivatives has been developed using a bicyclic carbamate-type sp2-iminosugar, whose preparation on a gram scale has been optimized, as the starting material. sp2-iminosugar O-glycosides or anomeric esters serve as excellent precursors of acyliminium cations, which can add nucleophiles, including C-nucleophiles. The stereochemical outcome of the reaction is governed by stereoelectronic effects, affording the target α-anomer with total stereoselectivity. Thus, the judicious combination of C-allylation, carbamate hydrolysis, cross-metathesis, and hydrogenation reactions provides a very convenient entry to iminosugar α-C-glycosides, which have been transformed into N,C-biantennary derivatives by reductive amination or thiourea-forming reactions. The thiourea adducts undergo intramolecular cyclization to bicyclic iminooxazolidine iminosugar α-C-glycosides upon acid treatment, broadening the opportunities for molecular diversity. A preliminary evaluation against a panel of commercial glycosidases validates the approach for finely tuning the inhibitory profile of glycomimetics.España MCIN/AEI/10.13039/ 501100011033Unión Europea ERDF A way of making Europe” (grant nos. PID2019-105858RB-I00 and RTI2018-097609-B-C21)Junta de Andalucía (Grant number P20_00166

    Vortex creep at very low temperatures in single crystals of the extreme type-II superconductor Rh9In4 S4

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    We image vortex creep at very low temperatures using scanning tunneling microscopy in the superconductor Rh9In4S4 (Tc=2.25K). We measure the superconducting gap of Rh9In4S4, finding Δ≈0.33meV, and image a hexagonal vortex lattice up to close to Hc2, observing slow vortex creep at temperatures as low as 150 mK. We estimate thermal and quantum barriers for vortex motion and show that thermal fluctuations likely cause vortex creep, in spite of being at temperatures T/Tc<0.1. We study creeping vortex lattices by making images during long times and show that the vortex lattice remains hexagonal during creep with vortices moving along one of the high-symmetry axes of the vortex lattice. Furthermore, the creep velocity changes with the scanning window suggesting that creep depends on the local arrangements of pinning centers. Vortices fluctuate on small-scale erratic paths, indicating that the vortex lattice makes jumps trying different arrangements during its travel along the main direction for creep. The images provide a visual account of how vortex lattice motion maintains hexagonal order, while showing dynamic properties characteristic of a glassWe acknowledge R. Willa and V. G. Kogan for helpful and critical comments and discussions with S. Vieira. We wish to acknowledge the support of the Departamento Administrativo de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación, COLCIENCIAS (Colombia) Programa Doctorados en el Exterior Convocatoria 568-2012. We further acknowledge support by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (Grants No. FIS2014-54498-R and No. MDM-2014-0377), the Comunidad de Madrid through program Nanofrontmag-CM (Grant No. S2013/MIT-2850), the EU (IG, European Research Council PNICTEYES Grant Agreements No. 679080, No. FP7-PEOPLE-2013-CIG 618321, and No. Cost MP-1201), and by Axa Research Fund. SEGAINVEX-UAM and Banco Santander are also acknowledged. Work done at the Ames Laboratory was supported by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Basic Energy Science, Division of Materials Sciences and Engineering. Ames Laboratory is operated for the U.S. Department of Energy by Iowa State University under Contract No. DE-AC02-07CH1135