2,406 research outputs found

    Soaring Migratory Birds Avoid Wind Farm in the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, Southern Mexico

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    Funding: This research was made possible with funding from the World Bank to the Comisión Federal de Electricidad (CFE) for monitoring the environmental impacts of the wind farm. The funders of this study were the CFE. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Heterologous expression of AtNPR1 gene in olive for increasing fungal tolerance

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    The NPR1 gene encodes a key component of SAR signaling mediated by salicylic acid (SA). After a pathogen infection, the accumulation of SA releases NPR1 monomers in the cytosol that are translocated to the nucleus, activating the expression of pathogenesis-related (PR) genes. Overexpression of NPR1 has conferred resistance to fungal, viral and bacterial pathogens in several plant species. The aim of this research was to generate transgenic olive plants expressing the gene AtNPR1 from Arabidopsis thaliana to obtain material resistant to fungal pathogens. Three transgenic lines expressing AtNPR1 gene under the control of the constitutive promoter CaMV35S were obtained following the protocol of Torreblanca et al. (2010), using an embryogenic line derived from a seed of cv. Picual. Level of AtNPR1 expression in transgenic calli varied greatly among the different lines, being higher in the line NPR1-780. The elicitation of embryogenic calli in liquid medium with AS did not increase endochitinase activity, a PR protein. However, jasmonic acid induced a transient increase in chitinase activity after 24 h of treatment in all the lines, being the increment higher in transgenic NPR1 than in control. After maturation and germination of transgenic somatic embryos, plants were micropropagated and acclimated to ex vitro conditions. The expression of AtNPR1 did not alter the growth of transgenic plants neither in vitro nor in the greenhouse. Experiments are in progress to determine the resistance of transgenic AtNPR1 plants to V. dalihae and R. necatrix.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. Research projects: Plan Nacional AGL2014-52518-C2-1-R; AGL2017-83368-C2-1-R and Junta de Andalucía P11-AGR799

    Periovulatory Hormonal Profiles after Estrus Induction and Conception Rate by Fixed-Time AI in Payoya Goats during the Anestrous Season

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    Sexual activity in domestic goats is positively influenced by reducing the photoperiod. Various protocols have therefore been developed in goats for the induction and synchronization of estrus during those months in which their sexual activity is reduced. The present observational study evaluates the periovulatory hormonal profile in Payoya goats (n = 24), during a non-favorable photoperiod (i.e., spring), being treated for estrus induction. The treatment comprised the vaginal insertion of sponges impregnated with progestogen (fluorogestone acetate, FGA), together with cloprostenol and equine chorionic gonadotrophin (eCG), 48 h before the end of the treatment. When the treatment ended, the plasma concentrations of the LH, FSH, progesterone and estradiol were determined. The goats were inseminated 46 h after the sponge withdrawal, and a pregnancy diagnosis was carried out 40–45 days after the insemination. Various parameters were monitored, such as the peaks of luteinizing hormone (LH), follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and estradiol, and their respective intervals, in reference to the time of the sponge withdrawal. The conception rate was 62.5%, and the kidding rate was 50%. The results record the hormonal release pattern after the estrus synchronization treatment based on the FGA, and the differences between the pregnant and non-pregnant goats. The findings suggest that the LH peak produced after the estrus synchronization treatment, both in terms of the amplitude and the time of increment, is involved in the reproductive failure detected

    Local management and landscape composition affect predatory mites in European wine-growing regions

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    Sustainable land use in agricultural landscapes is essential to counteract the global decline of biodiversity, as well to ensure ecosystem services like natural pest control. Phytoseiid mites are key natural enemies of pest mites in vineyards but how local management and landscape context affect phytoseiid mites remains poorly known. In this study, we examined the effects of farming systems, inter-row management and landscape composition on phytoseiid mite communities in 156 vineyards across five European wine-growing regions. Our results showed that phytoseiid communities were mainly dominated by one or two phytoseiid species across Europe and that local management was a major factor affecting population densities. According to the wine-growing regions, phytoseiid mite densities benefited from integrated pest management or conventional farming compared to organic farming and from spontaneous vegetation cover compared to seeded cover crops. Moreover, mite densities benefited from increasing proportions of vineyards at the landscape scale. The farming systems effects were most likely related to the positive impact of the lower pesticide use in integrated and conventional vineyards. The positive effect of spontaneous vegetation cover could be related to a better supply of nutritive pollen as food resource compared to seeded cover crops, which depends on the plant species in the inter-row. Our findings indicated accordingly that a reduced pesticide use, and inter-row management are crucial factors for promoting pest control by predatory mites in European vineyards. Moreover, the proportion of viticultural area in the landscape is a considerable factor to retain stable phytoseiid mite populations.This research was funded by the research project SECBIVIT, which was funded through the 2017-2018 Belmont Forum and BiodivERsA joint call for research proposals, under the BiodivScen ERA-Net COFUND program, with the funding organizations: Agencia Estatal de Investigación (Ministerio de ciencia e innovación/ES/Grant #10.13039/501100011033), Austrian Science Fund (AT/Grant #I 4025-B32), Federal Ministry of Education and Research and Projektträger VDI/VDE Innovation + Technik GmbH (DE), French National Research Agency (FR), Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NL), National Science Foundation (US/Grant #1850943) and Romanian Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation Funding (RO)

    Combining multiple perspectives on clustering. Node-pipe case in hydraulic sectorization

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    This work addresses the problem of water network division into district metered areas by the use of clustering respect to multiple views. In our application will use two data perspectives: one of these will be associated with consumption nodes of the water supply network, meanwhile the other one will be related to pipes. It also will be needed to combine the information from these multiple points of view. Thus, we communicate both solutions negotiating the respective cluster memberships by the interaction of their con gurations based on schemes of intelligent agents that can merge the respective information layers of each structure. The result of this proposal is a very useful approach because it combines pipe properties, nodes, and graph information associated with the supply network as strong criterion to achieve system division. A real water supply system will serves as a case-study to check the performance of the division proposed.Herrera Fernández, AM.; Gutiérrez-Pérez, JA.; Izquierdo Sebastián, J.; Pérez García, R. (2012). Combining multiple perspectives on clustering. Node-pipe case in hydraulic sectorization. International Journal of Complex Systems in Science. 2(1):17-20. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/57496S17202

    Physiological and behavioural response of two dairy cows’ genotypes during summertime in the central region of Chile

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    Heat stress has been recognised as a serious problem in dairy farms. The study goal was to assess the effects of climatic conditions on physiological and behavioural responses of dairy cows in Central Chile. Data of tympanic temperature (TT), panting score, respiration rate (RR), and shade utilization of cows from two genotypes, Holstein (H) and Holstein x Montbeliarde (HM), were collected twice per day (AM/PM) during three periods of the summer season in Central Chile. Moreover, three thermal comfort indices: Comprehensive climate index (CCI), temperature humidity-index (THI), and adjusted THI were estimated using meteorological data. The hour of each day was classified as “Normal” or “Stressful” based on CCI threshold of 25 °C. Statistical analysis included ANOVA, repeated measures analysis and Chi square test (a=0.05). There was an interaction of genotype x CCI condition x period (P=0.0026) with the highest TT of both genotypes under a stressful condition within each period. In addition, interactions of genotype x hour (P<0.0001) and genotype x CCI condition (P<0.0002) were also observed. The HM cows showed greater TT than H cows in both CCI conditions. The RR was higher during the afternoon and a greater proportion of cows used shade at “Mild” and “Moderate” CCI categories (P<0.001). Both genotypes showed some degree of heat stress, but cool nights and shade seem to be enough to allow to cows’ cope with the challenging diurnal conditions observed in the summer season. A study of these effects on milk production is necessary to confirm or discard the previous