133 research outputs found


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    Enlarging the EU presents a tremendous effort with obstacles for old and new member states especially in the agricultural sector. In this paper, impacts of a new accession round were analyzed with the help of the comparative-static general equilibrium model GTAP (Global Trade Analysis Project). The standard version was extended to allow for a better representation of specific instruments of the Common Agriculture Policy and the EU budget. To capture detailed effects in new member states, simulations were carried out for 12 candidate countries, the EU-15 and the rest of the world. As for products the focus lies on agriculture. Scenarios include an enlargement with and without the transfer of direct payments in the new member states, according to the proposal of the EU commission from January 2002. Simulations in a post-Agenda 2000 environment led to heterogeneous country specific impacts in the accession countries whereas the changes within EU-15 and the rest of the world were negligible. Due to adjustments in tariffs, trade balances of the new member states were deteriorating while welfare effects are positive. Transfer of direct payments led to more pronounced effects, especially with regard to output and trade. Without direct payments accession countries would be net contributors to the EU budget. This would change when they become eligible for this subsidy. In general, the analysis shows the importance of a country specific perspective.EU enlargement, Common Agricultural Policy, EU budget, GE-modeling, Political Economy, D58, E62, F15, O52, Q18,

    Funkcja cytatu z Ps 78,2 w Ewangelii Mateusza

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    In this article, the author examines the function of the quotation from Ps 78:2 in the Gospel of Matthew.After outlining the original Hebrew context of the verse, he compares it with its ancient Greek translations. Next, the author presents the textual form and meaning of Ps 78:2in its new context of Mt 13:35. Finally, he examines the meaning of the verse for the entire first Gospel, with particular emphasis on Matthew’s use of the term παραβολή and his theological concept concerning the identity of Jesus, based on five marked quotations from thePsalms.niniejszym artykule autor bada funkcję, jaką pełni cytat z Ps 78,2 w Ewangelii Mateusza. Po zarysowaniu oryginalnego hebrajskiego kontekstu analizowanego wersetu autor porównuje go z jego starożytnymi tłumaczeniami greckimi. W kolejnym kroku przedstawia formę tekstualną i znaczenie Ps 78,2 w nowym kontekście Mt 13,35. Następnie prezentuje znaczenie badanego wersetu dla całej pierwszej Ewangelii, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem użycia przez Mateusza terminu παραβολή oraz jego koncepcji teologicznej,dotyczącej tożsamości Jezusa, bazującej na pięciu oznaczonych cytatach z Psalmów

    Preparation and magnetic characteristics of Co1−δZnδFe2O4 ferrite nanopowders

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    In the present paper the Co1 Zn Fe2O4 (0 1) ferrite nanopowders with a spinel type structure were synthesized using a chemical co-precipitation technique with constant flow rate FR = 120 cm3/min at three different reaction temperatures i.e. Tr = 50 C, 70 C and 90 C. Magnetic and structural characteristics of the obtained materials were investigated by means of X-ray diffraction method, transmission electron microscopy and vibrating sample magnetometer. In the course of studies hysteresis loops M( 0H) and the relations of magnetization M7T (determined at 0H = 7 T), squareness ratio S and the Néel temperature TN versus Zn content were determined and discussed in detail. It was shown that for < 0:6 the increase in reaction temperature Tr results in a significant increase of the measured magnetic characteristics. In particular, in the case of Co0:8Zn0:2Fe2O4 ferrite nanopowder magnetization M7T reaches maximal value of about 80 emu/g

    Tumor molecular margins

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    Zmiany molekularne charakterystyczne dla guza nowotworowego, takie jak mutacje genetyczne czy zmieniony poziomswoistych transkryptów i białek, obserwowane są niekiedy w obrębie prawidłowych morfologicznie i histologicznietkanek otaczających nowotwór. Taki obszar tkanek otaczających nowotwór nazywany jest marginesem molekularnymguza. Zakłada się, że zmiany molekularne obserwowane w tym obszarze mogą być etapem poprzedzającymzmiany morfologiczne i histologiczne. Skuteczność operacyjnego leczenia nowotworów zależy od całkowitej resekcjiguza, a przyczyną niepowodzenia leczenia mogą być wznowy miejscowe, będące efektem pozostawienia pozapolem operacyjnym komórek nowotworowych. Nie można jednak wykluczyć, że wznowy miejscowe są efektemtransformacji nowotworowej sąsiadujących z guzem tkanek histologicznie prawidłowych, zainicjowanej występującymitu wcześniej zmianami molekularnymi. W takim ujęciu zdefiniowanie marginesów molekularnych guza i ichusunięcie razem z nowotworem może być kluczowe dla skuteczności leczenia operacyjnego. Istnieje szereg narzędzidiagnostycznych umożliwiających zdefiniowanie obszaru i określenie właściwości molekularnych marginesów guzanowotworowego. Do najczęściej stosowanych należą metody immunohistochemiczne i metody oparte na reakcjiPCR, umożliwiające analizę wybranych białek, transkryptów i genów. W ostatnim czasie podejmowane są równieżpróby wykorzystania do badania marginesów molekularnych guza nowotworowego zaawansowanych techniczniemetod genomiki i proteomiki. Do najbardziej obiecujących wśród nich należy metoda obrazowania molekularnegotkanek za pomocą spektrometrii mas (Imaging Mass Spectrometry).Molecular changes characteristic of malignant tumors such as genetic mutations or altered levels of specific transcriptsand proteins are sometimes observed within the morphologically and histologically normal tissue adjacent to thetumor. Such an area of morphologically normal yet molecularly changed tissue is called a molecular margin of tumor.It has been suggested that molecular changes observed in this area might be followed by a further transformationinto a malignant tumor. The efficacy of surgical treatment of the tumor depends on complete resection of cancercells, hence local recurrence and failure of the treatment might result from tumor cells residing outside the resectedarea. However, a local recurrence could also result from malignant transformation of cells in morphologically andhistologically normal tissue adjacent to the tumor where molecular cancer-initiating changes were pre-existing. Henceidentification and delineation of molecular margins of tumor (and removing them together with the cancer) mightbe crucial for the efficacy of the treatment. There are several diagnostic tools that can be used for identification andcharacterization of tumor molecular margins. The most commonly used include immunohistochemistry and PCR-basedmethods, which allows analysis of pre-selected proteins, transcripts and genes. Most recently, technically advancedmethods of genomics and proteomics have been also proposed in studies of molecular margins of cancer, includingmolecular imaging of tissue by mass spectrometry (so called Imaging Mass Spectrometry)

    Evaluation of Physic-chemical Parameters of Water Quality on Agricultural Fields of Western Bahia

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    For the diagnosis of the quality of water it is necessary to execute a set of analyzes (physical and chemical) of the body of water that will provide information that integrate biotic and abiotic factors that govern the functioning of the ecosystem. The objective of this study is to evaluate the quality of water from wells and rivers of Urucuia aquifer region for investigation of contamination or contamination risks. Were realize collections in nine (9) areas of western Bahia, which were collect in each area, two points of well water samples and a river, and determining the electrical conductivity, pH, dissolved ions and metals. The results were compare with the maximum permissible values (MPV) for human consumption by Ordinance No. 2914/11 of the Ministry of Health and National Environment Counsel - CONAMA (Resolution 357 and supplementary resolutions). The quantitative results of the analysis showed that the surface and well waters that are part of the aquifer Urucuia within the parameters investigated are below the values recommended by the legislation showing that the agricultural activities in the region has not affected to the evaluated parameters, the quality of water for human consumption. However, it is necessary a monitoring of surface and groundwater in the region with expansion parameters evaluated. DOI:&nbsp;http://dx.doi.org/10.17807/orbital.v9i2.88