239 research outputs found

    Evidence of spin disorder at the surface–core interface of oxygen passivated Fe nanoparticles

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    Hysteresis, thermal dependence of magnetization, and coercivity of oxide coated ultrafine Fe particles prepared by inert gas condensation and oxygen passivation have been studied in the 5–300 K range. The results are found to be consistent with a spin-glasslike state of the oxide layer inducing, through exchange interaction with the ferromagnetic core, a shift of the field cooled hysteresis loops at temperatures below the freezing at approximately 50 K.Dirección General de Investigación y Desarrollo. Gobierno de España-CICYT MAT95- 1042-C02-02Dirección General de Investigación y Desarrollo. Gobierno de España-PB96-0863-C02-02.Comisión Europea-ERBFMBI-CT95-0534

    Flujos de CO2 del suelo en una dehesa del centro peninsular

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    En los últimos tiempos se han incrementado las iniciativas para proteger y aumentar el uso sostenible de las dehesas españolas, buscando una gestión eficiente del sistema que permita alcanzar el equilibrio entre los bienes medioambientales, socioeconómicos y los servicios, incluyendo el papel que juegan estos sistemas como reservorios de carbono. Con objeto de mejorar nuestros conocimientos sobre los flujos de carbono en estos sistemas, se ha investigado la influencia de la cubierta arbórea, el pastoreo y el labrado en los flujos de emisión de CO2 procedentes de la respiración del suelo. Los flujos se midieron a lo largo de diez muestreos con un LI-COR 6400 en una dehesa en Oropesa, Toledo. Simultáneamente se midió la temperatura y la humedad del suelo. El valor medio anual obtenido de la respiración del suelo fue de 1,84 ?mol m-2 s-1. Los resultados obtenidos señalan a la humedad del suelo, como el principal factor que controla la respiración del suelo frente a la temperatura del suelo; obteniéndose una correlación positiva de la respiración del suelo con la temperatura del suelo cuando la humedad del suelo es alta. Los valores de Q10 variaron desde 0,3 en los meses más secos hasta 3,8 en los más húmedos. La respiración del suelo y el stock de C fueron mayores bajo copa que fuera de copa. No se ha podido observar un patrón claro de influencia en la respiración del suelo por el labrado, aunque el pastoreo disminuyó las tasas de respiración

    Amyloid β Oligomers Increase ER-Mitochondria Ca2+ Cross Talk in Young Hippocampal Neurons and Exacerbate Aging-Induced Intracellular Ca2+ Remodeling

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    Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the most common neurodegenerative disorder and strongly associated to aging. AD has been related to excess of neurotoxic oligomers of amyloid β peptide (Aβo), loss of intracellular Ca2+ homeostasis and mitochondrial damage. However, the intimate mechanisms underlying the pathology remain obscure. We have reported recently that long-term cultures of rat hippocampal neurons resembling aging neurons are prone to damage induced by Aβ oligomers (Aβo) while short-term cultured cells resembling young neurons are not. In addition, we have also shown that aging neurons display critical changes in intracellular Ca2+ homeostasis including increased Ca2+ store content and Ca2+ transfer from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) to mitochondria. Aging also promotes the partial loss of store-operated Ca2+ entry (SOCE), a Ca2+ entry pathway involved in memory storage. Here, we have addressed whether Aβo treatment influences differentially intracellular Ca2+ homeostasis in young and aged neurons. We found that Aβo exacerbate the remodeling of intracellular Ca2+ induced by aging. Specifically, Aβo exacerbate the loss of SOCE observed in aged neurons. Aβo also exacerbate the increased resting cytosolic Ca2+ concentration, Ca2+ store content and Ca2+ release as well as increased expression of the mitochondrial Ca2+ uniporter (MCU) observed in aging neurons. In contrast, Aβo elicit none of these effects in young neurons. Surprisingly, we found that Aβo increased the Ca2+ transfer from ER to mitochondria in young neurons without having detrimental effects. Consistently, Aβo increased also colocalization of ER and mitochondria in both young and aged neurons. However, in aged neurons, Aβo suppressed Ca2+ transfer from ER to mitochondria, decreased mitochondrial potential, enhanced reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation and promoted apoptosis. These results suggest that modulation of ER—mitochondria coupling in hippocampal neurons may be a novel physiological role of Aβo. However, excess of Aβo in the face of the remodeling of intracellular Ca2+ homeostasis associated to aging may lead to loss of ER—mitochondrial coupling and AD

    Enhancing guideline-based decision support with distributed computation through local mobile application

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    We introduce the need for a distributed guideline-based decision support (DSS) process, describe its characteristics, and explain how we implemented this process within the European Union’s MobiGuide project. In particular, we have developed a mechanism of sequential, piecemeal projection, i.e., 'downloading' small portions of the guideline from the central DSS server, to the local DSS in the patient's mobile device, which then applies that portion, using the mobile device's local resources. The mobile device sends a callback to the central DSS when it encounters a triggering pattern predefined in the projected module, which leads to an appropriate predefined action by the central DSS, including sending a new projected module, or directly controlling the rest of the workflow. We suggest that such a distributed architecture that explicitly defines a dialog between a central DSS server and a local DSS module, better balances the computational load and exploits the relative advantages of the central server and of the local mobile device

    Remote control of movement disorders using a photoactive adenosine A(2A) receptor antagonist

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    G protein-coupled adenosine receptors are promising therapeutic targets for a wide range of neuropathological conditions, including Parkinson's disease (PD). However, the ubiquity of adenosine receptors and the ultimate lack of selectivity of certain adenosine-based drugs have frequently diminished their therapeutic use. Photopharmacology is a novel approach that allows the spatiotemporal control of receptor function, thus circumventing some of these limitations. Here, we aimed to develop a light-sensitive caged adenosine A(2A) receptor (A(2A)R) antagonist to photocontrol movement disorders. We synthesized MRS7145 by blocking with coumarin the 5-amino position of the selective A(2A)R antagonist SCH442416, which could be photoreleased upon violet light illumination (405 nm). First, the light-dependent pharmacological profile of MRS7145 was determined in A(2A)R-expressing cells. Upon photoactivation, MRS7145 precluded A(2A)R ligand binding and agonist-induced cAMP accumulation. Next, the ability of MRS7145 to block A(2A)R in a light-dependent manner was assessed in vivo. To this end, A(2A)R antagonist-mediated locomotor activity potentiation was evaluated in brain (striatum) fiber-optic implanted mice. Upon irradiation (405 nm) of the dorsal striatum, MRS7145 induced significant hyperlocomotion and counteracted haloperidol-induced catalepsy and pilocarpine-induced tremor. Finally, its efficacy in reversing motor impairment was evaluated in a PD animal model, namely the hemiparkinsonian 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA)-lesioned mouse. Photo-activated MRS7145 was able to potentiate the number of contralateral rotations induced by L-3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine (L-DOPA). Overall, MRS7145 is a new light-operated A(2A)R antagonist with potential utility to manage movement disorders, including PD


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    Preliminary field investigations involving exposed Giron Group sediments in Colombia provided some interesting geologic information in terms of provenance, depositional environments, and development of the Mesozoic synrift sedimentary basins in Colombia. Overall, the synrift Triassic-Jurassic rift-related volcanic rocks, redbeds, and evaporites are prominent in Colombia, and a thick basin sequence of Cretaceous sandstones and shales dominates the central part of the Cordillera Oriental. These were mostly deposited in dominantly north-trending grabens. Identified sedimentary rock types were arkose, clast-and-matrix-supported conglomerate, red mudstone, variegated sandstone, siltstone and breccia. Extensive kaolinitization was noticeable in several sandstone samples. Among the notable sedimentary structures were cross bedding, mudcracks, raindrops, rootlets, and ripple marks. Thin section petrology revealed poorly sorted mono-and-polycrystalline quartz, altered K-spar, mica, and other accessory heavy minerals representing both unstable and stable constituents. Representative samples were evaluated for trace elements and variations in concentration of Ti, Zn, Cr, Ce, Y, Ba, Rb, Sr, and Cu were noted in these samples. Basin development began during the early Mesozoic and was dominated by a synrift sedimentary succession. Deposition of synrift sedimentary succession was primarily linked with the separation of North and South America in the proto-Caribbean and provenance of Giron sediments was most likely the Andean basement sources, recycled Paleozoics, and late Paleozoic igneous rocks. Based on field observations, stratigraphic relationships, sandstone petrology, and preliminary trace elements data, the synrift sedimentary facies initiated with deposition in a terrestrial arid environment that became paralic to lacustrine and shallow marine in the late Mesozoic

    Modelos Alternativos Con Chilacuan (Vasconcellea cundinamarcensis) En El Humedal Ramsar Laguna De La Cocha, Pasto, Colombia.

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    Se evaluaron diferentes alternativas de producción con uso de Chilacuán en cuatro modelos bien definidos de Vasconcellea cundinamarcensis: V. cundinamarcensis + kikuyo, V. cundinamarcensis + papa, V. cundinamarcensis +´cebolla y V. cundinamarcensis + cebolla + papa. El diseño experimental fue de bloques completos al azar con cuatro tratamientos y cuatro repeticiones. Las variables evaluadas fueron producción, calidad y rentabilidad de V. cundinamarcensis. Los rendimientos de la producción de Vasconcellea cundinamarcensis + cebolla y V. cundinamarcensis + papa fueron de 16 y 15 t/ha/año respectivamente, no se presentaron diferencias estadísticas significativas entre estos tratamientos (p<0.01). En la asociación de V. cundinamarcensis + papa + cebolla y V. cundinamarcensis + kikuyo fue de 10 y 7 t/ha/año respectivamente. V. cundinamarcensis + kikuyo contribuyó con el 84,3% de la producción de frutos de primera calidad presentándose diferencias estadísticas con los otros tratamientos (p<0.01). Los tratamientos en asociación V. cundinamarcensis + cebolla y V. cundinamarcensis + papa fueron superiores en rentabilidad con 130,1 y 117,4%, respectivamente. Los resultados obtenidos confirman que estos dos modelos pueden resultar convenientes para su explotación, porque resultaron ser viables económica y financieramente. Más sin embargo con el fin de mantener los recursos agua y suelo del Humedal, como también la obtención de frutos más sanos y libres de pesticidas, el modelo alternativo de V. cundinamarcensis + kikuyo puede resultar bastante atractivo

    La imagen y la narrativa como herramientas para el abordaje psicosocial en escenarios de violencia. Departamentos de Bolívar, Sucre y Valle del Cauca

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    El conflicto armado lleva décadas tocando las puertas de muchos hogares colombianos, dejando a su paso secuelas psicológicas en sus víctimas ya sea de manera individual o colectiva. El desplazamiento forzado se ha convertido en una de las causas de desintegración familiar, puesto que, debido a este, muchas personas han dejado atrás hogares, familias y empleos para poner a salvo sus vidas. Los asesinatos a líderes son causantes de dolor, intimidación y desinformación comunitaria; los grupos al margen de la ley los utilizan para tomar el control de los habitantes de la comunidad a la que instigan y persiguen. Lo anterior hace una invitación a tomar medidas en pro del bienestar social y emocional de las personas víctimas de estos sucesos, por tal motivo existe el Programa de Atención a Víctimas del conflicto donde se le brinda un apoyo psicosocial a esta población. A través de la realización de este trabajo se pudo profundizar sobre las temáticas de violencia, conflicto y el acompañamiento a las víctimas, mediante el estudio de casos se logró analizar los eventos de violencia ocurridos en diferentes escenarios, reflexionar sobre sus secuelas en el individuo y la comunidad y proponer estrategias de intervención psicosocial para trabajar en la reparación de los daños y la reconstrucción de los derechos del individuo y su comunidad que fueron víctimas del conflicto armado. Inicialmente el trabajo cuenta con una serie de preguntas que permiten reflexionar acerca del caso escogido Camilo y sus consecuencias desde la perspectiva de la víctima, posteriormente se encuentra una reflexión del caso Cacarica, donde a partir de un análisis del contexto se plantean diferentes percepciones del conflicto. Por último, se encuentra un cuadro de preguntas circulares, estratégicas y reflexivas como un supuesto para planteárselas a las personas entrevistadas que han vivido el conflicto y de esa manera permite ahondar en sus experiencias y entender mejor sus puntos de vista, sueños, esperanzas. Para finalizar se realiza una conclusión de la temática que nos arroja la importancia de llevar un buen proceso de intervención psicosocial, para la reinserción de las víctimas de la violencia.The armed conflict has been knocking on the doors of many Colombian homes for decades, leaving psychological consequences for its victims, either individually or collectively. Forced displacement has become one of the causes of family disintegration, as many people have left behind homes, families and jobs to save their lives. The assassinations of leaders are causes of community pain, intimidation and disinformation; illegal groups use them to take control of the inhabitants of the community they instigate and persecute. The above makes an invitation to take measures in favor of the social and emotional well-being of the victims of these events, for this reason there is the Program for the Care of Victims of the conflict where psychosocial support is provided to this population. Through the performance of this work, it was possible to delve into the themes of violence, conflict and support for victims. Through the case study, it was possible to analyze the events of violence that occurred in different settings, reflect on its consequences on the individual and the community and propose psychosocial intervention strategies to work to repair the damage and rebuild the rights of the individual and his community who were victims of the armed conflict. Initially, the work has a series of questions that allow us to reflect on the chosen case, Camilo and its consequences from the victim's perspective, and later on, we find a reflection of the Cacarica case, where from an analysis of the context different perceptions of the conflict are raised. Finally, there is a table of circular, strategic and reflective questions as an assumption to ask the interviewees who have lived through the conflict and in this way allows them to delve into their experiences and better understand their points of view, dreams, hopes. To conclude, a conclusion is made on the theme that shows us the importance of carrying out a good process of psychosocial intervention, for the reintegration of victims of violence

    Disminuir la incidencia del sida de la población entre los 15 a 20 años en el municipio de Leticia, departamento del Amazonas

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    No aplicaLa siguiente presentación del informe de propuesta a aplicar, dentro del contexto nacional, tiene como objetivo central, realizar una propuesta de intervención en salud, que pueda disminuir la problemática de incidencia y prevalencia del SIDA, que se está presentando en el municipio de Leticia del departamento de Amazonas en una población entre los 15 y los 20 años de edad, ya que es esta la población que tiene mayores índices de incidencia de esta enfermedad dentro de los últimos años. Para ello, se hace una lectura de la situación de la actualidad que tiene esta población dentro de dicho departamento, para con ello considerar como es que las cifras afectan directamente el análisis de esta tipo de situaciones, sobre todo cuando se tiene presente que, esta enfermedad, es una enfermedad de salud pública, que debe ser atendida, para ser mitigada dentro de los tiempos en medio de los cuales se puede considerar que se puede actuar, antes de que los índices crezcan y se a mucho mas complicado atender la situación.The following presentation of the proposal report to be applied, within the national context, has as its central objective, to make a proposal for health intervention, which can reduce the problem of incidence and prevalence of AIDS, which is being presented in the municipality of Leticia del department of Amazonas in a population between 15 and 20 years of age, since this is the population that has the highest incidence rates of this disease in recent years. For this, a reading of the current situation of this population within said department is made, in order to consider how it is that the figures directly affect the analysis of this type of situation, especially when it is taken into account that, this disease, it is a public health disease, which must be addressed, to be mitigated within the times in which it can be considered that action can be taken, before the rates grow and it becomes much more complicated to address the situation. Keywords: Acquired Human Immunodeficiency Syndrome, Leticia, well-being, socioeconomic difficulties