2,953 research outputs found

    Chance and predictability in evolution : The genomic basis of convergent dietary specializations in an adaptive radiation

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    The coexistence of multiple eco-phenotypes in independently assembled communities makes island adaptive radiations the ideal framework to test convergence and parallelism in evolution. In the radiation of the spider genus Dysdera in the Canary Islands, species diversification occurs concomitant with repeated events of trophic specialization. These dietary shifts, to feed primarily on woodlice, are accompanied by modifications in morphology (mostly in the mouthparts), behaviour and nutritional physiology. To gain insight into the molecular basis of this adaptive radiation, we performed a comprehensive comparative transcriptome analysis of five Canary Island Dysdera endemics representing two evolutionary and geographically independent events of dietary specialization. After controlling for the potential confounding effects of hemiplasy, our differential gene expression and selective constraint analyses identified a number of genetic changes that could be associated with the repeated adaptations to specialized diet of woodlice, including some related to heavy metal detoxification and homeostasis, the metabolism of some important nutrients and venom toxins. Our results shed light on the genomic basis of an extraordinary case of dietary shift convergence associated with species diversification. We uncovered putative molecular substrates of convergent evolutionary changes at different hierarchical levels, including specific genes, genes with equivalent functions and even particular amino acid positions. This study improves our knowledge of rapid adaptive radiations and provides new insights into the predictability of evolution.Peer reviewe

    Evolución histórica de los vehículos aéreos no tripulados hasta la actualidad

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    The origin and development of unmanned aviation has been almost matched that of manned aviation, starting both from an almost common point. As in conventional manned aviation, military applications, have been the motor of technological development and the potential applications of these types of systems throughout much of the twentieth century and early twenty-first century. Finally it has been in relatively recent times that these systems are experiencing an impressive boom due to the discovery of the wide variety of commercial and civil operations that are able to perform very effectively. This paper attempts to summarize the historical evolution that these systems have suffered and in the end, to present a quick analysis of the major civil / commercial applications, trying to provide an overview of the main types of systems, their classification and general configuration.Peer Reviewe

    Obesity-hypertension and its relation to other diseases in dogs

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    Obesity is a chronic disease in which adipose tissue accumulates in such a way that it affects the health of the patient and is associated with a myriad of alterations such as systemic hypertension (HTN). The mechanisms by which obesity causes HTN are complex and involve several organic mechanisms. The objective of this study was to determine the correlation between obesity to HTN in dogs in accordance with recent international protocols (systolic blood pressure >160 mmHg) relating to age, genre, gonadal status, breed and other diseases commonly associated with HTN. A total of 244 dogs were studied, 105 non-obese controls and 139 in the obese group. For both groups, healthy and a variety of diseased dogs were observed; the correlations between pathologies and obesity were studied, paying special atten- tion to diseases whose pathophysiologies could lead to HTN. We conclude that obesity is not a risk factor for dogs to develop HTN, and that HTN present in these patients was related to comorbidities such as chronic kidney disease, cardiopathies and endocrinopathies.Párez-Sánchez AP fué becaria del Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (CONACyT) por la beca proporcionada durante el periodo de Estudios de Maestría en Ciencias Agropecuarias y Recursos Naturales de la UAEMex

    Collaborative, Distributed Simulations of Agri-Food Supply Chains. Analysis on How Linking Theory and Practice by Using Multi-agent Structures

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    Simulations help to understand and predict the behaviour of complex phenomena’s, likewise distributed socio-technical systems or how stakeholders interacts in complex domains. Such domains are normally based on networked based interaction, where information, product and decision flows comes in to play, especially under the well-known supply chains structures. Although tools exist to simulate supply chains, they do not adequately support multiple stakeholders to collaboratively create and explore a variety of decision-making scenarios. Hence, in order to provide a preliminary understanding on how these interaction affects stakeholders decision-making, this research presents an study, analysis and proposal development of robust platform to collaboratively build and simulate communication among supply chain. Since realistic supply chain behaviours are complex, a multi-agent approach was selected in order to represent such complexities in a standardised manner. The platform provides agent behaviours for common agent patterns. It provides extension hotspots to implement more specific agent behaviour for expert users (that requires programming). Therefore, as key contribution, technical aspects of the platform are presented, and also the role of multi-level supply chain scenario simulation is discussed and analysed, especially under de context of digital supply chain transformation in the agri-food context. Finally, we discuss lessons learned from early tests with the reference implementation of the platform

    Stellar energy loss rates beyond the standard model

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    It is known that the dipolemoments of the neutrino lead to important astrophysical and cosmological effects. In this regard, within the context of a U(1)B−L model, we develop and present novel analytical formulas to assess the effects of the anomalous magnetic moment and electric dipole moment of the neutrino on the stellar energy loss rates through some common physical process of pair-annihilation e+e− → (γ, Z, Z ) → ν¯ν. Our results show that the stellar energy loss rates strongly depend on the effective magnetic moment of the neutrino, but also on the parameters which characterize the adopted U(1)B−L mode

    Advancing the Application of Design of Experiments (DOE) to Synthetic Theater Operations Research Model (STORM) Data

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    NPS NRP Technical ReportThe Navy uses simulation-based campaign analysis to help measure risk for investment options for how best to equip, organize, supply, maintain, train, and employ our naval forces. The Synthetic Theater Operations Research Model (STORM) is a stochastic simulation model used to support campaign analysis by the U.S. Navy, Marine Corps, and Air Force. Building, testing, running, and analyzing campaign scenarios in STORM can be a complex, time-consuming process. The goal of this research is to apply Design Of Experiment (DOE) methods in the selection and creation of Design Points (DPs) to minimize the number of modeling runs required for meaningful comparisons. Another objective is to understand how best DOE methods can complement traditional baseline and excursion modeling. In addition to regular reviews, the research deliverables will include: (1) a final brief and/or technical report, in addition to student theses (if applicable); (2) all findings, methods, and data used in the study; and (3) appropriate conference or journal papers related to this research.N8 - Integration of Capabilities & ResourcesThis research is supported by funding from the Naval Postgraduate School, Naval Research Program (PE 0605853N/2098). https://nps.edu/nrpChief of Naval Operations (CNO)Approved for public release. Distribution is unlimited.

    Advancing the Application of Design of Experiments (DOE) to Synthetic Theater Operations Research Model (STORM) Data

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    NPS NRP Project PosterThe Navy uses simulation-based campaign analysis to help measure risk for investment options for how best to equip, organize, supply, maintain, train, and employ our naval forces. The Synthetic Theater Operations Research Model (STORM) is a stochastic simulation model used to support campaign analysis by the U.S. Navy, Marine Corps, and Air Force. Building, testing, running, and analyzing campaign scenarios in STORM can be a complex, time-consuming process. The goal of this research is to apply Design Of Experiment (DOE) methods in the selection and creation of Design Points (DPs) to minimize the number of modeling runs required for meaningful comparisons. Another objective is to understand how best DOE methods can complement traditional baseline and excursion modeling. In addition to regular reviews, the research deliverables will include: (1) a final brief and/or technical report, in addition to student theses (if applicable); (2) all findings, methods, and data used in the study; and (3) appropriate conference or journal papers related to this research.N8 - Integration of Capabilities & ResourcesThis research is supported by funding from the Naval Postgraduate School, Naval Research Program (PE 0605853N/2098). https://nps.edu/nrpChief of Naval Operations (CNO)Approved for public release. Distribution is unlimited.

    Advancing the Application of Design of Experiments (DOE) to Synthetic Theater Operations Research Model (STORM) Data

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    NPS NRP Executive SummaryThe Navy uses simulation-based campaign analysis to help measure risk for investment options for how best to equip, organize, supply, maintain, train, and employ our naval forces. The Synthetic Theater Operations Research Model (STORM) is a stochastic simulation model used to support campaign analysis by the U.S. Navy, Marine Corps, and Air Force. Building, testing, running, and analyzing campaign scenarios in STORM can be a complex, time-consuming process. The goal of this research is to apply Design Of Experiment (DOE) methods in the selection and creation of Design Points (DPs) to minimize the number of modeling runs required for meaningful comparisons. Another objective is to understand how best DOE methods can complement traditional baseline and excursion modeling. In addition to regular reviews, the research deliverables will include: (1) a final brief and/or technical report, in addition to student theses (if applicable); (2) all findings, methods, and data used in the study; and (3) appropriate conference or journal papers related to this research.N8 - Integration of Capabilities & ResourcesThis research is supported by funding from the Naval Postgraduate School, Naval Research Program (PE 0605853N/2098). https://nps.edu/nrpChief of Naval Operations (CNO)Approved for public release. Distribution is unlimited.

    Comportamiento de las genodermatosis en el municipio de San Juan y Martínez

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    Introduction: genetic diseases and congenital defects constitute the second cause of death only in the child of one year; these diseases can be of chromosomal, multifactorial and monogenetic origin. Genodermatoses are included in the last one, where the early diagnosis influences on the prognosis of life of the genetic carrier.Objective: to characterize the behavior of genodermatoses in San Juan y Martinez municipality in the period 2018-2019.Methods: a descriptive, cross-sectional research was conducted, with a target group comprising 476 patients with genetic diseases and a sample of 40 patients with genodermatoses; working with the variables of age, sex, color of skin, family history, type of genodermatosis and type of hereditary patterns, through the collection of data for the review of clinical histories.    Results: it was recorded that 83,3 % belonged to male sex, white skin color prevailed (78 %), 29 patients had no family history, ichthyosis (27,5 %) predominated, and autosomal dominant hereditary pattern was the most frequent (70 %). Conclusions: genetic diseases are gaining a greater position in society every day, as a result preventive actions must be taken, starting from the Primary Health Care in order to counteract its incidence and improve the quality of life of the patients. Introducción: las enfermedades genéticas y defectos congénitos constituyen la segunda causa de muerte en menores de un año, conociendo que estas enfermedades pueden ser de origen cromosómico, multifactorial y monogénicas. En esta última se incluyen las genodermatosis, donde el diagnóstico precoz influye en el pronóstico de vida del paciente que la contrae.Objetivo: caracterizar el comportamiento de las genodermatosis en el municipio de San Juan y Martínez en el período 2018-2019.Métodos: se realizó una investigación descriptiva y transversal, con un universo de 476 pacientes con enfermedades genéticas y una muestra de 40 pacientes con genodermatosis. Se trabajó con las variables: edad, sexo, color de la piel, antecedentes familiares, tipo de genodermatosis y tipo de patrones de herencia, mediante la obtención de datos por la revisión de historias clínicas.Resultados: se obtuvo que el 83,3 % pertenecían al sexo masculino, predominó el color de la piel blanca con un 78 %, 29 pacientes no tuvieron antecedentes patológicos familiares, predominaron las ictiosis con un 27,5 %, y el patrón de herencia más frecuente fue el autosómico dominante con un 70 %.Conclusiones: las enfermedades genéticas cada día ganan un lugar mayor en la sociedad, por lo que se deben intensificar las acciones preventivas desde la atención primaria de salud, para así contrarrestar su incidencia y mejorar la calidad de vida de los pacientes