2,362 research outputs found

    Producto de laboratorio pruebas mecánicas de fibras sentéticas y probetas inyectadas de polipropileno (PP), policarbonato (PC) y poliestireno (PS)

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    En el presente informe se analizarán diferentes tipos de materiales en función de esfuerzos mecánicos a tensión y/o flexión, hasta llegar al punto final de la zona elástica, deformación plástica o ruptura en su defecto. Todos los procedimientos se realizaron en la maquina universal e inyectora de polímeros, dichos equipos instalados en el laboratorio de materiales poliméricos ubicado en el bloque M del Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano sede Fraternidad. Entre estos se intervinieron materiales como el Polipropileno (PP) copolímero y homopolímero; Probetas inyectadas de Policarbonato (PC) y Poliestireno (PS); además de fibras sintéticas de monofilamentos de diferentes tipos de materiales y compuestos, todo este conjunto para mirar sus esfuerzos mecánicos y comportamientos y otros sometidos a condiciones de procesos de fabricación específicos. Los análisis de datos son tomados por el software que trabaja la maquina universal llamado TRAPEZIUM X Versión 1.1.4 donde arroja datos de fuerza en Newton (N) y deformación en milímetros (mm), donde el mismo software grafica la curva de deformación – fuerza donde se ve en grafica las curvas de comportamiento elástico, plástico y ruptura de algunos materiales. El estudio de materiales dúctiles realizados en la maquina universal sólo se tomaron en la zona elástica, debido a que es la parte más relevante a estudiar en esta investigación para ellos; además de ver una representación tanto en toma de datos como grafica del cómo se comportan los materiales poliméricos frente a diversas condiciones de fabricación, para destacar entre ellas cual determinará un mejor desempeño para su utilidad final.Ingeniero de Telecomunicacionespregrad

    Modelo de emisión ˗ captura de gases de efecto invernadero en el Estado de México

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    Este modelo utilizó una serie cronológica de usos de suelo en el Estado de México, se estimó el contenido de carbono en biomasa forestal aplicando ecuaciones alométricas sobre 127 puntos de muestreo del Inventario Nacional Forestal y se calculó la emisión de metano y óxido nitroso procedente de la fermentación entérica y residuos agrícolas, atendiendo las directrices del Panel Intergubernamental de Cambio Climático. Con datos de 1983 a 2012, se obtuvo un escenario prospectivo a 2020 de CO2e, tanto de contenido como de emisión. Los resultados mostraron que siguiendo una tendencia lineal, la entidad tendría una reserva de 45725 CO2e en biomasa forestal y una emisión de 527 CO2e, lo que implicó un balance positivo de 45198 en CO2e


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    El presente artículo  reúne la experiencia de la Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica, en procesos de autoevaluación y acreditación de carreras como mecanismo para el mejoramiento continuo de su oferta académica.   Se plantea un recorrido por la ruta transitada, identificando el referente conceptual e institucional que orienta dichos procesos. Los aprendizajes logrados en más de diez años, once carreras acreditadas y otras tantas en proceso de autoevaluación con fines de acreditación y o mejoramiento,  ofrecen importantes insumos para compartir en pro de la calidad de la educación superior en la Región.La experiencia institucional  se manifiesta en aportes en diferentes aristas, tales como: política institucional, operatividad y éxito en los procesos de autoevaluación, implementación de acciones para la gestión de la calidad de la oferta docente, mecanismos para la identificación de acciones de mejoramiento institucional.  Se reconoce de esta manera, el potencial de la autoevaluación de carreras como instrumento de gestión de la calidad, el cual  no solo trasciende el ámbito específico de la carrera, sino que impacta el ámbito institucional y fuera de este, garantizando la  formación de profesionales de excelencia. Palabras claves: Autoevaluación, Acreditación, Gestión, Calidad y Mejoramiento.AbstractThis article brings together expertise from the National University of Costa Rica, in the process of self-assessment and accreditation as a mechanism for continuous improvement of its academic offerings. These raise a tour of the busy route, identifying the conceptual and institutional reference that guides these processes. The learning in more than ten years achieved, eleven accredited courses and many others in self-assessment process for accreditation self-improvement, provide important inputs to share towards the quality of higher education in the region.The experience institutional is reflected in contributions in different angles, such as institutional policy, operation and success in self-assessment processes, implementation of actions to manage the quality of teacher supply, mechanisms to identify ways of improving institutions. In this way recognizes the potential for career self-assessment as a tool for quality management, which not only transcends the specific area of the race, but that impacts the institutional framework and outside it, ensuring the training of professional’s excellence.Keywords: Self-assessment, Accreditation, Management, Quality and Improvement

    Analysis Of Land Use Changes And Carbon Content In Forest Covers In The State Of Mexico With Spatial And Stochastic Methods

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    This paper presents the results of the application of a prospective model that combines the analysis of time series of land use in the State of Mexico, based on the land use information generated by the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI). We compare two sets of data to obtain a transition matrix that allows a future projection, using stochastic processes, Markov chains and cellular automata, and technical matrix spatiotemporal analysis environment incorporated in Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Thus an estimation of carbon content was obtained once applying allometric equations per categories and sampling points taking into account the National Forest Inventory and the development of vegetation, primary or secondary, and vegetative stages. As a result of this study the estimation of carbon reserves for 2010 in the State of Mexico summed up to 0.167556208 and 13,003 Gt in forest and tropical deciduous forests, respectively. We conclude that under the methodologies used, the possible variations of projected land establish a baseline to prospect on the efforts deployed in different evolving scenario

    Expresiones de racismo y discriminación en grupos autistas en Facebook

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    Based on a qualitative approach and the use of ethnographic techniques such as the semi-structured interview and participant observation, an analysis is presented of how diverse racist and discriminatory expressions take place within a non-representative and non-probabilistic selection of “autistic” closed groups in Facebook, in which young people from all Latin America participate. Results suggest that, although the observed racism correspond to aspects based on characteristics such as ethnic group and skin color; this form of discrimination is also present from diverse cultural issues

    SCRUM, Un enfoque práctico de metodología ágil para la ingeniería de software

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    El presente artículo consolida la información másrelevante para dar a conocer los ítems más importantes deScrum, metodología ágil que ha venido tomando cada vez másfuerza convirtiéndose en una de las favoritas al ser elegidamarco de trabajo al en proyectos de ingeniería de software.Se realiza una breve introducción a sus orígenes e historia,resaltando los aspectos más importantes a tener en cuenta parainiciar su aplicación, describiendo las ventajas y desventajasque puedan obtenerse, además de la importancia de mantenerlas buenas prácticas para realizar un primer acercamiento máspreciso y garantizar una correcta aplicación de la metodologí

    Hydrochemistry of the Mocorito river coastal aquifer, Sinaloa, Mexico: water quality assessment for human consumption and agriculture suitability

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    Background. Groundwater is a vital source of water for domestic and agricultural activities and the water of the Mocorito River Coastal Aquifer (MORCA), located in the agricultural valley of Culiacan, Sinaloa, Mexico, is not an exception. Goals. To assess MORCA's groundwater quality for drinking and irrigation purposes and the geochemical processes affecting its composition. Methods. Twenty-two well samples were collected during the dry and rainy seasons. Physical and chemical parameters, major ions, drinking quality (WQI and PHASECH water quality index), and irrigation suitability Richards (1954) and Wilcox diagrams) were studied. Results. Total Dissolved Solid (TDS) ranged from 1688 - 8762 mg L-1 for the dry season and 89-10016 mg L-1 for the rainy season. From inland to the coastal zone, MORCA's groundwater was considered hard and very hard, with non-dominant hydrochemical facies in the dry season and calcium, magnesium and sodium (cationic), and bicarbonate and chloride (anionic) types, in the rainy season. US Salinity Staff and Wilcox diagrams revealed that MORCA's groundwater is not suitable for use in irrigation. Further, the geochemical processes controlling the chemical composition of MORCA were evaporation and weathering. Conclusions. According to the TDS and water quality index (WQI and PHASECH) classifying just 4.5 % and over 50 % of the samples, respectively, MORCA water can be considered suitable for human consumption; only the groundwater from site EE-1, in the rainy season, was considered suitable for human consumption. US Salinity staff and Wilcox diagrams indicate that almost 50% of MORCA's groundwater is not suitable for irrigation use. MORCA's groundwater composition is dominated by evaporation and weathering of minerals such as anorthite, illite, and kaolinite.Background. Groundwater is a vital source of water for domestic and agricultural activities and the water of the Mocorito River Coastal Aquifer (MORCA), located in the agricultural valley of Culiacan, Sinaloa, Mexico, is not an exception. Goals. To assess MORCA's groundwater quality for drinking and irrigation purposes and the geochemical processes affecting its composition. Methods. Twenty-two well samples were collected during the dry and rainy seasons. Physical and chemical parameters, major ions, drinking quality (WQI and PHASECH water quality index), and irrigation suitability Richards (1954) and Wilcox diagrams) were studied. Results. Total Dissolved Solid (TDS) ranged from 1688 - 8762 mg L-1 for the dry season and 89-10016 mg L-1 for the rainy season. From inland to the coastal zone, MORCA's groundwater was considered hard and very hard, with non-dominant hydrochemical facies in the dry season and calcium, magnesium and sodium (cationic), and bicarbonate and chloride (anionic) types, in the rainy season. US Salinity Staff and Wilcox diagrams revealed that MORCA's groundwater is not suitable for use in irrigation. Further, the geochemical processes controlling the chemical composition of MORCA were evaporation and weathering. Conclusions. According to the TDS and water quality index (WQI and PHASECH) classifying just 4.5 % and over 50 % of the samples, respectively, MORCA water can be considered suitable for human consumption; only the groundwater from site EE-1, in the rainy season, was considered suitable for human consumption. US Salinity staff and Wilcox diagrams indicate that almost 50% of MORCA's groundwater is not suitable for irrigation use. MORCA's groundwater composition is dominated by evaporation and weathering of minerals such as anorthite, illite, and kaolinite

    Biology of Stress and Physical Performance

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    Regular physical training leads to physical capacity and optimal sports performance, and although this relationship is usually linear, the athlete’s adaptation is conditioned by multiple factors: environmental, genetic and psychological. Studies have shown that between 70 and 85% of successful and unsuccessful athletes can be identified using psychological measures of personality and mood, a level higher than chance, but insufficient for the purpose of selecting athletes. The research indicates that the mood of the athletes exhibits a dose-response relationship with their adaptation to the training load; This finding has shown potential to reduce the incidence of overtraining syndrome in athletes who undergo rigorous physical training, through early detection using scales of perception of their mood and physiological measures such as the testosterone / cortisol index. Thus, the genetic and epigenetic modifications of the factors that regulate the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis and, therefore, the response to stress, have recently been associated with a detrimental effect on physical performance and early manifestations of the overtraining syndrome and the abandonment of training and competences

    New records of myxomycetes for the state of Veracruz from Cofre de Perote National Park

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    Most of the species of myxomycetes from Mexico are well documented, but their patchy geographical and temporal distribution responds to the individual efforts carried out in different areas of the territory over time. As such, even for well-studied areas, new projects can substantially increase biodiversity-based information. The present study constitutes an update of the myxomycete catalog of the state of Veracruz, carried out from an intensive study in a section of Abies religiosa at the Cofre de Perote National Park. The methodology consisted in field collections, complemented with a laboratory isolation process using diverse substrates from different locations. The study was carried out in two years (2018-2019) and in two seasons (dry and rainy). A total of 30 taxa were identified, out of which, 21 species were not previously known for the state of Veracruz, increasing the number of myxomycetes known in such state to 168 species, making it one of the most diverse states in Mexico, with approximately 45% of the known species in the country.Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología/[812944]/CONACYT/MéxicoUniversidad de Costa Rica/[570-B9-7B4]/UCR/Costa RicaUCR::Vicerrectoría de Docencia::Ingeniería::Facultad de Ingeniería::Escuela de Ingeniería de BiosistemasUCR::Sedes Regionales::Sede del Atlántico::Recinto de Paraíso::Finca Experimental Interdisciplinaria de Modelos Agroecológicos (FEIMA

    El legado de Samuelson. La preferencia revelada

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    The prolific work of the recently deceased Paul A. Samuelson makes a significant contribution to several areas of economic theory. He was awarded the 1970 Nobel Prize in Economics for doing more than any other contemporary economist to raise the level of scientific analysis in economic theory. He is also well-known as the author of several influential textbooks which are among all-time best-sellers. Although it is not easy to highlight only one of his contributions, over seventy years ago his revealed preference analysis opened a fertile field of research that went beyond the scope of consumer theory, thus creating a bridge that leads to reconciling economic theory with other social sciences.La fecunda obra del recientemente fallecido Paul A. Samuelson contiene aportaciones significativas en muy diversas áreas de la teoría económica. Premio Nobel de Economía en 1970 por contribuir activamente a elevar el nivel de análisis de la ciencia económica, es también conocida su labor divulgativa como autor de varios manuales que figuran entre los libros de texto universitarios más vendidos de la historia. Aunque no es fácil destacar una de sus contribuciones por encima de las demás, su teoría de la preferencia revelada abrió hace más de setenta años un fértil campo de investigación que ha sobrepasado el ámbito de la teoría del consumidor, estableciendo un puente que conduce a la reconciliación de la teoría económica con otras ciencias sociales