9 research outputs found

    Supporting tool for multi-scale energy planning through procedures of data enrichment

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    Considering the challenge of evaluation of the urban environment from the energy point of view, there is plenty of room to improve the resources currently managed by users, enterprises and public institutions. The goal is to create a tool that supports in the decision making in the energy planning process in specific areas by automatically estimating the energy demand and consumption of buildings using public data and representing the results in a geo-referenced way. The tool will provide a better understanding of what the current status of the buildings is, providing these stakeholders with a larger quantity of useful data about the city environment, including not only the geometric information present in cadastre repositories, but also the data collected from the Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs). In this case, the data from the cadastre repository are combined with the EPCs for each province, with data about the demanded and consumed energy. The objective is to generate a set of buildings typologies for each province with estimated values for the demand and consumption for each building type. These typologies could be used to generate a map with the energetic values for any municipality of this province. These results can be injected into GIS (Geographic Information Systems) tools that could show these data in order to evaluate the energy demand/consumption of the municipality easing the energy planning decision-making process, or even into databases for further uses

    Multi-objective optimization algorithms applied to residential building retrofitting at district scale: BRIOTOOL

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    The design of district and urban energy efficient retrofitting projects is a major challenge if contrasted solutions want to be implemented. From the establishment of the criteria to the calculation of indicators, there are several aspects to be considered, such as evaluating a series of refurbishment solutions or establishing an adequate method to select the optimal solution. Apart from this process requiring a high number of time and resources, it can result in a number of inaccuracies, leading to inadequate decisions or designs. The main achievement of the BRIOTOOL solution proposed is the transformation of a subjective problem (what the best combination of energy conservation measures to implement is) into a mathematical problem, which ensures a more robust decision-making process. In particular, by analysing which multi-objective optimization method (NSGA-II, IHS, MHACO or NSPSO) is the most appropriate, based on execution time, number of different and optimal solutions, and hypervolume of the Pareto front generated. As a result, the time reduction and the increase in the accuracy of the process compared to business as usual practices shows the benefits of the solution in designing energy efficient retrofitting projects at district level

    Big Data Value Chain: Multiple Perspectives for the Built Environment

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    Current climate change threats and increasing CO2 emissions, especially from the building stock, represent a context where action is required. It is necessary to provide efficient manners to manage energy demand in buildings and contribute to a decarbonised future. By combining new technologies, such as artificial intelligence, Internet of things, blockchain, and the exploitation of big data towards solving real life problems, the way could be paved towards smart and energy-aware buildings. In this context, the aim of this paper is to present a critical review and an in-detail definition of the big data value chain for the built environment in Europe, covering multiple needs and perspectives: “policy”, “technology” and “business”, in order to explore the main challenges and opportunities in this area

    El libro xilográfico

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    El grabado xilográfico es el elemento común de los 27 libros de artista realizados por estudiantes de la Facultad de Bellas Artes. Nos presentan libros únicos, de los que existe un solo ejemplar, encuadernados por los propios creadores y estampados en su totalidad con técnicas de impresión en madera y linóleo

    Geodivulgar: Geología y Sociedad

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    Memoria final del Proyecto Innova Docencia 2023-23 nº 58. GEODIVULGAR: Geología y SociedadUCMDepto. de Geodinámica, Estratigrafía y PaleontologíaFac. de Ciencias GeológicasFALSEsubmitte

    Grado de implementación de las estrategias preventivas del síndrome post-UCI: estudio observacional multicéntrico en España

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    Long-term effect of a practice-based intervention (HAPPY AUDIT) aimed at reducing antibiotic prescribing in patients with respiratory tract infections

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    Characteristics and predictors of death among 4035 consecutively hospitalized patients with COVID-19 in Spain

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