1,297 research outputs found

    Economía de esfuerzos para la presencia de las bibliotecas en las redes sociales

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    The proliferation of social networking tools brings new challenges to make visible and effective library services in the virtual fields. One difficulty stems from not less than the multiplicity of existing channels, its volatility and constant renewal, which may demand a volume of exertion for the real capacity of the library and end returns it can get. Our experience is going through the selection of tools to use in terms of the stability, popularity and friendliness (Web, Facebook, Twitter, Netvibes ...), and interconnection of all or any of its elements, so that the maintenance Information and services offered by these channels does not distract our human resources from other tasks that are still badly needed

    I want to be Marifé de Triana. An experience for the development of Emotional Intelligence through Music Therapy

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    Presentamos el desarrollo de un programa denominado “¡Escúchame!” basado en la experiencia “Mami Sounds” llevada a cabo en Argentina por Federico (2007), teniendo como hilo conductor la Musicoterapia. Nuestro propósito es desarrollar la inteligencia emocional de personas con Síndrome de Down, mediante la estimulación sensorial a través de la música, que genera y despierta toda clase de sentimientos y emociones. Para la evaluación del programa, se han elaborado instrumentos de carácter cualitativo y cuantitativo que nos indican una mejora en las conductas sociales y afectivas de la muestra participante tras la implementación del programa.We show the results of a study called “Listen to me”, based on the experience developed in Argentina by Federico (2007), where the leitmotiv is the Music therapy in a sample of people with disabilities, specifically Down syndrome. We implement a programme which mainly works emotional intelligence by using music of different styles. Our aim is to develop the emotional intelligence of people with Down syndrome, by the sensory stimulation through music, which generates and raises all types of feelings and emotions. Results show there is an improvement in socialand affective attitudes and behaviors of the people participating in this experience after the implementation of the programme.peerReviewe

    Aplicación de los métodos de contorno en la flexión de placas

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    Los métodos semianalíticos poseen gran idoneidad para abordar problemas estructurales reales, obteniendo los niveles de precisión necesarios con esfuerzos de ordenador menores que los métodos exclusivamente numéricos

    Influence of Body Composition on Arterial Stiffness in Middle-Aged Adults: Healthy UAL Cross-Sectional Study

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    Background and objectives: Several anthropometric and body composition parameters have been linked to arterial stiffness (AS) as a biomarker of cardiovascular disease. However, little is known about which of these closely related factors is more strongly associated with AS. The aim of the present study was to analyze the relationship of different anthropometric and body composition parameters with AS in middle-aged adults. Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional study included 186 middle-aged participants (85 women, 101 men; age = 42.8 ± 12.6 years) evaluated as part of the Healthy UAL study, a population study conducted at the University of Almería with the main purpose of analyzing the etiology and risk factors associated with cardio-metabolic diseases. Anthropometric measures included neck, waist, and hip circumferences, as well as the waist-to-height ratio (WHtr). Bioimpedance-derived parameters included fat-free mass index (FFMI), fat mass index (FMI), and percent of body fat (%BF). AS was measured by pulse wave velocity (PWV). The relationships of interest were examined through stepwise regression analyses in which age and sex were also introduced as potential confounders. Results: Neck circumference (in the anthropometric model; R2: 0.889; β: age = 0.855, neck = 0.204) and FFMI (in the bio-impedance model; R2: 0.891; β: age = 0.906, FFMI = 0.199) emerged as significant cross-sectional predictors of AS. When all parameters were included together (both anthropometry and bio-impedance), both neck circumference and FFMI appeared again as being significantly associated with AS (R2: 0.894; β: age = 0.882, FFMI = 0.126, neck = 0.093). Conclusion: It was concluded that FFMI and neck circumference are correlated with AS regardless of potential confounders and other anthropometric and bioimpedance-derived parameters in middle-aged adults

    Historical biogeography of the squids from the family Loliginidae (Teuthoidea: Myopsida)

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    Indexación: Scopus.According to the vicariant hypothesis proposed by Brakoniecki (1986) the closure of the Sea of Tethys and the opening of the Atlantic Ocean would play an important role in the history of squids of the family Loliginidae, which is reflected in its current neritic distribution. Our study evaluated this hypothesis and alternative ideas to understand the historical biogeography of loliginid squids. This work is based on a phylogenetic hypothesis rebuilt with mitochondrial and nuclear sequences that incorporates the estimation of divergence times and ancestral distribution. Our results sustain that the squids of the family Loliginidae would have originated in the Western Pacific during the Late Paleocene about 59 My, following, during their diversification, at least 20 dispersion and 6 vicariant events. The first vicariant event fragments the ancestral distribution, remaining the ancestor of Sepioteuthis in the south and the subfamily Loligininae in the north. Successive events of dispersion, and some of vicariance (unrelated with the movement of tectonic plates and opening of the Atlantic Ocean), modeled it distribution. Our inference suggest a different origin compared to proposed by Brakoniecki (Tethys Sea), consistent with a center of origin that supports the most diversity of the family, with a predominance of dispersion processes over vicariant events, which explain the present distribution pattern.http://www.lajar.cl/pdf/imar/v45n1/Art%C3%ADculo_45_1_11.pd

    Diseño de una aplicación para verificar el porcentaje vocacional de los estudiantes en su primer semestre de la Facultad de Ingeniería de la Universidad Católica de Colombia

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    Visita Técnica InternacionalA pesar de los esfuerzos realizados por el Ministerio de Educación de la República de Colombia en los últimos años para reducir el abandono estudiantil universitario, se denota una continua deserción de los estudiantes en los primeros semestres de educación superior; esto se debe en gran medida a una paupérrima orientación vocacional antes de iniciar sus estudios superiores y de la falta de seguimiento una vez empiecen. Con el fin de apoyar el seguimiento vocacional a los estudiantes, este trabajo propone el diseño de una aplicación que permita a las universidades analizar y determinar el porcentaje de orientación vocacional de los estudiantes de los primeros semestres de ingeniería. Para la ejecución de tal objetivo se seleccionó, ajustó y ejecutó un test vocacional sobre una muestra de estudiantes de ingeniería de primer semestre y se logró estimar el porcentaje de orientación vocacional. Todo esto, para comprender el proceso y efectuar el levantamiento de requerimientos y posteriores diseños de la aplicación. Finalmente, el trabajo dio como resultado, los diferentes requerimientos, vistas, diagramas, necesarios para el desarrollo de la aplicación.1 ABSTRACT 2 RESUMEN 3 INTRODUCCIÓN 4 GENERALIDADES 5 MARCOS DE REFERENCIA 6 METODOLOGÍA 7 DESARROLLO DE LA PROPUESTA 8 CRONOGRAMA DE ACTIVIDADES 9 PRODUCTOS A ENTREGAR 10 ESTRATEGIAS DE COMUNICACIÓN Y DIVULGACIÓN 11 PRESUPUESTO DEL TRABAJO 12 CONCLUSIONES 13 TRABAJOS FUTUROS 14 ANEXOS REFERENCIASPregradoIngeniero de Sistema

    Transmedia in Higher Education. A qualitative research

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    SciVal Topics Metrics Funding details Abstract Introduction: The relation between education and transmedia storytelling has been developed through diverse paths and based on different criteria, such as genre, source, temporality, and the given education level observed. The present study aims to contribute to the understanding of ongoing processes that transmedia storytelling is going through, and its space in higher education on both sides of the Atlantic. Methodology: With this goal, a structured interview was designed and validated, addressing 21 academic directors and experts in the field of communication and interactive media in higher education in Latin America, Spain, and Portugal. Results: The findings show a current map of transmedia storytelling in universities through the observation of its human and material resources, as well as evidencing discussions on terminological and conceptual points of view and, consequently, their instrumentalization in praxis. Discussion and Conclusions: These findings also show a progressive advance in the presence of transmedia storytelling higher education curriculums, and an academic void, pointed out by faculty members, regarding concrete training initiatives from their university centers, aimed at them as current teachers and researchers

    El absentismo y la inclusión en la escuela de la etnia gitana

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    Màster Oficial en Psicopedagogia, Facultat de Pedagogia, Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2014, Tutor: Ángel Marzo GuarinosEste trabajo pretende promover una intervención educativa dirigida a prevenir y disminuir el absentismo escolar de la etnia gitana, y a la vez, orientar hacia una mejor inclusión escolar de la misma, en la etapa de educación secundaria. Partimos de la figura del psicopedagogo o bien del orientador escolar, para llevar a cabo nuestro proyecto, que incluye un extenso programa con recursos y orientaciones específicas para trabajar el tema escogido. Sería mediante una orientación mixta (mediante el modelo de programas y el counseling) a través de la cual nos dirigimos a diversos factores influyentes tanto en el absentismo, como en la difícil inclusión de la etnia gitana en el contexto escolar. El proyecto ofrece un cambio en la mirada y en el enfoque, del ámbito a tratar

    La externalización del servicio de biblioteca pública, ¿tiene justificación?

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    The hyperliberalization of public services reaches public libraries, causing precarious employment of their workers and putting at risk the free public library services. Only in certain circumstances is it possible to use service companies to fill some jobs in public libraries

    Del Préstamo Interbibliotecario al Préstamo Consorcial

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    The Interlibrary Loan is based on the temporary transfer of a document from the lending library to the borrowing library. The creation of large automated networks of libraries enabled the Network Loan, which makes all the documents available to all participating libraries available to all users of the same Network. But the real advance in this area is found in the NCIP protocol, which makes possible the direct loan to users not belonging to our library through the interaction between different Library Management Systems through the exchange of circulation data