463 research outputs found

    Post-Newtonian Gravitational Waves with cosmological constant Λ\Lambda from the Einstein-Hilbert theory

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    We study the Post-Newtonian approach implemented to the Einstein-Hilbert action adding the cosmological constant Λ\Lambda at 1PN order. We consider very small values of Λ\Lambda to derive the Lagrangian of a two body compact system at the center of mass frame at 1PN. Furthermore, the phase function ϕ(t)\phi(t) is obtained from the balance equation and the two polarizations h+h_{+} and h×h_{\times} are also calculated. We observe changes due to Λ\Lambda only at very low frequencies and we notice that it plays the role of "stretch" the spacetime such that both amplitudes become smaller; however, given its nearly negligible value, Λ\Lambda has no relevance at higher frequencies whatsoever.Comment: 20 pages, 7 figure

    Solar Resource for Urban Communities in the Baja California Peninsula, Mexico

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    Several studies have determined that Mexico has great renewable energy potential, and one of its most abundant resources is solar energy, a source that could be exploited to provide development opportunities to its population, however it is necessary to calculate the amount of this source available. The aim of this study was to assess solar irradiance at urban communities in the Baja California Peninsula. For this purpose data recorded every 10 min during 6 years (2010–2015) by the Automatic Meteorological Stations (AMSs) and Synoptic Automatic Meteorological Stations (SAMSs) of the National Meteorological System of Mexico (NMS) were analyzed. Satellite data from the Surface and Meteorology Energy System (SMSE) were also used, and a linear regression was performed to compare the measured and satellite data. The highest R-square value found was 0.97 and the lowest was 0.82. Daily patterns show that Cabo San Lucas had the highest average solar irradiation/day, with 1000 W/m2. Considering the urban areas, total solar irradiation reaching the Peninsula is about 447 106 kWh, which represents around 447 times the total Baja California Peninsula yearly energy consumption. Geographic Information System (GIS) helped to identify the zones and months with higher solar resources. May is the month registering the highest irradiation, more than 8.1 kWh/m2/day, while the average solar resource for the whole Peninsula is 5.7 kWh/m2/day

    Revaloración del patrimonio edificado a través del color. El caso de Jala, Nayarit (México)

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    This investigation documents, from a qualitative approach, the process that was followed for the elaboration of a chromatic proposal for the town of Jala, in Mexico; these works were coordinated by the INAH Nayarit Centre. The main objective was to contribute to the conservation of the built heritage of this population, through the recovery of the range of colors that had its facades in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, thus strengthening the identity of its Inhabitants. The methodology and tools used had four pillars: the development of stratigraphic coves, the search for historiographic information, the formation of a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary team and, finally, involve the citizens, both for decision-making and for the execution of work; these pillars can be seen through the eight steps that make up this methodology, which are detailed throughout the article. The results of doing the above show that the most effective way for people to be actively involved in the preservation of their heritage is to value it, and in this case, the valuation part of recognizing its architecture as heritage and to chromaticity as a fundamental part of that architecture.El presente trabajo de investigación documenta, desde un enfoque cualitativo, el proceso que se siguió para la elaboración de una propuesta cromática para la localidad de Jala, México; estos trabajos fueron coordinados por el CentroINAH Nayarit. El objetivo principal fue contribuir en la conservación del patrimonio edificado con que cuenta esta población, a través de la recuperación de la gama de colores que tuvieron sus fachadas entre finales del siglo XIX y principios del XX, además de involucrar a los habitantes en un proceso de revaloración de este patrimonio. La metodología y herramientas empleadas tuvieron cuatro pilares: la elaboración de calas estratigráficas, la búsqueda de información historiográfica, la conformación de un equipo multidisciplinario e interdisciplinario y, finalmente, incluir a la ciudadanía, tanto para la toma de decisiones como en la ejecución de los trabajos; estos pilares se pueden ver a través de los ocho pasos que conforman dicha metodología, los cuales se detallarán en los párrafos subsecuentes. Los resultados de llevar a cabo lo anterior demuestran que la forma más efectiva que se tiene para que la gente se involucre de manera activa en la conservación de su patrimonio es valorándolo, y en este caso, la valoración parte de reconocer su arquitectura como patrimonial y la cromática como parte fundamental de esa arquitectura

    Paisaje Cultural de San Blas. Contribuciones para su análisis y posible delimitación

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    This research, from a mixed approach, aims to develop a heritage protection proposal, under the Cultural Landscape scheme, which lays the foundations to carry out an adequate protection, conservation, restoration, recovery, resignification and / or dissemination of the cultural values linked to the New Spain stage of San Blas. Regarding the methodology, it begins with a historiographic review, in which historical cartography has played a preponderant role since, both its analysis, together with the problems and potentialities identified, have served as the basis for making a proposal for a Cultural Landscape, which includes a list of strategic projects, the purpose of which is to facilitate knowledge of the site, favoring its understanding and redefinition. As part of the results, there is greater knowledge about the New Spain military past of San Blas and the components of its defensive system, leaving open the possibility to explore the existence of vestiges of the identified sites; Finally, it is expected that this document will serve as a basis for future research and for the integration of proposals for cultural, educational and tourism policies, both for the conservation and dissemination of the site, as well as for its optimal use and reuse.Esta investigación, desde un enfoque mixto, tiene como objetivo elaborar una propuesta de protección patrimonial bajo el esquema de Paisaje Cultural, que siente las bases para llevar a cabo una adecuada preservación, conservación, restauración, recuperación, resignificación y/o difusión de los valores culturales vinculados a la etapa novohispana de San Blas, México. En cuanto a la metodología, se inicia haciendo una revisión historiográfica, en la que la cartografía histórica ha jugado un papel preponderante, pues su análisis en conjunto con la problemática y potencialidades identificadas han servido de base para realizar una propuesta de Paisaje Cultural que incluye un listado de proyectos estratégicos, cuya finalidad es la de facilitar el conocimiento del sitio, favoreciendo su comprensión y resignificación. Como parte de los resultados, se tiene un mayor conocimiento acerca del pasado militar novohispano de San Blas y de los componentes de su sistema defensivo, dejando abierta la posibilidad para explorar sobre la existencia de vestigios de los sitios identificados; finalmente, se espera que este documento aporte información para futuras investigaciones y para la integración de propuestas de políticas culturales, educativas y de turismo, tanto para la conservación y difusión del sitio, como para su óptimo aprovechamiento y reutilización

    Seasonal Wind Energy Characterization in the Gulf of Mexico

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    In line with Mexico’s interest in determining its wind resources, in this paper, 141 locations along the states of the Gulf of Mexico have been analyzed by calculating the main wind characteristics, such as the Weibull shape (c) and scale (k) parameters, and wind power density (WPD), by using re-analysis MERRA-2 (Modern-Era Retrospective Analysis for Research and Applications version 2) data with hourly records from 1980–2017 at a 50-m height. The analysis has been carried out using the R free software, whose its principal function is for statistical computing and graphics, to characterize the wind speed and determine its annual and seasonal (spring, summer, autumn, and winter) behavior for each state. As a result, the analysis determined two different wind seasons along the Gulf of Mexico;, it was found that in the states of Tamaulipas, Veracruz, and Tabasco wind season took place during autumn, winter, and spring, while for the states of Campeche and Yucatan, the only two states that shared its coast with the Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico, the wind season occurred only in winter and spring. In addition, it was found that by considering a seasonal analysis, more accurate information on wind characteristics could be generated; thus, by applying the Weibull distribution function, optimal zones for determining wind as a resource of energy can be established. Furthermore, a k-means algorithm was applied to the wind data, obtaining three clusters that can be seen by month; these results and using the Weibull parameter c allow for selecting the optimum wind turbine based on its power coefficient or efficiency

    On semiclassical four-point correlators in AdS_5 x S^5

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    Following the recent advances in the holographic calculation of n-point correlation functions with two "heavy" (with large quantum numbers) states at strong coupling, we extend these findings by computing specific four-point correlators of four heavy BMN operators in N=4 SYM.Comment: 11 pages, one figure, section removed, improvements mad

    New Method to Disaggregate and Analyze Single Isolated Helminthes Cells Using Flow Cytometry: Proof of Concept

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    In parasitology, particularly in helminthes studies, several methods have been used to look for the expression of specific molecules, such as RT-PCR, western blot, 2D-electrophoresis, and microscopy, among others. However, these methods require homogenization of the whole helminth parasite, preventing evaluation of individual cells or specific cell types in a given parasite tissue or organ. Also, the extremely high interaction between helminthes and host cells (particularly immune cells) is an important point to be considered. It is really hard to obtain fresh parasites without host cell contamination. Then, it becomes crucial to determine that the analyzed proteins are exclusively from parasitic origin, and not a consequence of host cell contamination. Flow cytometry is a fluorescence-based technique used to evaluate the expression of extra-and intracellular proteins in different type cells, including protozoan parasites. It also allows the isolation and recovery of single-cell populations. Here, we describe a method to isolate and obtain purified helminthes cells

    Impacto do cinema no turismo: o caso do Brasil

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    The importance of this work lies in the fact that more and more, the tourism sector is shaping up to reach double digits in its participation in the world gross domestic product, coupled with the fact that, in countries such as Brazil, its productive linkages affect the spatial dynamics of the localities. Therefore, this article goal to develop a cartogram of the places filmed in Brazil, to document the filmic strengths of each federative entity of the Brazilian Republic and thus contribute elements to characterize the course that the different agendas could follow. Federation tourism. It should be noted that the methodological treatment is an effort to approach the Big Data phenomenon, the search was carried out through four million film titles. Among the most pressing results, depending on the cinematographic genre, the leading site around Brazilian film locations varies, for example, if the genre is science fiction, the case of Salvador de Bahía stands out, instead if the genre is documentary highlights the state of Pará.La importancia de este trabajo radica en que cada vez más, el sector turístico se perfila para alcanzar los dos dígitos en su participación dentro del producto interior bruto mundial, aunado a que, en países como Brasil, sus eslabonamientos productivos repercuten en las dinámicas espaciales de las localidades. Por lo que este artículo tiene como objetivo elaborar un cartograma de los lugares filmados en Brasil, para documentar las fortalezas fílmicas de cada entidad federativa de la República Brasileña y de ese modo aportar elementos para caracterizar el rumbo que pudieran seguir las distintas agendas turísticas de la federación. Es de advertir que el tratamiento metodológico es un esfuerzo de aproximación al fenómeno de Big Data, la búsqueda se realizó a través de cuatro millones de títulos cinematográficos. Dentro de los resultados más apremiantes se tiene que, en función del género cinematográfico, el sitio puntero en torno a las locaciones cinematográficas brasileñas varía, por ejemplo, si el género es ciencia ficción, destaca el caso de Salvador de Bahía, en cambio si el género es documental destaca el estado de Pará.A importância deste trabalho reside no fato de que cada vez mais, o setor de turismo se prepara para atingir dois dígitos em sua participação no produto interno bruto mundial, somado ao fato de que, em países como o Brasil, seus vínculos produtivos afetam a dinâmica espacial de as localidades. Portanto, este artigo tem como objetivo desenvolver um cartograma dos lugares filmados no Brasil, documentar as potencialidades fílmicas de cada ente federativo da República brasileira e, assim, contribuir com elementos para caracterizar o rumo que as diferentes agendas podem seguir. Turismo da Federação. Ressalta-se que o tratamento metodológico é um esforço de abordagem do fenômeno Big Data, a busca foi realizada por meio de quatro milhões de títulos de filmes. Entre os resultados mais prementes, dependendo do gênero cinematográfico, a vaga de referência das locações brasileiras varia, por exemplo, se o gênero é ficção científica, destaca-se o caso de Salvador de Bahia, ao invés do gênero documental destaca o estado do Pará