253 research outputs found

    Notas sobre el género Poa en la Península Ibérica

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    An outline of species of genus Poa in Iberian Peninsule is given. A new combination is made: P . trivialis L. subsp. feratiana (Boiss. et Reuter) A. M. Hernández.Se relacionan y comentan las especies del género Poa en la Península Ibérica. Se hace una nueva combinación: P . trivialis L. subsp. feratiana (Boiss. et Reuter) A. M. Hernández

    Catálogo florístico de la provincia de Málaga. Il. Salicaceae-Rafflesiaceae

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    Se continúa la publicación del catálogo florístico de la provincia de Málaga, desde la familia de las Salicaceae a la de las Rafflesiaceae, según el orden de Flora Europaea. Se dan únicamente citas de herbario y bibliográficas, expresadas en cuadrícula UTM

    Relationship between organizational culture and school performance. A study in elementary, middle and high school institutions

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    Purpose: This study aims to analyze the impact of organizational culture, cultural types, and cultural strength on school effectiveness, as the literature has demonstrated that social processes within schools influence academic outcomes. Prior research highlights the significance of culture in school effectiveness. However, this topic has not been extensively explored, necessitating a closer examination of various organizational cultures and the strength of these cultures. Method: These relationships were investigated using the population of schools in the Colombian coffee region. A total of 698 instructors, along with school boards from 25 educational institutions at the primary, middle, and high school levels, were involved. A regression analysis was conducted to test the hypotheses. Results: The findings suggest that organizational culture and cultural strength have a significant influence on school effectiveness, with the levels of cultural strength corresponding to the levels of school effectiveness. However, no evidence was found of differences in impact based on cultural typology. Clan and hierarchical cultures, which have an internal orientation and are the most prevalent in Colombian organizations, exhibited a greater number of positive and significant relationships. Conclusions: School boards should familiarize themselves with the norms, values, and customs prevalent in educational institutions, particularly those that align most closely with their objectives. This can lead to improvements in school effectiveness and, consequently, educational quality

    Radiografía de la televisión en la zona metropolitana de Guadalajara

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    Con el propósito de conocer las características básicas de la oferta de televisión abierta en la zona metropolitana de Guadalajara, en el otoño de 2010, se llevó a cabo un proyecto de investigación sobre la parrilla programática semanal de ocho de los nueve canales de televisión abierta que llega a los hogares tapatíos. Los resultados de ese esfuerzo es lo que se presenta en este trabajo.ITESO, A.C

    Roads of the Caribbean: regional analysis from Environmental Impact Assessments in Colombia

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    The road infrastructure produces several impacts on the environment. In the Colombian Caribbean region, the growing road infrastructure threatens systems equilibrium in diverse and not well-known ways. Despite the several administrative tools available in Colombian legislation to manage every project impact, the big picture of the interconnected regional ecosystems falls out of scope. To study the large-scale problems in landscape, we analyzed eight Environmental Impact Studies of road construction projects in the region. We did a scientific and institutional literature review to shed light on the possible unseen problems and future challenges. Results suggest that Environmental Impact Assessments for each project focus on construction processes, ignore accumulative and residual effects, and use typified measures to cover a broad set of impacts. We offer recommendations from an integrated analysis perspective for future projects to understand landscape and water systems alteration at the regional scale

    Mitofusin 2 in macrophages links mitochondrial ROS production, cytokine release, phagocytosis, autophagy, and bactericidal activity

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    Mitofusin 2 (Mfn2) plays a major role in mitochondrial fusion and in the maintenance of mitochondria-endoplasmic reticulum contact sites. Given that macrophages play a major role in inflammation, we studied the contribution of Mfn2 to the activity of these cells. Pro-inflammatory stimuli such as lipopolysaccharide (LPS) induced Mfn2 expression. The use of the Mfn2 and Mfn1 myeloid-conditional knockout (KO) mouse models reveals that Mfn2 but not Mfn1 is required for the adaptation of mitochondrial respiration to stress conditions and for the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) upon pro-inflammatory activation. Mfn2 deficiency specifically impairs the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines and nitric oxide. In addition, the lack of Mfn2 but not Mfn1 is associated with dysfunctional autophagy, apoptosis, phagocytosis, and antigen processing. Mfn2floxed;CreLysM mice fail to be protected from Listeria, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, or LPS endotoxemia. These results reveal an unexpected contribution of Mfn2 to ROS production and inflammation in macrophages

    An estimate of the prevalence of COPD in Colombia based on the diagnoses reported in the Individual Registry of Health Services Delivery (RIPS)

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    OBJETIVO: estimar la prevalencia de la enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica (EPOC) en Colombia y analizar las atenciones y el uso de la espirometría en el período 2010-2015, con base en la información reportada en el Registro Individual de Prestaciones de Servicios de Salud (RIPS). MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: En el reporte de RIPS se realizó una búsqueda de la CIE-10 (clasificación internacional de enfermedades, 10.ª edición) relacionada con el diagnóstico de EPOC y a partir de estos datos se estimó la prevalencia de la enfermedad y se ajustó por edad, subregistro, subdiagnóstico y diagnóstico erróneo. Adicionalmente, se analizó la frecuencia de consultas de urgencias y hospitalización y el uso de espirometría en los pacientes con EPOC. RESULTADOS: entre 2010 y 2015 se atendieron en Colombia a 752 020 personas con diagnóstico de EPOC, de las cuales solo 370 278 tuvieron un diagnóstico confirmado. La prevalencia ajustada por edad, subregistro, subdiagnóstico y mal diagnóstico fue de 5,13 %. Al analizar el número de atenciones, en promedio, cada paciente fue atendido 6 veces por año. De acuerdo con la distribución geográfica, los departamentos con mayor prevalencia según la residencia del paciente fueron Risaralda, Bogotá, Boyacá, Quindío, Caldas y Antioquia. CONCLUSIONES: la prevalencia estimada de EPOC obtenida a partir de RIPS y ajustada por subregistro, subdiagnóstico y mal diagnóstico es similar a la reportada en otros estudios que evalúan la enfermedad por criterios médicos, clínicos y epidemiológicos. Antes del ajuste, la prevalencia es significativamente inferior a la reportada por criterios espirométricos, lo cual se relaciona sustancialmente con la subutilización de la espirometría en el proceso diagnóstico.AIM: To estimate the prevalence of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) in Colombia, and to analyze care and use of spirometry in the period 2010-2015, based on registry data obtained from the Individual Registry of Health Services Delivery (RIPS). MATERIALS AND METHODS: In the RIPS report, ICD-10 (International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, 10th edition) was searched for a diagnosis of COPD in patients over 40 years of age; from these data, the prevalence of disease was estimated and adjusted for age, underreporting, underdiagnosis and misdiagnosis. Additionally, we analyzed the frequency of emergency and hospitalization visits and the use of spirometry in patients with COPD. RESULTS: During the period 2010 to 2015, 752,020 people with COPD were evaluated in Colombia, 370,278 of which had a confirmed diagnosis. The prevalence adjusted for age, underreporting, underdiagnosis and misdiagnosis was 5.13%. When analyzing the number of contacts with the system, on average, each patient was attended 6 times per year. According to the geographical distribution, the departments with the highest prevalence in relation to the patient’s residence were Risaralda, Bogotá, Boyacá, Quindío, Caldas and Antioquia. CONCLUSIONS: The estimated prevalence of COPD obtained from RIPS and adjusted by underreporting, underdiagnosis and misdiagnosis is similar to that reported in other studies evaluating the disease by medical, clinical or epidemiological criteria. Before adjusting, the prevalence is significantly lower than that reported using functional criteria, which is strongly related to the underutilization of spirometry in the diagnostic process.https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0960-9480Revista Nacional - Indexad

    Glutaminase and MMP-9 downregulation in cortex and hippocampus of LPA1 receptor null mice correlate with altered dendritic spine plasticity

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    Lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) is an extracellular lipid mediator that regulates nervous system development and functions acting through G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs). Here we explore the crosstalk between LPA1 receptor and glutamatergic transmission by examining expression of glutaminase (GA) isoforms in different brain areas isolated from wild-type (WT) and KOLPA1 mice. Silencing of LPA1 receptor induced a severe down-regulation of Gls-encoded long glutaminase protein variant (KGA) (glutaminase gene encoding the kidney-type isoforms, GLS) protein expression in several brain regions, particularly in brain cortex and hippocampus. Immunohistochemical assessment of protein levels for the second type of glutaminase (GA) isoform, glutaminase gene encoding the liver-type isoforms (GLS2), did not detect substantial differences with regard to WT animals. The regional mRNA levels of GLS were determined by real time RT-PCR and did not show significant variations, except for prefrontal and motor cortex values which clearly diminished in KO mice. Total GA activity was also significantly reduced in prefrontal and motor cortex, but remained essentially unchanged in the hippocampus and rest of brain regions examined, suggesting activation of genetic compensatory mechanisms and/or post-translational modifications to compensate for KGA protein deficit. Remarkably, Golgi staining of hippocampal regions showed an altered morphology of glutamatergic pyramidal cells dendritic spines towards a less mature filopodia-like phenotype, as compared with WT littermates. This structural change correlated with a strong decrease of active matrix-metalloproteinase (MMP) 9 in cerebral cortex and hippocampus of KOLPA1 mice. Taken together, these results demonstrate that LPA signaling through LPA1 influence expression of the main isoenzyme of glutamate biosynthesis with strong repercussions on dendritic spines maturation, which may partially explain the cognitive and learning defects previously reported for this colony of KOLPA1 mice