906 research outputs found

    The double nature of oil in Colombia: a positive economic future based on its dependency

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    El objetivo de este trabajo de investigación busca comprobar la importancia que representa la industria del petróleo para la economía de Colombia. Para ello, se elabora la siguiente pregunta problema: si bien el petróleo es considerado como una locomotora de la economía de Colombia ¿existen actualmente escenarios favorables o desfavorables para la continuación del desarrollo de la industria petrolera nacional? Esta pregunta de investigación se responde a través del análisis de la industria de hidrocarburos y su evolución técnica, económica y legal durante los siglos XX y XXI. Así mismo, demostrando la participación del petróleo en la economía del país y su fomento al crecimiento de ésta. Por otra parte, se pretende estudiar los desafíos y aspectos negativos que enfrenta el crudo en esferas ambientales, económicas y sociales. Por consiguiente, se ilustrarán los retos que tiene el país para continuar por una senda económica adecuada pese a la dependencia que se genera del petróleo. El desarrollo del trabajo inicia con la definición de objetivos generales y específicos, la justificación del porqué del trabajo, el marco teórico de referencia, la hipótesis central, la metodología de investigación, el trabajo de campo, análisis de resultados y conclusiones. Finalmente, las conclusiones del estudio arrojan que Colombia tiene una alta dependencia macroeconómica del petróleo y que puede poner en riesgo el crecimiento económico del país por la alta vulnerabilidad del sector hidrocarburos a movimientos geopolíticos y económicos a nivel internacional. Sin embargo, el sector ha logrado impulsar y diversificar el aparato productivo colombiano con desarrollo social y de infraestructura. No obstante, las problemáticas ambientales, sociales y de seguridad pueden minar su bonanza.The main objective of this investigation paper is to prove the importance the oil industry represents to the Colombian economy. In order to do so, the following investigation question has been elaborated: although the oil is considered as one of the powerhouses of the Colombia economy, currently are there favorable or unfavorable scenarios for the continuous development of the local oil industry? This investigation question is answered through a detailed analysis of the local oil industry and its technical, economic and legal evolution throughout the XX and XXI centuries. Therefore, by demonstrating the oil participation within the Colombian economy and its efforts to allow the economic growth. Also, challenges and negative outcomes the oil industry faces in the environmental, economic and social spheres will be studied. Finally, some of the most important tasks Colombia must defy in order to continue in the prosperous in spite of the oil dependence, will be shown. The development of this paper begins with the definition of the general and specific objectives, justification on why this paper was written, the reference framework, the main hypothesis, the investigation methodology, fieldwork, result analysis and final conclusions. In the end, the study concludes that Colombia has a high dependence in macroeconomic terms with the oil industry that might jeopardize the country´s economic growth due the great vulnerability the hydrocarbons sector shows to geopolitical and economic movements in the global stake. However, the oil industry has managed to boost and diversify the Colombian productivity levels with social and infrastructure development. Still, the current problems in the environmental, social and security areas can undermine its bonanza.Magíster en Negocios InternacionalesMaestrí

    Centro de Cultura Urbana: Propuestas en la Antigua Azucarera Santa Victoria, Valladolid

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    Producción CientíficaDurante el curso 2022-2023, en la asignatura de Proyectos VI, se desarrollaron un conjunto de proyectos, que tenían como objetivo la intervención en la Antigua Azucarera Santa Victoria de Valladolid, caracterizado por una gran multiplicidad de factores. El programa que se planteaba trataba de responder a necesidades específicas del entorno industrial en desuso, a través de la creación de un Centro de Cultura Urbana. Se trataba de reflexionar sobre una temática de actualidad, con proyectos que no solo resolvieran un edificio singular, sino que fuesen capaces de articular un programa complejo dentro de un contexto urbano.During the 2022-2023 academic year, in the Projects VI course, a set of projects were developed, which aimed to intervene in the Antigua Azucarera Santa Victoria of Valladolid, characterised by a great multiplicity of factors. The proposed programme aimed to respond to the specific needs of the disused industrial environment through the creation of an Urban Culture Centre. The aim was to reflect on a topical theme, with projects that not only resolved a singular building, but were capable of articulating a complex programme within an urban context.Departamento de Teoría de la Arquitectura y Proyectos Arquitectónico

    Evaluación de la información nutricional en pacientes reumáticos

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    Las enfermedades reumáticas en España presentan alta prevalencia. Afectan a 1 de cada 4 personas mayores de 20 años. Se ha visto que hay componentes en la dieta que pueden favorecer en la sintomatología de la enfermedad, como la inflamación. Estos componentes son los lípidos, gracias al omega 3 y omega 6, los antioxidantes y el microbiota. También diferentes patrones alimentarios como la dieta mediterránea y vegetariana, tienen efectos beneficiosos en la sintomatología. Por otro lado, el azúcar y la sal pueden afectar de manera negativa. Teniendo esto en cuenta, el profesional debe guiar al paciente tanto desde el punto de vista ético como legal durante el proceso de la enfermedad. Evaluar al paciente es una pieza clave para saber si ha adquirido los conocimientos pautados por el profesional acerca de la nutrición en la enfermedad. En el presente trabajo se busca evaluar , mediante un estudio observacional descriptivo, el grado de conocimiento en información nutricional que tienen los pacientes reumáticos en un programa de rehabilitación.Conocer la información con evidencia científica entre alimentación e inflamación, las fuentes de información, las caracteristicas demográficas existentes entre los pacientes,etc, lo que me permitirá plantear, en un futuro un taller adaptado a las necesidades y dudas en función de las respuestas obtenidas.<br /

    Pressure-induced phase transition and band gap decrease in semiconducting β-Cu2V2O7

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    The understanding of the interplay between crystal structure and electronic structure in semiconductor materials is of great importance due to their potential technological applications. Pressure is an ideal external control parameter to tune the crystal structures of semiconductor materials in order to investigate their emergent piezo-electrical and optical properties. Accordingly, we investigate here the high-pressure behavior of the semiconducting antiferromagnetic material β-Cu2V2O7, finding it undergoes a pressure-induced phase transition to γ-Cu2V2O7 below 4000 atm. The pressure-induced structural and electronic evolutions are investigated by single-crystal X-ray diffraction, absorption spectroscopy and ab initio density functional theory calculations. β-Cu2V2O7 has previously been suggested as a promising photocatalyst for water splitting. Now, these new results suggest that β-Cu2V2O7 could also be of interest with regards to barocaloric effects, due to the low phase -transition pressure, in particular because it is a multiferroic material. Moreover, the phase transition involves an electronic band gap decrease of approximately 0.2 eV (from 1.93 to 1.75 eV) and a large structural volume collapse of approximately 7%.The authors acknowledge financial support from the Spanish Research Agency (AEI) and Spanish Ministry of Science and Investigation (MCIN) under projects PID2019106383GBC41/ C43/C44 (DOI: 10.13039/501100011033), and projects PGC2018-101464−B-I00 and PGC2018-097520-A-I00 (cofinanced by EU FEDER funds). The authors acknowledge financial support from the MALTA Consolider Team network, under project RED2018-102612-T. R.T. acknowledges funding from the Spanish Ministry of economy and competitiveness (MINECO) via the Juan de la Cierva Formación program (FJC2018-036185-I). J.G.P. thanks the Servicios Generales de Apoyo a la Investigación (SEGAI) at the University of La Laguna. A.L. and D.E. would like to thank the Generalitat Valenciana for the Ph.D. fellowship GRISOLIAP/2019/025, and the authors would also like to thank them for funding under the Grant Prometeo/2018/123 (EFIMAT). The authors also thank ALBA synchrotron light source for funded experiment under proposal numbers 2020074389 and 2020074398 at the MSPD-BL04 beamline

    Los planos de estructura de la Villa Savoye

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    The purpose of this article is the elaboration and analysis of a 3D model and detailed ground plans of the structure of the Villa Savoye, something does not tackle monographically yet. The article is based on in situ surveys and original documents from the Le Corbusier Foundation, such as building contractor plans, contradictory prices, construction photos and amateur filming. This set of sources makes this work a privileged case to learn how the reinforced concrete was used at the same time of its generalization. The structural ambiguity of Le Corbusier is verified, who places «the expression of the plastic forms» above the logical calculation or the simple manifestation of the supporting skeleton. He manipulates the Perret’s classist architrave system. When the lowered beams and pillars are moved back, the scheme is not seen as a «cage», but as a table supported by «trestles», or as shelves «poked» on thin legs.Este artículo propone la elaboración y análisis de un modelo 3D y unas plantas detalladas de la estructura de la&nbsp;Villa Savoye, algo hasta ahora no abordado monográficamente. Se basa en mediciones in situ y documentos originales de la Fundación Le Corbusier, como planos del contratista,&nbsp;precios contradictorios, fotos de la construcción y unas filmaciones amateurs. Un conjunto de fuentes así, hace de esta obra un caso privilegiado para conocer cómo se empleaba el hormigón armado en aquella época de su generalización. Se comprueba la ambigüedad estructural de Le Corbusier, que pone «la expresión de las formas plásticas», por encima del cálculo racional o la mera manifestación del esqueleto portante. Para ello manipula el sistema arquitrabado clasicista de Perret. Al retranquear las vigas descolgadas y los pilares, el esquema no se aprecia como una «jaula», sino como una tabla apoyada en «caballetes», o unas baldas «pinchadas» en finas patas

    A laser spectroscopy system with combined absorption, polarization rotation and fluorescence detection to study two photon transitions in atomic rubidium

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    AbstractThe design and construction of an experimental system for studying two photon spectroscopy processes in atomic rubidium is presented. It is designed to measure absorption and polarization rotation induced by any of the two laser beams and also the visible fluorescence that results from decay of the excited states. Two home-built diode lasers are used to produce the optical fields that later interact with room temperature rubidium atoms. Using counterpropagating beams allows velocity selection of the groups of atoms that interact with both laser beams. The system was tested in the 5 S→5 P3/2→5 Dj ladder energy level configuration of atomic rubidium. Blue fluorescence (420nm) that results from decay of the intermediate 6Pj states is filtered and then measured with a photomultiplier tube. Absorption and fluorescence spectra provide mutually complementary information about the interaction between the rubidium atoms and the two optical fields

    Art installations: spacial and scenographic analysis

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    Producción CientíficaEste libro colectivo se propone profundizar, desde lo arquitectónico, en el estudio de las abundantes categorías espaciales presentes en las instalaciones artísticas, un formato híbrido de carácter audiovisual, narrativo y escenográfico, constituido por el autor, el objeto y el observador, en relación con su ámbito expositivo. Se enmarca en el Proyecto I+D “Análisis planimétrico, espacial y fotográfico de instalaciones audiovisuales pioneras en la Península Ibérica desde 1975”, dirigido por ESPACIAR, Grupo de Investigación Reconocido de la Universidad de Valladolid [https://www.espaciar.net/]. La publicación ha contado con un elenco internacional de académicos, comisarios y artistas, pertenecientes a distintas universidades e instituciones. Algunas líneas temáticas exploradas en los distintos capítulos han sido: el poder relacional del vacío, el valor espacial de sombras, proyecciones y superposiciones, el espacio narrativo y fenomenológico, las arquitecturas efímeras, lo escenográfico, o la profundidad de la pantalla.This collective book aims to deepen, from the architectural point of view, into the study of the numerous spatial categories present in art installations, a hybrid format of an audiovisual, narrative and scenographic nature, constituted by the author, the object and the observer, in relation to its exhibition area. It is framed in Project R&D “Planimetric, spatial and photographic analysis of pioneering audiovisual installations in the Iberian Peninsula since 1975”, directed by ESPACIAR, Recognized Research Group of the University of Valladolid [https://www.espaciar.net/]. The publication has had an international cast of academics, curators and artists, belonging to different universities and institutions. Some thematic lines explored in the different chapters have been: the relational power of the void, the spatial value of shadows, projections and superpositions, the narrative and phenomenological space, the ephemeral architectures, the scenographic act, or the depth of the screen.Teoría de la Arquitectura y Proyectos ArquitectónicosColaboran: Universidad de Valladolid, Università IUAV di Venezia, Università degli Studi di Udine, Sapienza Università di Roma, Universidade da Beira Interior, Universidad de Zaragoza, Universidad de Salamanca, Universidad CEU, Universidad de Alcalá, Universidad de Cuenca (Ecuador), Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, ESI de Valladolid, Fondazione Querini Stampalia di Venezia, V-A-C Foundation in Venice, Real Academia de España en Roma, Museo Patio Herreriano de Valladolid, Noche de los Museos | Editores: Fernando Zaparaín Hernández, Jorge Ramos Jular, Renato Bocchi | Coordinación editorial, diseño y maqueta: Pablo Llamazares Blanco, Daniel Barba RodríguezEsta publicación es parte del proyecto de I+D+i ref. PGC2018-095359-B-I00, financiado por MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033

    Association between anterior talofibular ligament injury and ankle tendon, ligament, and joint conditions revealed by magnetic resonance imaging

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    [Abstract] Background: The lateral ankle ligament complex is the most frequently injured ligament secondary to strong ankle inversion movement during lateral ankle sprains (LAS). Among these injuries, anterior talofibular ligament (ATFL) injury is the most frequent condition (present in 66-85% of such injuries). The purpose of this research was to use magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to determine the association between ankle tendon, ligament, and joint conditions and ATFL injuries. Methods: A case-control MRI study was carried out to compare the presence of ankle muscle, tendon, ligament, and joint conditions in patients with injured ATFLs (case group; n=25) and non-injured ATFLs (control group; n=25). Results: Achilles tendinopathy was present in 1/25 (4%) patients with injured ATFLs and 7/25 (28%) non-injured ATFL subjects (P=0.048). Injured calcaneofibular ligaments (CFLs) were present in 19/25 (76%) patients with injured ATFLs and 1/25 (4%) non-injured ATFL subjects (P<0.001). Finally, injured tibiotalar joints were present in 16/25 (64%) patients with injured ATFLs and 5/25 (20%) non-injured ATFL subjects (P=0.002). Other musculoskeletal structure injuries occurred at similar rates between patients with injured ATFLs and those with non-injured ATLFs (P≥0.05). Conclusions: Patients with ATFL injuries showed a greater presence of CFL and tibiotalar joint injuries than subjects with non-injured ATFLs

    Stevensite-based geofilter for the retention of tetracycline from water

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    The antibiotic tetracycline, is considered a contaminant of emerging concern due to its presence in wastewater effluents, surface waters and groundwaters. Adsorption of tetracycline on soils and clays has been extensively studied to remove the contaminant from the water. A decreasing adsorption as the pH increases is normally reported in the pH range 3–9. However, adsorption isotherms performed on a commercial stevensite presented increasing adsorption with the increasing pH, in the pH range 2–8. This is very interesting since the pH in natural and wasterwaters are normally in the range 6–8. A laboratory design of a geofilter using a mixture of sand and stevensite was tested against an inflow solution of tetracycline 1 g/L, NaNO3 0.1 M and pH = 7 in an advective transport cell experiment. The number of tetracycline molecules exceed by >3 times the number exchangeable positions in the stevensite geofilter. Under these conditions, the TC adsorption on the geofilter reaches 590 mg/g, surpassing the retention capacity of most adsorbents found in literature. Besides, the tetracycline is completely desorbed by the inflow of a saline solution (Mg(NO3)2 0.5 M, at pH = 2) with capacity to replace the exchangeable positions, thus, recovering the geofilter and the tetracyclineThis work has been financially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness through the AGL2016-78490-R projec