974 research outputs found

    Hacia una nueva conceptualización del control parental desde la teoría de la autodeterminación

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    Resumen tomado de la publicaciónTítulo, palabras clave y resumen también en inglés y francésLas investigaciones desarrolladas sobre los estilos educativos parentales, específicamente, aquellas en las que se aborda el estudio del «control parental», se han realizado sobre múltiples conceptualizaciones de este término. Esta disparidad en la acepción del concepto ha tenido un efecto directo sobre los resultados de las investigaciones, de modo que la evidencia empírica sobre los efectos del control parental en menores ha sido frecuentemente inconsistente o equivocada. En este contexto, el artículo analiza los principales problemas epistemológicos y metodológicos producidos por el uso ambiguo del término. Además, y desde el marco que proporciona la teoría de la autodeterminación, se propone una nueva definición del constructo y se explicitan sus relaciones con otras dimensiones educativas parentales. Específicamente, se proponen dos dimensiones que son complementarias: apoyo a la autonomía versus control y estructura parental. Esta propuesta permite superar los problemas mencionados y abrir un nuevo campo en el estudio de la parentalidad.ES

    Toward a new conceptualization of parental control from the self-determination theory

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    Research developed on parental educational styles, specifically research that has studied the «parental control» dimension, has been carried out on a variety of conceptualizations of this concept. This heterogeneity in the use of the concept has had a direct effect on results of the research. So, empirical evidence on the effects of parental control on children has been often inconsistent or misleading. In this context, the article analyzes the main epistemological and methodological problems produced by the ambiguous use of this construct. Besides, and from the framework provided by the self-determination theory, we propose a new definition of the construct and we explain its relationships with other parental educational dimensions. Specifically, two complementary dimensions are proposed: autonomy support versus control and structure. This proposal allows to avoid the mentioned problems and to open a new field in the study of parenthood

    Specific binding  of Bacillus thuringiensis Cry2A insecticidal proteins to a common site in the midgut of Helicoverpa species

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    For a long time, it has been assumed that the mode of action of Cry2A toxins was unique and different from that of other three-domain Cry toxins due to their apparent nonspecific and unsaturable binding to an unlimited number of receptors. However, based on the homology of the tertiary structure among three-domain Cry toxins, similar modes of action for all of them are expected. To confirm this hypothesis, binding assays were carried out with 125 I-labeled Cry2Ab. Saturation assays showed that Cry2Ab binds in a specific and saturable manner to brush border membrane vesicles (BBMVs) of Helicoverpa armigera. Homologous-competition assays with 125 I-Cry2Ab demonstrated that this toxin binds with high affinity to binding sites in H. armigera and Helicoverpa zea midgut. Heterologous-competition assays showed a common binding site for three toxins belonging to the Cry2A family (Cry2Aa, Cry2Ab, and Cry2Ae), which is not shared by Cry1Ac. Estimation of Kd (dissociation constant) values revealed that Cry2Ab had around 35-fold less affinity than Cry1Ac for BBMV binding sites in both insect species. Only minor differences were found regarding Rt (concentration of binding sites) values. This study questions previous interpretations from other authors performing binding assays with Cry2A toxins and establishes the basis for the mode of action of Cry2A toxins

    Género y preferencias profesionales en universitarios de estudios Científico- Tecnológicos

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    ABSTRACTThe current article explores gender influence on Higher Education students‘ academic preferences. For this purpose, we present the results of an investigation in which self-efficacy beliefs and professional preferences are analysed. The main objective of this paper is to study the already mentioned professional preferences and to focus on some of the reasons which make these students choose certain activities. We are also interested in determining whether gender or the concrete studies determine predilections. The sample was formed by 813 students in the second course of different Engineering and Science studies at the University of Oviedo. All of them have anonymously answered a questionnaire which had been previously elaborated by the research group. All the answers have been analysed with SPSS. The results make us able to conclude that there are important differences between these two main groups of students. It also shows that the most evident gender divergences are found in computing. In spite of these results, the investigation verifies that there has been an important evolution in the feminine presence in studies which had traditionally been considered as masculine. To sum up, all these data give us important clues for the diagnosis and about the different counselling processes needed by women and men.RESUMEN El presente artículo aborda la cuestión del género y su influencia en las elecciones académicas que realizan los estudiantes universitarios. Para ello se presentan los resultados de una investigación en la que se analizan las creencias de autoeficacia de estos alumnos así como sus metas profesionales de futuro. Más concretamente, el principal objetivo de este trabajo es estudiar cuáles son sus preferencias profesionales, algunas de las razones que les inclinan hacia estas actividades y no otras y, si cuestiones como el género o el tipo de estudios, determinan de algún modo esta predilección. La muestra está compuesta por 813 estudiantes en el segundo curso de diferentes Grados de Ingeniería y de estudios de Ciencias de la Universidad de Oviedo, que han respondido de manera anónima a un cuestionario elaborado por el equipo de investigación. Los datos obtenidos han sido analizados mediante el programa estadístico SPSS.  Los resultados nos permiten concluir que existen importantes diferencias entre estos dos grandes grupos de estudiantes y, por otro lado, que las mayores divergencias entre hombres y mujeres se concentran en cuestiones relacionadas con la informática. Sin embargo, la investigación también constata que ha tenido lugar una evolución importante en cuanto a la presencia de mujeres en estudios que tradicionalmente han sido considerados como masculinos. Todos estos datos resultan de gran interés como diagnóstico de la situación de partida y  nos proporcionan pistas acerca de cómo debería orientarse de manera diferencial a chicos y chicas ante estas decisiones.ABSTRACT The current article explores gender influence on Higher Education students‘ academic preferences. For this purpose, we present the results of an investigation in which self-efficacy beliefs and professional preferences are analysed. The main objective of this paper is to study the already mentioned professional preferences and to focus on some of the reasons which make these students choose certain activities. We are also interested in determining whether gender or the concrete studies determine predilections. The sample was formed by 813 students in the second course of different Engineering and Science studies at the University of Oviedo. All of them have anonymously answered a questionnaire which had been previously elaborated by the research group. All the answers have been analysed with SPSS. The results make us able to conclude that there are important differences between these two main groups of students. It also shows that the most evident gender divergences are found in computing. In spite of these results, the investigation verifies that there has been an important evolution in the feminine presence in studies which had traditionally been considered as masculine. To sum up, all these data give us important clues for the diagnosis and about the different counselling processes needed by women and men

    Canting of the occlusal plane: perceptions of dental professionals and laypersons

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    Objectives: To determine if canting of the occlusal plane influences esthetic evaluation of the smile among orthodontists, dentists and laypersons. Study Design: A frontal photo of a smile with 0º occlusal plane canting in relation to the bipupillary plane was modified using Adobe Photoshop C3 (Adobe Systems Inc, San José, California) to generate two images with occlusal plane inclinations of 2º and 4º. The three images were evaluated esthetically by orthodontists (n=40) general dentists (n=40) and laypersons (n=40). Each image was awarded a score as follows: 1=esthetically acceptable; 2=moderately acceptable; 3=esthetically unacceptable. Evaluators also placed the three images in order in preference. Data were analyzed using the Kruskal-Wallis (p<0.05) and the Mann-Whitney tests, applying the Bonferroni Correction (p<0.016). Results: No significant differences (p> 0.05) were found between the three groups for 0º and 2º cants (median for orthodontists=1; general dentists=1; laypersons=1). Orthodontists (median score=3) made evaluations of the image with 4º occlusal plane that were significantly different from general dentists (median=2) and laypersons (median=2). All three groups put the 0º image in first place in order of esthetic acceptability, the 2º image in second place and the 4º image in third place. Orthodontists placed the 0º image in first place with significantly greater frequency (p<0.016) than laypersons. Conclusions: Occlusal plane canting of 0º and 2º were evaluated as esthetically acceptable by the three groups. The 4º occlusal plane cant was evaluated more negatively by orthodontists than by general dentists and laypersons. All three groups placed the 0º image in first place of esthetic acceptability, 2º in second place and 4º in third. Orthodontists put the 0º image in first place with significantly greater frequency than laypersons

    Performance of surface and subsurface flow constructed wetlands treating eutrophic waters

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    [EN] Three medium size constructed wetlands (CWs) with a total surface of 90 ha are working since 2009 in the Albufera de Valencia Natural Park (Spain). Two of them are fed with eutrophic waters from l'Albufera Lake. Their objectives are both reduce the phytoplankton biomass and increase the biodiversity; consequently, improved water quality is returned to the lake. A "science based governance" of these CWs is ongoing inside the LIFE + 12 Albufera Project to demonstrate the environmental benefits of these features. In this paper, results and relationships among hydraulic operation, physicochemical variables and plankton in two different CWs typologies, five free water surface CW (FWSCW) and one horizontal subsurface flow CW(HSSFCW), were analysed showing that CWs were capable of improving the water quality and biodiversity but showing clear differences depending on the CW type. The CWs worked under different hydraulic load rates (HLR) from <0.12 to 54.75 m yr(-1). Inflow water quality was typical from eutrophic waters with mean values of chlorophyll a (Chl a) about 22-90 mu g Chl a l(-1) and mean total phosphorus (TP) between 0.122 and 0.337 mg l(-1). The main conclusion is that HSSFCW was much more efficient than FWSCW in the removal of organic matter, suspended solids and nutrients. The biological role of several shallow lagoons located at the end of the CWs has also been evaluated, showing that they contribute to increase the zooplankton biomass, a key factor to control the phytoplankton blooms.The authors would like to acknowledge the financial support of LIFE program of CE, Confederacion Hidrografica del Jucar, Aguas de las Cuencas Mediterraneas and the Spanish Fundacion Biodiversidad (Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment) to the project LIFE12/ENV/ES/000685 ALBUFERA.Hernández Crespo, C.; Gargallo Bellés, S.; Benedito Durá, V.; Nacher Rodriguez, B.; Rodrigo-Alacreu, MA.; Martín Monerris, M. (2017). Performance of surface and subsurface flow constructed wetlands treating eutrophic waters. The Science of The Total Environment. 595:584-593. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.03.278S58459359

    recommending web pages using item based collaborative filtering approaches

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    Predicting the next page a user wants to see in a large website has gained importance along the last decade due to the fact that the Web has become the main communication media between a wide set of entities and users. This is true in particular for institutional government and public organization websites, where for transparency reasons a lot of information has to be provided. The "long tail" phenomenon affects also this kind of websites and users need support for improving the effectiveness of their navigation. For this reason, complex models and approaches for recommending web pages that usually require to process personal user preferences have been proposed. In this paper, we propose three different approaches to leverage information embedded in the structure of web sites and their logs to improve the effectiveness of web page recommendation by considering the context of the users, i.e., their current sessions when surfing a specific web site. This proposal does not require either information about the personal preferences of the users to be stored and processed or complex structures to be created and maintained. So, it can be easily incorporated to current large websites to facilitate the users' navigation experience. Experiments using a real-world website are described and analyzed to show the performance of the three approaches

    Dysregulation of the endocannabinoid signaling system in the cerebellum and brainstem in a transgenic mouse model of spinocerebellar ataxia type-3.

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    Spinocerebellar ataxia type-3 (SCA-3) is a rare disease but it is the most frequent type within the autosomal dominant inherited ataxias. The disease lacks an effective treatment to alleviate major symptoms and to modify disease progression. Our recent findings that endocannabinoid receptors and enzymes are significantly altered in the post-mortem cerebellum of patients affected by autosomal-dominant hereditary ataxias suggest that targeting the endocannabinoid signaling system may be a promising therapeutic option. Our goal was to investigate the status of the endocannabinoid signaling system in a transgenic mouse model of SCA-3, in the two CNS structures most affected in this disease cerebellum and brainstem. These animals exhibited progressive motor incoordination, imbalance, abnormal gait, muscle weakness, and dystonia, in parallel to reduced in vivo brain glucose metabolism, deterioration of specific neuron subsets located in the dentate nucleus and pontine nuclei, small changes in microglial morphology, and reduction in glial glutamate transporters. Concerning the endocannabinoid signaling, our data indicated no changes in CB2 receptors. By contrast, CB1 receptors increased in the Purkinje cell layer, in particular in terminals of basket cells, but they were reduced in the dentate nucleus. We also measured the levels of endocannabinoid lipids and found reductions in anandamide and oleoylethanolamide in the brainstem. These changes correlated with an increase in the FAAH enzyme in the brainstem, which also occurred in some cerebellar areas, whereas other endocannabinoid-related enzymes were not altered. Collectively, our results in SCA-3 mutant mice confirm a possible dysregulation in the endocannabinoid system in the most important brain structures affected in this type of ataxia, suggesting that a pharmacological manipulation addressed to correct these changes could be a promising option in SCA-3.This study has been supported by MICINN (SAF2009-11847 and SAF2015-68580-C2-1-R), CIBERNED (CB06/05/0089), "Fundacion Eugenio Rodriguez Pascual" and the Research and Education Component of the Advancing a Healthier Wisconsin Endowment at the Medical College of Wisconsin. Carmen Rodriguez-Cueto was a predoctoral fellow supported by FPI Program-Ministry of Science. Authors are indebted to Yolanda Garcia-Movellan for administrative support

    Desigualdad de oportunidades y movilidad intergeneracional en Canarias. Resumen ejecutivo

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    El presente documento constituye un resumen ejecutivo del Informe Desigualdad de oportunidades y movilidad intergeneracional en Canarias, elaborado por el equipo de investigadores del CEDESOG encabezado por Gustavo Alberto Marrero Díaz, en el marco del proyecto de investigación “Desigualdad de Oportunidades en Canarias: Incidencia de la inclusión laboral, la educación y la salud” (referencia CSOCTRA07)A pesar de la mejoría en los indicadores macroeconómicos que Canarias experimenta desde 2014, los datos muestran que la recuperación aún no ha llegado a una gran parte de la población. Con importantes índices de concentración en la renta, además de un preocupante 44,6% de la población en riesgo de la pobreza o exclusión social (indicador AROPE), Canarias está entre las regiones españolas (y europeas) más desiguales. Luchar contra la desigualdad de oportunidades, originada por las diferencias en las circunstancias, es uno de los mayores retos que los países deben afrontar en los próximos años. Reducir la desigualdad de oportunidades es necesario para construir sociedades más justas y economías más eficientes, en donde los ciudadanos/as tengan incentivos a participar y aprovechar plenamente sus conocimientos y capacidades. Reducir la inmovilidad intergeneracional (la dependencia entre los logros del individuo y los de sus padres) es clave para combatir la desigualdad de oportunidades. El informe Desigualdad de oportunidades y movilidad intergeneracional en Canarias, realizado por el Centro de Estudios de Desigualdad Social y Gobernanza de la Universidad de La Laguna (CEDESOG) analiza la influencia, las interrelaciones y los canales de transmisión tanto de la desigualdad de oportunidades como de la inmovilidad intergeneracional en las islas, teniendo en cuenta variables como la educación, el estado de salud, la ocupación o la renta.Fundación Cajacanaria

    Desigualdad de oportunidades y movilidad intergeneracional en Canarias. Un informe del Centro de Estudios de Desigualdad Social y Gobernanza (CEDESOG) de la Universidad de La Laguna

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    A pesar de la mejoría en los indicadores macroeconómicos que Canarias experimenta desde 2014, los datos muestran que la recuperación aún no ha llegado a una gran parte de la población. Con importantes índices de concentración en la renta, además de un preocupante 44,6% de la población en riesgo de la pobreza o exclusión social (indicador AROPE), Canarias está entre las regiones españolas (y europeas) más desiguales. Luchar contra la desigualdad de oportunidades, originada por las diferencias en las circunstancias, es uno de los mayores retos que los países deben afrontar en los próximos años. Reducir la desigualdad de oportunidades es necesario para construir sociedades más justas y economías más eficientes, en donde los ciudadanos/as tengan incentivos a participar y aprovechar plenamente sus conocimientos y capacidades. Reducir la inmovilidad intergeneracional (la dependencia entre los logros del individuo y los de sus padres) es clave para combatir la desigualdad de oportunidades. El informe Desigualdad de oportunidades y movilidad intergeneracional en Canarias, realizado por el Centro de Estudios de Desigualdad Social y Gobernanza de la Universidad de La Laguna (CEDESOG) analiza la influencia, las interrelaciones y los canales de transmisión tanto de la desigualdad de oportunidades como de la inmovilidad intergeneracional en las islas, teniendo en cuenta variables como la educación, el estado de salud, la ocupación o la renta.Este informe ha sido elaborado en el marco del proyecto de investigación “Desigualdad de Oportunidades en Canarias: Incidencia de la inclusión laboral, la educación y la salud” (referencia CSOCTRA07), financiado por la Fundación CajaCanarias, dentro de su Programa de Proyectos de Investigación de I+D en Ciencias Sociales. Sin esta financiación y la apuesta por este proyecto no hubiese sido posible la elaboración de este informe, por lo que todo el equipo del proyecto agradece a la Fundación CajaCanarias su ayuda y compromiso social en favor del apoyo a grupos de investigación de las universidades canarias para la ejecución de proyectos competitivos en el ámbito de la sostenibilidad social y que tengan impacto en la regió