942 research outputs found

    Elaboración de manual de operaciones sobre el uso de sistemas de bloqueo en línea de envasado de aceites: caso empresa hidrocarburos

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    55 p.Taking into account that security is one of the primary factors in the companies currently, it decided focus the efforts on improving and train staff of the oil company, to have a clear focus on the importance of a good lock to equipment that can generate some risk when them are activated unexpectedly, in that way the staff will be trained to know the different devices and their respective use, with the goal to performs a lock that will be effective and not to allow that the computer will be manipulated without the consent of the technician who assure it. It has as starting point that the company not have locking systems and technicians perform the operation without realize any blocking and / or signaling, with this reference we start to working for deliver the information as complete as possible, without neglecting the regulations that governing this type of activities. The budget is delivered to the company is based on the latest equipment, which are suitable for realizes the different activities.Teniendo en cuenta que la seguridad es uno de los factores primordiales de las empresas actualmente, se decide enfocar esfuerzos en mejorar y capacitar al personal de la empresa de hidrocarburos para que tengan un enfoque claro sobre la importancia de realizar un buen bloqueo a equipos que generan algún tipo de riesgo al ser activados inesperadamente, de esta forma se capacitara al personal para que conozcan los diferentes dispositivos y su respectivo uso para que el bloqueo que se realice sea efectivo y no permita que el equipo sea manipulado sin el consentimiento del técnico que lo aseguro. Se tiene como punto de partida el que en la empresa no se cuenta con sistemas de bloqueo y los técnicos realizan la operación sin realizar ningún tipo de bloqueo y/o señalización, con esta referencia se empieza a trabajar para entregar la información lo más completa posible, sin dejar de lado la reglamentación que rige este tipo de actividades. El presupuesto que se entrega a la empresa está basado en equipos de última generación, los cuales son los adecuados para realizar las diferentes actividades

    Estrategia y aprovechamiento de materiales sobrantes del proceso de explotación de la mina y de producción de la Ladrillera Framar Ltda, durante la implementación del PMRRA

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    Trabajo de investigaciónDiseñar una estrategia de aprovechamiento de los materiales sobrantes derivados de explotación de arcilla en la mina de la Ladrillera Framar Ltda., articulada dentro del (PMRRA) de la empresa. Se realizó el diseño de una estrategia de aprovechamiento de los materiales sobrantes y productos no aprovechables derivados del proceso de explotación de arcilla. La implementación de una estrategia de aprovechamiento de residuos estériles, representa una opción de crecimiento corporativo para la compañía, debido a que se optimizan procesos y se hace uso y aprovechamiento de residuos, convirtiéndolos en insumos y generando beneficios para Framar.1 GENERALIDADES DEL TRABAJO DE GRADO 2 MARCOS DE REFERENCIA 3 METODOLOGÍA 4 RESULTADOS Y DISCUSIÓN 5 CONCLUSIONES Y RECOMENDACIONES 6 BIBLIOGRAFÍA 7 ANEXOSEspecializaciónEspecialista en Gerencia de Obras Civile

    Simultaneous Minimization of Energy Losses and Greenhouse Gas Emissions in AC Distribution Networks Using BESS

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    The problem of the optimal operation of battery energy storage systems (BESSs) in AC grids is addressed in this paper from the point of view of multi-objective optimization. A nonlinear programming (NLP) model is presented to minimize the total emissions of contaminant gasses to the atmosphere and costs of daily energy losses simultaneously, considering the AC grid complete model. The BESSs are modeled with their linear relation between the state-of-charge and the active power injection/absorption. The Pareto front for the multi-objective optimization NLP model is reached through the general algebraic modeling system, i.e., GAMS, implementing the pondered optimization approach using weighting factors for each objective function. Numerical results in the IEEE 33-bus and IEEE 69-node test feeders demonstrate the multi-objective nature of this optimization problem and the multiple possibilities that allow the grid operators to carry out an efficient operation of their distribution networks when BESS and renewable energy resources are introduced.Universidad Tecnológica de Bolíva

    Diseño de una estrategia de negocio a partir de los residuos sólidos generados en la localidad de suba, Bogotá D.C.

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    El manejo de residuos sólidos se ha convertido en una oportunidad de crear no solo conciencia ambiental, sino en oportunidad de negocio, por tanto, lo que desecha el ser humano puede ser reinvertido en infinidad de posibilidades. A tantos residuos, tantas maneras de manejarlos y sacar así el máximo provecho. Este trabajo plantea la posibilidad de la revisión bibliográfica que oriente el proceso para darle el manejo a los residuos sólidos recuperables, dando así importancia a la oleada ambiental que en las últimas décadas ha preocupado a las sociedades, estados y gobiernos; y que permiten aportar a la conciencia para el cuidado del medio ambiente.1. Planteamiento del problema. -- 2. Justificación. -- 3. Objetivos. -- 4. Marco de referencia. -- 5. Diseño metodológico. -- 6. Capítulo uno. Descripción de la localidad de Suba. -- 7. Capítulo dos. Caracterización de residuos sólidos de la localidad. -- 8. Capítulo tres. Definición de la trazabilidad del residuo sólido PET. -- 9. Capítulo cuatro. Descripción del producto a desarrollar con el PET reciclado. -- 10. Capítulo cinco. Proyección de materia prima PET a 2030. -- 11. Capítulo seis. Formulación y evaluación de un proyecto de inversión a partir del uso de GCR. -- 12. Matriz DOFA. -- 13. Estudio de mercado. -- 14. Estudio técnico. -- 15. Estudio financiero. -- 16. Conclusiones. -- 17. Recomendaciones. -- 18. Referencias

    Retardo en Redes Inalámbricas Colaborativas

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    Cognitive radio is a technology that makes efficient use of the spectrum allowing secondary users to use the spectral opportunities of the licensed bands, but without interfering with the communications of the primary users. The objective of this article is to analyze and compare the performance of two multicriteria decision making algorithms: Topsis and Vikor, with different levels of collaboration between secondary users. The two algorithms are evaluated and compared at the delay level during an information transmission of 9 MB. The comparison is made under four different scenarios, according to the class of service and the level of traffic, for the GSM frequency band. According to the results achieved, the Topsis algorithm has a better performance in different scenarios and collaboration levels.La radio cognitiva es una tecnología que hace un uso eficiente del espectro y permite a los usuarios secundarios utilizar las oportunidades espectrales de las bandas licenciadas, pero sin interferir con las comunicaciones de los usuarios primarios. El objetivo de este artículo es analizar y comparar el desempeño de dos algoritmos de toma de decisiones multicriterio: Topsis y Vikor, con diferentes niveles de colaboración entre usuarios secundarios. Los dos algoritmos se evalúan y comparar con respecto al retardo durante una transmisión de información de 9 MB. La comparación se realizó bajo cuatro escenarios distintos, de acuerdo con la clase de servicio y el nivel de tráfico, para la banda de frecuencia GSM. De acuerdo con los resultados alcanzados el algoritmo Topsis tiene un mejor desempeño en los diferentes escenarios y niveles de colaboración

    Reviewing the connection between speech and obstructive sleep apnea

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    The electronic version of this article is the complete one and can be found online at: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1186/s12938-016-0138-5Background: Sleep apnea (OSA) is a common sleep disorder characterized by recurring breathing pauses during sleep caused by a blockage of the upper airway (UA). The altered UA structure or function in OSA speakers has led to hypothesize the automatic analysis of speech for OSA assessment. In this paper we critically review several approaches using speech analysis and machine learning techniques for OSA detection, and discuss the limitations that can arise when using machine learning techniques for diagnostic applications. Methods: A large speech database including 426 male Spanish speakers suspected to suffer OSA and derived to a sleep disorders unit was used to study the clinical validity of several proposals using machine learning techniques to predict the apnea–hypopnea index (AHI) or classify individuals according to their OSA severity. AHI describes the severity of patients’ condition. We first evaluate AHI prediction using state-of-theart speaker recognition technologies: speech spectral information is modelled using supervectors or i-vectors techniques, and AHI is predicted through support vector regression (SVR). Using the same database we then critically review several OSA classification approaches previously proposed. The influence and possible interference of other clinical variables or characteristics available for our OSA population: age, height, weight, body mass index, and cervical perimeter, are also studied. Results: The poor results obtained when estimating AHI using supervectors or i-vectors followed by SVR contrast with the positive results reported by previous research. This fact prompted us to a careful review of these approaches, also testing some reported results over our database. Several methodological limitations and deficiencies were detected that may have led to overoptimistic results. Conclusion: The methodological deficiencies observed after critically reviewing previous research can be relevant examples of potential pitfalls when using machine learning techniques for diagnostic applications. We have found two common limitations that can explain the likelihood of false discovery in previous research: (1) the use of prediction models derived from sources, such as speech, which are also correlated with other patient characteristics (age, height, sex,…) that act as confounding factors; and (2) overfitting of feature selection and validation methods when working with a high number of variables compared to the number of cases. We hope this study could not only be a useful example of relevant issues when using machine learning for medical diagnosis, but it will also help in guiding further research on the connection between speech and OSA.Authors thank to Sonia Martinez Diaz for her effort in collecting the OSA database that is used in this study. This research was partly supported by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of Spain and the European Union (FEDER) under project "CMC-V2", TEC2012-37585-C02

    Speech Signal and Facial Image Processing for Obstructive Sleep Apnea Assessment

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    Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a common sleep disorder characterized by recurring breathing pauses during sleep caused by a blockage of the upper airway (UA). OSA is generally diagnosed through a costly procedure requiring an overnight stay of the patient at the hospital. This has led to proposing less costly procedures based on the analysis of patients' facial images and voice recordings to help in OSA detection and severity assessment. In this paper we investigate the use of both image and speech processing to estimate the apnea-hypopnea index, AHI (which describes the severity of the condition), over a population of 285 male Spanish subjects suspected to suffer from OSA and referred to a Sleep Disorders Unit. Photographs and voice recordings were collected in a supervised but not highly controlled way trying to test a scenario close to an OSA assessment application running on a mobile device (i.e., smartphones or tablets). Spectral information in speech utterances is modeled by a state-of-the-art low-dimensional acoustic representation, called i-vector. A set of local craniofacial features related to OSA are extracted from images after detecting facial landmarks using Active Appearance Models (AAMs). Support vector regression (SVR) is applied on facial features and i-vectors to estimate the AHI.The activities in this paper were funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and the European Union (FEDER) as part of the TEC2012-37585-C02 (CMC-V2) project. Authors also thank Sonia Martinez Diaz for her effort in collecting the OSA database that is used in this study

    Caracterización molecular y germinación de semillas de maíces criollos azules con envejecimiento acelerado.

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    El objetivo del presente estudio fue determinar el efecto del envejecimie nto acelerado en semillas de varie dades criollas de maíz azul. En los laboratorios de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México y del Instituto Politécnico Nacional, semillas de cuatro varie dades criollas de maíz azul (Cuijingo, Cocotitlán, Puebla y Oaxaca), se sometie ron a dos tip os de envejecimie nto acelerado: calor húmedo (41°C, 72 horas y 100% h. r.) y calor seco (60°C, 48 horas). Se evaluaron: protrusión radicular de 0 a 72 horas de imbibición y, a los sie te días de incubación a 25°C, plántulas normales, anormales y semillas muertas. Se obtuvo la caracterización molecular de los tratamie ntos mediante la RA PD y se construyeron los dendogramas respectivos. En plántulas normales provenie ntes de semillas sin envejecimie nto acelerado, las varie dades Oaxaca y Puebla fueron significativamente superiores. El peso seco en las plántulas disminuyó con el deterioro, sie ndo exigua con calor seco. La presencia de plántulas anormales se incrementó con ambos tip os de deterioro en el orden: Oaxaca, Puebla, Cocotitlán y Cuijingo. La diferenciación de los perfiles de bandeo entre semillas testigo y deterioradas ocurrió con la secuencia: Oaxaca (31,6%), Cocotitlán (25,8%), Puebla (19,6%) y Cuijingo (18,6%). Estos valores de similitud, a los cuales se ramificaron los perfiles genómicos, se asociaron de manera inversa con el nivel de vigor de las semillas, y directamente con la presencia de anormalidades en las plántulas obtenidas

    Headache associated with massive venous sinus thrombosis in the first trimester of pregnancy in a patient with thrombocytopenia

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    La trombosis de senos venosos intracraneales es una enfermedad poco frecuente en el primer trimestre del embarazo. De no realizar un tratamiento oportuno, tiene secuelas importantes y alta mortalidad. Presentamos un caso de trombosis de senos venosos intracraneales en el primer trimestre del embarazo que presentó cefalea, episodio convulsivo y trombocitopenia. Se obtuvieron imágenes por resonancia magnética cerebral (RM) simple y angiografía por RM que demostraron una trombosis de senos venosos. Fue tratada con heparina de bajo peso molecular con buena respuesta clínica.Cerebral venous sinus thrombosis is a rare disease in the first trimester of pregnancy. If treatment is not timely, it has severe sequelae and high mortality. We present a case of cerebral venous sinus thrombosis in the first trimester of pregnancy that presents with intense headache, convulsion and thrombocytopenia. Images were obtained by simple cerebral magnetic resonance (MR) images and MR angiography that evidences venous sinus thrombosis. The patient was treated with low molecular weight heparin with good clinical response

    Differences between adjusted vs. non- adjusted loads in velocity-based training: consequences for strength training control and programming

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    Strength and conditioning specialists commonly deal with the quantification and selection the setting of protocols regarding resistance training intensities. Although the one repetition maximum (1RM) method has been widely used to prescribe exercise intensity, the velocity-based training (VBT) method may enable a more optimal tool for better monitoring and planning of resistance training (RT) programs. The aim of this study was to compare the effects of two RT programs only differing in the training load prescription strategy (adjusting or not daily via VBT) with loads from 50 to 80% 1RM on 1RM, countermovement (CMJ) and sprint. Twenty-four male students with previous experience in RT were randomly assigned to two groups: adjusted loads (AL) (nD13) and non-adjusted loads (NAL) (nD11) and carried out an 8-week (16 sessions) RT program. The performance assessment pre- and post-training program included estimated 1RM and full load-velocity profile in the squat exercise; countermovement jump (CMJ); and 20-m sprint (T20). Relative intensity (RI) and mean propulsive velocity attained during each training session (Vsession) was monitored. Subjects in the NAL group trained at a significantly faster Vsession than those in AL (p < 0.001) (0.88 - 0.91 vs. 0.67- 0.68 m/s, with a 15% RM gap between groups for the last sessions), and did not achieve the maximum programmed intensity (80% RM). Significant differences were detected in sessions 3- 4, showing differences between programmed and performed Vsession and lower RI and velocity loss (VL) for the NAL compared to the AL group (p < 0.05). Although both groups improved 1RM, CMJ and T20, NAL experienced greater and significant changes than AL (28.90 vs.12.70%, 16.10 vs. 7.90% and -1.99 vs. - 0.95%, respectively). Load adjustment based on movement velocity is a useful way to control for highly individualised responses to training and improve the implementation of RT programs